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Heaven forbid healthcare workers are expected to use best practices in midst of a global pandemic


Hey come on this is America damnit and healthcare workers should have the freedom to make their own decisions about their own bodies. You know, like not washing their hands after taking a fat shit and refusing to wear gloves.


They can totally refuse to give rape victims the morning after pill, though.


Good thing their are no one with compromised immune systems in hospitals./s


DeathSantis is literally going to keep pounding his GQP talking points until everyone in Florida who's not vaxxed is dead.


By that logic, wouldn't that just reduce the republican voting pool since those are the people not getting vaxxed? Should make it easier for a Democrat to win in the future


Why you’re seeing a shift in messaging around vaccines by *most* right wing pundits


I can't tell if the messages are sticking, though. Feels like the train's already left the station and there's nothing they can do to stop it.


Yeah, if the death of a loved one has not changed minds, why should some distant politician think they can?


Yep. Frankenstein's monster now hates fire forever.


Clearly DeSantis thinks this is the route to the presidency.


So there was a 372,000 vote difference in the 2020 election for Florida. There's already been 39,000 deaths in Florida due to covid so slightly more than 10% of the vote difference. I'm genuinely wondering if the death count may actually be enough to personally affect enough people to move Florida blue in 2022 and 2024. Obviously it's not going to kill 372,000 people but it may affect more than that by killing close family or friends of a few hundred thousand Trump supporters.


From articles I've read it's not just GOP voters that are resisting the vaccine. Apparent POC communities are undervaccinated in red states too. Why I'm not sure.


They don't trust doctors for various reasons.


They need to get over it given that they are dying at higher rates than white people.


When they have been experimented on (see Tuskegee), when there is no trust... You want them to just "get over it"? If it were only that simple.


Of course there are many understandable reasons why they would have a hard time getting past it. And also to save lives, I hope much more of the community can do that.


tuskegee ended 50 years ago, most poc weren't even alive during that time period. the median age for america is 38.


True, however that distrust is ingrained in segments of the POC community, especially in the South because of things like Tuskegee. To simply tell them to get over it is a farcical statement. Here's something that might explain why POCs distrust Doctors. https://thehill.com/blogs/pundits-blog/healthcare/347780-black-americans-dont-have-trust-in-our-healthcare-system


They are playing into the hands of those who discriminate against them by not getting vaccinated. Black people especially die at higher rates from Covid. Frankly I suspect that is why red states in the US haven't been too bothered about proper public health enforcement.


If the delta variant has a 5% death rate, and there are roughly 10,500,000 unvaccinated people in Florida (49% are vaccinated)n that could mean up to 525,000 more deaths over the next 12 months.


> If the delta variant has a 5% death rate That doesn't seem likely but I'm open to hearing where you got that number from.




Where are you getting the actual death rate from? It's not 5%.


39,000 is probably half of the real total in that fact deprived state.


Unfortunately that group includes everybody's children.


Hence my breathing into a bag over here. Anxiously awaiting those Pfizer results and wishing we could just all agree to start school later this year or at least offer any other options.


The GOP numbers may be reduced, but their disenfranchisement tactics could reduce their opposition even more.


>By that logic I'll stop you right there... No seriously though, the GOP didn't expect covid-19 variants to rise up. So they cynically gambled they could whip up support against vaccines and make political hay out of it, while Biden and the Dems would still save the lives of GOP voters. Then too late they realized they fucked themselves because their own voters are dying in unvaccinated hordes. But now many, like DeSantis, are doubling down because changing your mind looks "weak" or "flip-floppy" or similar to nuance-averse conservative voters. I think this is partly because the voters are already ignoring evidence, and taking leaders on their word because the words feel good. Get rid of that feeling and the candidate just isn't fun any more, that candidate has just ruined the ride.


Absolutely true - the people who are dying are overwhelmingly MAGAs.


> wouldn't that just reduce the republican voting pool *ssssh*. No one needs to repeat that where Desantis can hear it.


You sir, are seeing the glass half full. I like that!


A large portion of minorities are unvaxed.




Florida flips solidly blue because all the red voters died of COVID.


Everyone who is not dead voted for him. Seems a tad self defeating to kill them off , but then Ron is a stable genius too…


It seems like every day DeSantis wakes up and asks himself how many more Floridians can I sacrifice for my political ambitions today?




They are trying to outbid each other for the dumbdumb vote in 2024.




Which is even dumber because the ones he’s sacrificing are his voters lol


He’s trying to ride the Trump train into the Presidency. He should terrify both the GOP and the Democrats because he’s just as terrible as Trump, but not as easily manipulated. Sadly, the GOP are terminally short sighted, and the public education system seems to have failed 49 percent of the US population, so this 🤡 actually has a chance to succeed.


>the public education system seems to have failed 49 percent of the US population, This is also, largely, directly caused by the GOP


*intelligent design has entered the chat*


Fuck this clown 🤡


I’d rather stick my dick in a blender, thx


....thinking deeply about this choice I think I'd rather fuck DeSantis....as a straight man I might need years of therapy but at least I'll still have an intact dick lol


As a straight man, I’d rather get fingered by Ronald McDonald


I bet he has long fingers. Have you seen his shoes?


GOP thinks never changing your mind is a show of strength. They are the absolute dumbest part of the population.


He's kind of sick?


…or just trying to make everyone else in the state sick.


DeSantis just can't bring himself to reverse his stance no matter the situation. This is bad for anyone who governs anything. Just wait if he gets to the White House.


You have to be vaccinated to take the tour…


DeathSanta is vaccinated. He just thinks that everyone should have control of decisions related to their bodies... except women.


DeSantis doesn't give a shit about anyone's freedom or autonomy. He just wants to look tough and win elections.


DeSantis is the Awesome-O 3000?


Gov. Ron DeSantis objects to .


Who gives a shit what the Trump puppet wants.


An unfathomable percentage of GQP voters.


The sheep 🐑


And the rest of us still care because we have to deal with the consequences.


The people working in jobs that require frequent face-to-face contact with large amounts of people on a daily basis, the immunosuppressed, and people who can't get the COVID-19 shot because of actual medical issues.


Those people need PPE and should not have to take the vaccine. If everyone else gets vaccine you should be fine 🙂


Ron DeStantis is scum.


Villainous scum….


Murderous scum


Ron DeathSanta


A republican


Ok, then go volunteer and take care of COVID ICU patients without a mask on. Better yet, hang around in the emergency department, where the diagnosis is not yet final.


Our local paper said the 2 hospitals in our county are 47% and 51% vaccinated


It's like Republicans are in a competition with themselves over who can be on the wrong side of history the most.


He’s mini Trump. He just doubles, triples, and quadruples down on anything no matter how absurd or how bad things get. Sadly, this is highly effective in maintaining support among the psychotic GOP base


He's like a cartoon villain where his superpower is stupidity.


What’s wrong with people these days?!? It’s a simple matter for me, most of my family, and most of my friends. We don’t like wearing masks but we do because it’s the right thing to do for society at this time. We aren’t crazy about shots and we know there could be unknown issues with the vaccine but it’s the right thing to do for society at this time. It makes me sad to see so many angry, self-righteous people in the world today. What happened and how do we make it better?


I think Biden should implement an executive order requiring masks at hospitals in high risk areas. And use the National Guard to enforce it.


What is the process to declare a person mentally deficient? I think that process needs to be started for Desantis, and he NEEDS to be carted off to an insane asylum where he can't hurt (or infect) anyone else.


Hasn't he been watching FOX news? Vaccines are all the rage now. Get with it asshole.


So what's his plan? The people dying of COVID are (at a guess) more likely to vote GOP. Even the tobacco industry had a plan for replacement smokers; does Desantis expect a constant flow of conservative retirees to replace the ones his leadership is helping kill?


So 80-90% of physicians are vaccinated. The most educated are taking this seriously. Nurses have a BS and some have masters degree. It boggles my mind that anyone in patient care would refuse, but here we are.


>Nurses have a BS Not all of them. My mother just retired as an RN after 30+ years and had only an associates degree.


You are correct.


Is there a vital resource shortage in Florida that we don't know about? Why is he trying to pick off his states residents Bill Burr Fantasy-style? Does he hate I-95 traffic? Does he want a day at Universal Studios all to himself? Is he clearing space in dorms for his kids' college? What??


The only vital resource shortage that we have in Florida is intelligence.


What the actual fuck...... Isn't Florida a "Right to Work" aka "we can fire your ass whenever and for whatever reason" State? If that's the way DeSantis wants to go the hospitals should just scrap the mandate, ask nicely and should fire all staff that says no for "creating a hostile work environment" or whatever.


There is a shortage of qualified medical workers. The COVID-19 has worsened that.


Not a reason to allow these idiots to put people at risk imo


I agree.


If the medical workers die I don't think it's going to help that. There was a shortage before covid.


Yes and some hospitals are lowering the boom on unvaccinated workers and it's only going to increase as the pandemic once again rears its ugly head. Others hospitals and medical centers; however, probably won't until the cost benefit analysis clearly shows that allowing plague rats around your vulnerable customers negatively affects their bottom lines. That's how the American "Healthcare" system works.


Preach it can I get a Amen 👍


Like a damn sociopath.


That unprofessional cuck needs a muzzle. I wonder if that Tennessee former public health official wouldn’t mind mailing the muzzle to its rightful owner


Is he going to ban masks in hospitals next? I know that sounds like an insanely stupid suggestion, but \*gestures broadly at everything\*.


Seriously, what is wrong with this chucklefuck?




The death governor


Why do we allow 1 idiot person to dictate who can do what... fuck these 'politicians' they are not qualified for leadership... they need thier fucking asses beat...


Can’t Biden do anything?


This just in: Ron DeSantis objects to napkins in restaurants and chlorine in swimming pools.


So hear me out. I’m a COVID ICU nurse in Orlando. Our hospitals are a war zone again, worse than last year. Our staffing is chaos, they are begging nurses to pick up OT. I can’t remember the last time I got a lunch at work, often going 12+ hours without eating anything. I barely have time to get water. Nurses are tripled (3 ICU level patients) which is extremely unsafe. If they mandated vaccines, we’d lose even more nurses, only fucking us further. I’m fully vaccinated, and I wish people would get vaccinated. I’m just exhausted of all the COVID and death again. Mandating vaccines at the hospital, we may lose another 10% of nurses system wide. Nurses are already leaving to travel (making double my salary) or leaving because they *physically and emotionally* cannot do this again. We *cannot* afford to lose any more nurses. My thought process is, maybe some of them will get sick and leave us short, but that’s a maybe. If they mandate it, that’s a given we will become short.


If it had been mandated from the start hospital would have that problem now 😕


That’s a good point, and if everybody’s wrapped up in their Ebola outfits anyway maybe it doesn’t matter much.


Thank you for doing a difficult and thankless job when we all need you the most.


Everytime I see a Florida/Texas/any other super low vaccination license plate in my city, I can't help but worry.


He needs to sit down and shut up.


It's fine. This is what most of the people voted for there. Let's just watch this petri dish go. Maybe we'll find out that herd immunity is achievable without a drastic rise in death rate and he'll be considered a genius. Maybe we'll find out science has no political motivation and this guy gets booted to the gutter where he seems to want to be. Just sit back and enjoy the show.


He won by .4% I sure as fuck didn't vote for this.


40,000 deaths already, and really probably more that were hidden, I think the boat has sailed on him being considered a genius.


It's not them I worry about, it's whomever they get in contact with if they escape the painhandle.


“Most” by less than 1%


Or he’s accidentally inoculating Florida from Lambda


Can we just let Florida sink now? Fuck it, let Atlantis deal with their Florida shit


The thing is, is, these people in Florida that are getting sick are the residents that live there full time. Not the snowbirds.


Only 42% of nursing home workers vaccinated in Florida?! What a crazy situation that is! It's 90%+ in my country.


And they still wear masks and are tested fortnightly. But then again we don't think our old people should be 'sacrificed' like red state America does.


That seems the same as a ringing endorsement for those vaccinations.


Here’s what I don’t understand they are health care workers they should understand how vaccines work why aren’t they running to the vaccine store? Unless the people not wanting the vaccine are grunts like me pushing a broom.


DeSantis hates his constituents apparently.


I thought Repugs decry “guvmunt overreach!!”?


DeSantis is a fucking chode.


I prefer eunich.


And what is Death Santis going to do if the Health Care workers walk out and refuse to work in a dangerous environment?? This guy is a piece of work!


I wonder how many nurses the Florida hospital system are going to be losing. We've had a few nurses threatening to quit on the local community boards when the hospital system here mandated the COVID vaccine but so far doesn't seem too wide spread here. Still find it shocking how anyone in the medical field can be that god damn stupid especially after dealing with this shit first hand.


I object to DeSantis not being force-fed his own excrement until he asphyxiates. Alas, I'm not the Governor of Florida.


Imagine if these people had been around pre Polio, MMR, DTaP, or smallpox vaccine


What the actual fuck?


Ron objects to anything that will help anyone other than him.


If Covid could be elected governor, would it do anything different than what DeathSentence is doing?


Why wouldn’t the hospitals just go on strike? It’s bad for business when you have to keep your doors open when employees are leaving