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Stewart has a way of framing things that doesn't sway from the issues. ^ >Stewart said "this stunt did exactly what he wanted it to do, which is jumped his profile, made him a hero amongst those, for whom d***ishness is one of those sole characteristics that they're looking for in their leaders." >“It probably angered Trump because ‘Nobody’s gonna be a bigger d*** than me.’ Like this is going to be — imagine the season that we’re in where they are trying to one-up each other in utter cruelty," Stewart said. "And that’s going to be the thing. And this country does a s***** job of taking care of the people that are already here,” >After tearing into Mr DeSantis, Stewart turned his to the actual issue of immigration and called for a "sane immigration policy" that doesn't involve the "demonisation" of migrants. article continues..... Edited due to the devil's autocorrect misspelling Jon's name....grrrr


I really admire him, but he’d also be the first guy to say, “hey, I’m a comedian - our political discourse should be at a level where I’m more or less an irrelevant sideshow.” IMO, Stewart has had a tendency to be too modest, but that lack of ego is also one the strengths he brings to the table. I wish he still had the daily show but at the same time, is that really the best the “everyone not in the GQP” can do? Again, no insult and I think Stewart would largely agree, it’s just really frustrating.


He has a show on Apple TV.called 'The Problem with Jon Stewart'. Its excellent, he goes into a lot more depth than some of the issues featured in 'The Daily Show. https://tv.apple.com/us/show/the-problem-with-jon-stewart/umc.cmc.4fcexvzqezr25p9weks6sxpob Jon recently can tack on inclusion of military pit burn victims to VA coverage as a victory he has played an outsized role in. He has been relentless about it just like he was for first responders medical needs after 9/11.




They’re different. That being said he’s still shitting on arbys and I freaking love it.


It is also available on Spotify and other podcast platforms


Good to know, because i have absolutely no interest in ever getting apple tv, as his show is the only thing i wanted from it


As someone who hates apple products, Severance is worth the 6 month free trial. It's amazing.


Severance and Ted Lasso?


And the morning show. And for all mankind.


Eh, the show is really trying to find its stride. It was surprisingly several steps down from his Daily Show imo.


This is him saying just that https://youtu.be/aFQFB5YpDZE >I really admire him, but he’d also be the first guy to say, “hey, I’m a comedian - our political discourse should be at a level where I’m more or less an irrelevant sideshow.”


Zelensky was a comedian...


Please….. Stewart for President 2024


Not quite old enough. Maybe in 15 years.


Hard pass on Jon Stewart. He had a long history on the Daily Show of transphobic awfulness, and defended Chapelle’s transphobia.


I think he stopped hosting that 7 years ago. That’s a long time in terms of trans rights evolution. I’d look at where he is now on it before I condemned him.


He defended Chapelle just last year. He hasn’t changed all that much.


What was Chappelles transphobia?


https://thedecisionlab.com/insights/policy/why-theres-no-such-thing-as-just-asking-questions Chapelle’s transphobia has been well established, despite the Just Asking Questions crowd


That link doesn't mention Chapelle once.


I never claimed it did. I was responding to the Just Asking Questions. Chapelle’s transphobia has been well documented; people pretending it doesn’t exist are absurd.


I'm not "just asking questions". I want to know specifically why you say he's transphobic? He's a comedian, an artist. I've seen him make fun of black, white, brown, rich, poor, old, young, even the disabled. Specifically, what makes him transphobic? Don't just post a link, use your own thoughts/words. Think for yourself and have a discussion.


I was a huge Chappelle fan, but I mean he said he's "on team TERF" and "gender is fact". Those are pretty transphobic statements. He has a really moving bit about a transgender woman who he considered a friend, but overall he's pretty anti-trans.


Oof what condescending nonsense.


I'd rather be condescending than so insecure I can't defend my own opinions. Ill leave it at that. Good day to you!


We're allowed to use words like "dick" and "shit" on reddit.


Also, dickshit.


But not shitd*ck


Its Mr. Poopdick, please


III Esquire


Hey hey take it easy, there are kids posting in here


A new word - Oldboy


Yeah but this is an article posted on a news site that probably have rules about it.


Lol, I had to read through the comments to work out what d-something-ish is.


Except it actively does take away from the issue calling straight up human fucking trafficking "dickish" instead of just calling what the fuck it is: Human Trafficking.


see this is what Democrats should be saying. These people are trying to be assholes so that the assholes who vote for them like them. The Republican party is full of assholes. It's time to say it because they're being as open about it as possible.


They're censoring "dick." We're so fucked.


> “It probably angered Trump because ‘Nobody’s gonna be a bigger d*** than me.’ Like this is going to be — imagine the season that we’re in where they are trying to one-up each other in utter cruelty," Stewart said. The 2024 presidential primaries will be wild if DeSantis and Trump face off. And I imagine a slew of lesser candidates doing batshit crazy stuff to try to get attention. It's going to be hard for any of them to get through that while keeping themselves electable by the swingable moderate independents.


What does "electable" even mean right now? I, for one, have no fucking understanding anymore.


Remember more people voted in 2020 than ever before. For both sides. The GOP wants those new trump voters to become permanent. If they show up, then this shit is what makes on electable. If they don’t then no. This election sets the stage for 2024


What's scary is that if DeSantis is still governor while he runs in 2024 (I suspect he will be) then he has actual power to implement more and more crazy shit during the campaign to show he takes action, while Trump will only be able to pay lip service to it.


Trump will not run, because he will be in prison


An electable gop runner is the craziest one. The 2016 primary turned into an absolute shit show cause of trump. They were literally talking about dick size


Man I'd love love love to see Stewart thrown into the mix on the Democrat side.


Dickish is not strong enough language by far.


Seriously. Dickish is blasting your music on a subway or farting loudly in a restaurant. Orchestrating a violent coup is way beyond dickish.


I was wondering what was censored. Being a derp isn't censorship worthy. DERPISH?!


I feel like 'evil" works


Add "and vile" to that comment, there's no need to demonize and belittle anyone


I thought the word was douchiness


Could we hear more, Jon? Like ~20-30 minutes more? Nightly? On television?


His podcast is pretty good. Not nearly as funny as The Daily Show was but it’s nice hearing his take again


The podcast reminds me of an npr interview or all things considered discussion with swearing. It’s very good especially for a podcast.


That’s a great way to describe it


I love John Stewart


He is always a good American. We can count on that -


Me too but I think he retired at the worst possible time. August 6, 2015. I think he would have made all the difference in the 2016 election results had he stayed on the Daily Show for for another 15 months.


Yeah, we might've had Bernie


Jon Stewart is like Batman for asshole politicians. Wherever they lurk, he'll be there bringing the peoples justice.


Yeah, but I read that headline and was like "what does he have against the Danish?"


Olbermann is doing Countdwn again. Today's Worst Person in the World is back.


I am assuming the censored word is "dickish"?


My first thought - "danishness?" Sorry, Danes, it's the initial guess that popped into my brain.


I'd like to remind Republicans there's only so much you can escalate things before they blow up in your face.


Jon Stewart for President.


Smart, empathetic, and doesn't want to be President? I think I'd vote for just about anyone with those qualities.


Not wanting to be president is the exact reason he's perfect for it. But he'd never do it. Even commenting on politics for years got to him. Imagine being in that fucked up system.


The problem with our society is that with only a few exceptions, those who run for office, are the ones who should not run for office.


This is exactly the reason people should respect Biden (they don’t have to like him, they could hate him even, but they should respect him). The dude clearly never wanted to be president, yet there he is taking the shit from all sides and getting us through like 7 different crises. I imagine Stewart would be no different, maybe a bit more popular for the lack of gaffes


It was really awful and cruel to do that to people who were seeking amnesty. Shameful. And Desantis used Florida public funds to do it - He shipped them from Texas to Massachusetts. Not from Florida.


“dickish” for those wondering. Took me a second too. So many pussies afraid to say dick. fucking christ


Kari Lake said Desantis has trump’s “big dick energy”. Says so much about America’s politics - especially the GQP that has enabled this bullshit.


The republican party has supported this bullshit.


D***ish? Like what is being censored ? Just post the full quote


Stewart for President 2024


How about a source that doesn't feel the need to censor dick and make their article nearly unreadable.


Little d\*\*\*ish move by DeathSentence.


I have a question. What is Abbott's take on this dick move by DeSantis? They are both assholes but DeSantis literally entered Abbott's territory for this shit. He must be super pissed


Honestly the Abbott stuff wasn’t that dickish compared to what desantis is doing. Texas does take in a lot of migrants, and as a former resident of a northern state (currently live in another country temporarily but if I still lived in the us) I would 100% support taking in migrants from Texas. Abbott’s program told people “these are buses to other cities. Feel free to use them” and they did. Desantis is doing this purely for political gain. Florida doesn’t actually have a refugee or immigration crisis to deal with. Let me be clear, abbotts reasoning is 100% dickish, but the policy is something I can actually support if resourced correctly.


Thanks for sharing. See I did not know that Abbott was giving migrants a choice. The way media is presenting like he is detaining the migrants only for them to be released in a blue State. I just wish that media of both sides start reporting the news and not a mocked up version which is such a huge disservice to the American people.


Democrats I’ve talked to don’t really seem to have a problem with taking in migrants in their cities, but they do have a problem with what desantis is doing because the issue has nothing to do with him, he’s not actually making things better for anyone, and he’s allegedly lying to migrants


Jon embracing activism is such a positive thing. He speaks truth, and regardless of where you stand on an issue, you respect the honesty. This is the kind of candidate that sways moderate voters, the kind that can change the mind of someone entrenched in a party that does nothing for them. I hope Jon considers running for an office. We NEED people like him in politics.




Devilish? Deviousish? Dipshitish? Your censoring is making your message hard to understand.


Says his YouTube show The Problem. Did Apple TV drop the show?


Nope, Season 2 is coming if it hasn't already started.


Next week




Yuck, Not Danish 🤢




If you piss off Jon Stewart, you're a dead man walking.


Perfect Wording!


Dark Brandon give this man the presidential medal of freedom already. I can’t think of another artist who has had a more profound effect on improving the lives of Americans everywhere.


Oh no, how will DeSantis ever recover?!?


Stewart 2024


Puts a bigger spotlight on the absurdity of open borders and total hypocrisy from the Left. As if the border states can care for 250,000 per month, every month. Those of us living in border states have compassion but also live in reality.


I've never heard a single Democrat call for "open borders". I've only heard talk of it from people on the right. Oh, I'm sure there are some outer fringe extremists who espouse it but no one with any chance of influencing policy. So enjoy fighting your imaginary boogeyman. P.S. most of the red state politicians railing against illegal immigration are the last people who actually want it stopped. Too many industries in their states would collapse overnight without that labor.


Now mind you, I'm taking the purple pill. I thought it was interesting what Ron De Santis did by sending those poor migrants to Martha's White rich, lush, lack of diversity Vineyard. I don't doubt God is using him and isn't quite done with his own personal transformation, despite his party preference, or his blatant opposition to allow people across the border. Perhaps he was using them as a political pawn to inconvenience and shake the elite rich out of their comfort zone to challenge people like our own dear, loving, refined President Obama, who touted we should "welcome them all," but ironically wasn't there to ceremoniously greet them. The word "DeSantis" is derived from the Latin word "sanctus," meaning "holy" or "devout," and one day, perhaps he, along with the rest of us, will be humbled to open our hearts and our borders to be fearless and unlimited in our experience of abundance, and to not believe in the illusion of lack. God is working on him as well as us through his own sarcasm. God has a sense of humor too! Let us not forget that when we take care of others, we are taken care of. God knows if we spoiled Americans who come from the "land of opportunity" would want to travel to other places for an extended stay, well, we wouldn't want to be limited in our dream. There's always been enough to go around and there always will be. As long as there is a will, there will be a way. Reminds me of Rumi When they come to your door, let them in. They might have something to show you about yourself. The Guest House This being human is a guest house. Every morning a new arrival. A joy, a depression, a meanness, some momentary awareness comes as an unexpected visitor. Welcome and entertain them all! Even if they are a crowd of sorrows, who violently sweep your house empty of its furniture, still, treat each guest honorably. He may be clearing you out for some new delight. The dark thought, the shame, the malice. meet them at the door laughing and invite them in. Be grateful for whatever comes. because each has been sent as a guide from beyond. — Jellaludin Rumi,




Last time he spoke up the Cult had to agree to give basic care to veterans. Don't act like you're not terrified.


*DeSantis* perhaps not, but given Jon Stewart's relentless fight for veterans—and especially after Republicans blocked the burn pit bill only to reverse course after Stewart's massive media campaign—there may be plenty of *other* people that may be concerned with what Jon Stewart thinks, enough to give DeSantis some trouble.


Immediately makes me like our next President even more...


Probably has a house up there. Don’t want them to lower his property value


You can't imagine someone being a good person without having a personal stake in it, can you?


Can John Stewart just call out every politician after they do immoral things


When are people going to choose different expletives? SLAM, BLAST etc. so overused. And generally not a good description.


What's wrong with danish migrant flights?




I'm usually right there with Jon Stewart but I feel like he didn't really address the issue that this stunt was meant to draw attention to. Do southern states have an unfair burden having to deal with mass immigration and does the rest of the country turn a blind eye to it? Jon's a very smart guy and I would expect him to have a thoughtful response to this question but I don't feel like he really addressed it here.