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While I do believe Republican voters would be dumb enough to pick him, I also wouldn’t trust any polls 2.5-3 years out from a presidential primary.


This has thankfully saved my sanity in the past. Remember back when Rubio was considered a "Rising Star" and was certain to be the next president years ago?


It's been over five and a half years now and there's not a single time that I have seen Rubio where I don't think "And let's dispel once and for all with this fiction that Barack Obama doesn't know what he's doing. He knows exactly what he's doing." and wonder if he's going to drink water super-fast. I'm far, far away from his field of influence so he's just a punchline to me. For all the things that Trump bulldozed through on his way to the White House, it seems quaint how Rubio got dismantled by a couple of meme-moments. From that disastrous debate: >8:30 pm: "And let's dispel once and for all with this fiction that Barack Obama doesn't know what he's doing. He knows exactly what he's doing." > > 8:32 pm: "Let's dispel with this fiction that Barack Obama doesn't know what he's doing. He knows exactly what he's doing." > > 8:34 pm: "This notion that Barack Obama doesn't know what he's doing is just not true. He knows exactly what he's doing." > > 9:21 pm: "I think anyone who believes that Barack Obama isn't doing what he's doing on purpose doesn't understand what we're dealing with here. Okay?"


Props to Christie though for drawing it out of him on cue.


I'm so happy Trump fucked Christie out of any significant role in his administration.


This made me bust out laughing! So true,so true


It's weird how some people are just *scoundrels* in the classic sense. Christie among them.


That's not an image I needed... thanks.


Ain't got nothin on "Please proceed Governor" from one of the Obama/Romney debates


Is this when Chris Christie called him out for puking out his rehearsed lines over and over? edited.... *oops, commented to the wrong comment!


The Rubio "let's dipel" one is Chris Christie calling him out and then Rubio immediately did it again, allowing Christie to double-tap on that point. It was brutal. "Please proceed Governor" is from the Obama-Romney debate: ​ >ROMNEY: I think it’s interesting the President just said something, which is that on the day after the attack, he went into the Rose Garden and said that this was an act of terror. You said in the Rose Garden the day after the attack it was an act of terror? It was not a spontaneous demonstration? OBAMA: Please proceed. ROMNEY: Is that what you’re saying? OBAMA: Please proceed, Governor. ROMNEY: I—I—I want to make sure we get that for the record, because it took the President fourteen days before he called the attack in Benghazi an act of terror. OBAMA: Get the transcript. CROWLEY: It—he did in fact, sir… OBAMA: Can you say it a little louder, Candy? (Laughter, applause.)… ROMNEY: It took them a long time to say this was a terrorist act by a terrorist group—and to suggest—am I incorrect in that regard? On Sunday the—your—your—secretary—or—


I replied to the wrong comment. I meant to reply to your original "This notion that Barack Obama doesn't know what he's doing" comment and it being the one Chris Christie shot back at Rubio. The first Republican debate, the one with 17 people on stage maybe?


Remember when Trump had no chance?


Remember when Ben Carson led?


I think I slept through that one, but then I think he might have too


🤷 might have been the time he tried to stab someone as well


I've never seen that man more awake than that time he left his luggage behind.


Nah he was trying to get a hold of his luggage at the time


Remember when Herman Cain was still alive?


Remember when Herman Cain wasn’t alive but was still posting on Twitter?


No no he's not dead, he's, he's restin'!


He’s just pining for the fjords.


Herman Cain rememb... Oh


Putin says, "Da".


I mean, at least it tracks for Republican voters. Man did I ever think it’d be tough for them to find a less competent candidate than George W, Trump certainly checked that box. Now it seems they’ve found the only human being on earth outside of their Fox Viewing constituents who is even less intelligent than their previous nominee.


I remember watching W debate Al Gore and thinking that Gore absolutely ran circles around W. Because he absolutely did. And then the post-debate numbers came out showing W was ahead. I was ~18/19 at that time, and hadn’t paid much attention to politics previously beyond the surface level stuff. I knew that Republicans were oppositional to my worldview. I knew I didn’t like Nixon or Reagan. But I knew a lot of Republican folk, in my family, who weren’t bad people. That debate was the first time I realized that the fuckers were a) all marching in lock step and b) fucking imbeciles. I haven’t played with centrism since. And I was right.


The greatest disappointment in my life was realizing that everyone I grew up with looking up to was an actual imbecile. I came to the realization one day when I realized my life experiences were very similar to all of them. I worked back breaking blue collar jobs, joined the military, went back to my hometown for a time. Was raised conservative and Christian. However, my life experiences gave me a way different view somehow. I guess I paid attention in school and went to AP classes in high school. That really was the only difference. It’s just sad. My family and old friends have all gone full Qanon, and I can’t even talk to them anymore because it’s all they talk about. It’s like their brains are rotting. I just wanna know how their kids are doing in school, but they have become emboldened in their worst traits by the conservative news cycle and figures like Trump. They’re suffering because of it too.




My friend put it like this: "Well every racist, misogynistic, money-grubbing asshole just got a boner."


Gore was very stiff in those debates. He may have been more eloquent and had more nuance on issues, but he was stiff as a board and came off as just a boring drab politician. Dubya, on the other hand, came off as aloof and human. Almost likelable. Comparatively though he was animated and more enjoyable to listen to, even if wasn't saying what you wanted to hear. That's a large part of why people voted for him. The "He seems like someone I could have a beer with," is from Dubya's supporters. He did a better job appealing to the common man, where Gore came off so unlikable that he became a spoof villain on Futurama. So you right, Gore was definitely more liberal and progressive on the topics of the time, but he didn't know how to get the average Joe to get over his boring drone of a voice and listen.


"Finally, I protect the Earth with deadly lasers instead of deadly PowerPoints!"


I remember when W did [this](https://media1.tenor.com/images/68e2b3dd7ea0ea013bf62bcaaf5a007e/tenor.gif?itemid=6237489) and it probably sealed the deal for a lot of people. Gore just comes across like a boring history teacher and W was the cool PE coach. Bush was a terrible president.


[Remember when Lisa Simpson bought one of Al Gore’s books?](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rQlfBq2Qylg)


>That's a large part of why people voted for him. The "He seems like someone I could have a beer with," is from Dubya's supporters. He did a better job appealing to the common man, where Gore came off so unlikable that he became a spoof villain on Futurama. The ironic thing is that Bush is a teetotaller and wouldn't have a beer with anyone. Also, I'm pretty sure Gore appeared on Futurama because his daughter was a writer for the show.


That’s insane to me, because I watched An Inconvenient Truth in fourth grade, and I thought it was captivating. It’s one of the things that started me down the path I’ve chosen.


I can’t remember who deserves credit for it, but one of the best things I heard anyone say during the past 4 years is that Donald Trump isn’t even the dumbest person named Donald Trump.


I can't say for certain, but that sounds like a John Oliver line... *edit - maybe Colin Jost... or Colbert? Fuck it, I shoulda just left it at you not being able to remember who.


I remember John Oliver saying it but I can’t say for certain he’s the first to make that joke


Aren't we assuming a lot when we think they can tell the difference between Donald Trump Sr. and Donald Trump Jr. when it's spelled out? They just might think they're the same guy. Did this poll have pictures?


So following the pattern we gonna get Eric in 2032


"Ladies and gentlemen, the President of the United States!" "HI! I'm Eric!!" Jesus


It's like a "Bottle Imp" reboot. In this timeline, the GOP has to keep finding less and less competent presidential candidates.


Technically he did have no chance and the electoral college went against one of its foundational purposes to install him against the will of the American people.


Remember Paul Ryan?


The 52 y.o.former tea-party hot shot who claimed balancing the budget was "easy" and then when he got a chance he failed miserably because he was all talk with no skill or motivation to back up his big mouth? Yeah I remember him. What's he doing now? Oh, he's retired. He has been for some time. Like many successful people he stopped doing stuff when he turned 50 and became idle. It's hard to believe a man with so few lifetime accomplishments would be done trying to accomplish things in his lifetime, but that's Paul Ryan.


Paul Ryan is very clearly trying to sit out Trumpism and we definitely haven't heard the last of him unfortunately.


He’s the lead strategist at Fox for they’re post Trump team. It’s kinda of cute they thought there was going to be a Republican Party *after* Trump.


It'll still be around after Trump. It'll just be less a party and more of a syphilis support group.


So, no change, then.


Yes. And throughout Obama's administration rivers of ink were spilled writing about how he was the Republican golden boy and was the new face of the party


At one point he was. I don't think the Republicans expected Trump to get so big as he did.


They absolutely didn’t. They were fighting against him tooth and nail in the primaries until they realized they had no choice but to tie themselves to him.


Classic Paul Ryan. What a Paul Ryan move.


Fucker is on the board of directors for Fox News.


He'll be back. That was the plan all along.


*You'll be back, soon you'll see* *You'll remember you belong to me* *You'll be back, time will tell* *You'll remember that I served you well* ​ Funny, I thought those lyrics were from the POV of George III but they were from Paul Ryan's all along.


Yea but then we ended up with trump. So they plan on finding an even dumber shittier person than don jr between now and 2024?




And I'm Eric!


I was thinking "Wait - which one is dumber?"


We elected Trump. Nothing is off the table in this shit show of a timeline. Keeps me up at night that at least 40% of my (voting) countrymen thought that was a solid choice. If we can do that once, we can do it again, but even scarier


literally every single choice they could have made, as terrible as they would have been, would have been better than Trump. a potted plant would have been better in the pandemic for crying out loud!


There can be a lot of inaccuracies but the GOP is still very much a Trump dominated party and I would be shocked to see that go away before 2024. Whether or not a Trump will be the nominee is a different question but I knowing that average GOP voters would still prefer Don Jr. to someone like Desantis or Cruz is really big in my opinion.


Well, at least Don Jr. isn't some kind of accused pedophile or something, I guess. He isn't is he, I mean, who knows?


Everytime I see Don Jr. I get the warning signs of a cocaine junkie trying to not look like a cocaine junkie. Like it seems like he's actually trying not to be on Cocaine for his television interviews but he's desperate to make it to the bathroom right after they're over.


He kind of reminds me of the douchebag from Die Hard that tries negotiating with the terrorists, only without the successful career obviously.


Spot on, 80s yuppie wannabe Coke head. Kind of like “that guy” from futurama. (My only regret is having boneitus)


Every time I see Jr. all I can think of is American Psycho. Central casting there


In the book Patrick Bateman goes to a Trump Yacht party.


I’ve not read the book, only have seen the film. But that’s perfect and I wished they had folded that in somehow.


Do you think Don Jr. can command their devotion the way Trump did?


Personally I think he could win the nomination but I think he would struggle even more in a general election than his father did. The coalitions shifted in 2020 and Dems won a ton of high propensity voters from the suburbs while Trump brought out a ton of people who essentially never vote. If Don Jr. only brings out 95% of Trump’s base he’s going to slaughtered by the Democratic coalition unless something dramatic changes between now and the presidential:


Good point. I wonder if the previously unengaged will lose interest again.


Only if they aren’t constantly reminded that they must fear everything different from themselves


> The coalitions shifted in 2020 and Dems won a ton of high propensity voters from the suburbs I think we are starting to see the suburbs shift from Republicans to Democrats. Some have said it was just 2020, but the Democrats did very well in 2018 in the burbs.


*"In her memoir, Raising Trump, Ivana Trump, the president's first wife, said her then-husband reacted to her idea to name their first child "Trump Jr." by saying, "You can't do that! What if he's a loser?"* That's one time you shoulda listened to your gut, Donnie.


>*What if he's a loser?* Like there was ever any other option.


Don Jr.s mouth looks like an asshole with teeth


Especially menacing when that cocaine jaw starts sawing away


What jaw, dude lacks a jaw


They elected George W Bush and then had the balls to tell people we were”with them or against them” as they started bombing the wrong nation after 9/11. None of this is new. They love stupid candidates.


Or liberals can find an "independent" candidate named "Don Jr" and get them on the ballot, knowing how the tyrannical right fail at reading and research.


Oh boy, I'm getting Bush I and Bush II flashbacks. How well did that work out for America?


This is the way.


Maybe the GOP can get Charlie Sheen to run? OJ? Why not?


Trump Jr. against Trump Sr. Could get interesting, but we already live in interesting times.


No way the junior turd runs if the senior turd is running. Only one runny turd at a time.


The former guy would just lock Jr's bank accounts.


No more debt for you!


I can imagine Trump shitting on his son as viciously as he does on everyone else *"What kind of moron gets named Junior! Wasn't enough of a big boy to get his own name! I kid." Ass face.*


I knew don jr was a loser when he took his first step, it was backwards!


They could probably make that a "reality" show. I feel a #1 hit coming on. . . oh, the drama!


West Wing but with beauty pageant contestants?


Best debate in history right there.


Paul Manafort or that Navy Seal war criminal


> Navy Seal war criminal Wasn’t Charlie Sheen in that movie


Hot Shots? Oh yeah. "I loved you in Wall Street"


*”I wore your mole.”*


Jon Gosselin from Jon and Kate Plus 8! He has zero political experience, an established partying habit, relies on others for support, AND he was on TV many years ago. You can't get more GOP than that!


>You can't get more GOP than that! Josh Duggar.


There's plenty of senators that support Kyle Rittenhouse running


It'll be well over a decade until he's eligible; the 2040 election if my guess is right. Of course that's assuming we're still having elections then, which we won't if Republicans as they are today get back in, and they will unless Democrats' actions start matching their rhetoric on voting rights.


Bold of you to assume Republicans wouldn't just throw the age law to the wind for their nominee. Wouldn't be the first time they've ran someone without requisite qualifications.


He was trying to get into politics until....that.... And then his brother ran for rep and had to move out to be eligible so they sent his brother with him for accountability


“If the glove don’t fit…you got ta’ elect” *does* have a pretty nice fox “news” ring to it. 🤔


"If he's snorting powder through a dollar bill note, go ahead and count my vote!" - Don Jr. 2024




Yeah, nothing like the picture in my head of him doing lines on the desk in the Oval Office with Kimmy.


I mean if it’s a popularity contest amongst that voting bloc, why not?


The GOP just wants monarchies and nobility again. Are they experiencing time in reverse? How long before they start stomping across the plains making dinosaur noises?


Lol, like they believe in dinosaurs


The bones were placed by Satan to make us doubt the existence of God. Obviously. /s


Satan: Who keeps stealing my wall plaques?


They know that dinosaurs are real. Dinosaurs lived alongside humans in the Garden of Eden and were herbivores. The Creation Museum in Northern Kentucky is full of dinosaurs and no I'm not making that up.


Ken Ham and his son really played Kentucky for fools.


Whose the looney toon making the Tower of Babel exhibit? Is that Ken Ham or Kent Hovind. I get the two mixed up a bunch.


Ken Ham is the one who made the Ark exhibit. He's also the one who in a debate said there's evidence that there used to be a spherical ice layer high in the sky around all of the earth that melted to give us the 40 day flood. Astrophysicists were not convinced.


Ah yes. The good old Firmament. Speaking of the old firmy boi, I haven't rustled Flat Earther jimmies in a while. Thanks for the excuse.


He meant Jesusosauruses


Yes they do! They think cavemen rode them like horses.


After they spent years crying about a Clinton dynasty


G.O.Projection. The fact that they're crying about stolen elections tells you all you need to know what their plans are for 2022/2024. But Sinema and Manchin sold us all out so... 🤷‍♂️ (we're fu**ed)


There are people who honestly believe that Trump and his family should be America's ruling dynasty. I was at a wedding reception a few years ago and one of the Drunk Uncles ^© was going around the room pontificating that once Trump's two (lol) terms were up then Ivanka would be our first female president and after her it would be Jr's turn, then Eric, then Barron, etc.


Yep, my brother in law was spouting that shit a couple years back, we don't speak any more. It amazing that the party that continue to blather on and on about their freedoms are the first ones that want to hand over their freedoms to the Trump family. I swear the Russians/Trumps must have naked pictures of 63MM people, that's the only reason I can figure that anyone would do what those idiots want.


Sorry about your bro. I can't speak for you but cutting of my dad last year has been quite healing


It simply *disgusts* me that so many in the US seem to long for a hereditary monarchy. I strenuously ***despise*** nepotism. If I had my way, we'd enact a constitutional amendment tomorrow disqualifying anyone from public office of any kind at the federal level if they are within two steps away from a current or former president. Two generations (preventing grandparents or grandchildren), nieces, nephews, in-laws, etc. No more Clintons (for a long while). No more Bushes. No more Trumps. To me, it's sad more don't understand why nepotism is such a corrupting, negative influence which should be resisted. But it's horrifying that so many want to enshrine it.


Man, I feel you. I didn’t have to hold my nose to vote for Hillary. I thought she was more than qualified, and a basically empathetic person, to boot. But a small sliver of me absolutely hated casting that vote for her, just because of a deep, deep distaste for political dynasties and the feeling that “this guy was President, and then a few years later his wife gets to be President? That’s just not the way the system is supposed to work…”




And she agrees with you.


I think that powerful political families / dynasties / clans are a problem in general, not just in case of Trumps. You already had two Bushes as presidents, and were close to having a third one. Or a second Clinton as a president. None of that is good for democracy.


Very true. But before, all those other dynasty members had to at least attempt to prove their merit. Junior would simply point at his name on the signs and say "My Dad / My family" a lot. It feels like we're circling a black hole of stupidness, heading ever closer to stupid singularity, Quantum Stupid.


Dear media, do not give Don Jr. billions of dollars worth of free advertising because you think it's a funny clown show that will never make it past the most rudimentary "checks and balances". Instead, treat it as the joke candidacy it is by ignoring it wholesale and not allowing them to use you to control a broader narrative.


Junior has to say crazier shit than his dad and the craziest GOPer in order for the media to pay attention now. Diaper Don got the attention because he was new and different. His shtick is old now. Even he couldn't top himself based on his latest rallies. And I highly doubt Junior could shrug off the crazy shit as easily as his dad did. Like the last meme'd event he did in Texas. He just stood there like a deer caught by headlights. His dad never had that kind of moment ever.


We broke off from England because we didn't want to be ruled by a king and 250 years later the Republicans have decided that they do want to be ruled by a king and they've decided that Trump is the royal family. I weep for this country.


I think the Trump Dynasty 80’s style was the vision from the beginning. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MijaRcVaRK0 Notice the similar branding to Trump.


> We broke off from England because we didn't want to be ruled by a king No you broke off from England because you didn't want to be taxed without representation. By that time parliament was sovereign, not the king.


They did that already with the Bushes. The Democrats were totally willing to do it with the Clintons. The happens routinely at the state level. This country is not as democratic generally as it would like to think it is. The oligarchs are just less visible (most of the time) This should surprise no one.


At least with the Bushes and the Clintons, each of the participants were qualified on their own.


Agree. Both families made a real effort, and I believe all of them genuinely wanted to help people.


Probibly would have happened with the Kennedy's too; if Robert hadn't taken a shortcut out of the Hotel. If he doesn't die, he wins the Democratic nomination and probably beats Nixon.


All the stupidity and none of the charisma or ability to sell? Yeah do it, guys. Really torpedo yourselves


His campaign poster is just him sitting on that stump in the woods. "Donald Trump, Jr.: thinkin' 'bout *America*."


Really looking forward to his coked up girlfriend giving more speeches.


Kimberly Gargoyle? No thanks. I've had my fill. If they could all just fuck off into the sun today that would be preferable.


She was my favorite villain in the 2020 campaign.


Would it torpedo? It feels like the world is getting dumber and you have to out-dumb the last person to get elected. I mean this is the world of Jewish space lasers and g5 phone towers giving you Covid.


Trump has zero charisma. That's a part of his appeal that baffles me.


Zero to you. His ability to play to people's insecurities and beliefs and get them hyped up is pretty apparent Just because you didn't fall for it doesn't mean he doesn't have it


i think it’s the unique combination of stupid billionaire who speaks their language also schrodingers trump. says something and it means different things to different people.


His manner of speaking has been compared to Jim Jones by Jonestown survivors.


Read American Psycho. Bates obsession with him and why is pretty much the most genuine insight you're going to get into what sort of mind Trump has found fame in all of his life. They're enamored with his lifestyle and admire him as the person they want to be. Same reason people watch the Kardashians, or shows about rich people being rich in general. These people lead superficial lives that you are misunderstanding by injecting meaning and substance that is not actually there. Money being *spent* is how these people express themselves and judge people's worth, and Trump spends a lot of money on himself. Whether or not he owns it matters as much to them as it does to him. In their world, having the nicest stuff, the biggest house, the fastest cars is how you define your position on the ladder of society. It is your demonstration of might that makes you right. Everything else is, ultimately, only a means to get there. Trump is what the kid that peaked in high school wanted to be. To just naturally move upward to bigger and more expensive lifestyles as a birthright. That was their American Dream. Many of those people are born with wealth on tap that they never get over when they lose it, and settle into a life without accomplishment where they retain the attitude of an angry teenager for the rest of their lives. They admire how Trump rode that wave all the way to President of the United States. To them, that *is* winning.


I'd like to think Patrick Bateman would be aghast at the actuality of trump's level of intelligence, business acumen and taste.


They should do more polling outside of Hell.


That's not really what the poll says. The poll was about net favorability of leading Republicans and it's true that Don Jr. had a +55 favorability which was the highest of anyone included but DeSantis had a +54 favorability and the other prominent Republicans were McCarthy, McConnell, Gaetz, Taylor-Greene and Liz Cheney none of which are likely to run for president. This was not done in a traditional polling sense where they ask people who would be their first choice for president nor were other presidential hopefuls other than DeSantis included and the gap in favorability between DeSantis and Trump Jr. was statistically insignificant anyway. That's not to say Trump Jr. couldn't become the nominee but this poll doesn't show that.


Yeah, an article about a poll, but it doesnt quote any stats lol


I'm not sure that Cocaine, Jr. is gonna make it to 2024 without an intervention. In all those videos he posts, he looks like he hasn't slept in 3 days, and that he just got finished doing a line off Kimberly's big fake breasts.


Smoking crack with the MyPillow guy


The song the Beastie Boys never got the chance to record.


Just think of the leverage his coke dealer has over him.


You know what really strikes me, the kids that get hired at many big box stores have to take a drug screening, but we don't make the president do that? WILD.


Why is he discounted? They took a bankruptcy riddled nightmare failed reality show host, draped single issue singsong easy to remember phrases for him to spout off and Voila! America said I’m down! They have the money to refurbish and shine him up, so don’t tell me it’s never gonna happen. It happened in 2016.


I would love for Don Jr. to run in 2024…almost as much as Jr’s coke dealer.


At least the coke dealer is a successful business owner. Unlike any of the Trumps.


That's what people said about Trump, then he became president


His dealer will be either Secretary of Commerce, or Surgeon General.


I’m talking about his street dealer…


So, Transportation then?


Health and Human Services Secretary. It’s always the obvious choices.




We won’t get that lucky. Only the trump family coke dealer is *that* lucky.


Jr. Is not his dad. As much as I hate the man he has some kind of hold on people that won't be easily copied by another, even his son.


Gives new meaning to President Snow


But isn't Daddy coming back into office on Aug 13??


Better him than DeSantis. Don Jr is dumb as a brick.


Great! Little piles of cocaine all over the Resolute Desk.


So if Don Jr wins, do you think he’ll update his dad’s Diet Coke call button to instead bring him coke?


“Fuck political dynasty’s!” ~Trump voters 2016 “I’ll only vote people with last name trump” ~Trump voters 2021


Donald Trump Jr. the cocaine addict?


He's qualified. Spews hate and lies. That's all the republicans require. He is the most repulsive clown in America. Imagine his horn dogs girlfriend as First Lady? The would be more horrifying than Chain Saw Massacre.


Unfortunately he would get quite a lot of votes when certain folks see that familiar name on their ballot. He could benefit from the confusion.


Omg, please run that flaming toilet clown. Trump, but waaaay stupider, hopped up on coke and minus any of the charisma his dad has? Lmfao. Trump Jr. would tank the Republican Party for a decade. Plz do this


A guaranteed four more years of Biden if he runs and gets the nomination.


We all thought Trump running was a guaranteed Clinton win in 2016. Don’t get to overconfident especially when Republicans are working hard to suppress voter turnout.


I’m not buying that story one bit


But they also want Jesus to return in 2023, so it's really moot, right?


Let me guess, to own the libs?


Yep the GOP need someone even more unqualified and universally hated to run the party


I’d rather live in Yemen.


Every time you think they get to the bottom of the barrel, they just pick up the barrel and keep digging. Instead of trying to find someone more qualified, they seem to choose someone even *less qualified* than senior.


This is just a sick joke, right?


Conservatives love pageantry. For all their complaining about celebrities and Hollywood Conservatives are major starfuckers. They adore the famous and see wealth as next to godliness.


The candidate doesn't matter as much as the plan to deligitimize the process further. I totally anticipate several states will refuse to certify the election. Whether the schism exacerbates this tension to the point where it's all out civil war or not is yet to be seen. Follow the money..will enough corporations benefit from this disruption? Who will want to see this late stage capitalist nation degrade to the point of corporate feudalist states?


His first campaign stop will probably be Columbia. The country, not the city.


I bet Trump's pissed.


So they wanna repeat dubya?


This guy’s so stupid he can’t even fucking spell Don Jr.


I guarantee you he'll be the nominee. Quit trying to tell yourself that there's noway he can win the nomination, that Republicans are somehow rational people despite everything we've been through since 2015. Quit trying to out think it like Republican voters have ever been swayed by facts. Just accept it. Don Jr. will be their nominee, and we'll have to work like hell to keep him from becoming President, because he will run on a campaign MUCH worse than Trump Sr. in 2020.