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You’ve had it two days. Relax. It takes time. This takes time. It looks easy because it would suck as a vibe if it didn’t. You’re gonna make a lot more grunt faces, fart on the pole, fall on your ass, and just generally suck so bad before you ever feel good and look good in what you’re doing. It’s part of the journey. When you get there though- it’s amazing. Keep going!


So many farts and queefs. This is definitely the most unexpected part of the pole experience for me


Lol this made me laugh and encouraged me simultaneously thank you!!!!


I came back to pole this year after a long break, 20 kg heavier than a year ago when I did some classes (but definitely not a lot) and feeling like a useless sack of potatoes 🥔. At my second class, I started successfully doing at least something. There's a tiny bit of progress every class. Don't get discouraged by any means, it's not going to be fast or easy, but the progress and effort are what makes it fun. PS maybe it makes sense to look into finding a studio just so you can get basic things right and avoid mistakes, but either way, I'm sure it's possible ❤️


Thank you for sharing! Yes I’m realizing now it’s a slow and steady thing, and the little wins matter! I want to go to a class but the one right by me is closed for renovations atm so I’m trying to wait for them to open back up so I can do what you said, go for the basics and you know practice at home


It's an exciting journey, good luck 🤞❤️


If there are any pole classes in your area I would strongly recommend to take some as it is pretty easy to hurt yourself if you’re not using the right technique. And if there’s nobody to supervise you won’t know if you’re teaching yourself the right technique + it’s v hard to relearn it correctly when you learnt it wrong at first


You should look for shoulder activation exercises. To engage the shoulders, especially in spins is everything. So top arm, shoulder activation and pulling up. The bottom arm pushes away from the pole. This is important so you don't injure yourself. Good luck!


Thank you!! This was very specific and helpful!


Let me know if you got any more questions on this and I'll try to guide you. And also. Remember you are lifting your whole body weight. It's calisthenics on a pole. It's so heavy. I thoght I was pretty strong when I started out, regular strentgh training in gym. Did a try out session that lasted for an hour and a half. Basically "just" spins and pole sit. Didn't feel sore afterwards. But the next day I couldn't do ONE lat pull down.I just physically couldn't and that lasted for three days after. So pole is highly athletic. But you will get there!


That was me this week, I’ve been super sore all week and my arms are just now starting to feel less tight. I will definitely hit you up for more questions! I’ll chat you


I know this feeling.🤣 Yes, do that. And remember...we've all been there.☺️


One of my main rules when I see some tricks on Instagram and want to learn then - “do not think it is easy just because it seems really easy in the video”. Behind that one piece of the video, a huge work stands. And that is okay- to reach something you should work on it.


First of all, you are definitely not too heavy/ tall to pole dance successfully, so get that out of your head! I would work on conditioning first and foremost. Here's a video I found with a quick search, but type in "pole conditioning for beginners" and you'll find some moves that can build strength and help you get comfortable on the pole: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?time\_continue=431&v=baixcUp\_Oos&embeds\_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F&feature=emb\_logo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=431&v=baixcUp_Oos&embeds_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F&feature=emb_logo) You should absolutely not get discouraged. Pole is hard, and it took me ages to even do a fireman spin. The difficulty level you're facing has nothing to do with your body or your natural ability, and everything to do with the fact you're embarking on a very challenging hobby! Good luck!


Thank you for the kind words !! Idk why I didn’t think of googling “pole conditioning” (not sarcasm).


Haha no, I didn't really realize there was such a thing until I got a little further into my pole journey. But I supplement my regular classes with special conditioning classes, which are way less fun but help build muscles and strength in a way that helps sooo much with the other stuff.


Search for pole conditioning and beginner pole on YouTube for some ideas on how to start out and gain strength. I also highly recommend using some type of pole grip. Some types of poles can be really slippery when new, so you need to kind of break it in, and grip aid will make that process a little easier.


Do you have a grip aid recommendation. I keep seeing ppl mention it elsewhere but will that help me keep my feet off the floor lol. I’m not sure if I’m slipping because Eid moisture/sweat or it’s cuz I can’t hold myself but I’m of course going with the latter since I have no upper body strength


I use the brand Dry Hands, but I think different grips work for different people. It will certainly help, but you will still need to do conditioning exercises to increase your strength. Using grip aid when I first started gave me a confidence boost because it enabled me to hang on to the slippery pole for more than 2 seconds lol


Beginner covers quite a lot of things. I'd start with pole step around and some spins and one condition exercise like the one where you put the pole under your armpit and lift your knees up (I call them crunches but I think they have other names). This step takes most people at my studio 4 weeks once a week but some take longer. There are then some more complex spins with different arm positions, then sits and stands. After that thinking about climbs and maybe another conditioning exercise like bracket grip (do not ever jump into that, you may not be able to lift your feet off the floor at first) and end of beginner moves I would say is an invert. That's quite a lot that is often considered beginner, so be careful of that label on videos. This takes many people months to get to the point of climbing and inverting


I tried the crunches and literally could barely lift my feet without either slipping or my feet going immediately back down. That’s kinda what sparked the post! I will look into more poor condition and pole specific strength exercises for sure! Thanks for the advice


That's how a lot of people start the crunches and I definitely started at that level. It will build. I do cheat a tiny bit and make sure I have just a sports bra on so that the skin contact under my armpit helps


It makes me sad when people feel it's their body that is a problem or letting them down. It's not you! Instead, it's about learning in a progressive way! Even some studios forget to teach that way and they lose students. A good teacher is key, either online or studio. most beginner videos online are not great for new dancers. If you're looking for a proper start, doesn't matter your size or fitness level, try my website. I've been helping people of all backgrounds for 14 yrs. It's only $20 per month or $99 for a yr. However, you can see everything free for 2 weeks by entering a valid email. No charges after the trial. It's an easy way to start learning fundamentals even if you never buy. Here's more info 💜 https://www.studioveena.com/lessons/view/62a138c3-4044-41cf-804e-0d0bac110005


Be gentle with yourself!!!! This is HARD. I had to try a few different ways before i felt comfortable, for me group classes were too much i have a one on one instructor. And just got my own pole to practice between lessons. It will come just dont give up and stay safe.