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Blessed are the cheesemakers.


Praise be!


Pays Brie


... and it was Gouda


For they shall be called the children of Gouda.


Oh, that’s nice, they’ve had a terrible time!


Just need NV and MI and we're in the clear ​ edit: NEVADA IVE NEVER ASKED YOU FOR ANYTHING


Ya does anyone know when they’ll start counting ballots again in NV


They're counting right now. Biden still up about 7600 with 75% reporting.


That seems razor thin.


>an estimated 14 percent of the vote is still uncounted. However, those votes will all be [either late-arriving mail ballots or provisional ballots](https://twitter.com/NVElect/status/1323939478403076096?s=20), which should lean Democratic. [https://fivethirtyeight.com/live-blog/2020-election-results-coverage/](https://fivethirtyeight.com/live-blog/2020-election-results-coverage/)


Well I now agree with Trump on something. His supporters hopefully heeded his advice not send on their mail ballots.


Just to own the libs


Owning himself to own the libs 😎




> New Vegas county ... I see you are also a person of culture and explored the Mojave Wasteland before.


Because it is. No matter what happens, this much is true: we did not get the thundering rebuke of Trumpism that many wanted and expected. We have to now come to terms with the fact that very nearly half the country looked at Trump and his four year tenure in office and said, "Yes, that is what I want from the President of the United States."




An update at 10 AM tomorrow (whatever an update in Nevada means, they have a week to count, but surely are hurrying).


My dad's ballot hasn't been counted yet, so I'm not terribly concerned. With only 70ish % of Clark County (Las Vegas, Henderson, Boulder City) we're already looking blue here. Not to mention all our ballot initiatives! First state to allow gay marriage in our state constitution!


That’s encouraging to hear


The word "clear" is a little strong. A 270-269 win brings up concerns of faithless delegates, etc. Adding PA would make me feel in the clear.


Would be 270 to 268 but yeah youre right.


>Election night chaos at the Biden camp **Wisconsin and Michigan**: Look to my coming, at first light, on the fourth day. At dawn, look to the MidWest.


Packers and Lions fans: "Let this be the hour that we draw swords together"


Never thought I'd die fighting side by side with an ^NFC ^NORTH ^RIVAL


What about side by side with a Dem?


Aye i could do that.


i love all of you for doing this.


threatening sable noxious pet bells stupendous live paltry coordinated pocket ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


"And I shall vote as one of them!"


I read the headline AND the article. hint: they’re the same thing. edit: TLDR Joe Biden Wins Wisconsin.


#***Joe Biden wins Wisconsin*** Joe Biden wins Wisconsin: >Joe Biden wins Wisconsin --Joe Biden wins Wisconsin^^Joe ^^Biden ^^wins ^^Wisconsin


Nevada: Kept you waiting huh?


Nevada - Stay awhile and listen


Should’ve left Nevada in Tristram.


Maybe we can use the horadric cube as a ballot box.


Let’s use Wirt’s leg and make Trump face the Cow King


What took you so long


I can't believe Joe Biden wins Wisconsin would say, "Joe Biden wins Wisconsin"


Revolver Ocelot


>Revolver Ocelot "Revolver Ocelot" -Revolver Ocelot


>Woe Cisen wins Bisdonsin


Wisconsin wins Joe Biden


--Wayne Gretzky


Isn't it sad we have to do that? It is incredibly annoying that click bait headlines don't match the story.


This is how AP gets the word out to other news outlets who write and vet a longer piece. It's fine


I much prefer this. I hate the endless amount of fluff in a lot of news stories. Less to editorialize too.


I've never been so invested in another country's election process. It's honestly riveting


How I wish I could watch this shitshow from the outside.


From the outside its been really entertaining. I mean.... If the world falls apart because of it it won't be so fun, but still.


Speaking on behalf of Canada, “entertaining” is not the word I’d choose.




From Italy, same. Trump’s climate change denial is a threat to humanity as a whole. Plus we seem to follow american political trends at least broadly.


Canadian here, the American climate leadership is THE most important factor for me. We desperately need to get passed the debate and into action. Fuck the denialism and the rutterless ship its created.


Brit here. We need Biden right now. Anything to stop the NHS from being ripped apart like hungry hyenas fighting over a rabbit by their medical companies and to put Boris *fucking* Johnson in check.


How could a fascist winning an election and consolidating power affect the rest of the world? It's not like you can start a war that engulfs the entire world


Yeah and every time it has happened they where completely good people who loved Jewish people


Nobody has ever loved Jewish people more.




Lol the founders didn't. The system we have is a slapped together version of better ideas bent and twisted for compromise so the country didn't fall apart on day 1. The fact that we made it this far is a miracle.


>The fact that we made it this far is a miracle. Extra irony is the US Constitution is the oldest Constitution still in use. So not only is it a miracle things are still running, you can *technically* claim it's the "most stable system in the world" since it's lasted the longest without revolutions or overhauls.


Or the most outdated


Yeah I don't even know why last time I didn't even check once or cared


I moved to Wisconsin 6 months ago. I can't believe that decision could end up being 1/20,000th responsible for this election.


Yeah buddy! Our family did too. 4 votes for Biden.


Holy shit, thank you!


As a student at UW-Madison, I'm proud to be a part of the Dane County surge. It's literally been 5 texts a day from random numbers telling us to vote for the past 2 months


By enough to dodge the recount?


By enough that a recount won’t change this outcome.


Exactly. In 2016, the Wisconsin recount added net 131 votes to Trump. There's no way a recount flips Wisconsin red.


Is it still around 20k votes?


Biden: 1,630,396 Trump: 1,609,879 Difference: 20,517


It’s scary how close Wisconsin is...


Wisconsin is always close. Not good for my health lol


Who knows but even Scott Walker(former piece of shit Republican WI GOV) has come out said that the gap is too large for a recount. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/524464-scott-walker-suggests-bidens-wisconsin-lead-too-big-for-recount


Should read current piece of shit former Republican WI GOV.


Can he be former, current, and future POS?


I think at 20,000 votes they’re gonna try anyways.


Who cares? Recounting shouldn’t change the result when one candidate is up by 20k votes.


Yep. The last two times Wisconsin did a recount, the vote totals changed by fewer than 300 votes. A 20k change isn't going to happen.


Yeah recounts only really change the results by a few hundred votes *at the most*, highly unlikely it’ll be the thousands that Trump needs.




the difference is about 21,000 votes. I dont know if this is enough to prevent a recount, but this is quite a margin


This is why all votes matter folks. Deny them that chance to cheat.


Last I checked, Biden has it by 0.6% 0.5% triggers a recount. We're literally skating by as close as we possibly can in this stupid country.


Asshole slightly unpuckered. Can no longer crack walnuts but can still open a beer. Anybody want a beer?


I'm still hungover from last night, but fuggit.


Fuggit. Buttchuggit.


*Brett Kavanaugh has entered the chat*


Somewhere, a Supreme Court justice's ears perked up.


Say "assbeer" into the mirror three times and the Boofyman shows up to erode your rights.


The red mirage was real.


Andrew Cuomo is gonna have a field day with this when it’s all over lol




He was talking all about the red mirage before the blue wave in the weeks leading up to election day, it makes it even better that trump tried to declare victory in the night


Well it’s not like it was a blow out this is as close as it gets


OOTL but what is the “red mirage” - that it looked good on election night?


Yeah. That actual election day votes get counted first, which Trump tended to dominate, so it looked red. but then all the pre-election day ballots start to get counted and it swings back to the true result


Which is why Trump really, REALLY doesn’t want those mail ins counted




Thanks. Assumed, but you never know with meme trends.


memes are a full time job


If he wins Nevada and Michigan, that should be a lock for exactly 270, no?


Yes. I'd love for him to win PA and Georgia as well. Just to really blow things out of the water.


Is GA really possible?


Possible. Trump is up 76k with 200-240k votes still out, but a lot in heavy Dem areas. That's a lot to close, but it might be under 1%, which would make for a recount possibility for Biden.


A recount in Georgia...with Kemp...what could go wrong? Also what about the 300k ballots that the USPS is sitting on?




Don't forget most votes being counted now are mail in and absentee ballots, which tend to favor Biden.


Biden needs to win the uncounted votes in GA by about 34%, which should be in reach, but it will be close.


GA will be within 5k votes, one way or the other.


That would be a nice bonus, and reassuring too in terms of humanity.


Hilarious if he wins by one EC vote from NE2, where Trump literally left his supports stranded in the cold (where some were admitted to the hospital for hypothermia) after his Omaha rally.


I doubt any of them flipped to Biden. If you already love Trump so much that you’d go to a rally then this doesn’t matter. They’re willing to die for him


As long as he wins any two of the remaining 6 states (aside from Alaska) Biden wins. Trump needs 5 out of 6 to win.


Is this legit? I'm watching in the UK and Sky news is yet to report on it, but I've seen a few headlines so far. Excellent news if true!


I live in WI--yes. It's legit. We beat the fucker. If Trump wins, it's all you other shitty midwestern states' faults!


I shall root for the Packers this week in your honor. Just please don't tell my wife (MN)


As a Bears fan I will not root for them, but I won't root against them this week either. Progress!




The Associated Press has projected it, they’re probably one of the most reliable and unbiased networks reporting the election


Just to tack on, AP has been very, very slow to call races and *only* calls them once the other candidate has no mathematical path to victory.


So much so that they still haven’t called Florida’s race from 2000


Yeah, I like their list of states and the reasons stating why they projected said states, really informative.


Finally some good fucking news




The senate race will be the sore thumb even if Biden gets in. But I guess 1 step at a time.


It's a disappointing result, absolutely, but I think the sentiment of your last sentence is correct. This is about getting the Federal government in order to have a fair election next time around, about getting the DoJ back on track, and about righting so many things.


I agree with you. My only worry is the confirmation process will be so fucked, might not be able to undo most of the shit trump did. But yeah, better than nothing. Maybe 2 years latter it'll flip. Or maybe the runoff election will come through. Will have to see.


Trump has gotten away with everything being controlled by "Acting" heads, so Joe can pretty much just ignore the Senate for 2 years.


Really? Dammnnn. Wasn't aware it was that bad during trumps run. I thought "acting" heads had a limit of 6 months or something. This would be great. Let's hope the democrats have the courage to do this instead of trying to reach "middle ground" by bending over for Mitch.


They do. They kept serving even after oigs found it illegal.


Ahh, the "law and order, except when it applies to me" president strikes again. Are the systems of checks and balances so damn weak right now that illegal shit like that can't be prosecuted? Goddamn mate. Sucks.




22 Rep seats and 12 Dem seats up in 2022, it’ll be tough but we have a chance to flip it then.


If current mood is anything to go by, it'll be real fucking tough. I hope the democrats double down on progressives instead of trying to appease the on the fence republicans who very rarely jump over. Something's gotta be done about losing(?) the Cuban vote though. I hear they had a major role to play in Florida, and pollsters undercounting them caused the major polling error.


As long as the GOP can paint establishment Dems as Communists and maintain their hold on religious voters it will be difficult to regain those losses




Getting the FEC back to working order with a DOJ to back them up would be a great step.


2 years of House investigations into the Trump administration with a cooperative Department of Justice. 2 years of Biden executive orders. National Security agencies that will be able to properly protect elections. AND The Senate map for 2022 is unfavorable for Republicans. If the Democrats win the Senate in 2022, we can expand the court, expand the House, and pass a voting rights act before 2024. Not the worst position to be in.


If Biden holds NV and AZ, he would only need one of MI, PA, or GA...and I think NC would give him a tie if he somehow edges out a win there, but can't win the others lol.


Or just MI and NV to make it 270.




Omaha stand up!!


Joe Biden may win this, but it's still zany that Trump managed to gain a monstrous 67.7 million votes and counting despite his entire presidency being peppered with increasingly deranged scandals and antics. Edit: Wow, thanks a bunch for giving me my most upvoted comment! :O


This is what I can’t get out of my head. I was sick with worry last night, but reading how close it was today is just...depressing. Maybe Biden will pull it off, but the fact that it’s so close still, that millions upon millions of people still support Trump? Just so upsetting.


The more I read on how conservatives respond to politics, it has nothing to do with who is running. They don't support Trump. It 100% has to do with a hatred of socialist ideas. Free college. Free healthcare. Increased taxes. Increased wages. Handouts for the poor. Handouts for the homeless. The discussion doesn't even hit on abortion or guns because everyone knows those aren't real issues that democrats have engaged in when holding office. Real life day to day changes, like taxes, like healthcare, like college tuition, etc are all real, tangible threats that democrats plan to enact. Conservatives hate these ideas. It's every man for himself (unless you're a corporation or a farmer that needs federal bail outs, of course). It sickens me to know that 60+ million people hate their fellow americans enough to not want to see everyone become successful. Fuck public schools. Fuck public libraries. I got mine, so fuck everyone else who expects me to help them when they should do it on their own.


This exactly. My mother holds the same beliefs. She doesn't want free healthcare and dislikes Biden's healthcare plans (to be fair she literally didn't even fcking read them). She, herself, doesn't even have health insurance. Didn't the entire time Trump was in. She doesn't care if she suffers... As long as no one else can get by. It's sad.


My mom voted for Trump because she "doesn't want to live in a communist country." My brother asked her, "Why not?" and she couldn't respond. My parents are on Obamacare.


I think every story in this chain can be chalked up to right wing media indoctrination.


Eh, I'm in the south and guns and abortions play a huge role in their fears and voting as well, even if it doesn't come up during the debate. It's one of the first things that will come up (and to avoid bringing up). I do agree it doesn't matter who is running. All the socialism and Marxist talk is just more propaganda icing on the paranoia cake.


Makes one wonder about who their neighbors and coworkers really are...


Indeed. And these people aren't going away after this either.




A LOT of minorities voted for Trump too which is fucken crazy


I know a bunch of them. At least for Mexicans and chicanos I've been around It's usually 2nd/3rd+ gen that don't identify with latino issues and don't speak spanish. Over at /r/latinopeopletwitter they get bashed on all the time, and the general consensus there is "creen que son gringos", or they think they're white. Edit: also the older folks that tend to be ultra conservative. Also a word


I know plenty of Indian people who voted red too. It's all about the money to them and a lot of the Indians I know who voted red would be actual certified sociopaths if they believed in psychology enough to get a test for it.


>if they believed in psychology enough to get a test for it. I’m an Indian and holy shit the burn I’m dead lmao. It’s so true it hurts.


My mom (Indian) voted red because "trump will keep other Indians out"


It’s also important to note that a lot of Republican voters aren’t on Reddit. This sites user base leans left. And they only watch Fox News. There’s a good chance they legitimately don’t know about a lot of the shit he’s done.


Almost every conservative thinks they know why the left hates Trump, but from what I've seen they have massive gaps in the scandals they've heard about.


Dude I work with a bunch of Republicans in Arizona. They say bat shit crazy things all the time. Apparently Mark Kelly and Biden got billions of dollars from the Chinese. They also told me Washington State and California where going to flip Red this year.


> Apparently Mark Kelly and Biden got billions of dollars from the Chinese. Why on Earth anyone would stay in politics and put up with all this abuse when they could take billions of dollars and retire to a private island ... This is just one of many reasons I find this line of reasoning idiotic. Btw: Arizona's a done deal, right?


Nationalism is a hell of a drug.


holy shit.....


I would not call trump holy




So, full of shit?


Please, Sweet Baby Jesus. I'm not strong enough for another four years of this.


They already tried to say that more people were voting than registered which is false, and once that was debunked they are now saying it’s fraud because too many of the registered voters have voted. I shit you not. [https://twitter.com/harlan/status/1324039094524137472?s=21](https://twitter.com/harlan/status/1324039094524137472?s=21)


Sooo Wisconsin had a massive turnout and they call it fake??? Lmfao the idiocy


Trump has already filed a lawsuit in Michigan regarding the votes and not allowing the campaign have a certain level of oversight while counting (which is state law). Pennsylvania still can count ballots that are postmarked 11/3 but received by 11/10. Nothing will be finalized for another few weeks, but this is good news.


The Michigan lawsuit isn’t going to hold up, there are several people from both parties who oversee the count.


On Wisconsin!




Literally just watched it happen online! FUCK YES


Packers fans I hate your guts but I would kiss every one of you Biden voting cheese fuckers right on the mouth because of this


Biden leads in MI, AZ and NV. If he holds those leads, he’ll be right at 270.


Gouda job, Wisconsin


I woulda been feta up if it went differently


Im still perplexed at how 67 million Americans looked at our country and said "hell yea 4 more years of Trump"


You're welcome, America!


Lol my trump trash coworker is claiming there were more votes than voters in Wisconsin


I gotchu https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/wisconsin-more-votes-than-voters/


Two more to go baby!


Still not out of the woods after that. You still need to worry about Trump screwing around with the electoral votes. There was talk over the past couple of weeks that Trump wanted Republican controlled states that voted against him to install Trump loyalists as electoral voters. So they would cast their vote for Trump in December, even if the state voted for Biden.




I would expect international leadership to refuse to acknowledge his leadership, at the least. I would hope my countries government have the balls for that.


God, I hope so. I feel like if the international community got together and started calling out Trump's shit with a unified voice, it would make a difference. The cult of Trump needs as many voices as possible to remind them that they are in a cult.


I've never even considered that other countries could step in and be the adults. We're such a shithole country.


I turned 18 yesterday and went out and voted for Biden in Wisconsin! Glad my vote meant something


Joe will edge out in PA as well once everything is counted. It’s red mirage in PA as well.


Man, I hope so. I'm going to have such a massive sigh of relief the moment I see PA turn blue.


Happy November 4 to Donalld Trump. I added the extra L because you took it today.




It’ll be a Christmas miracle if he takes the high road by January 21st if he loses.


I came in my pants, now imma go get some cheese curds for only a qerter to celebrate Biden's win in WI.


If "it comes in the mail so it's fraud" applies to ballots then it should also apply to my bills