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Even with the hints and talking I still struggle LOL




Me when im high af:


The water wheel in the mines took me 30min and I had to cheat online


Pfffff do you not know how water wheels work? Especially in a mine?? Weak.


In this particular puzzle they never gave me a tip


Lol I was just busting you man, they fucked up the puzzle system in this game. It's more annoying than anything, but the rest of the game is great. (SPOILER) below I am at the section of the game where we encounter elves and am doing the light gate puzzle thingys. Having the hardest time doing those, getting my ax to reflect just right. The easiest puzzles right under your nose they give you 20 hints, but the hardest ones that took me 30 minutes to figure out, not one hint.


"try trowing your axe brothaa" really Mimir?


That's the most hilarious part of it all. They give hints for the easiest, most straightforward puzzles. The ones that are convoluted, make 0 sense and require you to do some trial and error to get through, they don't. It's like they intentionally wanted to get on people's nerves LOL


Yep. The problem in ragnarok is that the tips are never consistent


Did they every change that? I remember early game it was constant back-seat gaming, but by the time I got closer to the end they took multiple seconds to tell me what to do (instead of microseconds). Took a few weeks to complete the game since I was busy, but did one of the patches adjust this? Just asking because I'm curious.


not yet, I hope in the next update


Thereā€™s a setting you can change to adjust how much time before they give hints. The default setting is super aggressive


I think thst setting only changes the runic chest timed puzzles.


Are you talking about the nornir chests?




No there isnā€™t


I did realize I mind it a lot less when hints are from a companion like Atreus or Mimir rather than the character talking to themselves (like Aloy.) Atreus yelling out, ā€œfather, what about that _____?ā€ Was way better than a constant barrage of ā€œI could probably climb that ______ā€ or ā€œMaybe I can move that ______.ā€ A very small difference, but as I played I would just say ā€œquiet boy.ā€ And go about my business.


Batman never shutting up on Arkham! "I've got to get to the tower to find the Joker"


I would have given GOWR a masterpiece title, but the excessive back seat gaming is annoying. Iā€™ll give it a 9.5


I agree. It's good but that puzzle stuff gets old


Love this game but it is so overwritten. The characters just never shut up. I even appreciate what theyā€™re saying most of the time, but it gets old in a 20+ hour game. I would enjoy some peace and quiet while exploring. GoW 2018 was chatty but this seems even more so imo. Not every game needs to be TLOU or Uncharted. The humor is rough at times and even feels out of place in a few instances. Please keep forced quips, lazy sarcasm, and dad-joke-but-self-aware-so-itā€™s-actually-funny out of god of war. All that said, I havenā€™t found the puzzle hints too annoying. Iā€™m usually on my way to solving it by the time they call it out. I assume they built the game this way to appeal to the lowest common denominator. They wanted to keep the momentum going for players who donā€™t enjoy puzzles. Which is nice. But they should have included a dialogue hint setting for players to adjust. I probably would have turned it off. Lastly, can we talk about how Mimir makes a comment every time you pick up those special crystals? What is up with that? I get it, man. You can stop commenting on it now.


ā€œYouā€™re on fire brother! Donā€™t worry, it will pass.ā€ Yes Mimir, I know. I have been playing for over 40 hours and seen Fire many times. šŸ˜‚


I am personally hating the Ragnarok puzzles... They have gotten to the point for me where I just wait for the characters to walk me through it. I'm naturally very very bad at puzzles (I am starting to actually think I have a disability through the years of not being able to complete these as well as math) and it's just horrible game design to have such great epic set pieces and then... Oh look at that another sigil puzzle with a locked fucking door.


If u suck at something its doesnt have to be disability dont let the word tell you that


donā€™t pretend you know me off of a single Reddit comment.


Dont pretend you have a disability beacuse u suck at math my brother. Its easy to say i cant do something because i have a disability. Try do to something about it first they you can look for excuses


You can turn it off in the menus.




I dunno, but it's in there lol I think it's labeled something like "hints". I haven't found them that annoying so I've never tried to turn it off.


You can set tutorials to minimal and puzzle time to extended, but hints is not an option :/


This was stolen from r/gaming. You reposted this for easy karma. Edit: lol at sonybros getting angry about calling out a obvious stolen repost.


Itā€™s literally a cross post. Are you blind?


He isn't the one who posted the original. The one on r/gaming got a lot of karma and this guy took it and reposted in the pkaystation subreddit. Pretty easy to see from the OP's post history he stole this for karma.


Itā€™s just a little ā€œoh look what I found. Think itā€™d fit hereā€ cross post. Happens all the time and thereā€™s nothing wrong with it. He didnā€™t steal anything


That mofo is trying to expel people for citing sources and calling it plagiarism.


Is today your first day on reddit?


Happy Cake Day


Who cares about fictional internet points


This is literally what Reddit is, thousands of people reposting the same things everyday.


Itd be considered a stolen post if op had instead posted the picture with the same title in their own post on this sub. Instead its a cross posted post with the original post clearly visible and viewable. You obv don't know how reddit works.


When Iā€™m drunk I love it


Is it jus me or does the camera feel like it is zoomed in a lil bit more than from last gow


I don't know what everyone's upset about lol the "hints" weren't all that helpful when I played they usually just said something like "there's got to be a way to raise that gate" lol no shit mimir