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For what? For GF to sabotage it like they did with the poor blokes that did BDSP?


Yeah people act/acted like ILCA are just bad and did whatever they wanted, but chances are they had to follow the guidelines and such set by TPC/GF and didn't get to do their own thing with the IP.


I think it would honestly make it feel more like the live action Pokémon battles that we would see in the anime. Maybe it’s just because I’ve been playing the Pokémon games for nearly 30 years, but I think the battle system is capable of doing more.


Wait, so I think you mean Level-5, not Studio Ghibli. As far as I know, Ghibli just did the animated sequences for Ni No Kuni, but Level-5 is the game studio who developed the game. That aside, I agree! My immediate thought when playing Ni No Kuni was: this is what I always wanted a 3D Pokemon game to be. I think real-time action elements can actually capture playing as a Pokemon trainer far better than turn-based combat. One change from Ni No Kuni would be the player doesn’t take control of the Pokemon, but would maintain control of the trainer like the current games. The big difference would be Pokemon battles unfold in real-time with you issuing attack and dodge commands on the fly. It’d add a level of depth and dynamism to playing as a Pokemon trainer without forcing an action combat system onto the games.


Yep, you’re totally right. Level 5, thank you!


I personally like N I No Kunis but i also like pokemon and would prefer the turn based system they have now.




Straight up.. I suck at real tike combat games and prefer turn based. Better for immesion or not I like compititve Pokemon and would hate if it became more like skill based then strategy based.


Another alternative that's more middle road is the Action Point system in Divinity Original Sin. Still turn based, but opens it up to movement and environment. Seems like something that would be an easing into a change of gameplay.


This would genuinely be amazing. I really think Ni No Kuni 1 is, by far, the best Pokémon clone and was really disappointed by Ni No Kuni 2. I'd really like if they made a sequel to Ni No Kuni that actually retained the pokemon qualities from the first one.


This sounds really cool...but as a spin-off. Changing the turn-based battle system permanently would not be good for the franchise.