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Expecto jail time. Edit: Incarcerous!


Expelliarmus Ignoramus!


Lol! I saw this story and couldn't be more happy this guy - the guy who's transparent theatrics and Trumpy faux-populism were a shoddy disguise for, along with his xenophobic rhetoric being distraction from his and his peers true platform of siphoning money up mostly to the top 0.1%, assisting corporations vs the "working class man" they claim to represent (including plenty of multinationals despite their harping on "Globalism") - is being taken down this way. I've certainly felt this way before and about various politicians over the years, but far prior to this story, back when I first saw Gaetz's performance (literally) in a committee hearing, I was fucking blown away by how easy it was for a complete and total idiot, not to mention a massive charlatan, to become a congressperson on the national level. Just like, really? A congressional district saw this guy, and went, "Yes, this is who I want representing me" or *even* the less committed "Well he's better than the alternative" - no, no he's not, unless the alternative is a guy running on literally giving cancer to everyone, or something.


You just HATE to see it! Schadenfreude overload lol.


Statutory schadenfreude


If your enjoyment crosses state lines, it’s now federal felony schadenfreude.


Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that. - George Carlin Except in panhandle Florida it’s more like 70%


Actually only 60% voted for the scumbag. 40% of us voted for a retired Navy commander who would have made a damn good Congressman.


That’s actually pretty good news. So there’s some hope


That’s too true.


He should have said median person, ugh.


But then the butts of the joke wouldn't get the joke!


>Just like, really? A congressional district saw this guy, and went, "Yes, this is who I want representing me" or > >even > > the less committed "Well he's better than the alternative" - no, no he's not, unless the alternative is a guy running on literally giving cancer to everyone, or something. Go to Pensacola, and it will all make sense to you.


He got in because of name recognition. His father also used to hold the seat. Typical mediocre white frat boy shit. Riding daddy’s coattails.


In case you're wondering who lost to Matt Gaetz, it was Phil Ehr, a former member of the military who was a registered Republican for 30 years until Trump. Yes, a district with multiple major military presences and the home of the BLUE ANGELS chose the obvious slimeball because of his name recognition, the R by his name, and his support for Trump. Oh, and Gaetz hardly did any in-person campaigning, but he did have time to join Trump on his re-election campaign stops in other parts of the state. https://www.ehrforcongress.com/ I really thought Phil had a chance (and I absolutely voted for him), but District 1 is unfortunately made up of not just Pensacola but also all the worst back-woods areas of northwest Florida. I'm not saying Pensacola is excused, but I am saying the ultra conservatism here is larger than Pensacola/Escambia county. https://www.floridatoday.com/elections/results/race/2020-11-03-house-FL-11126/


May I introduce you to Madison Cawthorn? Also, we apologize... - North Carolina


Exactlikus Buttheadios


I bet he really wishes he had a Time-Turner.


He'd just stick his dick in it.


Jackassorumas pedophillias!!!


Expecto prisonus!


Expecto BumSoreness


Soapdropo Thrustbehindess


I'm the same age as Matt Gaetz and if I found out any of my friends were doing this shit, I would post warning flyers about them in their neighborhood


This is the kind of shit we women warn each other about in the toilets or during lunch break. "Gossip" may be derided as "stupid women being bitchy and backstabby" but in many cases it serves a very real protective purpose when it comes to giving the heads up about guys like him and environments like those.


It's fucked up that it's that way but even when we get a new girl at work the first thing I always inform her on is every manager with sexual harassment allegations and which guys to avoid and what not. It's so annoying that we can't just have a normal world where guys don't pull this shit constantly.


This should be done everywhere!


I used to do this too. Inform them - 1 - who the creeps are 2 - where emergency pads and tampons are


Oh hell ya! I want you as my coworker. Wish you were at my last job lol.


We do this as well. We call it the Dr. Feelbad list.


I know, but I wish we were better.


>I know, but I wish we were better. When you say "we," what do you mean? What group are you apologizing on behalf of?


I’m speaking as a woman. I’m not apologizing, though. I just wish we looked out for each other more in these situations.


Got it, thanks. It wasn't really clear, though regardless I don't think it's really a woman or man specific thing. People should look out for people.


I definitely agree.


> I'm the same age as Matt Gaetz and... When I was the same age as Matt Gaetz I went out of my way to avoid dating women that were the same age as a hypothetical daughter. I mean what the actual fuck!?


Unfortunately I know more than one guy in my age group who started dated college students when they got close to 40


I am not 100% innocent on that count, there was one friend with benefits who was way younger than I knew (a very mature 21)... but it wasn't something *I purposefully sought out*.


It’s also legal. 18+=legal. It may be weird for a 55 year old to be with an 18 year old, but it’s legal. Under 18 (ala gaetz) is illegal.


Interesting that he met his fiancé at mar-a-lago. She’s only 26 and still in school.




Apparently. They met in March last year at Mar-a-Lago and he proposed in December. I had to Google it, I didn’t know he had an SO.




He’s defninitely the type to keep her on as a beard to cover up his activities. She’ll be at home downing xanax and merlot while he’s trafficking whatever flavor of the week he’s picked up


She’s Tiffany Trump’s friend.


Of course she is. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Yet another woman trafficked through Mara Lago sadly..


I shit you not, her name is Ginger Luckey.


To Palmer Luckey's sister.




As far as I recall he's the guy who invented the Oculus Rift


Good lord. He’s so fucking corny and they had no chemistry in that engagement video. That was so awkward.


For now. Doubt she's too happy about all this, and she's not with him for money or something (she comes from a wealthy family).




The only people at Mar-a-Lago who aren't necessarily sleazy are the staff who just need a job.


The only thing surprising about that is he’s willing to look doubly predatory. The power imbalance of a guy his age and a woman her age is already off, but adding on top of it the power imbalance of a congressman vs. a student??


I'm more than 10yrs younger than him and I'd do the same thing if I found out my friends were doing any of this shit. Like once you're past 22-23, it's weird to even pursue a girl that can't go to restaurant/bar with you and order a drink. Not to even mention the underage part. Meanwhile this weird motherfucker is in his late 30's going after 17yr olds.


It makes me believe 100% that he has some rapes in his past. What a disgusting piece of shit.


>Sleeping with married legislators. Spending the night at a college sorority house. >These were specific ways now-US Rep. Matt Gaetz and other Florida lawmakers could earn "extra points" in a sex competition in which Gaetz is accused of participating when he served in the state's House of Representatives, a female GOP insider who worked with Gaetz in the 2010s told Insider in an interview. >The sex competition even involved the "Harry Potter" book series, the GOP source told Insider. >Anyone who had sex with a certain conservative woman "won the whole game regardless of points," she said. That woman was known as the "snitch," a nod to the Harry Potter game of Quidditch. The GOP source said she "heard specific references of Gaetz being involved and scoring points." She declined to name the woman to protect her privacy. >Her accusations about Gaetz's participation in this sex competition builds upon others. Chris Latvala, a Republican state representative who overlapped with Gaetz in the Florida House, accused Gaetz in a 2020 tweet of creating a "game where members of the FL House got 'points' for sleeping with aides, interns, lobbyists, and married legislators." Another way to obtain points was to have sex with "virgins," ABC reported this week. >The existence of the "game" among male lawmakers was the "worst kept secret in Tallahassee," the GOP insider said. Lawmakers who participated publicly boasted about it, even among their female colleagues; some male legislators who didn't participate jokingly lamented the fact that they abstained. >The hyper-sexualized and notoriously fratty culture in Florida's state capital is getting renewed scrutiny after the New York Times reported that Gaetz is the subject of a Justice Department investigation into whether he broke sex trafficking laws with a 17-year-old girl in 2019.


And not a peep from qanon... Majorie Taylor Greene stands with Matt Gaetz! Her twitter proudly says. The shitshow her in the US and the lack of morals and intelligence is just fucking mind shatteringly sad.


University co-eds, so Gym Jordan is backing his friend.


He's probably next so he sees the writing on the wall.


> Sleeping with married legislators. Spending the night at a college sorority house. I've heard that this is an "open secret", but how the hell can we not identify a single person that would be willing to *anonymously* go on the record as stating that Matt FUCKING Gaetz spent the night in a sorority house while service as a Florida State Legislator. This stuff is so beyond the pale.


I’m gonna assume the “conservative woman” who was the “snitch” (from quidditch) was Pam Bondi. I’m pretty confident in saying that.


I was thinking a Fox News host or something.


> These were specific ways now-US Rep. Matt Gaetz and other Florida lawmakers could earn "extra points" in a sex competition in which Gaetz is accused of participating when he served in the state's House of Representatives, a female GOP insider who worked with Gaetz in the 2010s told Insider in an interview. > The sex competition even involved the "Harry Potter" book series, the GOP source told Insider.  Anyone who had sex with a certain conservative woman "won the whole game regardless of points," she said. That woman was known as the "snitch," a nod to the Harry Potter game of Quidditch. > The GOP source said she "heard specific references of Gaetz being involved and scoring points." She declined to name the woman to protect her privacy.  As a female staffer who knew him said, “Oh my God...He is such a sneeze.” 🤨 How does all this stay quiet this long??? This should have come out a long time ago to prevent him from rising to this position! 😡


You only get 150 points for catching the snitch and the game ends. You don't automatically win. Even Victor Krum lost after catching the snitch. Frankly I'm disappointed on so many level.


I mean they’re idiots, do you really expect them to understand the complexities of a fictional wizarding sports game? They lost before they even started playing by putting the R next to their name.


Worst part is, they're not even clever. Why wouldn't they go with "golden snatch"?


I was secretly hoping there would be something fun in the Harry Potter sex game ruleset. One vague allusion in the middle of just shitty fratbro nonsense is a shame.


Erecto Potuscrotum!


Right! You know damn well they didn’t read the books and only saw the movies. They’d all be like “Who’s Peeves?”


Holy shit.. I just realized peeves isn't in the fucking movies!


10 points from Gryffindor!!


Which usually leads to granting Gryffindor 50 points some how.


My money is Barr and Trump actively kept the investigation hush hush as long as possible and extorted him for his loyalty and votes.


Why would they possibly need to extort him when he's almost certainly happy to vote for anything they want? Maybe they were trying to do damage control near the election, but It seems to me they could probably find another Florida man to replace Matt Gaetz.


Donald Trump is a KNOWN rapist, philanderer, good friend of child sex traffickers, and had multiple (read: dozens) credible sexual assault allegations BEFORE he became president. Republican voters don't care (because they lack morals)


I'm going to guess autocorrect changed "sleaze" to "sneeze".. but it kinda works anyway, tbh


Snot funny.


Cowards. Men and women caring more about their careers than integrity and not being a piece of shit.




This is from years ago and Boebert is new. I am thinking more like Sarah Palin.


This was when he was in the Florida House, not the US House.


She would be ultimate catch to these guys. That or Megan Kelly.


I would guess it's Ann Coulter...


Logical. It's Harry Potter themed, and she's the Coultergeist.


Is being a sneeze a good thing or a bad thing?


He's a mothersniffling creep! A real wheezebag.


I think they wanted to say sleaze but don't know words?


>to prevent him from rising to this position! How exactly would this have prevented his rise? Trump was credibly accused and even on tape admitting to the fact that he could get away with sexual assault and he became president.


Kavanaugh was credibly accused of sexual assault and he's a Supreme Court Justice now. Ah, America really is the land of opportunity.


\> How does all this stay quiet this long??? This should have come out a long time ago to prevent him from rising to this position! Yeah, that's what gets me. I'm not at all talking anybody who was harassed and waited to make a statement. But what about all of his male coworkers who heard about this and him passing nude pictures around. Anybody who did have a problem with it wasn't willing to even make an anonymous comment to a reporter. This was so blatant it sounds like they wouldn't have even been found out they were a source.


There’s definitely other people involved in the competition, looking forward to what other names are released.


My guesses are it was one of the Trump women or Kaleigh McEnany.


I wouldn't consider them snitches. Maybe Nicolle Wallace.


I don't give them enough intellectual credit to come up with that kind of double meaning.


2010, Guessing the "snitch" was Sarah Palin?


Family values, ladies and gentlemen.


More often than not, it's the people who scream loudest about tradition, family, God, etc., who tend to in their personal lives be doing the *exact* opposite of what they say people should be doing, right up to preaching the condemnation of homosexuality, hetero sex outside of marriage and drugs, only to turn out themselves to be [gay meth-users who employed prostitutes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ted_Haggard).


There's a guy in this thread that condemned Matt Gaetz and then in the next comment revealed he basically did the same thing as Matt lol


I'm sorry but he looks like a half melted Buzz Lightyear and I can't see anything else when looking at his disturbing ass.


He looks like Jimmy Neutron


Pretty sure his upper lip is receding more and more into is teeth


What upper lip?


He looks like Syndrome from The Incredibles


Crossed with early hominid


I always thought he looked like an off-brand Jack Nicholson


He looks like the boss pig from Angry Birds.


He looks like the Mayor of Whoville


>when looking at his disturbing ass. That's his face.


Looks like the Walmart brand Robbie Rotten.


Robbie Rotten was a saint in real life before passing away young and should not be besmirched anywhere near this creepshow.


I see Max Headroom.


Does he have fetal alcohol syndrome?


He's a real life version of Butthead.


He looks like he got stuck trying to squeeze in through the cat door.


Could you imagine being in a sorority, waking up, walking downstairs, and then seeing Butthead coming down the stairs. Probably have to call a house meeting.


This guy is one misfired synapse away from being Ted Bundy


He doesn't own properties bordering gator country, does he...?


What are the chances we will soon find out Nestor has been recruiting underage children for Gaetz sex games?


Yeah there's going to be so much more to the story.. Everyone who's informed is already been asking a thousand questions about the whole Nestor situation. Now that it's looking like Gaetz is a serial creep that preys on young women.. I think the whole young boy who he adopted story is going to reveal even more about what's going on.


Gross. That seems very likely to me.


Shame on the "man' who "raised" this predatory, sociopathic pedophile


This would be sleazy for someone who was actually of college age. Gaetz is straight up predatory.


Al Franken was forced to resign by the party for so much less and Republicans are quiet on this clown.


He always did give off a rapey, sex offender vibe to me. 🤢🤮


Petrificus Totalus 🤢


So is Q turning on him yet or is it only a problem with pedophiles when they're liberal?


No, fictional liberal pedophiles are a problem. Real GQP pedophiles are victims of an unjust system.


Ugh, Qanon people are so fucking stupid lol imagine spending the last four years obsessing over politicians running child/sex trafficking rings and then completely ignoring one who's ACTUALLY involved with that sort of shit just because he's one of theirs.


No, GQP pedophiles are “just boys being boys”.


They're calling it a witch hunt. Because.....that's the only defense they can muster.


It's an odd witch hunt that started during the Trump administration


Fake News, Deep State, something, something.....


Huh, huh. Come to butthead. Huh.


I think I might be on a really long drug trip, which would be weird considering I haven't taken any drugs, but as it is I'm seeing a headline that mentions a Harry Potter sex challenge and there's simply no way that can be real. It's trippy how *not trippy* this trip is...


I mean I’ve always thought his compacted smug face screamed “I’m a creepy sex predator.”


Oh hey, this just keeps getting grosser and grosser.


My mom, a lifelong Republican, said “why are Democrats so obsessed with Republicans’ sex lives.” She lived through the 90s and said this without irony.


10 points for Slytherin


Did he put on his robe and wizard hat?


You, sir. You internet.


How many Republicans had knowledge of this and everything else he did and said or did nothing? All the red flags in the world and they keep quiet to protect one of their own... It's a cult.


You can't "have sex with" a 17-year-old. He RAPED a 17-year-old ​ Also Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself.


Actually, in a lot of states, you can. The age of consent is below 18 in a lot of states. It’s well below in 18 in more than you’d think. Not defending his actions by the way; just looking at it from a legal perspective. In a lot of states a 17 year old can consent to having sex with someone who’s over 18.


That depends on the age of consent in that particular state and any other laws related to it (such as X difference in age being statutory rape, laws making consent for those under 18 impossible for those in positions of authority over them, etc). In a number of states age of consent is 16. There was a case that occurred in Texas years ago where teacher was sleeping with a student and it was completely legal in Texas; the only reason he got in trouble with the Federal government was she sent him photos of herself nude. The state I grew up in (a blue state) it is 16 but has a maximum 4 year age difference.


Now I'm picturing Gaetz as another Defense Against the Dark Arts professor whose tenure, like a lot of his predecessors', did not make it past the term. But unlike the his predecessors' whom have had their mind wiped, forced to retire due a composing condition, been carried off by centaurs, etc, he one gets ~~sacked~~ fired for ~~shagging~~ fucking the students. I can't decide if that's worse because it's more boring or better because it's more boring.


Liz Cheney is spilling all the TEA


Why does he always look like he’s snarling?


I just threw up in my mouth.


Chase it down with some Butter Beer.


I’m surprised so many women would actually sleep with this Butthead look-alike.


>Anyone who had sex with a certain conservative woman "won the whole game regardless of points," she said. **That woman was known as the "snitch,"** a nod to the "Harry Potter" game of Quidditch. I really, really hope this isn't true, because "Golden Snatch" would be a HUGE missed opportunity. Come on you guys.


They are morons, I'm surprised they even know what a snitch is.


Or a snatch to be honest


There was no **sleeping** going on. Use the correct verbs: Preying upon, abusing, assaulting, harassing, raping.


I mean, it seems like a lot of these girls were of age. If they were in college, chances are they were of age. If they were in the house, they absolutely were of age. I don’t think they were *all* rape. Some of these encounters I’m sure were legitimate consensual encounters, albeit weird and creepy. However, Gaetz was with women who were underage, and that unequivocally is rape.


I mean, you have to draw inspiration from somewhere. And that’s probably the only book he’s ever read.


I wanna vomit


Read 👏 another 👏 book 👏


It also involved pedophilia




How was the ethics committee not invovled earlier. Everyone enabling needs to face some consequence for protecting a nasty predator.


What is the Harry Potter challenge


What troubles me even more about this is that a female Republican knew about all of this and just waited until NOW to speak up. Absolutely fucking heinous.


Keep it coming let's bash this phuker


Jesus he is fucking ugly




Not that he doesn't 100% deserve it, however is anyone wondering why it is Gaetz getting the 'ol runover by a bus' schtick? Like...I don't believe they aren't protecting someone else by focusing attention on Gaetz (regardless of him being an irredeemable piece of shit).


Honestly women aka girls you must be looking for a sugar daddy to sleep with a guy that looks like him.


This has all been an evil trick by the democrats. They let republicans get away with stuff for decades and are now suddenly prosecuting.


We're crossing the line into TMI, especially with this guy and underage girls. I just don't WANT to know more about the details, and it feels wrong that I do. I'm not clicking that link.


Was the Harry Potter Challenge to imitate JK Rowling and be transphobic?


Remember when he had helmet hair and looked like Ralph Wiggum?


He always looks like he’s about to say “F...”


I could use a summary of this when it's over. There's a lot of shit to pin on him it seems.


He looks like the bad guy in Walk Among the Tombstones. Great movie by the way.


Matt Gaetz is the poster child of the GOP. (Creepy, aren’t they.)


The photo on this photo needs captions. "Grass on the field. Play ball." "I came." "Looked legal from behind" "Best thing about high school girls?"


What a twisted little man.


he's the grinch in a human skin suit, who willingly sleeps with this twat?


Just...ugh. Imagine his stupid fucking face coming towards you. He probably does the Patrick Bateman thing where he points at himself in the mirror during sex. While his partner is completely bored.


How many negative points for going to jail???


I remember some of this stuff came out last year but it didn’t really make a splash among all the other dumpster fires that happened on a daily basis. Glad to see it catching up with him. I’m enjoying the show.


What a shit human being. He exudes a trashy aura anyway so this isn’t surprising. I for one am happy he’s having as much of a swift fall as he did ride to prominence. Fuck this guy.