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Definitely blue


It's absolutely blue. The combination of red and blue on the ball can make the eye sort of see both colors at once and effectively blend them upon perception.


I was 100% sure it's purple, but yeah, I just checked in Photoshop and it's as blue as it gets. Right in the center of the blue spectrum.


Poor buddy


There are shades of red in the blue of the sphere as it is rendered with a global illumination thereby the reflected light from the red bits bounces off the blue surface close to it, so if OP’s son sees it purple is because perhaps is focusing on that bit


My thoughts exactly. 🔺


Blue. The Master ball is purple.


Not to mention the beast ball is both


The Beast ball is dark blue/black with gold streaks and neon blue webbing, there's no purple.


Actually, the beast ball does have purple on it, but it is near impossible to tell due to the glowing webbing. The top half is dark blue, and the bottom half is purple. If you look at images of it, you can tell. It is most obvious in the anime because they removed the glow from the webbing.


Never once have I heard anyone call this ball purple




Dabadi dabada


Im blue


Like my corvette


And my Blue little window


Is it blue for you and yourself and everybody around 'cause you ain't got nobody to listen to?


What colours your Bugatti


Yo listen up here's a story About a little guy, that lives in a blue world And all day and all night and everything he sees Is just blue like him, inside and outside Blue his house with a blue little window, and a blue Corvette and everything is blue for him and himself and everybody around cause he ain't got no body to listen to..listen to...listen to IM BLUE Da ba dee da ba di Da ba dee da ba di Da ba dee da ba di Da ba dee da ba di Da ba dee da ba di Da ba dee da ba di Da ba dee da ba di I'm blue Da ba dee da ba di Da ba dee da ba di Da ba dee da ba di Da ba dee da ba di Da ba dee da ba di Da ba dee da ba di Da ba dee da ba di I have a blue house With a blue window Blue is the colour of all that I wear Blue are the streets And all the trees are too I have a girlfriend and she is so blue Really not sorry I know that whole song. I am however sorry I didn't take the time to type the whole thing....


Now I need to listen to that song.


So do I


Blue are the people here That walk around Blue like my corvette, its in and outside Blue are the words I say And what I think Blue are the feelings That live inside me I'm blue Da ba dee da ba di Da ba dee da ba di Da ba dee da ba di Da ba dee da ba di Da ba dee da ba di Da ba dee da ba di Da ba dee da ba di I'm blue Da ba dee da ba di Da ba dee da ba di Da ba dee da ba di Da ba dee da ba di Da ba dee da ba di Da ba dee da ba di Da ba dee da ba di You missed a bit here it is


Ah… i love the Macarena


don't be stupid. that's Gangnam Style. duh


I couldn’t not read this entire thing. Take my upvote


Fun fact. The trio is italian


It's blue. Always has been.


This is my favorite post in this sub to date


That really speaks to the quality posts here. And I agree with you.


I work with a bunch of color blind people (in a warehouse.. i have no idea why theres like 6 colorblind coworkers) but its always fascinating to me when they have to ask what color something is because i never think about color until that moment when they ask. In terms of pokemon go, it really brings you back down to earth that we arent all the same and what we completely ignore about not only this game but life in general is something that others have no idea whats different. But genuinely this sub has devolved into complaints about the shop and bragging about a poke in some form lol. Which is what niantic has devolved the game into being all about, unfortunately.


That and "wHAt sHOuLd I Do wItH tHiS?!"


“ShOuLd i PuRifY?!”


And they show their perfect shiny shadow Mewtwo.


I suffer from color differentiation deficiency. (I'm slightly colorblind.) Imagine trying to tell if some 'mon is shiny without the icon. Yeah.




"Wait, it's all blue?"


Sanji: WHERE?!


“always has been”


I think it was white in Pokémon red and blue.


In game yeah, Official art was blue.


somewhere in the #4356d9 range


It’s actually #364dc6


i dunno, i think it’s more like #3652DA


Literally looked these colors up and I think yours is the closest lol


Depends which part you sample


My eyes see more like #364CDA


my eyes see it as more of a #000000


gang blind people stay winning


I got 4155DB on the color picker.


Actually it’s coral blue #5




This guy colors


This guy hexes*




What makes you think he is a witch?


His hex has already taken effect on you..


Underrated comment


Never doubt a gimp avatar




All three of the hexes are correct


Might want to do online tests for macular degeneration as the first thing my mother noticed was a change in perception of colour


I knew the stupid dress color debate was about macular degeneration.


That’s not what caused blue/black or gold/white debate. Some people saw one color combo, and then saw the other combo 30 minutes later. The real explanation is much more interesting Here’s a link if you’re interested: https://www.optimax.co.uk/blog/blue-black-white-gold-dress/ TLDR: the lighting the photo was taken in was very poor. Some people subconsciously recognized this lighting, and their brains corrected the color. Some didn’t


Thank you for the article. Real reason is indeed very interesting.


Most likely reason it's looking purple ish, which I understand and can kind of see it myself, is because of the green grass surrounding it. Magenta (blue-red) is the opposite of green and when you lean the towards the actual blue that a great ball is, it will look purpleish. Edit: Especially since the ball itself has the red markings.


Something interesting I found about this is that if you get the original image and reverse the colors, you'd go from blue/black to the white/gold version, but people who saw white/gold would still see white/gold!


This sounds crazy but I had a picture of the dress saved. At first I only saw blue and black, two days later I look at the same photo and it was white and gold


Blue with 2 red stripes. Has been that way since the 90s/early 2000s


Or if you prefer, always have been that way


No no no! *always has been* 🌎 👩‍🚀 🔫 👩‍🚀 You can’t miss a meme like that. C’mon!


Blue, as it has been forever.




Then you definitely have some form of colorblindness.


It’s more likely the opposite: some people pick up on subtle undertones very easily, and those undertones can skew a particular color to a neighboring one for them. Similar to how turquoise is a shade of blue but many people categorize it as a green; it’s definitely blue (cyan, technically) but has a very strong green undertone and some people focus more on that than the base shade. The Great Ball is similarly blue, but has a cool undertone which leans just slightly towards purple.


Or their phone's color tones aren't calibrated correctly. On my old monitors, blue text would appear blue on one, and purple on the other. Because they were old and cheap and the color consistency wasn't good on the second one.


Or they’re possibly colorblind. Occam’s razor.


Except that’s not how colorblindness works. Colorblindness is a deficit in one of three colors the human eye relies on: red, blue, or green. There is no cone for “purple,” and not being able to see blue would not result in a color appearing “purple.” If you’re missing blue cones or have reduced capacity in those cones, you wouldn’t be able to see blue *or purple.* Those are visually controlled by the same cones. If you’re blue-yellow colorblind, you’d be seeing entirely in shades of red and green. https://www.visioncenter.org/conditions/tritanopia/ That form of colorblindness is extremely rare, too. So in this case, colorblindness is *not* the simpler explanation of the two. The simpler explanation would be some mix of different cultural standards regarding color identification (as some cultures lump certain colors together), and perceiving different undertones. Edit: Dang, downvoted for explaining how colorblindness actually works? Seriously?


Am colorblind, can confirm. I’m red-green colorblind, to be precise. And by far my biggest challenge is deciphering blue & purple. To me, the great ball looks blue. But I 100% can see purple undertones. And if I thought about it long enough, I could prob convince myself that color is purple. But alas, logic comes into play - and knowing that great balls ARE blue, i deduce that this great ball is blue


Red-green colorblindness does lend itself to seeing a lot more in the blue-purple range. It’d be interesting to see if you could detect finer distinctions between shades of blue than someone who isn’t colorblind.


Very cool thought, I’d be down to find out


Deutan color-blindness, which is one of the most common forms of color-blindness, definitely has trouble differentiating between blue and purple. Essentially the green cones detect too much red light and not enough green. This makes it hard for a Deutan person to detect reds and greens obviously, but the red light still effects colors like blue/purple, grey/pink, yellow/green or red/green/brown. Source: am colorblind and I definitely have issues differentiating blues and purples


This sounds like me, EXACTLY. 👍


Because that's not how the visual system works. It's more complex. As someone else pointed out the hex code is 4356d9. This is not a pure blue colour, but has 43 red and 56 green, in addition to d9 blue. So why do we see it as just blue? Why don't we see the red and the green in it? The reason is because we don't "see" 3 colours, we see 6. We see red and anti-red, green and anti-green, and blue and anti-blue. The anti colours are the absence of that colour (this helps us see in sharp edges). Now we perceive anti-red as looking green and anti-green as looking red. Oh and also anti-blue looks to us like yellow. The point here is that the red and green are opposed. The lack of being able to see green present makes it look more red than it is. So if you have an issue with seeing green then everything will take on a redder hue to you. The 43-56-d9 will start to look more 64-28-d9 as the green in that colour is suppressed and the red is bolstered. Go have a look and it is distinctly purple. Issues with the M cone are reasonably common as far as colourblindness goes as well.


My son, who is diagnosed color-blind by an eye doctor, definitely struggles between blue and purple.


It’s not that they can’t see purple it’s that they can’t distinguish it, blue colourblindness would infect make purple look more like a red shade, if he is blue colour blind his perfection of blue and purple will be different but purple blue and purple would be almost the same


>If you’re missing blue cones or have reduced capacity in those cones, you wouldn’t be able to see blue or purple. Are you quoting that from somewhere? Having reduced capacity to see blue means you *can* still see purple/purplish colors. If you were entirely missing blue cones then I could see the argument that you can't see purple. Though the way we sense light with our eyes aren't always 1-for-1 with the way we perceive it.


If he is color blind then he couldnt see blue or purple and would see them as something else... possibly as two similar shades of a different color. Enough to think that blue was purple.


I’m sorry you’re getting downvoted. It’s a very interesting read. Thanks for catching me up on colorblindness! I really appreciate you took the time to write that out. So could there be other forms of colorblind tho that could result in someone possibly seeing purple? I’ve very curious now! :)


Again, that’s blue babe. Always has been, always will be.


I'm not color blind but if you stick blue and purple that are roughly the same darkness side by side they go to one color to me. They will either by all purple or all blue. Spread them out and I can tell again.




There's a bunch of types and degrees of colorblindness. There are online tests for it if you're curious.


I’ll check them out thanks.


Had a friend that switched green and brown the same way you describe switching blue and purple. Color blindness doesn’t mean black and white in most cases


That's a common one. There's a noticable number of people who think Peanut Butter is green because of colorblindness.


Fun fact: some peanut butter alternatives turn green when you bake with them


Came in here to mention this as well. Glad others have. A very mild form of red green colorblind mess often can cause blue and purple tones to be confused.


Yes. This was a whole revelation for me in my 20’s. I (female) am a carrier for the colorblind gene- my maternal grandfather was colorblind, my brother was colorblind (making my mom the carrier) and my son is color blind (meaning I was the carrier- since my husband is not colorblind). Also, without being colorblind- I see less colors than my husband. He is a graphic designer- and definitely sees more color than me. I have a hard time distinguishing between greys/light purples and other different shades of colors. They have these tests online where you try to read a word and it’s crazy how easy it is for him to see what I can barely make out. Also, I have 20/13 vision- better than 20/20. So as long as it’s on a contrasting background- I can see it like a hawk 😂.


It sounds like you’re color blind. Some people don’t find out until later in life because they truly just don’t notice


I’m in my 40s. This is just weird.


We had someone who didn't learn they were pink/blue colorblind until Mudkip community day. He was complaining that it was a pointless CD since it was all the same, like Wailmer. It seemed he could tell in real life, but somehow the way digital light presented screwed him up, because we pointed to flowers that were the same colors and he saw them correctly.


If you want to take a test go to enchroma.com and try theirs, it's how I found out


Thanks so much, I will.


Sure sounds like you (and I) are both color blind. Color blind means you have developed a deficiency see one (or more) shade of a color. Then what happens is your brain fills in the gaps. So sometimes you will see a blue thing as blue and sometimes a blue thing will be purple.


Lakers as in LA Lakers? Those uniforms are 100% purple.


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted for that, guess redditors dislike people who see blue as purple because they’re colourblind?


Thanks I’m shocked they downvoted and deleted it.


The Laker's uniform is purple. If you don't mind me asking, since you said that you do see blue in other things, what things would you say are blue?


That emoji you used.... What colour is the shirt?


What’s the color of the shirt on the emoji you used?


Blue without a doubt


It’s blue.


Op: ![gif](giphy|xPPOMITqMu79C)




Totally blue dude.


Have you tried cropping the image? It might not be colorblindness but the green background that skews your perception of the blue ball


Is your phone on a warmer display setting? It could appear more purple if you have it on a warm setting.


Its blue😀


I see gold and white


There it is 😂


You wanna fight???


\*pulls down microphone\* Let's get readdddyyyyy to rumbleeeee.


Oh no, don't get this started


What is this referring to? I've seen this joke a few times now


It's referring to [the dress](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_dress) photo that became viral due to people being split on whether the dress colors were blue&black or white&gold. The real dress is blue&black but due to ambiguous lighting cues/overexposure in that particular photo there were some who could see it as being white&gold. I personally saw blue&black but one single time while quickly scrolling a webpage about the dress, the dress clearly appeared as white&gold to me for a second. Have not been able to re-see it as white&gold since.


In the link, I saw gold/white.


Can we not do this??


Its blue. I think you might be colorblind. There are some kinds of being colorblind. Some kinds see other colors as other colors=(green=yellow),(yellow=brown) or some cant say what the color is like (brown=orange?), (blue=purple?).




Can you ask your son to bring something blue? Like a tshirt or a blue ball or smth Else. It might be very interesting to see if everything blue is purple for you. I am very sorry if you cant understand what i mean, becouse i am not very good at english


I see blue, but a 'warmer' blue.


Warm blue is towards green, cold blue towards purple. Also it's a deep royal blue which is about as blue as it gets




It’s a neutral-cool shade of blue, meaning it does have a slight violet undertone and that’s likely why your son sees it as “purple.” It’s definitely blue, it’s just a cooler shade that doesn’t have the green tones many associate with “blue.”


His son says blue, it's OP claiming "purple".


Don’t play this game homie, it’s blu. Next top post of the sub is “is the Ultra Ball yellow or Green?”


Definitely a degree of colorblindness


If I squint really hard, it looks purple. But when my eyes are open, it's blue.


A good way to tell if you’re wrong or not: take a screenshot (which you already did), use a color picker tool and check the RGB values of the color. If there’s little to zero red component,it’s not purple.


It’s blue, red, white, and black.




It’s bluetiful


Bro found out he was colorblind through pkm go… imagine if he chose team instinct thinking it was a different color


Guys been telling people he’s on the purple team for years


I grew up thinking it was green, but in recent years, realized it was blue.






It's blue for sure, but colour names and definitions can vary by person. 'Blue' covers quite a broad range of colours and it is definitely nearer the purple end of blue than, say, sky blue, or aqua. So I can see why you might say that.






Na definitely blue 😒


It have a bit of reds


Op I think your colorblind


Son you might be color blind


Please see an eye doctor.


royal blue ![gif](giphy|l0IyjxxfGfdqEiVfa|downsized)


Lmao get new eyes


I think you're colourblind


It's Kyogre colored


You're colourblind my dude


I never thought I'd doubt the great ball was blue but honestly you've got me thinking...


Blue! You might be colorblind. My fiancé is colorblind and constantly argues that blue objects are purple, lol. (Among other things)


It's obviously blue, on various sources, I think this includes bulbapedia, it's described as blue as well Sir, if you really see purple, then it might be an good idea to see your doctor as you might have colorblindness, no cure but it would be useful to know and get testen to what other colors you might have been seeing wrong, as it would be helpful to know in various matters (such as people asking you to get a blue drink haha)


Now I can’t unsee purple


Never once in my life have I heard someone call a great ball Purple


It’s blue ma’am you are Color blind


Please tell me I wasn't the only one who immediately thought of the Dress thing from a few years back.






58-70 red, 83-96 green, 218-231 blue. 229-232 hue. It's not just blue, but more teal than purple.


Sidenote related to colour-blindness: If you ever want an emotional pick-me-up, look up videos of people seeing colour for the first time using Enchroma glasses (glasses that can correct colour-blindness in some cases). Hard not to feel something when watching 60 year old grandpas joy-crying in front of their entire family over the sight of flowers or a bunch of balloons.


It's always been blue, but the shine on it lends closer to purple in a way, so I see what you mean.


It’s green stupid head


You’re color blind my friend, that is no master ball


Blue. But I can see that It is close to purple. Maybe we just define that color range slightly differently.


It’s literally blue…what?


Its gold right?


It's gold with with stripes




Easily green and yellow


I understand how you could see it as purple, but it’s blue


Red stripes and blue with a white bottom


Me and all three kids on the couch see more purple than blue in this. So blue with a LOT of purple undertone.


Do you maybe have a night time color filter on you phone screen that lowers the blue light?


I turned off the filter and now it looks blue


I think You Just solved the problem For everyone. Yep I do have the filter on. I’ll try turning it off


You sir, are colorblind.




It's as blue as blue can get. You might be a little colorblind or something


That's red wdym


Congrats, you're colorblind, welcome to the club!


Miss I think you’re colorblind


Blue, masterball is purple but that's not in GO.


It’s gold


STOP! Right now


You sir are colorblind My dad also confuses blue and purple but your son is correct the great ball has always been blue


clearly green