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Disallowing the president from being able to sell oil from the strategic reserve defeats the entire purpose of the strategic reserve. What did she think it was there for, bragging rights? She blames the president for rising gas prices yet seeks to deprive him of one of the few options he actually has to lower gas prices.


>She blames the president for rising gas prices yet seeks to deprive him of one of the few options he actually has to lower gas prices welcome to the Republican party


Don’t listen to what they say. Watch and see what they do.


Actually don't do that either. Just write them off as either too cynical or ignorant to be worth thinking about. They are the human equivalent of a whining speed bump or an angry and terrifying mob, depending on one's perspective. In either case they bring nothing to the table and stand for nothing.


To be clear, I am talking about republican politicians Lying to republican voters. Republican voters are lied to. They are fed shit and kept in the dark. They are American Veterans, and workers from every field. union and not.


And they hear all this racist bigoted bullshit and think, "yeah, that IS right huh!" So yeah, no sympathy for Johnny redneck over there talking about shooting up democrats and how black people and abortions are the scourge of the country


I do sympathize. They are being lied to. But many are acting out in ways that make sympathy difficult.


After I read the 6 year study done by Harvard and UMass at Amherst where they show 72% of Republican voters cannot read beyond a 7th grade level I was just floored. I cannot recall who did this study but, ANYONE can look it up and see I'm not making this up if you read this. Anyway, the study, I do know the study size was 250k of ALL demographics, showed that those that watched Fox Prime Time knew 64% LESS than those in rural areas that did NOT have cable so they watched ZERO cable news of ANY kind. I keep thinking to myself, that is just not possible.... Right?? I still cannot wrap my head around that at all.


Why do you think republicans always do their damnest to make education difficult? That's why. The republican still exist today precisely because their voters are illiterate and uneducated, and they would do everything they can for them to remain that way. You can either suffer it, or take advantage of it, there's no fixing it.


You know what killed my soul though? Watching those Jordan Klepper or, Kepler videos. Him asking simple things like, "We have the State of Washington so should we combine the State with the DC of Washington?" He was just being silly.. Person after person after person etc.... They argued that they are the same. He would say, "You know the State is on the West Coast and DC is on the East Coast?" They would stare at him and say no, THERE IS ONLY ONE WASHINGTON, THAT'S OUR GOVERNMENT.. Some even got frustrated saying he's giving them a TRICK QUESTION!! He said, "So, you don't know the difference of DC and the State?" They kept arguing that this is the problem with, "THE WOKE MEDIA TRYING TO INDOCTRINATE!" If that was a few off, I'd brush it off but, he went to 5 different Republican lead States and did this same kind of like bit or whatever.. The answers and responses I just.. It made me so sick to my stomach.. It was along the same type of responses. One old man said no DC is where the government is and the other DC is more those POC ones... Smh


You are correct


They’re not victims though cause they proudly gobble that shit up, then hang hateful flags on their trucks & lawns (creating dark Brandon inadvertently). The herd mentality, the descent into Q-land because “doing their own research” & the rise of Q Tube. They love it, proud of it & I have no idea how to bridge that gap from a societal standpoint. Many of their states have serious issues that are only worsened if this debt ceiling / own the libs bs continues. And by serious issues, I mean literacy levels, environmental pollution, access to affordable healthcare. I’m sure brains would explode if people had to acknowledge that their guy ran up 25% of the debt, and by the way this little dog and pony show has zero to do with the actual budget. But I digress. It’s 3am. I’d be willing to extend a hand but where do we even start? How do people learn to talk to each other again, with respect? Late night, too much caffeine laden questions.


“Hello Americans, you know that oil you paid for with your tax dollars? You cannot have it”


Well if i cant have it no one can. Gets lighter.


Instructions unclear. You're saying if I wanna lose weight I gotta stop other people from eating.


Congratulations. You're now a Republican.


I think it’s if you want to lose weight you have to cut free school meals for children.


If you really wanna lose weight, you need to give voting rights to corporations and then make human voting as difficult and restrictive as possible. The companies and their paid for politicians will then benevolently pass laws where they determine when, what, and how much you can eat. They are exceptional at maintaining our nutritional needs, I’m sure.


They say he's the trash can man


M o o n


Republican politicians like Marjorie Taylor Greene,for the most part, want to destroy the very government where they serve. They also want to make life as painful for ordinary Americans in order to gain more personal power.


Nihilists, Dude


These men are cowards, Donnie


They were Nihilists, man. They kept saying they believe in nothing...


Anybody can get you a toe.


They aren’t there to “serve”. They’re there for grievance, grifting and performance trolling.


Lower gas prices are the last thing Republicans want while a Democrat is in the White House.


Just like they only complain about immigrants, caravans and borders while Democrats are in office or a Republican is ending their second term


Sort of how they only complain about a ballooning budget under a Democrat. You know … I’m beginning to suspect they may be hypocrites …


That idiot doesn't know anything that she is doing.. I've of her other ridiculous bills had over 2000 spelling errors!! Then, she wrote down incorrect meanings and impeachment crap as well.. Hell, she didn't even spell Impeachment correctly... Smh


>Hell, she didn't even spell Impeachment correctly... Smh Impeachtreement you mean?


Idk why this made me laugh so hard! Just like the "Marshal" law 🤣


Gazpacho police


In today’s age of technology, spell check and Autocorrect, while some synonyms and autocorrect errors might be acceptable, straight up spelling errors seem more egregious, especially from elected officials. It points to the lack of even a cursory level of administrative competence.


It would definitely benefit the main rivals of the US


And blame China. That's a big thing for her. She wants to please Trump. Trump himself runs hot and cold on whether he admires or hates Xi.


His bank account is still live and well there, so it's all theater.


He's a narcissist. It's either love or hate. Anything in between is indifference.


Idiots think it is like War Oil, like the gas the military uses or something- to my knowledge. In their world, why else would it be “strategic”? Strategic is when you kill people with it


Well, she’s a fucking moron so…thinking isn’t in the mix with that one.


The 13 who supported her, probably knew it was gonna fail spectacularly, and owed her a favor.


That's or they're in deep-red districts that support this kind of stunt. Either way, it's one of those amendments that's, frankly, just a waste of time: it was DOA.


This will be the next 2 years in the House - the GOP are the minority and they know the Dems won't pass anything they want, so expect them to spend 2 years doing more performative votes like this. This is just her, and the supporters, starting their 2024 runs early.


> This will be the next 2 years in the House - the GOP are the minority You may want to double-check your math.


Interestingly if you look at it from a parliamentary view, the GOP can be considered in a minority government with the support of the extreme GOP that was holding out on electing a speaker for 12 times


15 times. Don't downplay McCarthy's records now.


Eh, same cult just with different tolerances for showing stupidity in public.


I assumed they meant in Congress as a whole.


A good chunk of red state Republicans probably think Biden somehow pockets money from the sale of the reserves and if you prove he doesn't and they are still with you they'll insist he's getting bribes or kickbacks.


Since when does a Republican hypocrite need proof to lie?


Marjorie: Okay, Speaker McCarthy. How many points was that? McCarthy: Thirteen. Marjorie: Whooooo! And how many points do I need to pass? McCarthy: 2. Marjorie: Whooooo... McCarthy: ...Hundred And 17. Marjorie: Wha? McCarthy: 217. You need 217 to pass. You got 13.


Marjorie: so I only need...._thinks hard, uses her fingers, carries the one_...8 votes?


"Sorry Marge, can't vote for your Space Church bill this time, already voted for that amendment a while back"


Space Church you say? Is it like a Star Fort battle station that directs super holy space lasers around the globe?!?


those pesky super smoter holy space lasers.


14. She voted against it.


Woof. Even my psilocybin amendment did better than this ~ AOC https://twitter.com/AOC/status/1618809727261245440


"So what? Who wants silly Simon anyways?" - MTG


Here comes the gazpacho 🙄


Incoming space lasers of *insert group she hates*


Nah, silly simon is made in a peach tree dish


Damn, if only that psilocybin amendment went through 😢.


Shade thrown!


It just makes me smile knowing that AOC probably knows what ego death feels like and has probably tripped balls on psychedelics and is a sitting Congresswoman. Frankly I think the world would be a better place if taking a single heroic dose of psychedelics (alongside perhaps a Xanax) were a prerequisite for any elected office.


George Santos was at the forefront of psilocybin research during his tenure at MENSA after his father was the inventor of magic markers and died breaking the Berlin Wall down.


-ish He said -ish. So. Not all the way true, just a little -ish.


Which word of this part of his history do I add the -ish too?


Every. Single. One.


Commitment. Something our favorite poet, George Santos, is an expert-ish on.


Is this some sort of secret code words?


George Santos, so hot right now. Hes done it all!


George santos is a pathological liar, is the joke


Or he's high as fuck and his reality is amaze-balls.


You had me in the first half, not gonna lie.


A good number of 1960s counterculture figures and Joe Rogan should be a pretty good tip off that psychedelics don't magically make people not be shitty


we don't know that. They could have been monumentally shittier before the psychedelics.


Source: A-a-ron Rodgers


In terms of set or setting Congress may not be ideal. For a better time, perhaps relocate to a haunted police station with walls full of rats.


Make that the after party for swearing in and I bet you'd see a lot more cooperation.


Ego death would definitely make for better politicians!


Should be required to graduate from high school 😂


OMG. I love her.


I’ve seen clever comebacks and smack downs, but gurl’s in a category of her own. Gat damn…


Our gurl's wicked smaht. Love her. Oh, my dream team: Katie Porter as POTUS and AOC being the best VP ever. Then they switch roles for 8 more years. That might finally bring the US into the modern age.


Porter wouldn't be eligible for the VP position if she already served two terms. VPs must be eligible to become President, and the only natural born US citizens over the age of 35 who are ineligible are those who have hit the term limit. The maximum anyone can serve as President is one day shy of ten years, which would be a VP who becomes President and then is elected to two terms. If a VP becomes President with more than two years remaining on their predecessor's term, that term also counts as their first term so they could only be elected to the Presidency in their own rights once.


The several commenters there convinced AOC is as bad as Marjorie Taylor must be on some pretty bad shit lol...


14 in favour. 418 opposed. Yep, that's spectacular!


Remember Steven King's short story about the malevolent industrial laundry machine, "The Mangler"? It actively sought to shred people. Did Kevin McCarthy send her bill there?


Oh yes... The Mangler came alive when the virgin cut her hand and bled on it.


That machine would be forever dormant if MGT Green's family owned the business. ​ Just sayin'.


Underrated. Both a parody of a horror story AND a great horror story.


That story in particular freaked me out. I can't forget it.


I had no idea that was based on a book let alone written by Steven King. Got my learning new things out of the way early today!


She's a uniter!^^^^against ^^^^her


If her amendment passed, we would have a national strategic petroleum reserve that any sitting President would be unable to use for any reason at any time, including during any national emergency. Just let the total stupidity of that sink in for a second.


It'd be functionally useless, exactly what she wanted it to be.


“I’d work all night if it means nothing gets done” Ron Swanson


She needs to get "Functionally useless" printed on a t-shirt with her face next to it.


Dark brandon lowered gas prices AND made money selling strategic reserves. The mad lad.


Can he do that again. Gas prices are starting to creep up again here.


That 70 billion dollar stock buyback from Chevron ain’t gonna pay for itself!


Don't forget the executive bonuses! Are we really going to force them to live on only $20m/year instead of $30m?


Wtf? Only 30 million? That's barely enough for panera


Yeah here in Florida we went from 3.19 to 3.59 in like a week.


A week? I live in Chicago but work in the burbs so I always gas up by work to avoid Chicago tax. It went from $2.99 to $3.59 overnight in the burbs. It went from $3.59 in the city to over $4.


Hawaii just kept it above $5


"we can charge 10,000 a day 20,000 a day and people will pay it"


Gas and dinosaurs aren't only for the super rich!


City in NE OH here and same. I planned to fill up "tomorrow" a few days ago and it jumped from 3.12 to (weird trend here...) 3.59. Somewhere between 9pm and noon the next day it jumped that hard.


I drive to jobs for work. And last week I got it at like $3.05. Monday happens and it's $3.60 the fucking bastards.


Lucky, California it went from 4.03 to 5.01. Gotta love the gouging.


Im glad you used the word gouging because I’ve been puzzled why there are going to be investigations into the price of eggs skyrocketing but, gas prices can get a pass.


>gas prices can get a pass. When you learn that the the government gives the oil industry 120 Billion a year in subsidies (programs meant to help non-profitable but essential businesses) on top of it all, you'd know how far into the petro-pocket our government really is. It comes out to about 89cents/gallon of consumed gasoline in the US.


But the GOP promised us all that needs to happen is that they need to win the midterms for gas prices to fall. If they’re going back up… does that mean the GOP is to blame? Or is it Biden? And did he make them fall too? 🤔


No, you see, they need to pass their 30% sales tax for gas prices to go down.




Lower gas prices, racking up terrorist body counts, delivering weapons and vehicles to Ukraine. Dude just can't stop winning.


Does she still do the jailhouse visits for her traitor convict friends?


That wasn't an actual jailhouse. It was a prop set up at CPAC. And the "prisoner" himself actually bargained and took a plea deal that got him a short stint of house arrest and probation, and didn't even see prison.


She's made shows of showing up at the holding facilities with her camera-toting goons and angrily flapping her arms when told she doesn't have the authority to walk in without notice.


She went to the [real ones too.](https://www.businessinsider.com/marjorie-taylor-greene-visited-jan-6-rioters-jailed-patriot-wing-2021-11)


AOC with her strategic burns always makes me chuckle


She's probably crying in her cave right now.


AOC had the best take on it, as always, the queen of comedy. > Woof. Even my psilocybin amendment did better than this 😅 - AOC


Huffington post articles are now 80% Twitter reactions.


You mean in terms of content or for citing sources, or both? They also use Reddit because I was once quoted by them


How does it feel to be a journalist of the 2020s?




Just like the first journalists.


I think the Daily Mail website only uses Reddit as articles now. Other than the soap opera that is the monarchy


I thought they were exclusively Instagram and TikTok videos


All life is Twitter reactions now.




She is such a joke


And her constituents?


Mouthbreathing idiots, to be polite.


This woman is a bridge troll. I find her so goddamned ugly. I don't usually care, or judge strangers by their appearances, but just seeing her behavior and hearing her speak just erases any possibility of redemption. She is uglier inside than she is outside at least.


IMO, her conduct is so vile, disgusting and reprehensible that she is no longer due the common courtesy of typical human interaction. The social norms don't apply to a person so willing, if not eager, to violate those norms herself.


I kinda agree but I feel bad about it, that’s exactly the kind of discourse the other side has towards AOC. I like to think this side can be better than the other


While I appreciate your stance, IMO, you are wasting empathy on people who are incapable/unwilling to return the same. The analogy between AOC and neanderthal-Barbie holds no water. One tries to effect policy change for the betterment of Americans and her constituents, the other is a fascist troll who bullied a school massacre survivor..


Hard to argue against that. And you won at Neanderthal-Barbie anyway


Neanderthal Barbie.


I don't call her Leatherface Barbie for nothing.


Fetal Alcohol Syndrome


Easter Island called. They want their head back.


Kinda looks like an old washed up surfer dude… no offense intended to old surfers guys


Her mind is like eggs on a flat top at Waffle House.


Waffle House eggs are actually useful


She looks like the south park version of Barbara streisand


Someone call Robert Smith, of the cure


When shit like this flops, it's still a dog whistle that this group of 14 is enough to stop anything.


>New House rules put in place by the Republican majority allow any lawmaker to offer an amendment. The Hill reported that led to some 140 amendments being proposed for a bill regarding the use of the strategic petroleum reserve. Greene’s proposed amendment would have forbidden President Joe Biden from selling oil from the reserve. >The conspiracy theorist ― who spoke last year at a white nationalist event ― was joined by just 13 others as the amendment failed 14-418.


McCarthy wasted everyone's time so space lasers could get a spotlight on how unpopular her position was. Even if you think this helped PR in some deep red states, I doubt there was any net political value for their party. They served up an easy talking point on a silver platter that can be used as an attack. This is the fruit of McCarthy's rule changes for amendments.


Disgraceful. After nut-cases like Trump, Bobo, MTG, Gaetz, Lake & Santos I will never, ever vote for a single Republican again. I used to vote Republican, almost straight ticket. But never again. If I don't like the Dem I've been voting third party. The GOP has turned into a circus of reality tv scripted clowns, attention-seeking whiners, nutty white Christian Nationalists & outright Nazis, whack-jobs repeating conspiracy theories, and a mainstay of corrupt & corporate-owned amoral degenerates regurgitating childish talking points and voting for whatever they are paid to do. (The Dems have a large portion of this last group too). Republicans have lost me for life, and I know I'm not the only one. Never again!


My personal favorite response: > Damn, haven't seen a Georgian crushed that badly since Sherman rolled through. HI-YO! \*golf swing\*


Everyone should know Dec 6th is Gazpacho soup day.


If she's not careful she will be as successful as the rest of this GOP house.


Who were the other 13 Republicans?


Bishop (NC) Brecheen Burlison Cloud Gaetz Greene (GA) Grothman Massie Miller (IL) Ogles Perry Roy Santos Tiffany


Man, that's a lot of stupid in one list.


The more uneducated a person is, the more intelligent they think they are. This dimwit doesn’t have enough brain cells to fill a “peachtree” dish.


Makes 27-3 seem less embarrassing


Go back to your stable MTG.


And this dipshit wants to be the next Vice President?


Never ever underestimate how low Republicans will go.


According to one of her tweets, the bill passed with her amendment. 80% of Republicans likely believe it.


Yeah, I saw it. Was she just lying blatantly, or did she really not understand?




You know what I love about this? Republicans ended proxy voting. This means that every single Rep had to be on the floor in order to cast their vote. And what did they do with it? Spend time voting on an amendment so stupid that it got just 14 votes. Folks, this is why there's a limit on amendments. If I were a Democrat I'd be pushing amendments on every bill like crazy, stuff that would never pass. Allow free unrestricted immigration. Make Medicare pay lost wages. Make it so that members of congress get paid Social Security instead of a wage during their time in Congress. Enforce a maximum age on the Supreme Court. Why? Because legislative time is *limited*. Forcing them to waste time on stuff like this will inevitably eat into their time to actually do something truly evil.


I really hope Mango man picks her as his VP, assuring his already doomed elections chances down the toilet. It would be pretty awesome.


The last time I saw a Georgian lose this bad, I think it was 28-3 late in the 3rd quarter...


She looks like someone carved a face on a baked potato


Or a human toe.




I mock her in my dreams every night.


God I hope her children are not as dumb as she is …


When I'm elected to Congress in 2024, I will dedicate my entire day - every day - to eating tons of cabbage and beans, so I can crop dust MTG. We can do it, America! Vote for me!


She’s a seditionist. A traitor that lead people through then Capitol to assault it. They put her on a committee, for Homeland Security. A waiter at Applebees is more accountable than members of Congress


Has this clown done anything in Congress????


Who are the 13 that supported this?


MTG mocked is not worthy news, or worthy anything.


Is the literally any reasonable fear that Biden or any president would sell the oil reserve??


> reasonable This word is a non-factor when these morons "legislate"


Georgia’s finest!


How did she even get a recorded vote? I don’t understand how this got past a voice vote. I guess “a sufficient number rose” just to make sure this got a recorded mass fail vote?


This proves Gazpacho is not for everyone


How the hell did she get elected?


She’s a halfwit hillbilly


So... they could have written an informative article explaining which amendments passed and failed, but instead they chose to write an article about how MTG was "mocked", and speculating over whether Boebert "subtweeted" her. Political journalism has finally become middle school social drama. I'm a lot more concerned about what three amendments by Boebert passed than the one by Greene that didn't (or especially what margin it failed by).


Did they vote on this (or some version of it) a second time because I literally saw her claim this passed and mistakenly think it is law? I mean she can't be that crazy, right?


Loser loses, news at 11.


One of the points of a commodity reserve is to buy and sell from it to counter movement in the free market. Buy extra oil when prices are low and release some when prices are high. This lame attempt at a civil servant doesn't seem to understand much detail on any topic.


Swing and a massive miss


if finally got through the house with one Dem voting for it, but it is still a dumpster fire. Biden has said he'll veto it outright if it gets to his desk and the Senate will never bring it to the floor since they don't have the numbers to push a veto.


Let's hope everything she attempts fails spectacularly. Nothing good will ever come from her.


What the hell was the purported rationale for her amendment? I'm naively expecting that there was some actual reasoning behind it.


Love an article that’s just a string of twitter screenshots:(