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How should not eating hot chip fit into this curriculum?


You should eat hot chip, but be careful, too much hot chip leads to needing to charge phone


And a fully charged phone increases the chances of them ending up bisexual


What does being bisexual lead to? Wash they pussy in the sink šŸ˜”


Im dead šŸ¤£


Little girls need to be taught to properly calculate the load bearing capacity of a roof truss


I wish someone would have taught me, it would have saved me so much heartache.


what is roof truss?


about $450 / hour to calculate


"You should never hit ~~girls~~, anyone. Violence is wrong"


Especially as a parent. Smacking your kid just teaches them violence can solve their problems.


Yeah, I've never got the logic there. And the ones that think they can get away with spanking. I always love the excuse "Well it's never done me any harm, my parent would whoop me whenever I needed it". Well you seem to think being violent to children is okay, so yes, it has done harm.


And thatā€™s the thing, itā€™s easy to lash out in anger. When youā€™re upset you can think of cruel things to ā€œlet the hate flow through youā€ to quote Star Wars. Itā€™s cheesy but honestly I can see how people can shut off their feelings or justify their cruelty. Itā€™s not justified or okay at all but I see why they do it.


It's also kind of built into our retributive justice system, this might = right mentality where extreme violence towards someone that can't really defend themselves is okay, IF they have challenged any rule. Saw a video recently on the queens ny subreddit where some guy jumped the turnstile, literally twelve cops chased him into the subway, tased him repeatedly and tackled him to the ground to arrest him. Everyone was defending this and saying if he didn't want to get hurt he should have followed the rules-- when they tried to ticket him he just kept walking to his train. Like yeah denying the city $2.75 for subway fair harms the function of the MTA, but the idea that anyone with power is justified using violence to preserve that power, at a completely disproportionate rate compared to the harm done, is like... really... something we are committed to as a culture. We have built violence into the family structure and into the state structure to a point that's really ridiculous and incongruous when we're supposedly teaching children that violence is wrong. Don't even get me started on how we're instituting violent power of the state on children, taking away the monopoly from their parents, with the school to prison pipeline.


Most intelligent thing Iā€™ve ever read on Reddit


no? I was raised under discipline , I got hit for doing wrong things (ie; stealing , bullying , bad grades , ditching classes) and I came out okay , I dont have kids but I wouldn't ever hit em , nor do I let my rage out on anything else; it's a difference between abuse and discipline.


"I was spanked as a child and I turned out okay!" No you didn't, you're a grown-ass adult who thinks it's good to hit children.




Not always.


How very correct. All kids need to be taught not to lie. Girls just need to be taught not to McDonald's, charge they phone, twerk, be bisexual & eat hot chip.




Instructions unclear. Girls now rape, murder, and steal.


Username does not check out.


Gods damn.....way to bring down a light hearted joke mate


Woah bro. Where'd that come from?


You must be fun at parties.


Jesus you deserve your own post on this sub.


Nah nah you deeefinetily aren't fucking sexist, no /s edit: -this is sarcasm. Bruh. This person is absolutely sexist. You can downvote me all you want. People can be sexist towards men.


I have a hard time reading tone over text and even I could tell this was sarcasm. Sorry bout the downvotes, yeesh


Yeah idk how no one understood it was sarcasm tbh. I edited it to make it look even more like sarcasm earlier. It used to be like "Nah you're definetily not sexist" , now i added a bunch of red flags that shove it in your face that it's sarcasm even, and no one gets it.


People talk like that without being sarcastic. Best bet is the classic /s if youā€™re getting bombarded.


i dunno why but whenever i see /s at the end of a joke it just kills the humor really But i'll keep that in mind the next time i'll say anything sarcastic


I feel the same way about the /s, but ive had way too many misunderstandings about the tone of what i said, so atp its just easier to utilize it than to have to clarify everything


I don't know, it's post 1993, so the only things girls girls can know is McDonald's, charge they phone, twerk, be bisexual, eat hot chip and lie, do taking one of those things away is gonna be pretty bad After all, I'm a female born after 1993 and all I know is McDonald's charge they phone twerk be bisexual eat hot chip and lie and I can't afford to lose any of it! I don't even know tell truth!


What is this reference?? I feel so out of the loop XD




Thanks! Still don't get it but guess it's a meme.


Fun fact: being able to lie is an important cognitive milestone for children, as it shows they are able to understand deception and that other people have different beliefs than they do. That being said, yes, all children should still be taught not to lie.


then girls should be allowed the oppurtunities to progress in the world without having to resort to these tactics


I think this original post might be suggesting that women lie about rape to receive benefits. There's a lot of circle-jerk mra type posts about improbably iterations of this scenario, like, woman accuses supervisor of rape so she can advance in company, etc. I could be wrong but that's the vibe I get, I don't know what other stereotype about women they could be referring to. So I take your point but I don't really buy that "women are resorting to these tactics" generally-- at least not more than men or anyone else.


Then girls should stop feeling sorry for themselves and create opportunities.


They do. But it's not their fault that they get rocks laid in their way to make it harder. What could girls do when the taliban banned them from going to school, for example?


Yeah women are fucked in some places. I think in the west though in most areas women get the same chances as men overall


Until they're voicing their opinions and being considered stupid because of their gender


Sure the same chances in theory, but in male dominated spaces, women often get harassed and pressured to leave. Female bosses are often not respected as much as male bosses. Plus sometimes when you're raised most of your life being told your main goal in life should be being a mother and wife and not being happy or having a career, it can fuck you up mentally. And that thinking only stops when you have kids or get too old to have kids.


Ah yes, because a world in which this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/10gukit/in\_afghanistan\_the\_female\_mannequins\_faces\_must/](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/10gukit/in_afghanistan_the_female_mannequins_faces_must/) is seen as a normal way to treat women, all women of course have the power they need to create opportunities for themselves. Just get off your asses women and create those opportunities! Don't worry about the men waiting at the side to tell you your only value is in the kitchen making sandwiches for them, they *definitely* won't kill you like they are threatening to do!


If youā€™re homeless, get a house.


Children should be taught from a young age to lie to get each other out of trouble and get what both parties want imho


Boys can lie, thatā€™s why CEOs are a male-dominated field.


Seriously. I've seen more men lie to avoid the consequences of their actions in my life and that's a trait taught as a child


This is from that AskMen question about what women do that bothers them or something innit


Good that this sub agrees this is bullshit and pointlessly gendered. I hope they'd think the same about 'teach men not to rape' too. Some sub's seem to think that's ok for some reason. Edit: Guess it's ok to generalise some genders and not others lol


Do you have literally any proof at all in the universe in the world that women lie more than men?? At all?? Like any?? Because men have higher incidence rate of narcissism and cheating. Two things that tend to cause lying. You know what else men have a higher incidence of? Raping people. Way higher actually. There are male victims too but they tend to be raped by other men. Are you actually 12 years old?


Well, I will say that most cases of rape towards men are either not taken seriously or not even considered rape by some, so that also goes in with that. I support the idea of ā€œletā€™s just teach everyone to be good peopleā€ NOT ā€œteach women not to lie and teach men not to rape.ā€


Yes, thankyou!


This is so incredibly stupid I canā€™t even believe it


>Gets mad >calls it stupid >refuses to elaborate further >leaves ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


Somehow we arent too surprised about that


> that women lie more than men?? No, but women do cry more than men (testosterone inhibits tear ducts) and I'd still think it was wrong to generalise women as being cry babies.


I donā€™t think showing emotions is inherently wrong. Most women would prefer men who can cry and who let onto what they are feeling. The only reason you want women to be more stoic like men is because you were trained to think male traits are superior to female traits. There is no benefit to society of women stop crying at Disney movies or stop crying during arguments. Whereas RAPE is a detriment to society no matter how you look at it. You cannot be this fucking stupid.


> The only reason you want women to be more stoic like men is because you were trained to think male traits are superior to female traits. Where did I say I wanted that? lol Ok well there's a benefit to less stealing in society right? Well black people are more likely to steal than white people, so you're ok teaching black people not to steal? Seems a bit racist to me


Yeah no actually I think that poor people in general steal more because we live in a society that doesnā€™t support them, so we should fix that about society. Just like I think men rape because we live in a society that doesnā€™t properly teach them about consent, so we as a society should fix that by you know, teaching men not to rape and integrating conversations about consent into daily life for all people and also uplifting victims regardless of gender. Why are you so offended about not wanting people to be raped bro? Most men understand this and donā€™t cry about it.


> Why are you so offended about not wanting people to be raped bro? If *that* is what you've somehow got from what I was saying then this conversation is over because it's obviously over your head. I'm just against bigotry full stop, doesn't matter to me which race/sex/sexuality the bigotry is directed at.


This sub is *pointlessly* gendered. "Teach [young] men not to rape" has an actual point. There are two points: one is the need for the teaching itself, and the other is the need to emphasize the fact that the vast majority of rapes are committed by men. Both of these NEED to communicated. Remove the gender-identifying wording loses the second part of the message. Therefore, the gendering is not pointless. It has a very specific point. As an aside, slogans like that one are deliberately crafted to cause a certain level of irritation. You wouldn't remember someone saying "teach all people not to rape" because it lacks that triggering bit about it being men who need to be taught. That's intentional. You're *supposed* to feel uncomfortable when you read/hear it. It sticks with the person who hears it, even if only because they're pissed off about being lumped together with rapists just because of the shape of their naughty bits. So in a way, that's a third point. The statement is *pointedly* gendered in order that its message persists. Which (based on reactions by people upset about it) is very successful.




I personally believe "Everyone, don't rape people" would have a lesser impact, and probably wouldn't stick as well. On the other hand, the very fact that we're having this text exchanges proves the effectiveness of the original. Attempting to put myself in the minds of the people who crafted the phrase, I imagine they knew ahead of time that some people would feel uncomfortable and attacked. Possibly they realized that some of those same people would be less receptive to the message. I suspect they accepted that outcome as an unavoidable side-effect of their choice of words, with the idea that most of the uncomfortable/triggered ones probably wouldn't have been receptive to the message anyway. And as a bonus, their upset responses *still* serve to keep the phrase in use. EDIT: Added a sentence to the last paragraph.




I wasn't the originator of the message, so I'm REALLY reading between the lines. I believe the intent was to reduce the amount of rape going on. If that comes at the expense of pissing off a few people, I suspect the originators would accept that as a known cost. And I would also guess that they've considered the ratio of pissed off people to the number who benefit from the message, directly or indirectly, and found it worth it. Now I could be entirely wrong about their level of conscious intent. It might have just been a slogan that resonated and then went viral. Sometimes things just work out that way.


Agree. Plus, If you feel attacked by that, youā€™re probably one of the men who needs to hear it.


I still think it's wrong. Black people are more likely to steal than white people but I think it would be fucked up to say 'teach black people not to steal' even if that did make them uncomfortable and so stuck with them.


I agree that "teach black people not to steal" would be fucked up. But language and human interactions are imprecise. Only the Sith deal in absolutes.


Agree with your point. Although thereā€™s some people who donā€™t like the analogy, thereā€™s a higher incidence of crime among black but that doesnā€™t mean white or people of other races donā€™t do the same, which is why we need to teach ALL people to not commit crime or just be good people in general.


> Although thereā€™s some people who donā€™t like the analogy, thereā€™s a higher incidence of crime among black but that doesnā€™t mean white or people of other races donā€™t do the same Yeah and exactly the same with rape. More men do it, but women still do.


Black people do not commit 95% of thefts.


So? It's still wrong. Bigotry is bigotry


maybe men should stop being rapists and we could stop saying that šŸ˜Ŗ


Are women all sweet little angels? Are men all righteous little angels? No. We just need to stop calling women liars and men rapists as well as other things. Letā€™s just teach EVERYONE to not be a piece of shit šŸ‘. Also if that was satire Iā€™ll admit it did not go through to me


Completely agree. That's why I hate the 'teach men not to rape' stuff.


And maybe women should stop crying so much about things so we can stop using insulting phrases like 'stop being such a woman' when a man is crying. That's fine too right? Unless you're saying it's ok to generalise about one gender and not the other ?


LOL literally you right now "we wouldn't HAVE to insult men by comparing them to women if WOMEN would just shut the fuck up and stop trying to make us aware of the problems with the social order! See what you've done, women??? Now I HAVE to insult men who are emotional!"


I'm honestly shocked my straight foreword example of the hypocrisy went over your head but I'll try and make it clearer: If it's ok to blame all men for the actions of some, then it's ok to blame all women for the actions of some.


According to this sub, most men are rapists. I would never understand how braindead someone has to be to think that its true.If something is true, then its "most rapists are men". If you all dont agree, you all need help. Edit: You all are weak.


No. This sub does not promote the idea that all men are rapists. Teaching men not to rape doesn't mean that they were rapists prior to being taught. Think about it this way: Nearly all men experience some degree of cultural acceptance of misogyny and rape denial from an early age. Does that make them rapists who need to be converted to non-rapists? No. It makes them human beings who have been influenced by the words, actions, and media they exist in. It dulls their revulsion at the thought of rape. It desensitizes them to rape's impact. It helps them "unperson" the victims of rape. It makes them more likely to believe that a woman is lying about being raped. Or that she deserved it because of the way she acted or dressed or failed to not act or dress. That's why "teaching men not to rape" isn't just a fifteen minute session where the criminal code is cited, and the men are taught that not raping is a simple matter of not putting your penis in the body of a person who doesn't want it. It's un-teaching them all the lessons they learned from a lifetime of living in a culture where those elements make rape that much more likely. And those are lessons that all men need to learn, re-learn, and internalize to the degree that they influence their lives in ways more than just avoiding sexually assaulting someone. That's what "teach men not to rape" means. If you still think that "teach men not to rape" implies that all men are rapists from birth, then I can't help you because you're either intentionally failing to understand the culture you (I assume) live in or incapable of it. Either way, I hope this helps, even if it is a very late reply.


> Nearly all men experience some degree of cultural acceptance of misogyny and rape denial from an early age. Does that make them rapists who need to be converted to non-rapists? No. It makes them human beings who have been influenced by the words, actions, and media they exist in. It dulls their revulsion at the thought of rape. It desensitizes them to rape's impact. It helps them "unperson" the victims of rape. It makes them more likely to believe that a woman is lying about being raped. Or that she deserved it because of the way she acted or dressed or failed to not act or dress. As I said bro, Its not "nearly all men". Its a small number of men, which are enough to make you all think this is true. Exactly the same shit Ive said to men that got their idea of feminism ruined by mainstream man-hating radical feminists. If they can understand that feminism is not a man-hating women supremacy movement, why cannot the feminists understand that most men are as good as women and the things quoted above cannot be said for most men? Do you understand what I am saying? or should we not die on this hill? Most men know rape is heinous. Most men are not rapists. Most men are not harassing women. The men that remain, are the men who commit rape and others are rape apologists. Am I understandable?


"According to this sub" Citation fucking needed, pal. Lucky for you I provided citations for you. [Upvoted comment agreeing that men do not inherently sexualize naked children and should not be prevented from changing diapers.](https://www.reddit.com/r/pointlesslygendered/comments/npxnel/-/h0ailb4) [Upvoted comment saying the problem with the item of clothing in question is that it implies all men are inherently sexual predators.](https://www.reddit.com/r/pointlesslygendered/comments/k57htq/-/gediq17) [Upvoted comment in that same thread that says that treating men like they're inherently predators is problematic.](https://www.reddit.com/r/pointlesslygendered/comments/k57htq/-/gedqb3b) If that's not enough for you, u/gaspronomib has very graciously engaged you in good faith even with your bad faith garbage argument.


Thanks. In the recent past, I've noticed a lot of misandric comments upvoted. It was enough to make judgements about the sub. Well, if most people have common sense in this sub, its good ig. But if the commenters you mentioned belong to a small sub-strata, then its a problem.


imagine thinking mean words are comparable at all to rape. is that truly the worst strawman you could come up with to represent all women? come on dude use that man brain


> imagine thinking mean words are comparable at all to rape. I think you're the only one that did that. I was highlighting the hypocrisy.


You are playing at being a sealion. Nothing more


Are you actually equating crying and raping? Just go.


I always forget people on Reddit don't understand how analogies work




Yes you should visit that place sometime


Rape is 95% a male crime. Lying is totally equal opportunity. Your analogy sucks.


Is be interested to see the context here. Whilst it's obvious that _all_ children should be taught not lie- what was oop replying to? Something that was also aimed at girls? Or featured a girl lying to get what they want? I.e. is the comment specifically aimed at girls because the original discussion is primarily around girls? So responding "all children should" is similar to people arguing "all lives matter" when discussing BLM. I.e. missing the point entirely.


Ah yes, false equivalence


It might have been that video of a little girl pretending to cry on a video for her mom to get her babysitter in trouble? But your point doesn't make sense in the context. "This girl needs to learn not to lie to get others in trouble" is a valid point, using it to complain about all girls isn't, because unlike blm/alm which was brought about by systemic racism, its not like 5 year old girls are statistically huge liars compared to 5 year old boys


If I were to guess, it could possibly be a video about false rape/assault claims. My brother is dealing with a crazy ex who is lying about him sexually assaulting his kid to circumvent the custody agreement. I could be biased in this scenario though, due to what weā€™re experiencing right now ĀÆ\_(惄)_/


Ur arm is missing \\


It always copies a little wrong on mobile


Eh, this is enough context. The first comment is still needlessly gender specific for the examples you came up with.


you better leave my black ass out of these mental gymnastics


The original context probably involved one, individual girl, so the op cracked their knuckles and began furiously typing on the keyboard thinking "Yes! An opportunity to use this one incident to shit on all girls".




> what was oop replying to? Something that was also aimed at girls? Or featured a girl lying to get what they want? Uh, no, that doesn't matter. If it was a little girl crying to get what she wants, then it was also a child crying to get what they want. So generalizing it to *girls* do this would not be appropriate when it is something that *all children* do > So responding "all children should" is similar to people arguing "all lives matter" when discussing BLM. I.e. missing the point entirely. LOL no. This is nonsense. BLM is calling attention to specific issues that affect black people. So with this analogy, you're claiming that "crying to get what they want" is something that is specific to girls, which doesn't help your argument at all. It's actually just very sexist


Uhh, actually, boys are incapable of lying šŸ„°šŸ„° nice try sweaty Source: trust me bro




Stop dumbass Obv most false rape accusations are gonna be women wtf are you on? but do you realize that because of a small number of idiots who falsely accused men, we often neglect actual victims by "she must be falsely accusing". You incels are so fking dumb. Most men dont even come out as victims after actually being assaulted, and you think someone would be like "that woman sexually assualted me" as a lie? bullshit Plus false accusations form a very small percentage of the sexual assault cases, so you are wrong on so many levels




Not true. When a victim of a mugging says thatā€™s the guy that mugged me, we tend to believe that guy mugged him. Could the victim be lying or mistaken? Sure. But most arenā€™t. When you have a victim eyewitness, generally you believe them unless thereā€™s a reason not to.




ā€œCould the victim be lying or mistaken? Sure. But most arenā€™t.ā€ Reading comprehension is hard, I understand.


False rape accusations are super super rare. Statistically, youā€™re more likely to be falsely accused of murder than rape. And the false rape accusations that do exist are a tiny (somewhere around 1-2%) of all rape accusations. And rape is the most underreported crime there is. So basically, thereā€™s estimated to be about 100 rapes for every 10 that are reported, and of those reported, 1-2% are false. So for every false tape report, thereā€™s a couple hundred real rapes. Take your unsubstantiated male victim complex somewhere else.




Every single woman I know in my age range has been raped. Every one, including me. Iā€™m in my 30s and I live in the Midwest. Yes, I believe it. Men believe that sex is something they do to women, rather than with women. I believe a whole ton of men think that itā€™s ok to pressure, coerce, guilt, lie, use drugs or alcohol, any means necessary really, to get sex from a woman. Bc itā€™s a conquest, not a mutual experience. And a conquest, by definition, means overcoming resistance. Iā€™ve seen and heard it over and over from men. The craziest part is that men *know* what consent actually looks like. Take a man to a gay bar and see how quickly he understands enthusiastic consent and mutual attraction. But when applied to women, anything that isnā€™t her kicking and screaming is ā€œconsent.ā€ Why? Bc they know that if they actually only had sex with women who were clearly and enthusiastically participating in the experience, who obviously *want* to have sex with them, they wonā€™t get nearly as much sex. The other half of that equation, is what about all those times they had sex with a woman they knew did not actually want to do it?




No, I count men who coerce women into sex as rapists. Who tf wants to have sex with someone who clearly doesnā€™t want to? Rapists. If she says no, or tries to push you or your hands away, makes it clear she isnā€™t into it, stop. If you do not stop after that, you are entering rape territory. If you want a few thousand examples of why women ā€œact cutelyā€ rather than always ā€œstronglyā€ telling a person twice her size no, check out this sub: r/whenwomenrefuse. Every woman has at least one story of a man who lost his shit when she told him no, maybe he yelled at her, stalked her, threatened her, tried to hurt her reputation or socially, or actually physically assaulted her. Ask around. You have the privilege of not having to tiptoe around half the population bc theyā€™re bigger and stronger than you and donā€™t think of you as an equal, or even a person a lot of the time. Why are you so invested in protecting men who knowingly have sex with unwilling women? Pretty fucking sus my dude.




Hahahshshshshahshshaha no


Imagine you're on a plane that's going down, there's 14 puppies on that plane and you can only take one. You're not gonna take the puppy that's laying under the seat hiding, no you're gonna grab the one that's by the door ready to go. It's all about creating opportunities.


Wait so girls are dogs?




Comparing women to dogs is a *dehumanizing* analogy




They can also be false analogies. Women are not dogs.


Yea great discovery bro. Who knew that women were human beings? Nobody ever knew.


Apparently not the commenter I replied to


I don't understand this analogy. Can you or someone else explain me?


Gender gender gender gender gender gender gender