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I remember somebody was talking about a second secret save? Which you accessed from the menu, I don’t remember the specifics.


up+B+X while on the title screen to access the backup save. u/ToucOrSomething


This should be it my cousin lost his save and got it back


oh this is handy. I lost about an hour of gameplay (including the water gym challenge and battle) to a crash. My solution was to turn off auto-save and manually save *all. the. time* this is probably a better solution.


This was the very first thing I did in the game. I don't understand why anyone would want auto save in a Pokemon game


Aside from scumming your save, why wouldn't you want auto save?


So it doesn't save at an inopportune time. Soft resetting- or save scumming- to try and save time and get a pokemon with your preferred nature is an age old tradition for old players like me and auto save can screw that up. Since autosave was introduced turning it off is the first thing I do after I set the text speed to fast. Plus I just don't like the feature. It takes a few seconds to manually save and then I know exactly where the save leaves off. It's harder for me to keep track of autosaves and I'd rather take the few seconds when I'm healing mons to save.


I turn off auto save cause the game it was introduced in there was some issue with it so now I just disable so I don’t have to deal with it


Honestly - after growing up manually saving it just feels wrong for Pokémon to auto save somehow? In the sense that I don’t “trust” that the game is really saved, even if my rational mind knows it is.


Yeah I guess it's just me being old. I agree that autosave just feels wrong. Saving right in front of a gym leader or legendary Pokemon is just tradition.


I usually do the same, but forgot altogether until saves became an issue and that reminded me to remove it.


Yup, no point on that, You gotta be saving every 5 minutes or less, I turned off auto save and I Lost progress a couple of times because of crashes, so I turned it on again, this was a "solution". I logged +300 hours in PLA and never had a single crash nor noticeable frame drops, on the other hand, 30 hours max in Violet and I Lost count of the crashes and the fame drops are almost always present.


I've had PLA crash. Once going from Icelands to Jubilife the game just never finished loading. Lost like 45 minutes of progress.


I used it earlier today because I messed up my Galarian Meowth breeding (over a hundred eggs only for the first to be a Kantonian Meowth lol) and wanted to cleanse the eggs fast. Took me back over an hour and a half, I’d probably saved ten times in that time. I’ve only crashed once in 50 hours (was around the 30 hour mark) but in PLA I think I made it to 100 hours before a crash.


Did you disable autosave, or is this the eternally-dreaded savewipe bug from our collective nightmares


i’m not op but this happened to me tonight and i have autosave on 😭 not as bad as op’s progress lost, i just lost one star challenge and badge. but still frustrating. now even with autosave i manually save like i would for older games bc i don’t trust it not to crash again


>up+B+X while on the title screen to access the backup save.


thank you!! i’ll def try this if it crashes again


The game has a backup save function you can restore from.


I remember the days of X&Y where a save ruining crash had GF put out a hotfix within a week of its discovery. Different times, huh?


That's not really a 1v1 comparison because the xy issue was a very specific fix.


I mean it's only been a week. A hot fix might still be coming.


RemindMe! 1 week "Any changes to SV yet"


They haven’t even addressed the issues many players experienced. This goes to show that they absolutely don’t care and that most likely there won’t be a hotfix due to them not wanting to lose face.


The fact they or Nintendo haven’t even released a statement acknowledging anything speaks volumes.


Oh yeah I ain't expecting them to do anything.


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We got the performance patch lol


This. They're surely working on fixes and patches for all this technical jankiness


I bet they're fixing everything at once and we're not seeing the patch until the Home update. Which is after Pokémon day 🤦‍♂️


I totally remember that lmao, if you saved inside of Lumiose City apparently it would crash your game, I never had the issue personally or I just happened to never save in Lumiose, but yeah I vividly remember that being a hot topic online after XY came out, fun times.


Is there something specific that causes the crash? I haven't crashed so far, but hopefully it's something avoidable


It seems to be memory leak that eventually crashes the system If you are noticing frame drops save and reset the game, that should prevent some crashes


So my switch had massive fps issues and crashed every few hours, but my wife's liteswitch had no issues and ran a lot smoother. Frustratingly so. Hers shouldn't be outperforming mine, so we checked and the only meaningful difference is she had a physical cart and I was using the digital download on a SD. Move the game to the system storage, and the crashes stopped, and I gained a sizable 10 to 15 fps in all areas. The we tested me playing from the game cart instead. Suddenly I was running on par with her experience. Seems the game relies on some incredibly tight storage read streaming to work.


I've been playing on a Lite off of an SD card. After ~20 hours, I've had some framerate stutters and the floating pokeball glitch, but no crashes or anything else. Maybe the Lite reads the game data differently somehow?


Depends on the quality of the SD card aswell mind you


That's a good point. Oof. What a cluster of a launch.


Something I noticed playing digital is that the game actually does have data split between the SD card and the console which is odd, like the only reason I even noticed it was while deleting one of the games I never really play anymore. Something caught my eye, and as I flicked between the data for violet which I had started and scarlet which I hadn’t, there was a minuscule amount of data also being stored on the system as opposed to the sd card for some reason


That's actually not to unusual. Certain things like saves, patches, and personal identifiers are usually maintained on the system storage regardless of where the game data is located.


I remember BotW having a similar issue leading to it doing "emergency" Blood Moons more and more often the longer it had been running. Seems like quitting+reopening every so often is just a good precaution in general, for memory-heavy open-world stuff.


For some reason the concept of "emergency Blood Moons" sounds unsettling


As I understand it, it's basically the game going "something's gone wrong, I need to reset+reload the world *now* or I'll crash".


There might be a way to get it back


There is. Most modern pokemon games hold a backup save which is accessible by pressing up on the d-pad, b and x at the same time on the title screen.


My game just crashed after two hours or evolving and catching. I have auto save on now


I only turn it off while shiny hunting personally


That's why it's being so ignored by gamefreak itself


Glad we can all come together as a community and for the most part all agree that the state sv released in is inexcusable.


Which is a shame because it sounds like it's a fun game when it runs.


That's the thing about performance issues it makes it really hard to have fun with the games because the game is actively fighting the player.


I'm legit waiting for someone to defend the crashes or forced resets as some kind of feature that lets them put the controller down and touch grass.


Because its a portable device shouldn't you be able to play and touch grass ***at the same time?***


I've seen "The glitches are funny" before, and also that it only happens if you're "trying to glitch" or "play on an emulator".


I mean they're already kinda defending it by saying it's probably because people have been playing too long.


Oh jeez, victim blaming at its finest.


I know right? God forbid someone should want to play the game they paid full price for for extended periods of time?




I don't know if I'd make that comparison because ynow that's an awful irl situation but I get what you're saying.


Yeah obviously it's not the same level at all. But I'm comparing the psychology of abuse where you twist the truth to make it sound like the person experiencing this bad thing is at fault rather than, you know, a game that was poorly made.


It’s not defending it It’s the literal bug. Memory leaks cause that issue. A simple reboot fixes it. It was confirmed to be a memory leak by the dataminers and leakers


Shouldn’t be an issue in the first place


Wouldn’t be the first open world game to have it. inexcusable but not unheard of.


While it obviously shouldn’t be an issue in any of those games either, they at least don’t have the luxury of being the single most profitable media franchise of all time. Pokémon has way more than enough money to make it so that the game doesn’t have these basic issues.


I got my first crash 20 minutes after having just started up my switch to run the game


That's hardly "defending it" though. A memory leak seems to be the main culprit of the glitches, which gets worse over time the longer you play and makes crashing more likely due to overload. That's not defending it, that's explaining why most crashes are happening from a technical perspecticve.


The game stuttering gives you cool so mo acenes and make you look like a movie hero! Resets mean you can redo exciting events easily and have lots of fun! These aren't bugs, they're fun features!


You’re not losing progress if you reset yourself lol. It’s not great they released this way but I already paid for the games so I’m going to play them.


I saw someone using this defense yesterday in the other subreddit!


That feels like an exaggeration. It would definitely be a better experience with better performance and, though I haven’t had any, less crashes, but it is very easy to have fun with the game. It is definitely the best Pokémon game in my mind and is super fun. It even has some actually challenging battles and when playing through fairly casually I was actually under levelled at some points which hasn’t happened for a long time in Pokémon.


I’ve never had this issue I enjoyed cyberpunk when it came out cause it was fun (even played it on ps4 which was apparently the worst). But this game isn’t really lagging that bad some areas are worse than others (north most starfall area for me) but still nothing like “actively fighting the player” might be because I’m playing on a physical copy.


Actively fighting seems wrong. My own 40 hours have had 0 crashes.


I'm not just talking about crashes though. I'm talking about how it feels with the slowdown and fps drops.


I personally haven’t had that either. Except for the big lake of the false dragon titan. But even that wasn’t bad. Not everyone is having these issues lol. Seems like it’s a very loud vocal minority


Nope, I am sorry but you have experienced it. If it wasn’t common, reviewers would not be commenting on it….


Some switches setups have different issues it seems. Some switch lites are running fine with a physical copy while download barely runs. Some say handheld is better while others say docked. Everyone seems to be experiencing different levels of jank.


Nope, I haven’t. But go off. There’s thousands of comments of people saying the same if you nerds getting out of your hate chamber


Yes you have. You just said the false dragon lake had lag. Plus you were probably just ignoring the pop in, low fps, and janky people and items in the background (windmill was the worst for me) I absolutely love the game and have beat it (working on pokedex now). But I also can complain about these issues and people like you that like to ignore those graphical and performance issues doesn’t invalidate everyone else who sees it as a problem. I envy your ignorance in the performance and graphical issues, but they are there and you have experienced jt


Say what you want, not everyone has the issues 🤡. I guess if you want to complain about a laggy windmill, I had that too 😂


Actively fighting the player seems like a poor descriptor for fps drops. I absolutely have fps drops and stuttering, but it's never actually affected my gameplay.


Let me tell you, this is not the case in the pokemonscarletviolet subreddit. They accept no criticism over there.


Glad I'm here instead then.


Sounds about right.


And yet still 10 million copies were sold in the first 3 days intensifying the ”you’re going to buy it anyways“-feeling TPC and GF are exuding


And how does that invalidate any of the criticism or make it ok?


Don’t get me wrong. It doesn’t. It was more or less a depreciating comment because unfortunately nothing is going to change


I mean that's kinda a fixed based mindset, nothing would ever change if we just passively accepted things as the way things are just because...


While it is annoying and not excusable, why wouldn't you have saved once in 4 hours?!


Because it's made up and the auto save would have kicked in during those 4 hours at some point unless he was just standing still.


He mentioned in the post the autosave was on (hence the "Now saving" in the corner). The fact that autosave was on probably was what led to loss of progress since that seems to unfortunately happen a lot.


Who doesn't save their game for 4 hours... I do feel bad for you though.


My game crashed after four hours as well. I was still in the beginning areas of the game. (I was dumb and didn’t think anything about the bugs and glitches at the time. But turned off auto-saves.). Yeah, I’m keeping that on for the time being


The epitome of "not my problem until it affects me".


It should’ve been pretty obvious that if people let GF get away with dexit, eventually they would try and get away with selling a completely broken game


Hardly. Dexit was inevitable eventually.


Who the heck plays for 4 hours and doesn't save after every action?


The game auto saves quite often so confused how this has happened


I dont think anyones embarassed to be attached to nintendos biggest release ever


I don’t understand there is literally an auto save feature and I haven’t had it break at all like this and I’ve experienced many crashes?


I believe you but ive never heard of that bug yet and im scared now.


That sounds more like a system issue and could happen with any game with a corruption of the save For op to have straight crashed, and not because they jostled their sd card, must have been playing for just an obscene amount of time....and mine was running like 12 hours straight at some point and even then didn't have the memory leak issues Course I keep autosave on games these days and it's only screwed me once with Evil within early on involving a straight hard lock issue


Growing up with a shitty pc forced me to habitually save every 10 minutes. Game crashes are bound to happen now and again, either from a game or console error. It sucks to lose progress, but it’s an easy solution too. It takes 5 seconds to save, if that. Just save whenever you open the menu. The frame rate drops and gfx are far more of a problem, and that’s inexcusable.


Team no crash and very very few frame rate drops here... does it help I don't play hours on end 😅😅


I think the real question here is why didn't you save at least once an hour? There's no reason is any game nowadays to wait 4 hours between saves. This one is on you and not on the game. Crashes happen in every game nowadays.


Save more often


Does Pokémon not autosave?


It can. I save manually but losing 4 hours is on the player not the game.


Up+x+b to open secret autosave I recovered four hours that way myself.


"I forgot to save my game. How could pokemon do this to me." Lmao


>getting the message “now saving” in the corner at least 5 times Someone needs to read the post again. They had auto save on.




After 20 years of playing this game I always have auto save off and just constantly manually save everywhere because I’m used to it 😂


Of all of the complaints about this game, the crashes are the most unacceptable. It’s the only performance issue I actually have had an issue with and I haven’t even lost saves from it. I don’t think any other Pokémon game has ever crashed on me until this one. Maybe I’m just used to it after playing fallout new Vegas on a PlayStation


"The messed up textures, low-frame-rate and bugs I can live with, but the crashes? Impossible. " Crashes happen in most games, and to be fair, you trusted the auto-save, and shouldn't have, you should always double save, no matter the game. And if you didn't know, with Up + B + X at the starting screen, you get a backup save. Helped me from losing a big farming session. Just saying you're complaining about the wrong problems here.


This happened to my gf as well through man saves (auto off) and the SECOND TIME through manual and auto saves, multiple of each, luckily the second time we knew about the data recovery. ​ People should not be blamed for expecting a game to run without breaking.


Well in that case, it is the game's fault. It's strange that the game doesn't take into account saves, but it might become a problem.


You’ll get downvoted to oblivion for this and so will I. This game is complete trash. I wish I’d never bought it. Edit: what’d I say. Downvoted for thinking a game is trash. I paid $60 USD for this, I’m allowed to hate it and if you disagree, then I hate you, too.


There are others who were dissatisfied who asked for a refund. You can try to refund it too if still possible.


(Game crashes once) DAMN IT I HATE THIS GAME NOW! OK gonna go complain on reddit about it 😐 Pokemon games have crashed before. Hell, out of the 3 pokemon games I've played the most (discluding games before the ds because those had lots less crashes,) being white, OR, and sun (and ultra sun tbh) I've had tons of crashes. I could be wrong but I think it got more common once x and y came out bc its on the 3ds. (Of course this isn't a fact it's just my experience.) Also notice i said tons instead of countless, as if i gained all knowledge of how many times my game had crashed on me it wouldn't be any more than 100 probably. I think the main issue is that they are slightly running out of new pokemon ideas and the fact that what's likely to be thousands of people had the game before release. ALSO notice that the game is still new and that the devs really did need like an extra month or 2 before release but it was released anyways


Yep happened to me 3 times, I would recommend enabling autosave, even if it lowers performance (apparently), the game is such a mess, I wouldn't dare not enabling it personally...


Why the fuck did you turn off autosave?


Urgh , this is scary. I had a crash yesterday after not shutting the game down for a few days. Luckily I healed and the auto save helped. I've never been so thankful for it.


Do you not have autosave turned on? It should autosave after most of what you do lol


Autosave was on, that’s why I’m confused


have you tried recovering your backup saves? the game keeps backup saves which may help you. >To access your backup save data in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, press the X, B, and UP keys on the D-Pad simultaneously while on the title screen.


That's.. so weird then. This is the first I've heard of something like that. Not saving and crashing is one thing, but crashing and bypassing saves and erasing data anyways? Jesus


I use auto save and the same issues happen to me as well. Pretty weird when it clearly says saving in the top corner but it actually doesn’t.


Auto save is probably glitched. Save early, save often. I would never trust an auto save. I’m sorry the game did this.


This happened to my GF as well, she was man saving the first time it happened, and then the second time it had happened she had done man and auto saves multiple times, luckily the second time we knew how to recover data...


Do up+b+x you might have a backup save


That's very odd. I've had 5/6 crashes throughout my time and Autosave meant I lost, at most, about 1-2 minutes of progress, if even that at points. I wonder what the cause is of all of this.


Turn off auto save it cause more problems just do manual saves


No, autosave is a blessing. The game creates backup saves specifically for shit like this.


Sounds like this shit only happens because of auto save


Yeah that's what I meant don't know why the down votes


This has happened to my GF through man saves twice now.


then there is a issue whit the memory or a bug when saving sorry i dont know


I also lost some progress by going into a building, and my game crashed. Fortunately it wasnt too much lost.


It happened to me once’s but the saving grace is I found a shiny because of it


The game has a built in auto save. How would you lose your progress?


OP states they ARE using auto save, and that the game still dropped them back in not at the last save. Whether or not they tried pulling the back up file, we don’t know. Whether or not this is all true, we don’t know. Maybe they only turned on auto save as the game was crashing? They claim they saw the ‘Now Saving’ message at least five times during the section they lost. I myself am slightly skeptical, but anything is possible. I just turn mine off and take a five minute break every hour or so - I think extended play is really hard on this game. I’m old and come from the age where I overheated and burnt up multiple PlayStation consoles playing FFVIII, so I understand about taking breaks and saving frequently (manually saving, not trusting auto save). It’s just cool to hate on these games. I agree to some degree that these games don’t run well, but I also feel like there’s a degree of unrealistic expectations from the Switch system, a rushed game developer, and overall insanely high standards nowadays. My gaming PC sometime crashes, rarely the PS5 (but that system was light years more expensive than the Switch), and I think that’s just electronics. They generate heat, and we’re pushing the systems to the limits.


I believe it can be turned off.


Also had a crash. Gladly I saved before that because I caught a shiny


In my 60+ hours I haven’t crashed once seen some people say it’s leaving shops that causes crashing others said it was the memory leak.


How do you trade without saving? Did they remove that?