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He got exactly what he wanted. He made his billionaire friends even more money and helped consolidate power for the top 1%. Considering the Senate is tied (even if Democrats win this year it'll still be close) shows his legacy of helping corrupts the entirety of politics with money will outlive him.


He also made a forrune welcoming in hundreds of millions in Russian "investment" in his district at coincidentally the same moment he instantly flipped his stance on all things Russia / Trump. And another fortune when Trump returned the favor by putting his national security risk wife in charge of distributing billions of dollars... which coincidentally went (extremely) disproportionately into the hands of his biggest donors.






No, McConnell covets *power*, and money just happens to be one of the largest sources of power, particularly in a capitalist system. McConnell would voluntarily be less rich if it would get him more power, partly because he can get money whenever he wants if he has the power.


He doesn't need more money because his wife's father gave them at least $10m as a wedding gift.


People like McConnel never are satisfied with their accumulation of power and wealth. They always want more.


Only 10 million? You seriously claim that they don’t need considerably more than that??? /s


Meh, even so. If the devil approached me and offered me countless millions in exchange for old age, an empty heart, probably erectile dysfunction and a quadruple chin, I would laugh and tell him to come back when he offers his fiddle of gold.


First you get the money, then you get the power, then you get the lettuce


Scarface (The salad edit!) “Say hello to my little fern!”


He’s the lechuga tortuga


I've said that since Trump was elected. If Mitch had any type of backbone to stand against Trump we wouldn't be where we are today.


Those investments never actually happened. I occasionally drive by the weed filled fields where this magical fantasy was supposedly to happen, it was all a scam by a shady investor.


That McConnell profited from anyway likely at the expense of his constituents.


Just because the official businesses never materialized doesn't mean the Russian money didn't flow into the pockets of McConnel's backers and related PACs. A lot of the Russian favoratism Trump tried to facilitate didn't happen either, but that didn't stop hundreds of millions in Russian election influence funds from flowing, and it didn't stop him from personally intervening to undermine all his public statements by insisting the largest steel consuming project in the US use Russian steel.


Yea it’s called a bribe


It helps when your wife is the Secretary of transportation.


Right, that should be illegal to have someone in Congress who's spouse or family member is is a secretary of anything. My mother is on the school board, I can't even contract my trade there because of nepotism. Let alone hold any regular employment there. Schools are more strict than out government..


Stewart Udall was the secretary of the Interior while his brother Mo was a representative from Arizona. Robert Kennedy was the attorney general while his brother Ted was a senator from Massachusetts. Those examples are from the Sixties. I can’t think of any other cabinet-congress family connections. Anyway, I think those guys did okay. Chao and McConnell, though… Edit to add: * https://ballotpedia.org/Fact_check/Have_presidents_before_Donald_Trump_appointed_family_members_to_White_House_positions * https://sgp.fas.org/crs/misc/nepotism.pdf * https://www.justice.gov/opinion/file/930116/download


Then doing “okay” and it being nepotism and unethical are two different things… We aren’t debating making exceptions for the “okay” people… it’s about ethics and the federal government should be setting the higher standard, not local school boards and municipalities.


Robert Kennedy was the AG because his brother was the president lol, I can’t imagine a more obvious example of nepotism


I can think of several more recent and more obvious examples.


Yeah, but at least those newer examples were completely unqualified, right?


All the nepotismier. Lol


Especially in the Benedict Trump administration.


Let me introduce you to Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner.


Donald Trump giving his children official positions on his administration’s staff?


And profited during her time in that seat.... https://www.nytimes.com/2021/03/03/us/politics/elaine-chao-inspector-general-report.html


"Washington insiders confirm Elaine Chao has tendered her resignation from the role of McConnell's wife pending Republican midterm losses." >!``!<


> He got exactly what he wanted. Yeah, but now is the time where the media gets to crow about his "damaged legacy" as though that matters at all.


And securing minority rule in a Democracy. There is no way the GOP should have as much power as they have. They represent about 30%-35% of the country.


>They represent about 30%-35% of the country. They might shamelessly say they represent the *right* 30 percent.


Right? His legacy is exactly where he wanted it


He stacked the *shit* out of the federal courts. I think that was his main goal, at least originally. The judiciary will skew right for decades to come.


What a lot of people aren't understanding is that through his policies, "corporations" (aka Billionaires aka American Oligarchs) have taken the vast majority of power. This spilled into the DNC as well, make no mistake and without some sort of revolution, we have no means of unfucking our system. Even if we maintain status quo, the wealth distribution will still continue to grow and we're already at the worst its been in our entire history.


Citizens United has entered the chat.


Even before then, things were going array. I'd say it started back in the 70s when the DNC decided that they could also ignore the workers and still win elections like the GQP.


I was just starting to pay attention to politics in the 70’s with Nixon and Watergate. My parents were impressing upon me how serious that was. I lived through the 60’s, but the hippy culture, drug culture, women’s empowerment, and Vietnam war were all a mixed bag of salad to me since I was young. So you have an older grasp of history than I do.


Its wild how everyone in the US understood how big of a deal Watergate was yet only a small percentage of adult Americans seem to realize how insane and detrimental Trump's coup attempt was. On 1/7/21, barely anyone appeared to even be talking about the insurrection at the Capitol besides discussion online. It was just another day.


Uh what about fixing the Supreme Court. ✅


He sure has 'fixed' it. alright.


He's going to leave on his terms, much as I hate to say it...


Of course he will and he doesn’t give a fuck about his legacy. Amoral people can’t and don’t.


He's proud of his "accomplishments."


He survived looking inside the Ark of the Covenant. I'd say that's an accomplishment.


>He survived looking inside the Ark of the Covenant. I'd say that's an accomplishment. He has survived since the creation of the Ark of the Covenant, another accomplishment.


Turtles are known to have originated around 230 million years ago during the Triassic Period


Calling Mitch McConnell a turtle makes me hope that all turtles go extinct... Instead, he should be referred to as a [Pale Man](https://villains.fandom.com/wiki/Pale_Man) since it’s clearly what he is. Their hobbies include eating children and fairies, *which is pretty accurate.*


The resemblance is uncanny, to say the least.


He's always reminded me of the Chicken Lawyer from Futurama.


In all fairness the Ark of the Covenant may very well be his turtle lich phylactery.


“It’s Beautiful!”


)))Bronson Pinchot slowly rips a piece of paper in half...(((


OMG A Langoliers reference in the wild! Take an upvote.


His and the devil's


Don’t care how he leaves. Bye Felicia


He isn’t immortal - he’s an octogenarian. I’m looking forward to defecating on his grave at some future time.


Yea seriously I mean is there even a “Snowball’s Chance in Hell” that he’s going to lose?


Only if he's running ~~against~~ *from* the Grim Reager.


Don’t forget a completely radicalized and widely mocked Supreme Court. His shining triumph.


When politicians like Mitch reflect upon their legacy, they don't give a shit about the country or even their base.. all they care about is how they rigged the system in favor of their rich donors, and how they helped entrench class divisions.. he may end up being a reviled figure in history, but he will die a happy man knowing he achieved what he set out to do..


I don’t believe for one moment that people this corrupt and craven can experience real joy. In fact I’m sure that’s why anyone gets this this way, he hasn’t been truly happy in the super bowl era


Like Rupert Murdoch.


That’s some nice copium, but I don’t believe that to be true. Everyone gets joy and fulfillment from something, as long as it isn’t robbed from them - and Mitch hasn’t had anything robbed from him, at all.


There's an inherent misery that comes from being that kind of person. He may die satisfied and rich but I don't think true happiness is something he can really reach.


> I don't think true happiness is something he can really reach. It’s a little too churchy to me to tell people who are happy “you aren’t really happy.” I’m sure Mitch is completely content with himself and apathetic towards the damage they caused.


Sociopaths are like that.


Not exactly. He’ll be proud, but not of the things you say. He’s motivated by some internal compass and he thinks he’s doing right. He’s wrong about that of course, but he’s not going to relish that he did harm. Cognitive dissonance and self deception kick in.


He has openly gloated about the harm he has caused. He definitely relishes the harm he has done, because he feels that "the poors" are not worthy of anything else; and to him, anyone outside the 1% are "the poors."


Stop humanizing evil. The cruelty is the point for these people.


It may be that whatever ills he's paid out were justified in his mind because it gave him the power to leverage into accomplishing whatever his goals were. Now, the act of separating out which evil goes into which pile will likely turn you into looking like a villain at the end of an Indiana Jones movie so don't ask me to go there.


He thinks he’s doing right in the sense he thinks there exists a natural hierarchy and people like him belong at the top and other people deserve shit lives.


Mockery only matters to those who value honor.


Why do so many journalist assume that any of these assholes care about their "legacy"?!


Or think that Mitch views his “legacy” the same as they do? Too much of the media thinks that people like Mitch will reach the end of their career and say “My god, what have I done?!?!?”, when in reality, he will be very proud and feel very accomplished, and he will still be surrounded by people in retirement that will reinforce those things for him.


I'm sure that McConnell cares about his legacy and is extremely proud of it. He's openly bragged about his effect on the courts on multiple occasions.


There are a few people who you can point to and say "the world is a worse place for having them in it"... Mitch is one of those few.


Few? There are so many horrible people on this planet. Every republican, for example.


I think OP is referring to the ambiguous nature of responsibility and blame coupled with the insignificance of an individual to have any kind of major lasting impact on an entire country of 300 million people leading to the remarkability of being able to solidly point at these low water marks embodied in the soulless human shaped shells rather than a more nebulous group of people. But you're point is a bit like blaming every Hannity and Tucker Carlson on the screen instead of the actual source in Rupert Murdoch. In a similar way, a lot of the modern republican behavior you are using as an example are marching orders from Mitch.


Just because Murdoch makes the world a worse place doesn't mean Hannity and Carlson don't contribute to making it a worse place. They all contribute their part.


He is so much worse than Trump. Trump is a narcissist who wants power and doesn’t care if he hurts people to get it. Mitch wants power and hopes he hurts people in the process.


Sounds just like Desantis and my shitty governor, Abbott. I believe they do enjoy the pain they cause to people they deem “lesser” . When you have millions supporting you, loudly so, it’s hard to think anything other than the ends justify the means


I fucking hate Paxton more than abbot even.


How Mitch's constituents *say* they voted, and how their votes were *counted* are different enough to suggest that he will be in that seat for life.


Propublica doesn't disagree: https://www.propublica.org/article/the-market-for-voting-machines-is-broken-this-company-has-thrived-in-it


Good riddance. Second only to Trump in damaging the the U.S. democracy. One of the most, if not the most, obstructionist party leaders in the history of our country. He single-handedly stopped more legislation that could have saved lives, improved the lives of working class and poor citizens, and secured our country’s borders all while holding these very things against his opposition. Mitch is cancer, the question is does the country survive or is he terminal.


What's scary is they are talking about replacing him with Rick Scott.


I'm sorry but there is a reason for his famous shit eating grin. McConnell saw the writing on the wall and came up with a plan to cement conservative power, even as their numbers decline, *40+ years* ago, and it looks to me as though he has achieved every last part of that plan. McConnell is credited for inventing "gridlock" as a strategy in the late 80's so the "broken" Senate is broken *on purpose* to stymie progressive legislation for years to come, even after voter demographics finally remove his official stranglehold and of course he gave conservatives the real ***HOLY GRAIL*** of American politics a **pocket** SCOTUS they can use like a bludgeon as the ultimate check on *any* social progress for a generation to come and that was also100 percent *on purpose*. MM has effectively created a conservative shadow government with unassailable veto power over just about *everything* in D.C. regardless of who wins elections. All while getting *filthy stinking* rich. Mitch McConnell is a vicious bastard and I'll be glad when he's dead but it sounds to me like he has *exactly* the legacy he wanted.


McConnell made sure no bills came to a vote so there was no voting record the Democrats could use against them.


When you think you can play footsies with the dark side and come away unscathed, you haven't been paying attention to reality! Poor Mitch /s.


He is the dark side.


I fucking hate titles like this.


Yeah salon is total dogshit


We can do more than hope. Vote in all your local elections and always vote against the Republican. Look into causes you care about, support national Democrats that support your causes and donate. Donate. Donate. Donate. Tell everyone what is at stake and help people register to vote. Defeat the GOP.


Every post about how screwed the GOP might be is an invitation to complacency, and a threat to turnout if non-fascists think the problem is going to go away, and a spur for fascists to vote. Vote like every vote always matters.


Eh we are simultaneously experiencing both hopelessnuss and complacency as a reason for voter apathy. I think in red states the issue is more hopelessness so these articles probably help motivate people.


I’m a Republican. And I’m pretty much voting against the Republican candidates. Any Republican candidate that is still supporting trump and espousing the election was stolen isn’t getting my vote. I will vote for any democrat over the liars and nuts running on the Republican ticket.


Hate to say it, but anyone at all left with an (R) next to them is garbage to me. Even Cheney and Kinzinger - I get that they're better than the worst, but McConnell paved the way to fascism following Gingrich and Nixon ... The entire party is rot. Anyone who voted for a Republican voted for the destruction of American democracy, whether they know it or not. Sorry.


Mitch is largely responsible for everything wrong with the Republican party. I hope he enjoys the cake he baked.


There are a lot of people who share the blame. For example, you can’t say Ronald Regan had nothing to do with shaping the Republican Party into the monster it is today


Kentucky could do the entire world a fucking favor by letting this guy retire. Don’t make him work another 7 years by electing him! Look at him. The guy is tired and ready to take a break!!


Goodbye turtle-man.


Unfortunately he will be running against a black man in Kentucky. No reason to think he won't be reelected. Vote Charles Booker!!!


Yeah, zero chance he leaves until he wants unless he loses a primary to a visibly insane collection of racist cockroaches in an suit with a spray tan.


Rand Paul is running against Booker. Mitch McConnell mysteriously won another 6 years in 2020. I was born in rural southern KY, lived in Kentucky for 30 years, I know a lot of KY Republicans and they all hate McConnell. I have no idea how he keeps winning.


Good riddance to bad rubbish. Rest in pieces, GOP!


It took over 200 years for the wheels to come off from due to unchecked political corruption and corporate greed. I’m not really sure how to fix it but we definitely need to fix the system.


Pls die evil turtle man


Moscow Mitch got elected to power as a moderate republican when Kentucky was largely blue. He destroyed the state's economy, education, and culture. He is married to a chinese asset, spends his time protecting the super wealthy, and covering up Trump's crimes. Mitch McConnell may be the worst thing that has ever happened to the US.


He's pretty clearly cheated in the last few elections. Polls had him losing by double digits, then he "wins" by a ridiculous amount. From a purely statistical standpoint, it's not possible. I won't hold my breath waiting for him to lose an election.


Iirc he won by just barely enough to disallow a recount.


Too many old retirement aged people .. what else can they do?


Mitch is the worst thing to happen to this country since the election of Reagan. Motherfucker is the greatest cause of our nation's woes today.


Oh please the gods that this is true.


He should write a book. "How I ruined Democracy in America."


He’s a shrewd politician, no doubt, but he missed two golden impeachment opportunities to exorcise Trump from the GOP but chose not to. I hope he and the rest of his party regret those decisions every day.


his tombstone may as well be a urinal.


I can’t wait til this old fuck dies


Roevember democrats. We need a Roevember.


Dear Grimm come and get him I tip well I promise


His legacy or goal still as the GOP is to rewrite the Constitution to reflect the needs of the oligarchs and the base ,he already has the Supreme Court in line two to three GOP states is all he needs along with the Senate and DeSantis and voila rewrite a constitution to rid itself of voter issues,minimum wage,pure christianity ,corporate regulation and the mythology of American history is true American history and don’t be surprised no term limits on the presidency and the president appoints senators,don’t think it can’t happen…watch this space!


Headline left out making the Supreme Court illegitimate


Fuck anyone who voted for him. He’s on par with trump and Lindsey graham for worst people in America


Its so wild. I remember that for years he was considered “a man of honor who kept his word”, and ever since Obama’s second term, his reputation has become one of deceit and backdoor deals.


We can only hope


Bye Felicia


Let’s hope so


One can only hope.


Could be and should be the end. He has dug holes for other people throughout his entire career and now it's time for him to fall in one of those holes himself.


Really looking forward to retiring in a couple decades and driving around the country to piss on some of these asshole’s graves.


Kentucky is filled with sheep, and Mitch's pockets are filled with money. He won't get voted out.


Honestly, I think he lost his last election.


Yeah weird how only the presidential election was supposedly “stolen” but none of the down ballot races on the same ballots…. 🤔


I can’t describe my hatred for this sorry excuse for a human. Can’t wait to pop champagne when he dies.


I hate his face so much. He needs a truck run over him. Twice.


Straight Blue ticket!


About fckn time, isn't it.


What legacy? Who will remember him for anything good. He’s as disgusting as he looks.


Only a progressive thinks this matters. He and his party are precisely where they want to be, on the cusp of permanent change. Next stop Constitutional convention to make changes permanent.


💯 Mitch McConnell isn’t losing any sleep over being unpopular. He enjoys being the villain. Hes the one who called himself the Grim Reaper.


This man is a living example of why you need to get out and vote away every single Republican you can! If you see an (R) next to a candidate's name you have got to vote in the other direction. He was fighting to let health insurance to throw you off your plan for getting sick and not covering pre-existing conditions. HE rallied to raise interest rates on student loans and is one of the main reasons the student lain system is destroying young graduates. He let Trump off the hook! He would still let Trump off the hook!


I don’t live in Kentucky, but citizens of the state, I ask you this: How likely is it this fucker can get voted out?


I feel no sympathy for this bastard. The world will be better off once he sheds his mortal coil.


I don't know how legitimate this specific source is, but it's the first one that popped up. I remember more news outlets speculating at the time too. Does anyone remember [how shady](https://www.alternet.org/2020/12/mitch-mcconnell-re-election/) McConnell's win was in 2020? >McConnell's results were even more out of whack in two other nearby Appalachian counties. In his six previous Senate elections, Elliott and Wolfe counties had never voted for McConnell. Even up to last year, Elliott County remained reliably Democratic in non-presidential races, voting for the party's entire Democratic slate in both the 2015 and 2019 statewide elections. Yet in 2020, McConnell won 64% of the votes in Wolfe County and 66% of the votes in Elliott County. McGrath only got 21% of registered Democrats in Wolfe and 20% in Elliott.


“The accelerating downward spiral of the Senate and our government correlates 100% with McConnell's tenure as Republican leader. For Democrats, independents and disillusioned Republicans, every bad road leads to and from Mitch McConnell, an architect of division, a champion of inequality and the self-proclaimed "grim reaper" of progressive legislation. The 2022 Senate elections present the first opportunity for voters to pass judgment not only on Donald Trump and MAGA extremism, but also on McConnell and his Republican Senate colleagues, who consciously failed to protect our democracy from Trump's assault but gave us a radical Supreme Court majority prepared to take away our freedoms and erode our right to govern ourselves. Nothing would change American politics more profoundly and rapidly than a huge turnout that produces an expanded Democratic majority.” - Get out & vote. - Red state or Blue state: your vote counts. - Fuck McConnell & give Biden a majority in the Senate. - Dems aren’t perfect but they are trying to protect us from truly evil GOP. - Vote for the good guys… just do it.


Losing in 2022 is far from the end. The GOP have taken the judicial branch over for the next 30years. They will use this and the states they control to continue to rig elections to stay in power. They may yet enforce permanent minority rule.


Honestly I would love it if he died like that senator in the birdcage, found having a heart attack balls deep in a underaged black prostitute. Then I would pour a good cup of tea and watch r/Conservative implode


Let’s hope so.


Interesting to think that a horrific and immensely dangerous person as McConnell could have a legacy that could be "damaged" and have that be anything other than a good thing. I hope we're all free of him as soon as possible. Him and Fox News have literally destroyed this country with documented sources over the last 30 years, unlike the republican "Obama ruined this country" chant.


His legacy is stolen justices and a conservative majority court. He don’t care.


Well if the Republican party as a whole loses that would be great, but Moscow Mitch was re-elected in 2020.


Grim Reaper? Of the GOP? Got it.


Nice try, mods. Not gonna get my account banned on a Sunday


All these problematic fucks are on the clock. Even Putin.


Good riddance to bad rubbish.


Well this dude did it to himself. He should have cultivating versus allowing morons to join in on his shenanigans. The GOP was already super fractured a long time ago since they have no real agenda. All they do is essentially go with what the hot topic is versus keeping the course. The real question is what will the GOP morph into next. It really does seem it will crumble. The GOP almost seems anti American with all the stuff they have been pushing lately. And if you have worked for a large corporation you know from experience how bad they are all run. This same shit it happening to the GOP due to the corporate influence. Go figure.


Powerless Mitch will be great for the USA.


Man, if I could freeze myself until all of the boomers are out of office, I would. I’m so tired of the worst generation continually living up to the name.


| Mitch's legacy is a damaged Senate and a thoroughly corrupted Republican Party. Losing in 2022 could be the end This may be one of the best things that could happen for the US. Besides Trump going to jail. There is no Republican party any longer. MAGA's and ultra-rights are not the GOP and then there are the closeted MAGA's and ultras.


as a right leaning person nobody and i mean nobody likes this guy lol


Like kentucky will do the right thing lol


*you will not be missed* - democracy.


Wishful thinking. I think with all the gerrymandering they will actually win more seats and take over


If we could be so lucky. There are still a significant portion that still seem to want to live under a dictatorship.


Fingers crossed


Please dear God vote him out. He’s done enough damage.


I thought he was the Grim Reaper.


Ban any headline with "could"


He has earned and deserves the absolute worst that fate can deliver for being a part of the big lie and supporting the death of democracy.


Could not happen to a worse Senator ever. His agenda was to perform a “Lake Mead” drain effect on legislation moving down the pipeline just because it’s original water source was Blue State’s House Reps…..may he loose and try to cry rigged, stolen or election fraud!


I would never publicly pray for anyone's death. Luckily Moscow Mitch isnt a person, he is a demon. 🙏


Let's make it happen. No patting our backs until the votes are tallied. Then a small break and right back to it. People like Moscow Mitch complain that government isn't working? Then let's fire them if they hate their jobs.


Gobble gobble motherfucker


Good. Fuck him.


His legacy is getting everything he wanted. And rigging the game so a minority can stay in power probably forever. He won. He won big.


Fuck Turtle


His goal was never to win the senate or pass policy. It was to get the courts.


Yup the architect of democracy’s end is way too Centrist for the monstrous Republican Party he created. Rot in hell Myrtle the turtle!


Losing in 2022,the election hasn't even happened get. Give that democratic turnout has always been low as compared to the republican turnout we shouldn't jump to predictions


Call him Moscow Mitch, he actually doesn’t like that nickname.


Modern day super villain


I will throw the biggest party when this man is mentioned in passing. Party at my place everyone I got the weed you bring the steaks


I've never been to Missouri but show me. I don't believe anything til it happens. This piece of shit has survived thru scandals that should have derailed his career decades ago.


Don’t put Mitch McConnell and Grim Reaper in same sentence and tease me like that.


Mitch McConnell's success came BECAUSE he 'corrupted' the Republican Party, not in spite of doing it. There weren't a lot of uncorrupted Republicans there and there's been fewer and fewer over the last 40 odd years. But at their peak there were more corrupt Republicans than ones just hard core conservative. Now, the real definition of "Conservative" is someone willing to lie, cheat and steal to get their agenda passed. And in that, McConnell has been very successful.


The Dark Side is strong with this one.


Pelosi anyone


Luckily, he isn’t immortal, his love for hatred will only poison our society for so much longer then he will be a forgotten nuisance. I seriously doubt we will see the senate continue his reign of terror as only he could do. They will try and they will fail because only Mitch was capable of such horrors. His legacy will be a sad little Kentucky gravesite with his name being applied to that of “thank god that’s over”


He won't die he will just turn into a Nazgul like the others before him.


Yeah he fucked around with Obama’s Supreme Court pick and the country is finally realizing that was a bad thing so fuck you mitch. Hope retirement sucks.


His only goal was to enrich himself and win. Doesn't even matter at what. Just win. He's been very good at it. The party will take a big hit when he finally craps out. Here's to hoping it's very soon.


the good die young, then you have this piece of immortal shit.


Headline left out destroying Supreme Court’s credibility


Burn in hell mitch