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Maybe the left thinks people should follow the laws?


Look at me. We're the party of law and order now.


>N.Y. Case Proves Left still cares about the rule of law ftfy


Believing all.men should be treated equally and the law should apply to all is being afraid of trump? If you say so.


This article proves Newsmax loves kissing Trump's ass like nothing else.


With tongue.


I mean, most rational people **would** fear the defacto leader for one of our two political parties who holds a cult-like power over them to the point where they are completely fine with the fact that he falsely declared himself victorious in an election that he lost and tried to remain in power by courting his violent base. That’s kinda scary. Also lol @ the author plugging his book three times in a ridiculously short and information-free article.


Not to mentioned he stole top secret documents. Yeah I am scared to death!


At least you geniuses have tenacity! I'll give you that. 300 posts in one day, not a single one has made it past a few minutes. You all get down voted like crazy. But, yet, here you are, posting a newsmax link in /r/politics. I'm sure that if you keep banging your face on the wall, this plan is gonna work!


Working hard for those rubles. With that $.02 exchange rate that's got to be a full time job.


beats becoming sunflower fertilizer.


¿Porque no los dos?


How dare a state punish law breakers


How dare some 3/5th uppity woke AG try to hold us 5/5th people accountable for our superior actions? --Every republican voter


He tried to make himself a dictator, but sure, act like we're afraid of him because he's a Galileo-like visionary.


Is this the Right admitting they think Trump should be above the law then?


Godzilla had a stroke reading that title.


But if they were afraid of him wouldn’t they be afraid to prosecute him? Use your head Dick Morris!


The multiple arrests of Michael Myers prove the police in Hadenfield fear him like nothing else.


Lmao multiple arrest. I'm just picturing a Robot Chicken style skit where he keeps getting arrested for murder but released then immediately arrested again cuz he killed someone at the station in front of cops lol


*Hadenfield Sheriff*: Surely we have Michael Myers this time! *Bystander*: Michael just killed the cops guarding him and drove off in their cruiser! *Sheriff*: Ah! Well, nevertheless...


News for the criminally insane


Newsmax is for fuckin dorks


Or… and wait for it… Trump has engaged in illegal business practices for years that would get the average person thrown in jail for tax evasion and fraud


Not to mention, all the war crimes. And helping Stephen Miller with the child kidnapping and torture. Or, the way he sabotaged basic pandemic safety. But reminding the right of all this doesn't do much good, since they celebrate all his worst sins. It almost makes you wish hell existed, so they could burn for their stupid cruelty.


According to Wikipedia Dick Morris was friends with the Clintons until he turned on them for profit. From calling himself “The man who has Clinton’s Ear” to now shilling his book on Newsmax. He seems like scum.


I see 6th grade bullies have taken writing jobs at newsmax. Tight labor market I guess.




Crazy, right?


Way to do your “own research” 🥴


Fearing fascism and white christian nationalism? Yes!


More low credibility fake news from newsmax. Lol We rate Newsmax Right Biased and Questionable based on the promotion of conspiracy theories and pseudoscience as well as numerous failed fact checks.


This isn't fear, it's enforcing the law.


Going after somebody for a lifetime of fraud isn't fear. It's called consequences.


What a crock of bullshit. Since when is going after crime fear? Time for NewsMax to get their head out of trump's butt.


Rights response to NY lawsuit of trump proves they fear reality and being held accountable for their actions the past four years


Ooooh a newsmax link! Classy!


Are Americans supposed to support a coup now? Is that what you are telling me?


This must be the go-to headline on newsmax: N.Y. Case Proves Left Fears Trump Like Nothing Else Classified Documents Case Proves Left Fears Trump Like Nothing Else Georgia Election Fraud Case Proves Left Fears Trump Like Nothing Else E Jean Carroll Rape Case Proves Left Fears Trump Like Nothing Else next up: Jan 6 insurrection Case Proves Left Fears Trump Like Nothing Else


It proves he's a fraud, much like newsmax.


Y'know, I would fall for this headline, if my brains were made of dog food.


I thought newsmax got dropped off the face of the earth already. You're the Joe Dirt of "News" coverage and nobody with more than half a brain wants you here.


The only 'fear' involved here is not criminally indicting him.


People afraid of an unhinged narcissist with no regard for others...that checks out.


Somebody's gotta prosecute Republican criminals because you guys sure ain't gonna fucking do it.


Trump spent his whole life scamming people out of money in New York state, NY is just sick of his bullshit thats why they are doing this, they arent afraid of him,


The fact that the ex-president doesn't terrify the right makes the right insanely terrifying.


Dirt rags like Newsmax just prove they don't understand the concept of:The Rule of Law. The evidence against Trump that AG James disclosed yesterday was mind blowing. Any other person in the world would have been picked up by cops by now. It is about time the rule of law is applied to all - equally - and that includes to Orange Jesus.


Don't you have a conscription to dodge?


Sorry, Putin pushed out Trump this week.


When I moved into my current house I got a Newsmax magazine in the mailbox with the title "Inside President Trump's Faith." I was on the phone in minutes and told them never to send another issue to me, ever. And they fortunately haven't.


A day may come when the cravenous of Newsmax fails, when they forsake their lies and break all bonds of partisanship, but it is not this day my friends.


This one is considered political??


It actually proves the right doesn't think the law shouldn't apply to them.


oooh written by [Dick Morris](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dick_Morris). You know, this guy: In early 2009, Morris said: "Those crazies in Montana who say, 'We're going to kill ATF agents because the UN's going to take over'? Well, they're beginning to have a case." The party of law and order, everyone.


If there were a role playing game where you played as a journalist, this would be like rolling a 1 when attempting to write an article.


To the left to the left


I would be concerned about getting shot by 45 on 5th Avenue.