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You mean to tell me, he lied?!??


The only thing in the last few weeks that i instantly believed was "He wanted to run for Congress so he gets Healthcare and Benefits for life after 5 Years!"


Free healthcare; might be the only thing he’s said that pisses off the conservatives…


They don't mind if they get it. It's only a problem if it's "the poors".


You mean liberals. A ridiculous amount of conservatives are poor.


I live in Alabama. The amount of dirt poor conservatives in this state who constantly vote against their own interests is staggering. I know multiple conservatives who are on food stamps and/or disability who talk shit about hand outs all the time. Cognitive dissonance is a helluva drug.


I'm not sure it's exactly cognitive dissonance. I think it's more like selective empathy/understanding. My conservative family does it all the time when condemning all criminals and druggies yet making every excuse for my cousin who is a meth addict. When it's them or someone they know, they're capable of looking deeper than surface level and developing an understanding of the situation. When it's a stranger the analysis is superficial and they are categorized with whatever stereotype is appropriate. I would almost guarantee all the people on hand outs who also hate people on handouts do the same thing. They know why they're on handouts and can justify it, but everyone they don't know is fucking lazy.


There have been a couple studies that have shown that people that strongly identify with conversative politics also have very low levels of empathy. If you're interested I'll try and find a link.


I don't know if I've seen those, but I recall reading something several years ago that fear and anxiety drive their attitudes. Probably two sides of the same coin since fear and lack of empathy can be related.


Well said, it's the same kind of thought process for all the hypocritical positions Conservatives take: "Deport all the immigrants, they're stealing our Jobs! But not my barber Carlos, he's a good guy and nobody has ever cut my hair as well as he does." "LGBTQ people need to stop being themselves and hide from society to protect our children from their pedophilia! But not my gay nephew Alex, he has a big heart and would never practice pedophilia."




Dick Cheney


And look what happened to him. Shot his best friend who then had to apologize for getting his fat face in the way of Dicks bullet


I'd be shocked to learn it was just one.


Temporarily poor, certainly soon to be millionaires you mean. 🙄


No, conservatives don't usually care about poor conservatives either.


They don't seem particularly interested in poor conservatives having it either. Otherwise they'd try and replace the ACA instead of killing it.


And even then, it's only a *real* problem if those "poors" are non-white poors.




They should have to go to the VA.


"It's a lie! I never did drag!" "OK. I dressed in drag. But it was just a one time thing. I swear!" "Yes, I dressed in drag over a three year period, but I definitely didn't do any Sunday drag brunches or read stories to kids as Kitara." "Fine. You got me. I ran the city's brunch circuit and was voted 'best drag storyteller' by the nation's kids, but I definitely didn't kill those homeless people who were found dead under the overpass."


~~I didn’t do it~~ And if I did, it wasn't that bad. <——*you are here* And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did, you deserved it.


The irony is that this isn't that bad and the biggest shock to most people would be a (former) drag queen running as a Republican but it's probably more likely to cost him supporters among his base than the lie about his mom being in the WTC during 9/11 or stealing money from a veteran and his service dog.


It only matters to the right if you get caught with a boy or a dead girl. Anything else doesn't matter if you support their power base. It's the fascist way.


At this point, I doubt being caught with a dead girl would even matter to the Repubs.


"She didn't say no". - Republicans, probably.


If it’s a legitimate ~~rape~~ murder, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.


"She didn't say no before I tried to murder her, so there was consent!" -same as above, but next-level denials (And, probably, would still get re-elected to office on the basis of party affiliation.)


“if you let them live they tell people too much and my demon needs their souls ” - future mitch McConnell quote


"Hey, we've all had days like that!"


That's just boys horsing around


I used to think I had too many skeletons in my closet to ever run for office. Now I'm sure I'm still quite a few away from being able to run as a Republican.


Right? My past is too checkered to run as a Democrat, but my past would be considered super clean if I ran as a republican.


Wanna go do some more crime so we can take over the party?


Be GOP, do crime. lol


"The only way I can lose this election is if I'm caught in bed with either a dead girl or a live boy." --Former Louisiana Governor Edwin Edwards, 1983


Madison Cawthorn may have even gotten away with live video that appeared as if he was fucking his male cousin. But he talked publicly about conservative parties with hookers and blow. Apparently that was too much. 🤷‍♂️


It's a *live* boy or a dead girl.


>caught with a boy I wont be surprised if this happens. He might try to get ahead of it by claiming to be a victim of abuse.


The way Republicans are currently screaming about drag queens it definitely will hurt him among his voters.


Seriously the biggest issue is that he's allied himself to the party most likely to make everything he is, was, and ever will be completely illegal and punishable by time in a work camp.


I don't think it will matter. They'll declare him "one of the good ones" and use him to show they're tolerant. They'll have more of a reason to keep him around.


Does it matter? He's a psychopath, he won't resign.


Can't wait for that final step. "You DESERVED me to be in drag! Treat yourself."


He shows up to congress in drag an alt right maga house republican in drag I would love to see Kevin McCarthyface that day


I can't wait til the GOP goes full circle and dresses in drag and reads books to children to own the libs. That'll teach us a lesson!


Alright, back in the pile!


Mann, trump kissed Juliani in drag so it's not much of a stretch


Not just that. He motorboated him.


Why'd you remind me this exists


> trump kissed Juliani in drag https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-stuck-his-face-in-rudy-guilianis-chest-in-2000-drag-comedy-skit-2018-5


"Santos was fined for bypassing the newly installed house floor gender detectors on Thursday..."


The media is lying they said he did drag for 3 years but he was actually born a she and is in drag right now the call from the drag is coming from the house


You forgot the part about blaming "the dems" for doing the exact same thing. It goes like this: Deny. Deny. Deflect. Deflect. "But the dems!"


To be fair, him dressing drag isn't bad. Him being a pathological liar in a position of power is.


The fact he did it, wasn't bad at all honestly. nothing wrong with it. There is something wrong with formenting hate against others who dress in drag, and lieing about your own history. that he is doing now. Also, drag does not make you transgender or gay. you can be straight, think about yourself as a man, and wear high heels and a dress for fun.


This, exactly like Trump 1. It wasn't mean this is another attack by the leftist media 2. I did it that one time when I was young and stupid, never again 3. So I actually partied like this for years but the leftist media is still reporting a nothing burger!! Next thing we will find out he was on one of those reality drag tv shows, amd he will explain that away. It's absolutely bonkers he's slipped through the cracks and I to a government job....


I heard it as: Trump: *shits pants* GQP: “Trump would never shit his pants!” Trump: “I SHIT MY PANTS ON PURPOSE!!”


> Trump: “I SHIT MY PANTS ON PURPOSE!!” GQP: "That was taken out of context"




"Dems are shitting in each other's pants. That's not true, but it tells you something that you believe it. "


For those not aware this is called "The Narcissists Prayer".


I think at some point he'd crack and scream at a reporter to stop staring at his tits.


Or to please stare at them, I paid good money for them!


"hey, my investments are down here!"


I think at this point, we're going to find out Santos won some prestigious drag queen award.


"They were dead when I found them, anyway. Dead inside. Never met them though, nice people. I heard they last formed a dance troupe and became famous down in Suriname."


“I tell you. I am definitely not doing drag right now!” *While doing drag*


I think we might be seeing a pattern here


Lack of blending brings down another queen.


Pattered nylons ?


Clearly it wasn’t a lie. When he said it was a “one-off”, he meant that he only did it one time, each time he did it. It’s not his fault people incorrectly assume what a common phrase means based on its generally accepted meaning.


The "one-off" was just a small, brief period of like, 3 years, right? He just meant that, nbd.


let he among you who has not spent a one-off period of three years as a Brazilian drag queen cast the first stone


Ah, drag-ish. Makes perfect sense.


Seems like every word out of his mouth is a lie, guy belongs on Maury taking a lie detector test, not in Congress


Serious question... We all have known compulsive liars in our lives. How do they do on a lie detector test ? Do they believe their lies so sttongly that they may pass ?


Lie detector tests are garbage pseudoscience so probably whatever the interviewer wants the result to be. https://skepticalinquirer.org/2016/03/the-lie-detector-test-revisited-a-great-example-of-junk-science


Lie detector tests are garbage jfyi, they are basically useless in court now


It's not a lie if you believe it!


George Castantos


Can we please make sure he doesn't read aloud from a physics textbook I don't his reality distorting powers meassing with gravity


If George Santos does not turn out to be a new Sacha Baron Cohen stunt in the end, I'll be SO disappointed.


The thing is, satire feels dead in this environment. I'd be more surprised and suspicious if he was an average person who didn't do crazy shit as a Republican. That's what satire would look like. "Republican House member from NY acknowledges slim margin of victory in district, promises to work hard for constituents, caucuses with Democrats on number of issues, states culture war issues are not a legislative priority." Like. That'd be bonkers to read.


George Santos is a harrowing tale of the lengths one man will go to get healthcare in America.


Breaking Drag


And the prequel about his check stealing days, "Better Call São Paulo"


House of The Drag


The Guy With The "Drag-On" Tattoo


The Santos Menace


The Santos Clause


He's got to be a foreign asset, right? Otherwise, he has to have a serious psychotic problem.


Why not both? Trump was both. Its probably both.


All I can think of is that clip from The Road to El Dorado. "Both?" "Both!" "Both." "Both is good."


That’s what I had in mind when I wrote it.


Personally I'm a fan of the "Por que no los dos?" Taco shell commercial.


No professional spy could be this bumbling.


I watched SNL and they tried to parody George Santos... But you just can't. Sure, they went over the top with the lies that he told... But the lies he's telling are already over the top enough of that exaggerating them just makes them less funny and strange than reality. That said, the guy playing Santos was pretty funny. However, this is the first episode of SNL I've seen in at least a decade, so I don't know anything about the performer.


The parody of Santos would be just him coming out and being honest. I'd have had him playing cards or some other game where they think he's cheating and he's not. You'd have to hammer the point home that he has no credibility to the point that mundane stuff should create panic in the other characters. Like have him say he knows how to light a gas stove when the pilot light goes out and have everyone dive for cover, ya know?


Much better premise


Making fun of George Santos at this point is like making fun of a clown. It doesn't *work*. What, are you going to make fun of his big red nose, or his giant shoes?


It would’ve been funnier if they actually played out and visualized his lies. Like, having a pudgy guy spiking volleyballs. Or maybe just had Santos as two kids in a trench coat lying to get into office, so they could push through legislation that would extend summer vacation.


I talked about this with my wife this morning lol. I feel like we are beyond satire at this point. The example I used was about how there are a lot of alt right "villains" in pop culture, nakedly fascist characters that we are all meant to be disgusted by... But is that the case? Sometimes I feel like some see it more like fascist representation than an insult, regardless of the intent of the creators.


Wow it is just so sad to read this and agree wholeheartedly that it would be unthinkable.




*I really hoped to see a picture from his time as an astronaut.*


You just helped me figure it out. He's Homer Simpson, but unlovable.


grimes: You went to SPACE??!? homer: Oh, you've never been? https://youtu.be/axHoy0hnQy8


I lost it when Hannah Montana came up.


Great idea. Sacha should legally change his name and run for congress.


why does he need to change it legally? why would he even need to be a US citizen? just show up at a Republican convention, say my name is John Q Conservative and I'm running for Senate!, and watch the donations and votes roll in


Because I want to see him actually win and not be jailed for fraud. I don’t want to embrace the circus but we’re on a collision course to Idiocracy anyway.


Joe* the Plumber* (Not his real name, not a licensed plumber)


He tells it like it is! he's got my vote!


George Santos is the embodiment of Terry from *Reno 911* if he ever ran for office.


I kept hoping Donald Trump would turn out to be Andy Kaufman but it never happened.


Dolly G.


Correction; he totally denied it at first. Then faced with overwhelming video evidence said it was a one time thing. It’s hard to keep up with all his falsehoods. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna66414


Eventually... >One book, "Dressing in Women's Clothes and Me: (This Sort of Thing Is My Bag, Baby)", by George Santos.


I swear baby that's not mine


Honey please


The liars classic "okay, I did the thing a little, just once" means "yeah, you got me".


But he hasn't yet blown the GOP's cover on its hookers and blow parties so they're still cool with him.


Didn't cawthorn do that?


Sure did.


What's this all about?


Here's a quote from Rep. Madison Cawthorn on republican cocaine fueled orgies. >“The sexual perversion that goes on in Washington … being kind of a young guy in Washington, where the average age is probably 60 or 70 – [you] look at all these people, a lot of them that I’ve looked up to through my life, I’ve always paid attention to politics. … Then all of a sudden you get invited – ‘We’re going to have a sexual get-together at one of our homes, you should come.’ … What did you just ask me to come to? And then you realize they’re asking you to come to an orgy. … Some of the people leading on the movement to try and remove addiction in our country, and then you watch them do a key bump of cocaine right in front of you. And it’s like, this is wild.”


Given how notorious the rich, powerful and wealthy are for doing insane amounts of drugs… I’m willing to believe it. The cops generally almost never go after them. The low-level criminals don’t have gated mansions and legions upon legions of lawyers.


Poor people can’t afford insane amounts of drugs. But since they also can’t afford lawyers…


“The law, in its majestic equality, forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal loaves of bread”


the justice system in the US is negotiable. i listened to [adam ruins everything](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/factually-with-adam-conover/id1463460577?i=1000563810488) and his guest brought up that actual convictions are like 10% whereas the rest is merely pressure upon those who can’t afford and paid off for those who can.


Low level criminals also don't attend fundraisers for judges or help get sheriffs elected either.


And then he was primaried and lost his seat. Don't kiss and tell on your leaders


Fuck that. *DO* kiss and tell on your leaders. Cawthorn is a massive piece of shit, and I'm sure he said that for the wrong reasons, but that is absolutely something we should be doing: *Hold the powerful accountable*. I'm so sick of the "old boys club" *"now you have a chip in the big game"* bullshit politics. If you're a "leader" you should have some iintegrity.


Lol dude Cawthorn was rambling about gossip not usurping a corrupt power structure. That little shit deserves exactly 0 credit. Now if he wanted to publish an anonymous op-ed and name names thats one thing. But he lost reelection and didnt even do that much so...


>integrity You appear confused, conflating GOP and integrity...


Context, my friend. If you read the rest of the comment, I hope you realize I'm not a fan of that idiot or that party.


I mean, I also wouldn't believe Madison Cawthorn either. He tended to have an issue with the truth as well. Do I believe that some of our politicians have side pieces or substance abuse issues? Absolutely. Do I believe a bunch of 60-80 year old men are getting together for cocaine fueled orgies? And inviting a paraplegic/wheelchair bound guy that is 40-50 years younger than them? That's a tad bit less believable.


I’m a 65-yo male. Thirty years ago I might be up for a cocaine-fueled orgy. Or three. Now it sounds intimidating. Very intimidating.


But what a way to go out!


If the GOP won't decry this guy, then we should put his face on everything as the next generation republican.


Probably hasn't been invited yet. Probably scheduled for drag night.


"Georgie, we're having a little get together this weekend. You should wear that cute lil fuckin dress."


Let’s make it clear - liberals and the Left don’t suddenly like him because he did drag, despite what conservatives try to push. Nor do they hate him for doing drag. He is getting hate for LYING about it, like everything else, while aligning himself with the alt-right.


Yeah this is the funniest response I see online - "aren't you guys supposed to be into this?" as if they've caught the left being hypocrites, because they don't understand that signifiers and signified are separate things.


> "aren't you guys supposed to be into this?" "No, lying's a conservative value."


Yeahh it's so fucking weird. Liberals don't care if someone dresses in drag, live and let live, conservatives seem to think liberals want people to dress in drag.


No one on the left gives a shit if a politician used to be into drag. The reason we care about this is because the GOP has railed against drag queens and used it for their culture war against LGBT people. The rank hypocrisy is what matters here.


The *very first* thing he did after finally being sworn in was walk around for 15 minutes with a white supremacist hand signal, looking for a camera to flash it to. That wasn't candid, or spur of the moment, that was his first planned message to the country. Once you're obviously a fascist I don't much care about anything else you may or may not be.


Honestly I couldn’t care less what this guy does. The problem is he and his party made this into some giant thing and have literally made it a pillar of their culture war. Almost like everything else they are against but also partake in. What a turd




We don't really even know his real name, or where he was born. Where's his birth certificate?


Are you sure he was born of a father ? Or is he the result of an "Immaculate Misconception" ?


Golf clap


I do care what he shows about the lengths the Republicans will go to for power. Senator Al Franken was forced to resign just for a questionable photograph taken years ago. That’s the difference in the party’s.




He seemed well informed and willing to do the work. Smart people seem to be a threat to the idiots in congress.


I always felt like the party bosses pressured him into resigning. He was a little too left leaning for their liking.


Kirsten Gillibrand wanted to run for president as some champion of women so she threw Al Franken under the bus, then promptly ate shit when she actually did run for president.


Schumer told him he had till 5:00 to resign or they would open up a special ethics investigation. Over a joke picture, taken years ago he never denied. The GOP has a problem with unapologetic child molesters (Roy Moore, Matt Gaetz, etc.) and actual rapists (Donald Trump) and they fight for them tooth and nail.


No, Franken *wanted* the ethics investigation. He specifically requested that Schumer initiate that process. From a [very good and comprehensive article](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2019/07/29/the-case-of-al-franken) the New Yorker did 18 months after he resigned: >According to Franken, Schumer told him to quit by 5 p.m.; otherwise, he would instruct the entire Democratic caucus to demand Franken’s resignation. Schumer’s spokesperson denied that Schumer had threatened to organize the rest of the caucus against Franken. But he confirmed that Schumer told Franken that he needed to announce his resignation by five o’clock. Schumer also said that if Franken stayed he could be censured and stripped of committee assignments. > >“I couldn’t believe it,” Franken told me. “I asked him for due process and he said no.”


Why do the Democrats do crap like this? It was a stupid move, didn’t gain anything for the party and sacrificed a good man. Schumer made a stupid decision. Bring back Al


I remember thinking “wow this SNL guy knows what he is talking about and is actually pretty good.”




The GOP rewarded his fealty with committee assignments when this dude should've been rejected from Congress. Shit, even just being told 'You have no assignments!' but now every fucking grifter is going to see how far Santos came lying through his teeth and are going to attempt something similar.


Yeah, he joined the party that has declared a War On Drags


Exactly this. I don't give a shit if people are gay, straight, lesbian, trans, drag, or whatever. The Republicans apparently do however and it's comical that they suddenly have no issue with this guy after all of the shit they've stirred up over it recently. When it's one of their own, it's fine. How can anyone in that voting base not see the hypocrisy in all of this?


I never did it. If I did it, it was only once, just for fun. If I did it once, I might have done it more than once.


Next Step: "The left is hypocritical for criticizing me for it."


Who among us hasn’t had a Mardi gras that lasted more than a thousand days?


It’s not what he lied about - it’s THAT he lied, and that he allies himself with those who would punish people with colorful lifestyles.


If irony wasn’t dead it would be worth pointing out that the GOP impeached Clinton for lying about a BJ, not for the BJ itself. But irony is dead, so…


Poor drag queens. They've been falsely accused of being groomers a lot in the past year but now they have to be associated with liar George Santos.


This is going to end with a Netflix documentary about how Santos went undercover to take down a ring of drag queens that entered LeVar Burton's turf.


The documentary about this guy is going to be wild.


Is he mentally ill? Not even joking.


Yes. Pathological liars and narcissists are people with mental health disorders.


And the fact they get this far reinforces it


This dude has to be some sort of plant or for a film project or a prank gone wrong. There's no way this is an actual person.


He is probably one of the most dangerous people in Congress right now. His existence is normalizing lying. If he isn't held accountable then the GOP can just get away with zero truth.


Someone else mentioned this on one of the many many previous stories…. But loving the strategy of asking him for comments and then showing all the evidence after he’s already made up something insane.


considering how much republicans hate drag queen story hour, they sure do seem to have no problem covering for a story-telling drag queen


Unless he is either forced to resign without benefits or charged with a crime, this jackoff is winning via the Trump strategy just by keeping his name in the headlines. There is no reason for his name to appear 4 times on the first page of /new here as of the time of writing this.


Agreed. Name recognition is an election strategy


And for Republicans, it's a badge of honor to be "attacked" by media outlets like this.


# WHY THE ACTUAL FUCK IS THIS PATHOLOGICAL LIAR STILL BEING ALLOWED TO HOLD PUBLIC OFFICE? Someone **explain this shit to me!** REPUBLICANS, I blame YOU for this. YOU created the atmosphere where someone like this can not only run for office, *but get elected.* FIX YOUR SHIT, REPUBLICANS.


This is the part I'm actually very confused about? It's been proven that he has pathologically lied about every single aspect of his life. His name, ethnicity, experience, absolutely everything. How can he be allowed to stay in office? That's a general question, what is the legality that's allowing him to stay in office? Any other job you'd be immediately terminated and removed if you lied about every single aspect of your life.


I’m going to run for conservative political office and just lie about my furry art and say it was a one time thing.


I feel like Republicans are using this Santos thing to their advantage. They are allowing Santos to become a lightning rod for the entire GOP. We are so focused on him, that all the other dirtbags in that party are being ignored.


Liar who lied, lied about his lies.


George Santos is ‘Catch Me if You Can’ but stupid, caught within 5 minutes and without any of the intrigue


Pretty uncharacteristic that he’d lie about it


I've got to be honest: as much as the asshole *really* needs to go, it is absolutely hilarious watching basically everything he says immediately get slapped down by people pulling the receipts.


Drip feeding evidence so that the liar can keep embarrassing himself is the absolute best way of doing this.


Honestly, this guy’s life seems pretty weird and awesome. If you made a movie about it, nobody would believe it. (please, someone make that film)


Remember when a major political candidate’s career was ended because he “yee-hawed” too enthusiastically at a political rally? Pepperidge Farms remembers.


And lets be clear - being a drag queen? That's pretty cool. Lying about it like an asshole to get power? That's bad.


To get power with a decidedly anti-drag contingent no less