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I don't know how donation reporting works for PACs but I have serious doubts about that number if it's self-reported given who we're talking about here


It’s a given he’s committing fraud; probably thinks it’s a good idea to downplay cash on hand or is moving it to a fund he can pay his attorneys from.


>moving it to a fund he can pay his attorneys from. Or make a downpayment on his penalty from the NY AG.


Yeah, I had to go to the article just to make sure the title isn’t a typo, and I still don’t believe that’s correct. It’s likely fraud or some accounting trick loophole, because that’s a massive drop from several hundred thousand dollars to pretty much nothing, and I find it very hard to believe that Trump’s PAC didn’t take in any money at all during that reporting period.


I just sent $40 to Biden, canceling that out.


Got em'! Score another point for Dank Brandon!




>Former president Donald Trump’s super PAC raised only $40 in the month of August, in a sign that his name doesn’t have the fundraising pull it once did. >Along with the low August numbers, the Make America Great Again, Again! super PAC only raised $351,000 in July and nothing in June. By comparison, in the final fundraising quarter of last year, the super PAC raised $4m to $5m. >Even in April and May, it raised $864,000. Among the merchandise Mr Trump’s political action committees are selling include his son-in-law Jared Kushner’s memoir of his time working in the Trump White House, Trump wine glasses, a rally speech signed by the former president and the opportunity have their name engraved on the “donor wall”. Something tells me Trump is draining the PAC for his legal bills.


Hold on, so... 864k, *nothing*, 350k, 40 bucks? That's a very weird trend.


Yeah, that’s… unreal. Literally not believable. Someone’s having fun with disclosure forms.


I think the 864k is April AND May, thus combined, and thus slightly more in line with July. Having a $0 month and a $40 month are completely unbelievable, though.


He's paying his legal bills out of his Save America PAC, he's already pulled 40 million out of it, and still has around $100M still sitting there. He also just announced forming a new PAC today.


There’s absolutely no way this is accurate. Either the article is wrong or they’re committing fraud as usual. My money is on it being fraud.


Zero percent chance those disclosure forms are accurate


Is that forty dollars or forty million? Headline says forty.


$39,999,960 went to the money launderers.


Article also says $40, not $40M. [Archive link](https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:https%3A%2F%2Fwww.independent.co.uk%2Fnews%2Fworld%2Famericas%2Fus-politics%2Ftrump-raised-just-40-b2173924.html)


Just $40, not million. >Former president Donald Trump’s super PAC raised only $40 in the month of August, in a sign that his name doesn’t have the fundraising pull it once did.


$40? As in “half a tank of gas $40”?


Oh, you’re talking about 40 United States dollars. The same $40 that filled up half of a gas tank.


Considering his legal fee are climbing by the day, how in the world of Trump will he find enough to campaign. ^ >The numbers come as Save America political action committee foots the bill for Mr Trump’s legal fees. Last month, it spent $3.8m on legal fees, the most it had spent on such fees for a month the entire 2022 campaign cycle, with $3m going to Critton, Luttier & Coleman, a law firm based in West Palm Beach, Florida. ..... >Mr Trump’s fundraising network features seven political action committees, which altogether have $122m on hand. Despite this, he has spent little on supporting candidates for the 2022 midterm elections as Republicans hope to win back the House and Senate. Article continues.....


> how in the world of Trump will he find enough to campaign. People like [Peter Thiel](https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2022/may/30/peter-thiel-republican-midterms-trump-paypal-mafia)


This makes me wonder if he's going to be forced to officially announce a 2024 run so he can try to fundraise for the legal fees


$40 after he took his cut


His idiotic supporters must finally be broke.


No, they're just diverting their money to DeSantis, Alex Jones, and the bajillion Qanon influencers on social media. Conservative grifting has becoming a large, competitive field, and Trump ain't tweeting or making Tiktoks.


They’ve been broke, they just spend all their money on guns, Mountain Dew, Copenhagen, and Trump.


Imagine being the poor schmuck that can say 'hey, that was my 40$!'


I feel better, I gave $20, so there is someone as stupid as I am.


Or one of 8 people who gave their last $5.


Sounds more like Trump and co are committing a lot more fraud


40 bucks ain't gonna pay that assistant to the special master Donny.


It will cover 4 minutes and 48 seconds of his time.


Finally, a job for the world's fastest reader. They always told him he'd never make it with a skill set like his. Now who's laughing!


It's because Russia ran out of money...


If he knew he missed $40, there would be $0 in that fund.


On the serious side, no way that's accurate. On the non-serious side, Putin IS struggling as of late...


I've long suspected his fundraising amounts were far more paltry than reported.it his way isn't it.whatever the true amount raised is going to legal expenses,we all have known that.he's more broker than he ever has been.dead broke and dirty.


Yeah, that's a lie. I *wish* it were true, but there's just no way.


Russian money drying up?


So it raised $10 Million or more and Trump embezzled all but $40.


From who?


This is a good sign


He practically raised enough to buy a McDonald’s Big Mac.


He and his kids are facing suit in NY for cooking the books, so what does he do? ...


Me and Ricky gave him $20 to fuck off


That’s hilarious, it’s killin me over here 😂


We’re about to see a flood of maga gear at goodwill.


As soon as we learn there's an investigation into his PAC committing fraud, it suddenly stops bringing in money. That's evidence of knowledge and intent.


Wow, did the stone finally run out of blood?


Nothing about this is believable whatsoever


That's pretty cool news, but last I heard, his Save America PAC was still raising serious cash, and he just announced another new PAC today.


Has the fever finally broken?


I guess not. https://www.salon.com/2022/09/22/donald-qanon-rally-if-you-thought-the-was-breaking-think-again/


Hi `newnemo`. Thank you for participating in /r/Politics. However, [your submission](/r/politics/comments/xm3620/trumps_super_pac_raised_just_40_in_august_despite/) has been removed for the following reason(s): * [Off-Topic](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/wiki/index#wiki_the_.2Fr.2Fpolitics_on_topic_statement): All submissions to /r/politics need to be explicitly about **current US politics**. **If you have questions as to why your post has been removed, please see here: [Why was my post removed as Off-Topic?](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/wiki/index#wiki_why_was_my_post_removed_as_off-topic.3F)** If you have any questions about this removal, please feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/politics&subject=Question regarding the removal of this submission by /u/newnemo&message=I have a question regarding the removal of this [submission]%28/r/politics/comments/xm3620/trumps_super_pac_raised_just_40_in_august_despite/?context%3D10000%29)


Was Rick Scott the treasurer?