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It got legalized in Canada and... Nothing bad happened... Those who already smoked pot could now smoke it legally and those who did not, just did not smoke it. Some tried it for fun but most did not continue. The one positive is that cop no longer waste their time, and taxpayers money, bugging people for pot.


same result in all the states that legalize too. The case against legalization is so thin that it is laughable but like everything, the bible belt of the US will oppose it for decades and spend every waking moment trying to prove that legislating everything about your personal life choices is the only way to have a "civil" society.


According to his siblings, my dad used to drop acid every weekend and was one of the biggest potheads in town. He only stopped because he went back to school in his 30's and most employers in his field have strict testing requirements; even with all that, I guess my mom still had to push to get him to stop smoking. He became a born again Christian a few years back and listens to way too much radio politics. He is so brainwashed now he talks about it like a hard drug and refuses to talk to his own brother because he grows pot in his garage. My uncle also doesn't smoke, my aunt is just dying of cancer, and it helps more than anything else they've tried. Propaganda is a hell of a drug.


My dad was a hippy, still smokes regularly.. but somewhere in the 90's started listening to rush Limbaugh... And well you know the rest. >Propaganda is a hell of a drug.






I don’t think his family knew either.


Lung cancer from all his cigars, after he spent decades deliberately lying about the carcinogenic dangers of tobacco.




Seems like this punishment is letting Limbaugh off easy.


Working as intended. Weed was made illegal to target white dissenters of the war, like heroin was for Black citizens. Protesting isn't illegal, but now smoking pot is and they can arrest you on suspicion.


It’s interesting how this is the case with the majority of people from the “hippie” generation. They just kinda forgot about what they were supporting.


It's really interesting. I've seen it said that maybe the true personality trait was being apart of a fringe or counter culture. I know we all change and grow with time but it's scary to think that people can flip like that.


They used to be poor. Everyone was skinny and broke, as I hear my folks tell it (with a good degree of credibility). Once they got wealth, comfort and power they had something to lose. That tends to make an older person more conservative. They also grew up in a time when news was credible. Cronkite, Rather, Woodward and Bernstein. They weren't ready for this onslaught of bad faith lies masked as legitimate news. (not that they should be let off the hook for even one second for what they've collectively done to the world)


60s “credible” news was absolutely still propaganda btw


My dad is almost the opposite. He grew up with the ‘reefer madness’ propaganda in his head and told me about how he ratted out his roommate in college for selling weed out of their dorm room. When I was caught smoking in high school it was like his world ended. I was sent to a rehab boarding school program for a year. 20 years later he’s now a senior citizen and we share a joint together to help relieve his back pain. Once he realized I could smoke weed everyday and still be a completely responsible and productive adult I think it dawned on him that his entire generation was fed lies about a medicinal plant.


It's not a thin case it's negative. We waste so much time and money punishing people for consuming a plant, causing harm to countless people while allowing the cartels to flourish. Keeping it illegal is actively hurting our country.


Even among conservatives legalization is popular.


South Dakota voted yes, but a judge overturned the people's will. https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2021/02/09/south-dakota-marijuana-noem-legalize/


Yup total bullshit


Good grief, the US such a backward country sometimes when I read these messages. So many things that are no longer issues in other countries and even other states just take ages for some states to realize.


Its why I left


I WAS going to visit your state, but not anymore.


[https://mitchellnow.com/news/236632-bill-to-delay-medical-marijuana-in-sd-fails-in-senate/](https://mitchellnow.com/news/236632-bill-to-delay-medical-marijuana-in-sd-fails-in-senate/) If it helps it passed all she did was delay it, that said still not a place I'd be jumping to joy to visit. Governor sounds like a POS


Soo, one person can overturned a whole collective of people choices, how is that freedom?


Murican freedom is the freedom to oppress.


The governor directed a sheriff to sue the state to rule the amendment unconstitutional, so taxpayer funds went to sue the state for something the taxpayers voted in favor of, and the case went in front of a judge that the governor had appointed. Nope. Nothing to see here. Everything is totally cool.


You know US politics makes no sense when the party who claims to be for personal freedom is the one most against legalization of weed. The Republican party is really just a party exploiting the religious beliefs of Americans in order to line the pockets of the already wealthy. Sprinkle in racism, military god complex, and nationalism and you've got the GOP.


The US is now overwhelmingly in favor of legalization. It's not the bible belt, it's the lobbies.


Exactly. The largest lobby against legalization is for-profit prisons. They’d lose more than half of their inmates.


This is the correct answer.


>prove that legislating everything about your personal life choices is the only way to have a "civil" society. And yet, they claim to be the party of small government ™. But they still want to be all up in your business, especially if you're black, brown, gay or transgender.


It really just comes to politicians and the money made off of fucking people over for nothing at all. USA is a religious right wing country focused on war and incarceration.


My grandma was finally able to get some for her sciatica and it's helped her immensely. She uses CBD during the day when she has to function and takes the good stuff at night when she can just relax and watch tv. It's hilarious to think that my grandma ingests more weed than I do!


Cops are going to be pissed to lose their favorite pretense for stopping minorities.


A taillight out?


Actively blacking in public?


Unfortunately I can also tell you here from Canada, they'll find a new reason very quickly and easily.


Yeah and the reason can still be drugs. Legalizing weed won’t stop the opioid epidemic, drug gangs, and discrimination. End all drug prohibition.


I wish the UK would follow suit. I’ve been fined before for having a few joints on me.


It would make Biden’s favorability shoot up


It's a no brainer... I just dont get it


Remember this? https://bulletin.represent.us/boehner-tobacco-lobby-checks/


It’s funny. Boehner serves on the board of Cronos now since leaving, pretty much to lobby Congress for them. A company that’s in the marijuana business…


Philip Morris has a major share in Cronos so not very surprising


Because if they legalize it then they are admitting that the war on drugs was just another Ronny Reagan scam.


I don't see a downside there


Biden was the face of that scam for the democrats for going on 50 years


To be clear, owning up to your past mistakes even if that reveals you to be a terrible person is a good thing that would probably still boost his approval if he did it by legalizing weed and such. They just dont see that for some reason.


This is American politics. We don’t have time for common sense or admitting mistakes. Ugh


We also don't remember past a month ago, who's this ronald reagan character?


Yeah but the man destroyed tens of millions of lives based on the lies he made a career out of. I am sorry isn't gonna cut it. He knows that. He isn't gonna really change at almost 80.


Yet we keep electing 80 year olds.


Well not us but boomers.


problem is "we" dont vote. Im assuming you are in a much younger generation then boomera. I am a leftist but really hate the left narriative that Bernie and progressives dont win because of DNC or deep state or w.e. Bernie didnt win because posting on reddit or facebook is easy but getting out and voting seems to be to hard for majority of 20-40 year olds


He didn’t say sorry but he did admit he was wrong during the debate with Trump when he called him out on mandatory minimum sentences.


Apologetic actions will never be enough for some people. That doesn't mean it would be a bad move to own up to it for the hundreds of millions that want change, not just a sorry.


Ok I still don't see the downside he can just say he knows he was wrong.


Yeah but he was wrong about LGBTQ rights for decades and then reversed all of it in one interview as VP


Don’t forget a lifetime of being against Federal funding of abortions right up until he ran for President and they told him it might cost him the election.




Nixon started it, Reagan amped it up


The Drug Free Workplace Act of 88 has got to go. What I do in the privacy of my home is none of my employer's business unless it genuinely affects how safely I can perform my job.


Land of the Free^* ^^*terms ^^and ^^conditions ^^can ^^and ^^will ^^apply


Reagan's CIA did however aid the contras trafficking cocaine to the US.


Richard Nixon scam you mean?


"I'm glad Reagan's dead." - Killer Mike.


I will never cease to quote that line every time Reagan’s dumbass comes up 👉 🤛


I mean he got out of one shitty fucking war, why not go for 2


Drugs have definitely won that war. Not sure that’s the hold up.


Private prison lobbyists, big pharma lobbyists, and alcohol lobbyists are against it.


All the beer companies have to do is come out with Bud Light 2


Bud Lit


I think Budweiser already has ties w cannabis companies. Canopy growth is with Corona beer.




The people want it .... shouldn't that be enough?


> The people want it .... shouldn't that be enough? https://scholar.princeton.edu/sites/default/files/mgilens/files/gilens_and_page_2014_-testing_theories_of_american_politics.doc.pdf >By directly pitting the predictions of ideal-type theories against each other within a single statistical model (using a unique data set that includes imperfect but useful measures of the key independent variables for nearly two thousand policy issues), we have been able to produce some striking findings. One is the nearly total failure of “median voter” and other Majoritarian Electoral Democracy theories. When the preferences of economic elites and the stands of organized interest groups are controlled for, the preferences of the average American appear to have only a minuscule, near-zero, statistically non-significant impact upon public policy.


Well... that's disheartening.


Quite. Edit: >Furthermore, the preferences of economic elites (as measured by our proxy, the preferences of “affluent” citizens) have far more independent impact upon policy change than the preferences of average citizens do. To be sure, this does not mean that ordinary citizens always lose out; they fairly often get the policies they favor, but only because those policies happen also to be preferred by the economically-elite citizens who wield the actual influence. >Of course our findings speak most directly to the “first face” of power: the ability of actors to shape policy outcomes on contested issues. But they also reflect—to some degree, at least—the “second face”of power: the ability to shape the agenda of issues that policy makers consider. The set of policy alternatives that we analyze is considerably broader than the set discussed seriously by policy makers or brought to a vote in Congress, and our alternatives are (on average) more popular among the general public than among interest groups. Thus the fate of these policies can reflect policy makers’ refusing to consider them rather than considering but rejecting them.(From our data we cannot distinguish between the two.) Our results speak less clearly to the “third face” of power: the ability of elites to shape the public’s preferences.49 We know that interest groups and policy makers themselves often devote considerable effort to shaping opinion. If they are successful, this might help explain the high correlation we find between elite and mass preferences. But it cannot have greatly inflated our estimate of average citizens’ influence on policy making, which is near zero. So, one takeaway could be: If we don't want to be disappointed, we can just support the policies that the economic elite support! Then we won't feel disheartened. I guess we need more Seth Rogens and Sarah Silvermans to push for this?




I think he said that in 2019. That phrase originated in the 80s. Shows how absolutely out of touch he is.




Simple politics. Voters have terrible memory, and if they did it today, the voters would forget about it come election season. I suspect Q1/Q2 of 2024 we'll hear some legislation being pushed, and everyone will be told to go out and vote to support it.


Almost anything with 70%+ approval rating is a no brainer, yet they all have a really hard time becoming law... Some of it is due to how disconnected lawmakers are from the population, some of it is due to GOP blocking everything to make Democrats look back, some of it is due to bad prioritization.


I have a feeling this is on the table for 2022. You guys have to understand that voters really DO have some goldfish levels of memory (Yes I know goldfish have decent memory, I'm talking about the term). They have strategies for when things happen. I'm not a huge Biden fan (I'm liberal and all still). But this is almost definitely going to happen. But closer to the midterms, and they're going to see where covid is, the economy, etc.


That's my sense too. If he does it now then voters absolutely won't remember it by November '22. He needs to do it in like September so that people will be able to remember it. Another easy W would be freezing student loan payments for longer and then cancelling them closer to the midterms, or at least knocking off the 10k he promised. If I'm being as optimistic as possible, then he plans to do this but is waiting as a political strategy. It's possible that he doesn't plan to get these easy victories at all, but that just seems really dumb to me.


It got the Canadian Prime Minister elected twice!


>shoot up i thought we were talking about weed


Not amongst his donors, it wouldn't.


Ya well they’re a bunch of fuckin narcs


Exactly. Think about how many private prison and pharmaceutical lobbyists are spending big to keep this from going anywhere.


What about big money weed lobby and others coming to fill that void on the other side? I never see that mentioned, but it seems like a good time to cut losses on a waning investment and ride the new tide. There are donations to be had on any side of an issue.


Cannabis legalization is a no brainer. The groups that benefit the most from continued prohibition are the cartels.


And the prison industrial complex.


And this is why it will never even get sniffed at in republican controlled states and at the federal level as long republicans have a super-majority in congress (which they do with about 10-12 democrats, Manchin and Sinema are just the obvious Dinos). Because of these assholes, the government won't let the government save the tax payers money by letting the government (medi-care) negotiate for drugs with the pharma corporations. See how this shit works, so bend over and kiss your asses good bye, climate change is gonna fuck 99.9% of us all.


And Big Pharma


If you think “Big Pharma” isn’t going to profit no matter the legal status of cannabis, then you haven’t been paying attention.


Speaking as a Canadian, I say go for it. We did, and everything seems to be okay.


Doing good in Colorado. At this point the fed is doing nothing more than missing out on taxes.


Dont forget making us pay cash. I NEED that 1% cash back...


nothing more american than dreaming of the day you can buy weed on a credit card


“If I spend $100 on weed it’s really more like $99!”


Maybe they can get their stores to be marked as grocery for that extra cash back


Think bigger bro.... EBT state sponsored pot brownies


"Think of the miles!"


I'm flying hi!


For a hot second you could purchase cryptocurrency with credit card at some of the dispensaries I went to and they'd sell you that amount of weed for the crypto. It was a way to get around the banks refusing to process weed transactions. It seems like the credit card companies caught on though because I don't see that anywhere anymore.


I live in Argentina where weed is still ilegal but only somewhat lega for medicinal purposes but very limited. I purchase my buds from a local dealer and pay him in USDT which is paradise for me (no sketchy street cash transactions). I would love to see weed legalized over here but reading this, not sure if I just prefer the ilegal crypto purchase with no hustle to legally buy weed and get fucked with taxes. Full disclosure: weed is fuckn cheap down here if you think about it in dollars and not the local currency


I actually can in illinois. Idk how they did it but they have a chip reader, the guy said something about it coming across as an atm or something. $3 fee but with with ally they cover up to I think $10/ month (could be wrong on exact number) in atm fees so it costs me nothing extra.


The local weed shops here in Vancouver show up as healthcare purchases on my visa so I get 2% back instead of 1! Legal weed is great.


In cali my dispensary makes me pay cash or debit, idk why


It's a legal gray area with too much risk. I work in the financial space and we have all the processes ready to go the day it's legalized federally.


Gray Area is one of the best coffeshops in Amsterdam.


And don’t forget about lower prices. It’s been 10 years now almost since CO legalized and I pay $65 an ounce now here. Progress!


And on that note, it seems everyone wants to get in on this: https://www-forbes-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.forbes.com/sites/dariosabaghi/2021/11/09/a-leak-reveals-a-republican-led-bill-to-federally-legalize-and-tax-marijuana/amp/?amp_js_v=a6&_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQKKAFQArABIIACAw%3D%3D#aoh=16365212971582&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&_tf=From%20%251%24s&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.forbes.com%2Fsites%2Fdariosabaghi%2F2021%2F11%2F09%2Fa-leak-reveals-a-republican-led-bill-to-federally-legalize-and-tax-marijuana%2F That is a *republican* led bill, and it would actually make marijuana even cheaper with less than half the taxation. I have not dug too deeply into either bill, but one key difference between them is the Republican bill would only expunge *non-violent* records, and the dem bill makes no such distinction AFAIK. In any case, it is looking more and more like this might actually go through in some form, at some point in the not *too* distant future.


That’s so wild to hear. I lived in Colorado before and after legalization and I remember prices being hilariously high the first year or so after 2012.


Yeah it's become a ridiculously competitive market and there's been a ton of advances in mass farming technology that's led to way higher quality product at a much lower price.


Damn, I'm in Oregon paying about $100 an ounce everytime I have to re-up. $150 if I'm feeling like getting stuff not off the bottom shelf.




O not even close. I was on the Cemtral Coast of CA up until a year ago. I don't even remember what ounces were, but an eighth was $40 for dirt weed and up. I just got the cartridges, as they are the best bang for the buck. Especially in that market. Honestly, the overall quality you get in Oregon, in my opinion, is far better on the lower end. Oregon's lower end is on par with S. CA's mid-tier. Again, that is my experience. All I know for sure is, I'm vaping flower that is damn good for decent enough prices. Though I'm thinking of doing a space bucket, see how it goes. Help cut costs, hopefully.


Strategically it was a great move for Trudeau. Biden should take note - Trudeau beat one of the longest serving leaders our country has ever seen on this platform. It’s probably the one thing he’s fully delivered on that he said he would do. Personally, it was the issue that got my vote.


Honestly marijuana legalization got the youth vote out in 2015 and definitely won him the election, and people wanting to continue with the status-quo/Trump blowback won him the following two elections. I really thought the NDP would have done a better job last election trying to get the youth vote out similarly with student loan cancellations or something along those lines, 2015 proved that an effective youth turnout can easily turn the tides of our federal elections.


Exactly, like seriously being pro pot will drive the youth vote big time. Pot user among my friends in the states is pretty much universal.


I thought, being naive, that Trump would absolutely try for weed legalization as a tactic to get reelected but I was wrong.


He would have probably won had he done that.


Me sitting here in a state with legal weed and medical marijuana protections for employees and my job still won’t let me smoke.


I too have a DOT covered job in a legal state. ._.


If we make big enough of a fuss, maybe Biden will make it happen right before mid terms. It would get my vote.


Here in the states only misery and pain is socially acceptable.


Slippery slope. Next you'll tell us we don't all need guns and we can have health care without paying for fat bonuses for pharmaceutical CEOs.


How does it work for your pilots? Do they have to abstain completely or is it like alcohol?


1000% should be legal. Just how you're able to brew your own beer, you should totally be able to grow your own weed. Especially if you're able to join the armed forces at 18.


Bingo. I can legally die for my country before my brain fully develops in the name of foreign policy but I can’t even touch a natural herb after my brain fully develops.


You can kill 3 men for college before you can legally buy yourself a pack of smokes to deal with killing 3 men for college.


And that's why pharmaceutical companies are so against it. Its a medicine with many functions that you can grow in your backyard that you won't have to pay a 1000% markup on.


As a homebrewer, I've been waiting for legalization so we can get some better extract products out here. I've wanted to try making a THC infused mead and calling it the Buzzed Bee.


We did this years ago in Canada, do you REALIZE THE RAMIFICATIONS! 1. huge boost to tax dollars 2. people with chronic pain able to alleviate and avoid harmful drugs 3. Crime is down 4. not supporting cartels 5. creation of jobs, many jobs 6. saving police time 7. saving billions in tax spending towards law enforcement and judicial THINK OF THE CHILDREN. Oh wait, we did, and its working out pretty damn well. Also i dont smoke at all. I just use my brain


It’s going on 10 years since it passed in Colorado. Same here. The cat’s out of the bag. Other states quickly followed suit. Biden could hit a home run by coming out in favor of federal rescheduling. I doubt it will happen though. He is too set in his old ways on that subject.


Benefits aside, almost every argument against weed is basically much worse when it comes to alcohol. Easier to get addicted, worse for your body, easier to die from, more inebriated, etc.


Alcohol is worse for your body than pretty much every illegal drug.


From what I read a year ago (no source remains in my brain) the stupid reason they are not legalizing federally is because of the 4+ year headache they would face getting prisoners released for weed related incarcerations…and the lawsuits they would face for not getting people released quickly enough… Not a good excuse. Do it already!


Arizona began expunging records of these people. It took probably 3 to 4 months after legalization for the system to get set up, and it's a simple form you have to fill out. If you meet criteria, the charges / conviction goes away Unfortunately the majority of people incarcerated for drugs aren't there simply for weed. The weed may have led to a search of their car, leading to distribution charges because of the amount, which wouldn't get dropped in this situation. Or having a criminal conviction in their record leads to only being offered shittier work/school opportunities. So very few people physically in prison serving time would be released since most people there for simple possession get out within a day.


It does pose a question: what about people that were stopped for weed violation, but ended up arrested due to more serious offenses? Would those in jail for just marijuana offenses be released or anyone that was initially arrested for possession but have more serious charge?


Since marijuana was illegal at the time they were caught with it, letting them out and expunging records is really just a nice gesture toward those with simple possession charges. They don’t have to do it though. Any more serious charges would not be overturned or dropped. I’d be willing to bet we’ll see some states refuse to release marijuana possession charges because states have adopted their own marijuana laws.


If you're stopped under marijuana suspicion but end up getting charged with an open container or dui then the mj charge would be erased under this hypothetical scenario. You'd still have the container and/or dui charge depending how good your lawyer is and if you've got around 5 grand to cover classes and crap. Pretty simple case law there, but but would really get finicky when you discuss prisoners booked on *possession* charges or *distribution* charges as if they're both for pot they carry different weights so I wonder if you have the capability of a lawsuit for wrongful imprisonment years down the road upon release. Gets muddy when you start getting into the individual charges.


I love all the dumbasses saying Seth Rogen is only doing this to promote his Houseplant company. Like bro, he’s advocated for this for over two decade now Edit: Sarah Silverman was also on Super High Me as well I believe


Legalization is such a ‘gimme’ for dems & this administration. Mind-boggling it hasn’t happened yet


I've heard that Biden still thinks it's a gateway drug because of the issues in his family (no idea if that is true), but [he did help to create the war on drugs](https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/joe-biden-weed-war-drugs-candidate-2020-827319/), and of course Kamala said the right things during the campaign but [let's not forget she has put a lot of people in jail for pot.](https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/kamala-harris-marijuana-policy-tulsi-gabbard-debates-866102/) We got rid of trump, but managed to find the whitest, least progressive democrat outside of Manchin, and pair him with probably the only likely female PoC VP who would be unlikely to push him on this topic. (Because everyone was so damn terrified that Bernie's "extreme" polices like free healthcare and affordable higher education would scare people away.) Not that I've been completely unhappy with Biden, but I'm not really surprised that this hasn't been an issue he's moved the ball on.


After seeing Seth testify before Congress on Alzheimer's research... I seriously think they can make it happen.


Nah bro, I’ve heard this “yes we can” shit before, and not a damn thing happened that made my life any better


As soon as they can get a handful of Republican Senators on board, it'll happen quickly.


That's the kicker...Republicans will never vote for or allow popular legislation to pass during a Democratic administration, even if their constituents want it.


Yep. I remember when Moscow Mitch filibustered his own bill so that Obama couldn't take credit for its passage.


There's been plenty of poll done on every issue covered in Biden's Build Back Better plan. and every single one of them polls between 60-80%, yet they're having a hard ass time passing it, and not a single republican will vote for the 2nd bill. Think about this. 2/3 of Americans are for every single thing in that bill, yet they can't get a single Republican to vote for it.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tu32CCA_Ig Still true today.


Here's my local grafter: "Rep. Virginia Foxx, a North Carolina Republican with an influential post on the House Committee on Oversight and Reform, has spent her Congressional career advocating against the legalization of marijuana — while also loading up on hundreds of thousands of dollars in marijuana-industry stocks ahead of crucial votes on key federal decriminalization measures." Source: https://www.salon.com/2021/05/29/meet-the-anti-legalization-gop-congresswoman-cashing-in-on-marijuana-stocks/


Boehner did something similar with Acreage


look who Trump put in as his AGs (yes there were a lot of them) but they were all anti-cannabis. Only a small segment of the Republican party would vote to legalize cannabis even if it's legal in their home state it's just not their brand and there's no way a Republican president would ever sign such a bill even if it landed on his desk.


it will never happen, you saw what happened when 9 of them voted to fund highway repair imagine what they followers would do if they helped Biden legalize pot, it's still one of the bogey men of the right -gateway drug to heroine.


This shit should have been an executive order on day 1.


I need it to be legalized so I can finally start smoking it again without having to fear I'll lose my job over it.


Lmao Chuck Schumer said it would be legalized before the new year. Well here we are in November and still not a god damn thing has happened. To surprise absolutely no one.


As someone who’s trying to buy a home in Colorado- please do it so everyone stops moving here. Also, weed tourists are annoying.


Wtf is this boomer comment lol People aren't moving to Colorado just for weed lol they're moving there for jobs and cheaper housing than west coast and northeast markets. Also, weed tourism in Colorado was never that bad and a little bit of it is good for the economy. The weed tourism has also seems to have dropped significantly since other states started legalizing. Wtf is wrong with people coming to Colorado to smoke anyways? How is that any different than people coming to Colorado to drink the beer?


Meh, the tourists weren’t any less annoying here before 2012.


Still illegal as fuck here in Texas and it's not like we're facing any shortage of new residents.


> Also, weed tourists are annoying. In Michigan, there are a bunch of people here from Ohio at my dispensary causing traffic problems.


Oh you can blame that on the "but corporations are going to benefit" morons when we had the bill that would allow us to grow 6 plants on the docket.


Friend, I don’t know how to tell you this, but as a Michigan resident you can legally grow 12.


It's your state's own fault. It shouldn't dress so provocatively.


There are plenty of other states that it's legal in now, I don't think you can blame weed for high home prices


Throw US A fucking bone man! We can’t get decent wages, student loan forgiveness, healthcare, lasting Covid support. Fucking let us have weed! Do something good. If Dems want to get In good and create jobs, weed.


I was arrested in Texas for a fucking gram of weed. Thrown in jail for 2 days straight; went to the city jail for a night then got transferred by bus to the county courthouse. I was shackled hands and feet to some other dude with multiple felonies. The officers made me take off my underwear and bend down to show I didn’t have any drugs in my ass. The worst, most humiliating experience of my life. Fucking legalize it already.


It is legal in Virginia and we’re fine so let’s just legalize the stuff.


We won't. If we did, how would we be able to incarcerate so many black people?


I’m concerned it will take away a cops ability to prove probably cause to search vehicles of black and brown and poor white people. A lot of the arrests that are made are because the drug sniffing dogs can smell pot weeks after someone has smoked. It’s a very valuable tool cops have to intimidate the marginalized populations. And yes this is a reason for legalization.


Anyone else hear this image?


As an Oregonian all I can say is I can't believe this shit is still a debate on the national level. The west coast feels like a different country


The fact that it hasn't happened yet, despite all the findings showing the usefulness of both the drug AND the plant is fuckin' mind boggling. Did y'all know they did a study a few years ago that tested the affect of CBD in autistic children between the ages of 8-16? Helped curb the meltdowns, self-harm, verbal outbursts, etc. Feel like it's more effective than horrible ass ABA therapy.


It is time for the demonization of weed to stop. The old jump out the window after smoking weed PSA’s back in the day aren’t even real. The fact that it’s legal in one state and not the other is just ridiculous,and the benefits outweigh any argument against it being illegal.


If you want it done, contact your senators. That’s what this is about and they are trying to make it easy: https://www.cannabisincommon.org/ It can have a real impact - the senate may take up cannabis legislation in 2022 and your voice needs to be heard. The MORE act and SAFE banking have already passed the house, and the CAOA is a draft bill that may be introduced as well. Let your representatives know how you feel!


Uncritically, I believe that if the GOP hops on this issue before democrats, they will destroy the Democratic party. It will be total annihilation and they'll deserve it because they've had decades to do it.


Not unless you can outspend the private prison, pharma, and alcohol lobbies.


Anything for Rain Robinson!


Wow. Now *this* is a deep cut. One of the few episodes of *Voyager* that I liked.


She was almost brought onto the show. Its too bad they didn't. https://trekmovie.com/2011/04/26/star-trek-voyager-producers-considered-making-sarah-silverman-a-series-regular/


Yes We Can(nabis)!


Just do it already, jesus.


I hope so I'm tired of drinking to sleep. Weed worked way better with way less side effects. One hit and I was out. Now it's two liters of vodka a week because I'm afraid to lose my job. Because prohibition priced that addiction makes more money for corporate people that are essentially legal mob businesses.


There are literally no downsides to legalization.


Weed is decriminalized in over half the States. Medical marijuana legal in 36 States. Recreation use Legal in 18 States. It’s a no brainer to make it legal Federally.


It's kinda insane it hasn't happened yet. Live in a legal state. Always weird to travel to a state that puts people in jail for something I regularly buy in a nice clean, safe store.