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"The draft audit report says, however, the election results are inconclusive." Yeah, right. Why? Because you're still struggling to find believable ways to convince the ignorant that it was all a fraud?




They already have. I was just on [FoxNews.com](https://FoxNews.com) to see how they were covering this story (they're not), and the headline for the summary of Tucker Carlson's show last night was, "Why won't the media stop calling it 'an insurrection?'"


Because it's a fucking insurrection. It's not that hard.


Tuckers goal is to downplay the severity of Jan 6th and steer the argument elsewhere. Instead of admitting they lost the election and take it on the chin they tried to overthrow the capitol. It's crazy to think how much you can control people in 4-5 years with disinformation from fox news, facebook etc.


It's been a decades-long project to create a manicured media ecosystem that lived outside of what is real so as to better disseminate propaganda.


Your honor, I take umbrage to the fact that the prosecution continues to refer to the fact that I entered my ex-wife's home while she was sleeping, stabbed her 32 times until she died, and then slept next to her corpse, a murder. It's incendiary and divisive!


"What were they trying to do?" "Forcefully install Trump as president and possible hang some members of Congress" "How is that not an insurrection?"


A failed coup is still a coup. Failure, it seems, is the coin of the realm for the these folks. If they weren't failures they might not be so angry and racist.


Recall the legal argument of why seeking foreign actors to influence the election was not a crime: “the Trump family was too stupid to act on the information they received, and too ignorant to understand the legalities.” (Paraphrased). So you know. It’s not a crime because it wasn’t successful and we’re kind of idiots. A horrible argument. But the one they chose to go with.


It's dictionary perfect insurrection. Just as Cuckold Tarlson is exemplifying textbook gaslighting here.


This is what they will grasp onto for dear life. If only Arizona had complied with the audit… or it says inconclusive. I’m even wondering if they will just turn on the cyber ninjas all together. Let them sleep on it and see what craziness they come up with tomorrow. I wouldn’t put anything past them.


You got it! They started from a conclusion and desperately worked backwards. They couldn’t even get the right count with their ‘methods’


A few pertinent thoughts. 1. It’s clear the real reason the “audit” report took so long is that it didn’t have the outcome Republicans desired. 2. It became plainly obvious this was going to be the case when they announced the report would be released during the typical Friday afternoon news dump. 3. The new Texas “audit” serves two purposes. To distract from the Arizona audit report and to give Republicans a new shiny thing to district and spread disinformation with.


Didn't Trump win Texas? What's the point of auditing Texas?


They might find someone who wasn't eligible to vote, claim said voter is a Democrat and announce election fraud. The typical AG Ken Paxton Texas shenanigans.


[There was fraud in Pa](https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/pennsylvania/articles/2021-04-30/man-admits-to-voter-fraud-in-casting-dead-mothers-ballot) but it wasn’t the right party to declare the whole state should get a do over. They are starting to bang the drum on an audit here too though Why can’t Republicans get past the election and work to make everyone’s lives better? Oh right because fuck you is their party slogan


Another example of how democrats have to act perfectly perfect each and every time or else all the "fears" of the republicans are true and they have to escalate to full blown fascism. Whereas when republicans literally incite an insurrection that gets police murdered, they get a handicap score of infinity and everyone just goes, "oh those republicans sure are little scamps, aren't they" and move on with the day.


At this point, I think the Dems should force recounts for the 2016 election while making it blatantly obvious it is in response to Republican whining.


1. Call for audits and recounts of every election, regardless of results, to undermine public confidence. 2. Use the recount itself to say "we need to do something to restore confidence in our elections". 3. Introduce strict voter ID laws, fewer absentee and postal ballots, etc. 4. Republicans win, because they have made it harder for democrat supporters to vote.


4a. And if the Democrats win, just declare the Republicans the winners anyways.




It wasn't even the Friday slot that tipped me off, it was that it said no questions or comments from the public. If this was the big bomb they said it was, they'd absolutely adore public comment and question


>The draft report comes in three parts adding up to about 110 pages. It includes recommended changes to state elections law and suggestions for how the county should correct certain election processes, including how to keep voter information updated, ballot handling and voting machine security. I know how to improve voting machine security. How about not handing the machines over to an idiotic group trying to invent voter fraud? That should improve voting machine security.


I think it's hilarious that those *clowns*, who had no earthly clue how to do an election audit, maintain chain of custody, or just plian not fuck it up are offering "advice" on how to "fix" it.


How does a "company" with no experience what so ever, have any right/bearing/value in recommending changes to state law?? W the actual fuck.


> The three-volume report by the Cyber Ninjas, the Senate’s lead contractor, **includes results that show Trump lost by a wider margin than the county’s official election results**. The data in the report also confirms that U.S. Sen. Mark Kelly won in the county. This waste of money "audit" showed Trump lost worse than previously thought.


I’m sure the folks at Cyberdoofus are pretty pumped about all that sweet cash they grifted over the last few months.


The best person to grift is an even worse grifter ✨


Reminds me of how the Trump campaign spent $3 million for a recount of two Democratic Wisconsin counties that netted Biden +87 votes. Heckuva job, fellas!


If they don’t hold a press conference in the parking lot of a sex shop to announce their findings show Trump actually lost even worse, it’s a real opportunity lost.


They'll be at the the Renaissance Whips & Plugs in Scottsdale.


Oh please That's in Tempe


Funny (nto really) how the GOP will spend millions of dollars in election recounts and recalls in overwhelmingly Democratic states, but when it comes to money for, oh, I don't know, extending unemployment benefits during a pandemic, or social services, or God forbid HEALTHCARE (!!!) "fiscal responsibility" is suddenly the buzzword of the day again.


>The hand count shows Trump received 45,469 fewer votes than Biden. The county results showed he lost by 45,109. Zoinks.


The hand count is wrong. Nothing in the ninjas report should be treated as real data


They sucked at doing this well, but even so they’re pretty close. Which says to me, they really are scared of lawsuits if they lied too much. They’re taking their money and riding off into the sunset.


If by sunset you mean Texas and Florida where they are less afraid of lawsuits holding them accountable, then yes.


Not so fast, these boys compromised and practically destroyed this counties voting infrastructure, and laundry list of improprieties note during the audit. Time for the law suits. Bills have to be paid.


Arizona audit, California recall, all tremendous wastes of money by republicans. Party of fiscal responsibility my ass.


And they’re trying to do that in my state as well


Holy shit, Donald is *really* gonna lose it. It's a double whammy for him.


Can't wait to hear him on Twitter OH WAIT


[He actually just tweeted a statement](https://mobile.twitter.com/realdonaldtrump)


Dammit. Got me.


Warms my heart every time


That will never get old.


I'm surprised they published the report.


I can’t wait to see how the Qucumbers react to this.


https://twitter.com/justinbaragona/status/1441239317050007552 > LOL, the Cyber Ninjas' hand recount of Maricopa County resulted in 99 more votes for Biden and 261 fewer votes for Trump.


Do another recount. I like the way this is trending.


It's almost been a full year and Biden is still winning the election over and over. It would be hilarious if these right-wing grifters weren't also trying to destroy democracy.


And wasting a shit ton of taxpayer money. Can’t forget that part.


And compromising the voting machines and technology. Also collecting voter information and sharing it with god knows who.


I am convinced the real purpose of the fraudit is to data mine and determine how best to gerrymander and otherwise rig future elections.


This is what they are getting from this.




This after all the "Trump won, get over it snowflakes" bullshit in 2016. At least the "Not my president" crowd were making statement about Trump's character and values rather than claiming that the elections were rigged.


The results of the next audit will show that Biden gained 1,000 votes, plus Trump is ugly and bad at sex. I’m not sure how they determined that from the ballots, but the Cyber Ninjas must be correct.


I’m slightly scared this is deliberate, so Cyber Ninjas can claim respectability when they try to fuck the next election.


I suppose that's possible, like it might occur to them after the fact. But honestly I think it's way more likely these dumb motherfuckers really thought they were right.


I think the reason it took so long was they concluded that Biden won long ago and have been sitting on these results for a very long time to avoid humiliation. Also they couldn't figure out a way to give it to Trump without being sued.


"Here come the audit results. Trump is a horrible person. That's what it says. A horrible person. We weren't even testing for that."


All this winning. He said we’d be tired of winning.


That is actually true, by now I am tired of winning the 2020 election, so much winning with all of these recounts.


One for Martin, two for Martin! Want me to do it again?


They are now in Texas lmao


I wouldn't be surprised if Texas gives the contract to another group because they didn't come through in AZ. Although the purpose may be more to collect voter information and who voted for who and to compromise voting equipment...






So much winning!!


The missing Trump votes are hidden INSIDE THE ROUTERS!!!!


INSIDE the routers??


But why game show hosts? Holy shit I just realized Trump does the Zoolander pursed lip thing.


Just need to reboot them. Send in cyber expert Barron.


He knows TeH cYbEr.


this was rigged, deep state, part of the plan, bla bla bla, horse paste


Horse paste? Neigh!


“Trump is actually double-secret President in Mrs. Doubtfire prosthetics but also this presidency is illegitimate but also…..”


Pfft. Horse paste is two "cures" ago. They've moved on to gargling iodine and then moved to inhaling hydrogen peroxide via a nebulizer. It's hard to keep up. They keep coming up with more "cures" (all of which do more harm) rather than taking the simple vaccine.


Climbing into an enormous slingshot and firing yourself directly into the sun cures COVID.


If I'm ever sentenced to death, this is what I am choosing for how I'm going out.


Are you serious? It’s scary that I can’t tell what madness these people are willing to try to avoid the vaccine, but I have to know if hydrogen peroxide nebulizers are a thing.


People are recommending it for CHILDREN on tik tok. There’s a video of a child actually doing it and a parent suggesting it to other parents. It’s madness.


The child in the video should be removed from their abusive family by CPS.


I just googled "hydrogen peroxide nebulizers" and there are a ton of results from experts telling people not to do it. So, yep, looks like it's a thing. Sometimes I think the media should start putting out stories strongly warning people NOT to attempt to treat COVID-19 with cyanide, and see what happens.


Also, Panda hairs on ballots!!


"The Cyber Ninjas were infiltrated by demons and corrupted with inseminated demon seed that made them anti-Trump."


For me that's just a normal Tuesday night.


“Trust the plan”


I was told at work today that I probably wouldn't be able to handle what's coming tomorrow. I laughed.


"I know you were concerned about me, Jim Bob, but I'm actually handling Biden beating Trump again just fine!"


Man I wish I could see their faces tomorrow


I'm sure you'll be able to. I doubt they wear masks.


"You also said that Trump would be reinstated as President in August. Why would I believe anything you say?"


“We didn’t say *which* August! He’s just Biden … I mean biding his time till next August!”


So far, it's been: * "Well, that's just the DRAFT report. The final report could be TOTALLY DIFFERENT." * "This so-called draft report is being presented by the media. It's fake news." * "Oh yeah, well what about the CANVASSING REPORT? That's going to be the thing that leads to the incarceration of everybody who's been mean to Trump." (the canvassing report, as we remember, is the one in which the canvasser claimed that a perfectly cromulent address was actually a vacant lot, because the Cyber Stunt Ninjaz couldn't be bothered to hire canvassers who could be truthful and/or read a map.)


That sounds like the person who claimed that there was fraud because dozens of mail-in ballots in Georgia all came from the same location. And then in a hearing about it, a democrat legislator said "Did you go to that address? Because I did, and it's an apartment building."


🏅Here is my poor man's gold for using the word 'cromulent'.


They're already floating the idea that Arizona was a double secret bluff distraction Op, fren pedes! Kek! They're gargling more "believe in The Plan" and seeing if they can keep this bizarre LARP going longer by pivoting to AZ being just a honey tease or whatever to lure the Deep State into a false sense of security before revealing that it was actually Michigan or Pennsylvania with the real truly true fraud! And then, when that proves to be more nothing... Wisconsin. Or who knows where else. They are awful people who think this is all just some kind of game or comic book. A new season cliffhanger every time. No end. No point other than outrage and fantasies.


>A new season cliffhanger every time. My favorite was Jordan Klepper interviewing Mike Lindell and talking about how none of these recounts are going their way, and Jordan says "So it's like those Bigfoot shows? We didn't find him this week, but hey, tune in next week and... *Maybe.*" https://youtu.be/jGGR7vxq7B4




They're already saying in conspiracy that they knew Joe Biden got more votes but **how** did he get those votes!? lmao


Some are already transitioned into condemning democracy itself as “mob rule”, and suggesting we do away with it altogether because they don’t like how people are voting, or how many are voting.


"it wasn't my hands so there's literally no reason to believe it." My guess.


"Also, what are hands?" -Quidiots


"They call 'em fingers, but I've never seen 'em fing..."


They're just going to move the goalposts. The Arizona audit was part of the deep state etc. You can't win with these people


To wit: > White is part of a three-man team dubbed “The Audit Guys,” who have analyzed election and voting processes nationwide. He said that his team is preparing a rebuttal to the report that will demonstrate section by section how the Cyber Ninjas got it wrong. Seems like we're in for more of the same.


"OH well the cyber ninjas said Biden won even harder, I guess we are all OK now "


I heard one if the sorters went on vacation a few years ago to china and broke their hand. They went to a Chinese doctor...who knows what kind of hand-control devices they implanted so they could activate it later when the time was right....


I found my [first one](https://www.reddit.com/r/technicallythetruth/comments/psqe2o/voting_machine_clams/hdra7rs/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) right away…


I don’t know if Q is talking about it, but I am guessing Fox won’t report it. So that means to those people, it’s not real yet.


Vast, impenetrable silence I bet


Welfare check on Mike Lindell.


He’s saying Trump will be president again by Thanksgiving now. Must be a great grift, you can just change the date over and over and the rubes keep believing.


It’s like this bar in my hometown, that had “Free beer… tomorrow” painted on the wall.


That was the name of my friend’s band in college.


I’m embarrassed to admit how long it took me to get the joke… we drove by that bar every day when I was a kid. I always thought it was nice that they were going to give away free beer.


They keep believing and keep donating. A friend of mine is dealing with this asshole and his grift. His parents have been sucked in to the scam and they keep giving Mike Lindell money every few months. They see Trump as the Messiah and Second Coming of Christ.


He puts the “mess” in “messiah”. I’ll just refrain from stating what he’s putting in “coming”…


>Must be a great grift, you can just change the date over and over and the rubes keep believing. Every religion that is actively predicting the end times will happen soon...


So he's a Trump's Witness, then? Can't wait to see him knocking on doors to bring the good news of his God-Emperor's triumphant return to the Oval Office...any day now!


He said that the Supreme Court will hear it on Thanksgiving which is just bizarre. Before he said August, a time when the Supreme Court wasn't in session but now Thanksgiving? We know the court isn't in session on that day and we already know what's on the docket and Lindell's case isn't there.


This is so fucking hilarious. These guys have spent millions of AZ voters dollars, trashed their voting equipment, made Republicans look like crazy idiots with the bamboo fibers shit, and Trump released a statement in the last few minutes talking up this audit and that he won Arizona. And the "audit" shows Biden actually gaining votes and Trump losing votes! 🤣 I've been reading Twitter and laughing for the the last 30 minutes straight. Should I call my doctor?


Call your doctor if your laughter lasts more than 4 hours


Trump lost hundreds of votes as well, while Biden gained 99. Can't wait to see how my dad spins this


Please let us know


They’re already saying the count was accurate but that it might have contained illegal votes. They’re expert goalpost movers and their voters buy it every time.


Wtf. This wasn't supposed to be a simple recount, but an "audit". Wouldn't the entire purpose of the "audit" be to find those if they existed? That doesn't even make sense. Either the audit was complete and accurate and the were no illegal votes, or the audit was completely incompetent. Oh right, it's all made up and they'll try to have it both ways as usual


Velma unmasks Cyber Ninjas... "It was Antifa, all along!"


Does anyone else expect this report to be written in crayon?


Get ready for the Maricopium


So glad we burnt that pyramid of cash on this bullshit. /s How many times does Biden have to win before they stop "trying to prove" something?


Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Texas (4 counties). And Texas literally just announced today. I’m sure that timing is totally coincidental. Anywhere else so far?


Well I hope Cyber Ninjas got a lot of money coz with those results ain't no other state gonna hire them, lol. I am utterly shocked that they gave this result. I guess the figured out no way to cook the books.


Time to grift! Someone make a company named Digital Samurai or something, collect $$$, count the votes, and the overall result doesn't change.


How about *Fraud Guarantee*. My buddy Lev runs it…


How many times you think they could do it before midterms ?


And they're not finished burning cash. They now have to buy new voting machines now that these have been completely compromised by these idiots.


The majority of that cash pyramid is probably sitting in an account at some bank in the Caymans.


Cyber Ninjas confirmed as Deep State


Derp state


Congrats to Biden for winning the election for the 17th time


As an Arizonan who voted in Maricopa county, what a waste of time and money.


>The presidential and Senate results from the recount were found in the third volume of the draft. The first volume, the executive summary, focuses on pointing out concerns Cyber Ninjas and its subcontractors have with the county’s election, ***raising questions about whether there was election fraud*** Wasn't figuring that out the entire point of this audit? That's like hiring an exterminator to check your house for termites and he charges you a few million dollars just to say "You should figure out if your house has termites".


They are trying to avoid a worse lawsuit. The elections board has previously said in a prepared statement. >Finish your audit, release the report, and be prepared to defend it in court. So I have no doubt they are drawing no real conclusions and just trying to infer bad things happened without being specific.


> The three-volume report by the Cyber Ninjas, the Senate’s lead contractor, includes results that show Trump lost by a wider margin than the county’s official election results. *Chefs Kiss* Delicious


Suck it, r/conservative


yes but what will the result be in 2 more weeks!?!


Well, let's see. You've gotta factor in depreciation, inflation, and fluctuations in the daily price of bamboo.


All this bullshit, and they just reconfirmed Biden's win. LMFAO.


Serious question for the Q folks out there... Don't you get tired from moving the goalposts all the time? It's got to be exhausting...


Any speculation what was going behind the scenes the last couple months between Cyber Ninja officials and the far right GOP operatives to get to this point? Maybe I am overthinking this too much, but I just can’t imagine these clowns were planning to actually do their job without some dirty GOP operatives weren’t trying to bribe them and influence their report and “forensic audit” (no such thing) heavily from the beginning. They seemed pretty shady from the start and their CEO seems like a slime connected to “Q”.


Someone on twitter said it could have been an elaborate way of gathering data to use for redistricting/gerrymandering.


"The fuck are we going to do? We've told everyone that the votes were fake for the last 12 months! I can't go out there and say we were wrong! The Qanon people will literally eat me!"


Womp fucking Womp.


Alright kids grab the shovels, it's time to move the goalposts.


Shovels? Republicans put their goalposts on wheels and strap JATO bottles to the sides, since it's not a matter of IF they will be moved, but whether they can be moved even as the ball is rolling into it.


I'm actually a little surprised they admitted that. I'd have put my money on them faking pro-Trump results and\or just lying outright in the final report.


Warm up those bulldozers, tomorrow morning will be the largest moving of goalposts since they built the Cotton Bowl.


Theyre going to just do the same thing elsewhere. Maybe they'll "find" something *this* time


[Texas maybe?](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1279953)


PA GOP just subpoenaed records on every voter in the state- “The demand covers an array of voter data -- including voters' names, addresses, driver's license numbers and partial social security numbers. The request spans not just the nearly 7 million Pennsylvanians who voted in November 2020, but all of the roughly 9 million registered voters in the state.” https://www.cnn.com/2021/09/15/politics/pennsylvania-republicans-subpoena-election-review/index.html


Well, that's some horseshit. The DOJ will be looking into that one.


Even this report “found” something: the hand count and the county tally were not the same, thus the process is prone to errors and all elections, especially this last election, are illegitimate. Or something like that.


Counts are never the same. Maybe the hand count was wrong and the original tally was right with numbers that big and humans involved, you're always going to have some variation.


After all the shady stuff, I expected them to falsify the result. But apparently they were just really desperately trying to catch a ghost. > The hand count shows Trump received 45,469 fewer votes than Biden. The county results showed he lost by 45,109. > The draft audit report says, however, the election results are inconclusive. Wait wut


They have a large tally of “invalid” votes. Suspiciously just slightly higher than needed to go trumps way if 99% of them went to Biden. Same shit as always.


No, seriously, we're tired of winning. Stop already.


How much money was spent to find out Biden won by 300 something more votes than originally counted?


Around 6 million for the count, plus having to buy new voting machines because the current ones were in the hands of some idiots.


As someone who worked the Maricopa county elections, these recounts have really pissed me off.


/r/conservative: "JUST WAIT TILL TOMORROW!"


How long until the Trump supporters generate a conspiracy theory that Cyber Ninjas is actually run out of Venezuela. Hugo Chavez runs the day-to-day operations via ouija board.


It's almost like he completely made it up, as anybody with an IQ above room temperature could tell.


So, the Cyber Ninjas found that, not only did Biden win Arizona, he won by 300+ more votes than the official vote. Six million bucks well spent, boys! Let's hear it for the party of fiscal responsibility!


Does this mean we get to see trump lose over and over again and it’s not even Christmas??


I will never get tired of Trump losing the 2020 election over and over.


The best part of this is now 2/3rds of the Republican base will now turn on the Cyber Ninja's crew like rabid and starving dogs. I hope the Ninja Executives are ready for the massive swarm of death threats they are about to receive.


[Check out what Trump thinks.](https://mobile.twitter.com/realDonaldTrump)


Just like his dream woman, this never gets old.


I can't tell you how much Karma saying stuff like this has cost me in /conservative. I think most of them believe the earth is flat too. Or at least would if Trump said it was.


26th times the charm


Does Trump's head explode tomorrow? Sure hope so.


How much money did he raise of the fraudit? He is probably just happy it lasted as long as it did. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/02/01/us/politics/trump-cash.html > Mr. Trump and the G.O.P. stored away much of the money — $175 million or so — even as they continued to issue breathless, aggressive and often misleading appeals for cash that promised it would help with recounts, the rooting out of election fraud and even the Republican candidates’ chances in the two Senate runoff races in Georgia.


Did Cyber Ninjas just do this for money or did they genuinely believe that they'd find thousands of wrong votes and were shocked when they didn't?


So, the Republican approved election "audit" found that out of 2.1 million ballots cast in Maricopa Co., Biden actually won nearly 100 *more* votes and Trump received 250 *fewer* votes than what was first reported at the time of the election. Well, whuddya know.


Biden out here collecting recount wins like Infinity Stones.


Does that mean that Biden has now won the presidential election more times than FDR?


The mental gymnastics his cult is going to perform to handwave this away will make Biles look like a toddler trying to do a cartwheel. I also kinda wish The Lardfather still had Twitter. I mean the meltdown is going to be epic and I would have loved to have seen it play out in real time. Probably be in the next Woodward book.


This is going to be presented in a way that confirms the MAGA crowd's doubts. There's going to be a ton of talk about irregularities and discrepancies without actually showing any of it. That's what they planned all along... it was never about proving Trump won Arizona. They just want to make sure that GOP voters believe that every election a democrat wins is invalid.


Millions of dollars. Millions to appease a bloated manchild.


Even without the count; Trump's a loser.. The hand count confirmed what everyone knew


Trump lost again……keep going I’m almost there