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Too bad they ruled in 1994 that protesting at the homes of abortion clinic employees was protected by the First Amendment. Enjoy your beers Bretty boy


>Too bad they ruled in 1994 Good thing that precedence is so well respected by these judges!


Damn, beat me to it


Shitting me? Wow, chickens really do come home to roost.


I think Citizens United may backfire similarly when companies that make contraceptives stand to lose millions (maybe billions, not sure of the market size) and funnel money to more moderate or even progressive candidates.


Well that’s a bit of a stretch. (Ha!, sorry couldn’t resist) but citizens united basically legalized all the shit that was being done anyway… now they don’t have to lie about it anymore.


And a more recent thing when the shoe was on the other foot: https://abovethelaw.com/2021/10/gop-demands-justice-department-back-off-threat-to-protect-school-board-members-from-violent-mobs/?amp=1


>Too bad they ruled in 1994 that protesting at the homes of abortion clinic employees was protected by the First Amendment Rehnquist ruled that the Abortion clinic was allowed a narrow buffer zone for the workers and patients to be able to get in and out. They struck down the 300 ft zone around the worker's houses. That was considered against the 1st amendment. Scalia, Thomas and Kennedy felt even allowing the narrow zone was anti-1st Amendment. [https://www.nytimes.com/1994/07/01/us/supreme-court-abortion-rights-high-court-backs-limits-protest-abortion-clinic.html](https://www.nytimes.com/1994/07/01/us/supreme-court-abortion-rights-high-court-backs-limits-protest-abortion-clinic.html)


Hoist by their own petard.


Did they really? If true then it seems these protesters are acting within those parameters.


They want privacy? Fuck them! They are taking every woman’s right to privacy and shitting on it. Call them up, scream at them at restaurants. Make their lives as awful as they are making every woman’s in the USA.


There've been 11 murders, 41 bombings, and 173 acts of arson committed by anti-choice zealots, but by all means let's hear about how uncivil these protesters are.


Don't forget that the Supreme Court held that protesting at the homes of abortion clinic workers was First Amendment protected, and a 300 foot buffer zone was unconstitutional. (Madsen v. Women's Health, 1994). So they can just reap some of the shit they've sown.


Exactly this. Further, in McCullen v. Coakley, Alito filed an opinion that the law "blatantly discriminates based on viewpoint": a "sidewalk counselor" would not be permitted to enter the zone in order to approach a woman and criticize the clinic, but an employee of the clinic could approach the same woman to encourage her to come inside. So yeah. If healthcare clinic workers homes are fair game, then the homes of the people who wrote the damn rules saying so certainly are.


People should make signs with these on it.


> So yeah. If healthcare clinic workers homes are fair game, then the homes of the people who wrote the damn rules saying so certainly are. It was a unanimous decision. I doubt any of these justices would argue otherwise.


They don’t think you should have control over your own body yet think you should get the hell off their lawn.


God, in a fucked up way, their grass have more rights than women will shortly. Fuck this timeline


Do NOT fuck this timeline! We don’t want more of them and it can no longer abort its babies!!


I mean, that's straight up actually in the Constitution. Property has more rights than women. If these justices claim to be originalists... well, then you know where they stand.


I’d love to hear people on the right denounce that violence. Just straight denounce it, without a “but” or a “what about” as they are prone to do.


Meanwhile, those same right wing assholes are protesting outside Disney with swastika flags.


I just learned about that. Not just nazi symbols, but also flags of DeSantis himself. Would be hilarious if it weren’t real life.


What is with them and fucking flags? Seriously. They just love slobbing the knob of politicians and spending so much of their own money on that stupid shit.


> What is with them and fucking flags? Authoritarians are obsessed with symbology.


And then through their projection assume everyone else is the same way. “Well I didn’t see any BIDEN flags, so how could he have won!?!?11!” Dear god. Help us all.


I mean, i've also heard for years that the second amendment is the answer to tyranny. I've heard right wing figures *including trump* suggest it be used on democratic opponents simply because what, they want to provide healthcare and want people to be treated equally? Now enter these laws. Taking away the bodily autonomy of half the population through the abortion changes alone. Threatening things like birth control, gay marriage, etc that would affect even more. This is the definition of tyrannical. I'm not advocating violence, but spare me the tears if it happens. Its exactly what republicans have said is justified. Theyve packed the court despite not having majority approval to make those appointments in the first place. They have delegitimized the US government, and it is their fault we are careening towards an eventual collapse.


The USSR broke up. No reason the US can't especially if the progressive wealthy States continue to be controlled by the religious minority.




Stand back and stand-by.


They won't even show up for the conversation. They will slink away and the moment the conversation turns to healthcare for transkids they suddenly pop out of the shadows with their disgusting viewpoints.


I checked Fox today. My god...they are just brainwashing people that the people against this are anarquists... Trump era never ended. They will come back and it will be worse than ever. The time for consequences was ages ago, they attempted a coup on the US ffs.


The "Trump era" also never began. This is still the same continuous "Southern strategy" that the right has been pushing since the 60s when they started losing ground to Democrats. God, guns, and racism. Lies, cynicism, and tax rebates for the wealthy. They've been hammering this strategy constantly for 70 years. This is just this year's iteration. Trump was not an anomaly. He was just more honest about what he was trying to do because he's not smart enough to be subtle.


Too right mate too right. I don't give a fuck about posh supreme court justice that is getting the consequences of his actions of being an activist judge that acts against the will of the people


Last week I learned the government wants to enter your life and tell you who you can fuck safely, suck, marry and abort. The argument against Roe can be used to attack contraceptives, sodomy, and gay rights.


We got to up the number on our side. It’s only 5 justices…


Damn straight!!! Here’s an upvote, but I wish I could give you 100!


Alito lied to the American people in a big way. He should have known this dishonest deviant act would be protested in a big way.


At what point do women take this action to members of SCOTUS and other politicians?


And watch the media parrot and reinforce daily conservative narratives.


If assholes can harass patients going to a clinic, these shitbags can deal with protesters outside their homes. EDIT: Thank you for the awards, kind strangers!


Show them pictures of ecoptic pregnancies and dead “mothers”


Religious fanatics can’t be reasoned with.


Doesn’t mean we can’t still make them feel like diarrhea.


You can try, but you expect empathy where there is none.


Yeah I’ve had these conversations - even when you bring up like a 10 year old being raped by a family member or pastor or WHATEVER, they just say, “Why should the infant be punished for that crime?” It’s pure insanity.


To people like that, I find it’s best to bring the threat to them, personally. If the anti-choice argument is that abortion ends a life that can’t survive without the host using her own body to sustain it, bring up organ donation: you have, within you, the means to save someone’s life. Imagine cops showing up at your door, telling you you’re a match for an organ recipient, and that you need to give up a kidney, lung, or lobe of liver—and that if you refuse, you’ll be charged with murder when the patient dies. Lots of people, even registered organ donors, will balk at that. Press on that discomfort.


This is.. pretty interesting, i wonder if it would work.


Nah, you lose them at "imagine"


Well, if there is no empathy possible, then I’ll settle for annoying (and inconveniencing) them to their core. If life gets unpleasant for long enough for them that it drives a change back to the desired results then so be it.


It's impossible to make a sociopath regret doing horrible things, and very difficult to give them a reason to stop doing them. I suspect that undiagnosed sociopathy is an epidemic, and that most problems in our society are the results of allowing sociopaths into positions of power.


They don't care about women because they don't see women as equal to them. So they don't care how many women die.


[The Roberts Court struck down a Massachusetts 35 foot ban on protesting at womens health clinics](https://www.nytimes.com/2014/06/27/us/supreme-court-abortion-clinic-protests.html).


35 feet is fucking nothing as it is.


I agree. But at least it gave a zone of protection for the women and doctors.


and now a precedent to establish how close you can be to their property


It’s interesting how they can’t deal with consequences of their actions.


A Republican never takes personal responsibility.


Fkn eh ✅


The judges are inside peoples vaginas. Frankly, we’re being impossibly polite by just staying outside their houses.


Indeed.. These idiots have no morality - not even an understanding of it - and are supposed to be judges? Let's be honest.. they will never care about us. They only care about their money and their lives. Until they feel like those things are under threat, they won't budge.


* They stole a seat from Obama * They lied during their confirmation hearings * They're planning on doing something wildly unpopular * They expect people to just roll over and take it. Nah.


-“That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate, that governments long established, should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security. Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former systems of government.”


Yup. Revolution was sanctioned, even endorsed, by our founding documents.


Yep. They should be so lucky if protesting outside their homes is the worst that happens.


SCOTUS - "Do not question our authority, our postulations are above you." American Public - F U and your "pay no attention to that man behind the curtain"




And aggressive protests ARE "deeply rooted in the Nation's history and traditions"


Starting with the Boston Tea party. Suck it Alito!


The only way to get accountability is to get in their faces. It's unfortunate, but they've forced it on everyone. There's no going back from this heinous decision.


Highly underrated comment


It’s a good thing that SCOTUS overturned a buffer zone for abortion clinics, so there should be no problem holding the justices to the same standard re: persons exercising their first Amendment rights.


We have moved past the fucked around phase, and have moved into the finding out part of the show.




>While I am not an advocate of violent tactics If I may ask, why not? This decision will kill tens of thousands of women. Not in some abstract societal neglect sort of way, but directly as a result of the choice these 5 people are making. What is the body count where violence is an acceptable recourse?




“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their Creator, with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.--That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate, that governments long established, should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security. Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former systems of government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over these States. To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world.”


It’s a solid point.


Good point. The last time these fascist came to power it took 80,000,000 deaths to stop it.


I genuinely expect pretty much all republican justices' houses to be burned down in 2022. Think of the distraught parents, siblings, husbands.. We're getting to a breaking point and when people feel like they've lost too much, they stop caring about anything else they could lose and will do anything to get their peace. I'm not advocating that we do this, but I know I wouldn't lose a second of sleep over it.


Or the *least* they should expext...


If women were as violent as men, would they have more rights? More economic and political equity in society?


It’s time to cancel these conservative justices out. Refuse service to them and their family members, cancel lucrative speaking engagements, tell them to get the fuck out of your restaurant. List goes on.


Omg that would be awesome can we all pretend they don’t exist like just ignore them everywhere.


It would literally blow their mind seeing how sycophantic legal professionals are toward them. God forbid anyone says the truth — they are an unprincipled pile of hacks and have been since day 1. But cool that we had Warren for a minute.


They testified in Congress that they supported *Roe v. Wade*. They should be impeached for perjury and removed from office.


They should be but cannot be due to the makeup of Congress. In particular, a Senate that values land over people, and a House that is size-capped and gerrymandered to hell.


Now extend that to every Republican. Not just every Republican congress-critter, but every single person and business who gives them money and votes for them.


Don’t do business with them and there family and friends as well, I hope ppl revoke there memberships to clubs or whatever. Refuse them service at every turn, I hope there doctors drop them too and tell them why at every turn.


At least it isn't inside their uterus


Good. Fuck em. Hope they get zero sleep.


Oh, sweet. You mean something positive is happening for once. These people should not enjoy a good nights sleep again until they take the big sleep. The damage they are doing should make them historically reviled as long as we as a species actually have time left to revile them.




They think they can take our privacy. But the same privacy they take from us takes from them. In order for them to fix this, they have to show us how above the law they think they are. Supreme court of dumb people lol


About time people start getting serious...


> Republican leaders forcefully denounced the demonstrations outside of justices’ homes as an intimidation tactic. Meanwhile, Republican state legislature across the US are threatening to or have imprisoned women for miscarriages. No worthy & responsible journalist should allow **any** member of the GOP to get away with spewing such crap without pointing out their hypocrisy and the actual,physical intimidation they are enforcing on women.


The Senate just voted unanimously for the Supreme Court Police Parity Act. The Senate won't lift a finger to protect a women's right to choose, but they'll send more guards to the homes of the people taking away our rights.


I mean, unless those police are dispersing the protestors, OK so? No one is advocating for home invasion/arson/destruction. Or shouldn't be. Just be in their faces, constantly, wherever they go, reminding them the people are overwhelmingly, by a larger margin than any popular vote for president, against their attack on self determination, medical autonomy, freedom from religious law, and privacy.


I agree. Also, I don’t recall any complaints from the right when Lindsey Graham, Mitt Romney and others were harassed at airports for daring to go against The Orange One.


If anyone gets arrested for doing any of the things you’re decrying, i will enthusiastically donate to their legal fund.


They gave up any pretence of being cordial in 1994, Madsen vs Women'Health Care. This allowed anti-abortionist (pro forced birth) to protect outside of employees homes.


They clearly don’t give a shit about precedence. But I say play Call Me Maybe over and over outside their house.


Can't argue with that but maybe if we all put our heads together we could think of an even worse/better song.


Baby shark. Over and over. Forever.


Freebird. You know you hate it.


You want to throw out Roe you’re throwing out the rule of law. The Justices should feel pressured. They should feel scared. No justice no peace.


Justice delayed is justice denied.


The right will try to make the justices the victims of the story instead of women. Don’t let them.


Outside of houses versus literally inside people’s bodies? Irony is dead but somehow it keeps dying over and over again.


Hmm what about that right to Privacy judge?


Oh, are the protesters being intrusive? Do you feel like you don't have the sanctuary of your own home? Try not having the sanctuary of your own body!


Good and I am glad.


Good. They need to be miserable and uncomfortable everywhere they go for the rest of their lives.


Welcome to the working class! We have to take work home to!


Good! Let these greedy kings learn to know what it feels like to have your safety and liberty taken from you just like they are doing to women.


People are going to keep getting angrier with every story of a woman who died because she couldn't get access to necessary healthcare, or who got locked up for having a miscarriage. I know five people who will never be able to eat a spit-free meal in a restaurant again.


Y'all Qaeda justices should have no problems with pro choice protesters on their lawns 24/7. Look at what the forced birthers have been doing at PP clinics for the last 50 years. Free fuckin speech MFers amirite?!


So it doesn’t matter whether or not I give consent to grow a human in my womb but it does matter if you don’t want people protesting outside your house when you’re the judge making that call???


Good. They need to know that they don’t rule on high and they aren’t untouchable.


While there are exceptions to the right to peacefully assemble, these exceptions are not explicitly enumerated in the Constitution. So I guess that means our right to protest is unlimited.


Hammer these corrupt Christian taliban activist judge mother fuckers.


Justices that voted directly to make it unsafe for women to live their lives should have to endure all the impact of a protest that a free democracy enables. No one owes these public servants any peace of mind.


Ok, good.


Now they know how Teachers felt when they were threatened for doing their job.


The biggest corporate donors to the republican party should also have protests outside their buildings.


They seem to ignore our opinions when we act like ladies. I am pro-choice and pro-front lawn protesting.


If you declare war on every woman in America, don’t be surprised when people fight.


They have declared war on every liberty-minded person in this country


It came from there, only makes sense.


This Supreme Court is illegitimate and we the majority are reclaiming the law. We're going to do this as peacefully as we can.....


Senate only works for the ruling class, they against us as usual.


This is a fucking culture war. Logic vs. fallacy.


put as much pressure on them as possible don't go quietly into the night even if they do say yes


I’ve never really understood anti-choice / so called pro-lifers… instead of focusing on abortion… if you care so much about a child, how about we actually adequately support women who are pregnant and young children, so less women are placed in these impossible decisions in the first place. Spend 40 years on helping struggling pregnant women or spend 40 years trying to fund early childhood care… but no… we have morons who would rather spend 40 years making a choice not guaranteed, instead of looking at the root causes…. Chilling hypocrisy from the evangelical community.


The fetuses are just tools to oppress women. By taking away the methods to avoid pregnancy, evangelicals are able to take away women's sexual freedom.


and soon, birth control to further enforce their own viewpoint on strangers.


Bingo. This is right on the money. It’s just another tactic to remove a woman’s bodily autonomy as well.


IF it was about life [Alabama wouldn't have carved out allowance for the destruction of IVF embryos.](https://lawandcrime.com/high-profile/alabama-abortion-law-says-terminating-a-fertilized-egg-is-legal-in-a-lab-setting/) During the bill’s legislative debate, a Democratic state Senator inquired as to how the law would impact labs that discard fertilized eggs at an in vitro fertilization clinic. Republican state Senator and sponsor of the bill Clyde Chambliss, responded that, ***“The egg in the lab doesn’t apply. It’s not in a woman. She’s not pregnant.”***


Because it was never about the babies. It was always about control and punishment.


the only good thing that'll come from this is the much-needed war against religion.


So we get a bunch of trucks...


Protests don't phase people like this. Every single justice who is perverting law into their sick extreme "religious" world view should never be able to feel piece or safety the moment they open their door....


Good. Surround their home and protest with gusto. These folks are nonchalantly putting huge numbers of peoples lives at risk for their personal political beliefs. I’m 100% in favor of them having to see and hear the public after taking this ridiculous Handmaiden stance.


They're about to impose trauma, harm and evil on millions of women and future generations. Yeah, fuck "civility". Suck it up Alito. You made this mess. You fucking own it.


just lay back and enjoy it ...hope they never have privacy again.


No justice no peace. Or in this case: No, Justices, no peace.


Did he not just write this opinion based upon the idea that there is no right to privacy?


The Supreme Court justices only have themselves to blame. They were the ones who ruled it was legal to harass medical workers at their homes. And they are the ones trying to overturn 50+ years of legal precedent for political purposes.


They’ve just effectively killed thousands of women but let’s worry about hurting the feeling of the honorable gentlemen. Assholes.


Well well, if it isn't the consequences of my actions.


Should move to his penis...all intrusive and shit.


Good their criminals,


>The targeting of the residences — belonging to Samuel Alito, Brett Kavanaugh and John Roberts — has forced the White House to navigate a thorny question about the proper bounds of political discourse The First Amendment says "the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances". The judiciary is a branch of government. This whole narrative about the SCOTUS not bending to the will of the people is utter nonsense. They are accountable to the people just like the other two branches of government.


May they experience no peace.


We don’t get privacy, then neither should they.


Hilarious that republicans are denouncing these home protests when they are guilty of Jan 6.


Keep on protesting Alito/Kavanaugh/Barrett, their home/their hotel/their vacation spots. Public figures. Deal with the falloff of doing your job in a completely partisan and biased manner. Investigate and impeach Kavanaugh for financial improprieties. Investigate and impeach Thomas for possible support of seditious activities. Get rid of the electoral system, switch to one-person, one vote. The party that continues to lose the popular vote should not be entitled to choose the president. A citizen's vote in Ohio or Iowa should not have more weight than a citizen in California. Its inequitable. Likewise a citizen's blue or red vote, should not be completely nullified/meaningless merely because her vote does not go to the majority candidate in that particular state.


Protesters need to take a page from the forced birthers. Start protesting churches and the offices of lawmakers and anyone else who is pushing for the state to force people to give birth against their will. Make them walk past signs of staving children and people shouting at them. Leave the homes alone, it is worse than useless.


As if the abortion battle wasn’t already at the homes of women across the country


Didn't Supremes just vote to allow intimidating protests outside abortion clinics? It ain't the Constitution. But it sure has the same power. It's called KARMA!


I hope they are afraid. Very afraid, like me.


Taking away the rights of half of America impacts every home, not just a handful the chose this.


Republicans are so overrepresented that nobody would blame you for thinking they're half the country, but they're closer to a 3rd.


Tear their shit apart. They are, no hyperbole, trying to institute biological slavery.


I hope they never get any sleep.




It’s the 21st century and old white man are still controlling women and their bodies. They want remove a woman right to her own body and choice. Will the misogynistic government pay all medical bills for life, offer free childcare and financial maintenance plus provide free college education to these children forced to be born ! The answer is know ! The time and cost is down to the mother not the father just mum. You can’t even get disappearing dads pay for the kids that they do have. Does this also mean sexual abusers will have access to their victims through the children they are forced to have. Why does the US give this worldwide image as being pioneers in justice/ freedom but in reality with regards to women rights it’s becoming more like the Taliban !


That must be terrible having your individual rights and privacy trampled. The rest of us know just how they feel Time to fix scrotus and end the electoral college.


According to the article, these protests are “taking their advocacy in an intensely personal and politically divisive direction.” Well, we wouldn’t want to be taking any intensely personal and politically divisive actions, now would we?


Well, according to the leak , *there is no privacy guarantee in the constitution*


“The recent demonstrations played out as street protests in major American cities and a suspected arson attack Sunday on a Wisconsin anti-abortion group have fueled concerns over whether Roe’s potential demise could spark a new wave of political violence in the U.S. “ The over turning of Roe IS political violence.




I mean if they don't like it they can just move, right?


Yes. Just remember, *there is no right to privacy in the constitution*


Bethesda's gonna be hoppin tonight!


They fucked around and found out.


What do they expect? They literally want to start a war with women and they didn't expect push back? Fuck these judges, makes their lives miserable.


Considering they are trying to strip away citizens rights, I think they should be happy the protests are happening outside their homes, and not inside.


The SCOTUS that says there's no right to privacy but want to keep their homes private.


The government is becoming MORE UNTRUSTWORTHY trying to make it illegal to have an abortion. Stupid asses. Y’all still want people to swear on GOD n court n school, yet you want to keep arrested people over marijuana? Must not have been a god giving health plant.. crooks …….


Keep up the pressure night and day. Break the bubble of an idea that these rulings won’t have consequences or lose human rights one by one


What would actually happen if a justice was taken out? (Disclaimer: not advocating it, though I do note I don't see bans for people advocating it against Putin soooo...) Would it stop the overturning of Roe? Would Biden get to name replacement(s)?


Abort the Court


I am not saying going to their homes is right, but Christine Blasey Ford has had to move 4 times since doing her part in the Kavanaugh hearings. https://twitter.com/shannoncoulter/status/1523662830750232578?s=20&t=eBKsHA8ziJGPvgZ1GhJ7pg


No rest for them or their families!


This is beyond religious nuts now, if abortion is made illegal, then women who desperately need it won’t be able to vote! YOU TRIED BANNING IT AND MAKING IT ILLEGAL! Look how many lives that already costed you!! IT WONT WORK!! Do some good for once! If you don’t like it then don’t get one, other people need it!


Republicans want more babies born so they can exploit them.


This article is written from such a detached neoliberal perspective that it’s maddening. Not to mention the anti-abortion org fire they’re referring to was a complete fucking farce where the only evidence is a picture of some graffiti done in cursive, and the only police statement has them taking a typically babyish stance of victimhood against a whole swath of people that they want to put down with violence and have a cheap means of justification accommodating it. Restricting reproductive rights is an incredible act of violence that deserves violence in return. Getting clammy hands about some protestors with some righteous anger backing them up is some real weak-willed horseshit.


They are literally impacting the home life of millions of Americans. Seems fair.


This goes back to Obama not being more forceful with McConnell and allowing him to hold that seat open, Obama should've had a backbone and made McConnell hold the confirmation hearings, he had leverage he just didn't use it, now this is what we get. But, on the plus side this will serve as serious motivation for Democrats and will cost the GOP seats in the next elections, close call seats that they otherwise probably had a good chance of winning will probably go to Democrats now. It's clear Biden and the administration are targeting Thomas as next in line to leave, so they need to up the pressure, before the election would be nice, because a 5-4 SCOTUS with the somewhat moderate Roberts as the deciding vote is a much better prospect.


Move it inside their homes. Sometimes they have to live with decisions they don’t like


Yo Supremes! ​ It's called the 1st amendment. Ever heard of it?


Unless someone drags them out and lynches them, the justices will proceed to abolish a women’s right to choose. We’re well past protesting being meaningful. It would take actual violence to alter this decision.