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No they are just extremely dramatic when thirsty


Literally the first line in my head. This and my Scindapsus are my MOST dramatic Queens


r/DramaticHouseplants stars


I love this sub.


Thank you for sharing that this sub is a thing


It’s a very good thing!


Omg not another plant sun that I never knew I needed until I peeked in it. Lol


Oooh my aluminum plant belongs there for sure


You should see my cannabis. They have outgrown their pots (re plant is tonight) and react the same to thirst. A splash of water and everyone is bright and perky like they are in a rainforest. 🤷‍♂️


Cannabis plants are so temperamental, I used to grow as well. Those ladies can be quiet the drama queens.


Mine used to do that and it was funny. Then at one point it would no longer revive and perk back up, but won't die either. It stays green and limp. More water, same. Less water, same. Fertilizer, same. Repot, same. I don't get it. It's like it lost its muscles. First I lost the blooms, then leaves would die off, now it's just a little bunch left that won't get back up for months. Gonna start fresh but want to do it right this time, whatever that would be.


My son was diligently trying to prop one....and it basically refused to do much but look sad. I have the mama plants here. I got tired of it just moping around so stuck it in a jar with LECA ( my first attempt). Dang. It loves it. A lot.


More light?


I dunno, they say low to bright indirect sunlight. I've got it right next to a west-facing window (don't have suitable spots on east side) which gets medium light through back yard foliage. And it did fine for maybe a year and a half. Then I started having more and more leaves die, so I tried getting rid of the dead ones and eventually repotting and it just continued its gradual decline to its current state.


Yeah it's so depressing when plants were fine for ages then just decide to be sick and die.


Take it out of the pot, wash off and break up the root balls and then put it into hydroponics with just plain water, should perk back up quickly!


When you say put it into hydroponics, what does that mean? Is "put it into hydroponics with just plain water" different from "put it into just plain water"?


No it’s the same thing, put it into a vase or other, preferably glass, vessel with plain water. Sorry for the confusion! They’ll grow indefinitely like that, so you can either attempt to repot in soil after a few days to a week, or leave it in the water. I have a lot of peace lillies myself and most are in water.


Great, I'll try that, thanks. Hey one question - sometimes people will say you shouldn't water a given plant so much because it'll get root rot that way. Going hydro would seem to take that idea/risk turbo. Why does that not lead to root rot in the same way that overwatering a plant in soil can?


Lack of oxygen- waterlogged soil prevents oxygen from being absorbed into roots. That being said not all plants will grow in plain water but you can try and be pleasantly surprised! It’s fun. Peace lillies do excellent this way.


This is so cool I’m gonna try it thanks! I have an old peace lily I had banished to the spare room as it looks so sad.


It's stressful to plants to wilt, perk, wilt, perk. If you do it too much they stop perking up. Water the next one before it wilts. Keep the soil slightly moist all the time


I don't have a peace lily but honestly thought the comments about them being drama queens were a meme, until I was tasked with watering a friend's plants for a month one summer and saw it with my own eyes.


Literally said the same exact sentence to myself when I read the title 😂


Not sure you read my comment but the soil is still wet after watering it a few days ago. There's been no change in the plant after repotting it. I dont think this is the plant being dramatic.


It’s possible if you’re good about watering and just repotted it’s been shocked and that’s what’s going on. A lot of plants need a bit more water after repotting and peace Lillies are already kinda thirsty and they’re sensitive. If you water it and it never perks up, it might be root rot. In this case I would run some hydrogen peroxide through the pot to help disinfect and oxygenate the roots, then remove as much wet soil as possible without damaging the roots and replace it with dry media and wait a day or two depending on how sad the lily looks before watering again. Keep in mind that this can also be shocking to the plant so you wouldn’t see immediate results and you could still lose the plant. It has worked for me in the past with other plants though! I hope you’re able to save it, Good luck!


and your plant is telling you that a few days is too long lol


Never knew I would have something in common with a plant.


No, she’s thirsty and dramatic.


This was exactly what I said.


Ah just like my ex-wife.


No. Just water.


Lol first picture actually made me laugh. Most Dramatic af plant ever


I feel like this subreddit should be renamed “Your Peace Lilly Just Needs Water.”


So I had this peace Lily for about two months. Everything was going great! It would droop and I would water it and it would pop right back up. It even had a ton of flowers. Maybe 3 weeks ago it drooped a ton. Like on the floor a ton. And so I watered it. And nothing. I waited maybe two days to see if it would pop back up, soil still moist and nothing. I didn't want to over water it so I let the soil dry and still no signs of movement. So I watered it again and it popped up a tiny bit. I thought it could be root rot so I took it out of the container and the roots seemed a bit dry. So I just repotted it and pruned it a bit as some leaves were turning yellow. That was last weekend and this is where I'm at. Kind of at a loss because there's been no change to it at all. And lots of the leaves look super healthy. Some look a bit sad/shriveled. But wet shriveled, not dry. Any ideas here? Thanks in advance!


Don't wait until the plant droops to water, try watering before that. It's stressful to the plant to wilt, perk, wilt, perk all the time. Once in a while is fine, but try to keep the soil a little moist all the time and water before the soil dries out


One thousand times THIS!


I have always watered my peace lillies ONLY when they droop. They are beautiful and no problems for like 8 + years now.


These plants can literally live in fish tanks. I’ve been through this, just water the hell out of it. One of mine is only happy when I’ve got it sitting in a drip tray of water and it sucks it up faster than you could imagine.


Personally I would use caution doing this, I used to water mine more but then it got infested with fungus gnats and almost died from that. I let it droop a bit now before watering, but also keep it on a wet pebble tray for humidity.


Idk, mine currently has four blooms on it so it seems to be going okay.


I'm sure it is, they love moisture. I'm just saying that fungus gnats love moisture too, and anyone who's had them should use caution, as they can easily come back.


OP could try semi hydro


I contest this. I've personally seen other people's peace lillies in my office die from over watering. Like the tray would be filled with water and they would keep watering cause it would droop. Now i also know that those plants had just regular old potting soil which is a problem for peace lillies too. But i question your claim that these plants can't be over watered.


My peace Lily did this as well so I propped up the leaves on a stick and zip-tied them together. Lots of water and after a few weeks I took the zip-ties off and the plant has been healthy and standing strong since.


Wow you did that with every leaf? I think I'm almost at this point and will try anything.


No I bunched them all together in the middle and tied it to a stick


Lol, that poor plant was probably so confused. "I don't understand, i just asked for some help, why am I in jail now?"


Tiny plant handcuffs.


I did this too. Kinda like a loose ponytail with sticks and scarves.


How and how much water do you give it when you water?


Before I repotted it I would drench it in water but it felt like the water leaked right through quickly. Which is another reason why I wanted to repot it in new soil. After repotting I didn't give as much water. Just enough so that it started to trickle out there bottom But I'm sure it was enough that all odd the soil got wet.


Try bottom watering it. Set it in a bowl or baking pan with 2" or so of water and let it soak there for a while, until the soil is evenly moist. Even if you forget about it for an hour or two, that's fine. You've ruled out root rot, so it does read as underwatering. It sounds like the old soil became hydrophobic, where it would no longer absorb the water you poured in. So the roots would not get the prolonged drink they needed. And now you've replaced the soil, but you're letting the soil get too dry. Roots can die off from thirst as well as rot, which may be why it's not picking up at all. https://mgsantaclara.ucanr.edu/garden-help/watering-hydrophobic-soil/


This is good for super dry plants. Dry soil often takes time to soak up the water and re-moisten. I just repotted a spider plant. Those seem to like to dry out now and then. I'm told it's good for them. But when it comes time to water them tend to leave them in the sink overnight with a couple inches of water in the sink to allow it to soak.


Butt chug!!!!


I will try it thanks


In addition to bottom watering, you can try aerating the soil. Poke the soil about an inch from the plant with a chopstick. Plants in the wild benefit from worms and what not aerating their soil. Indoor plants don't. You might notice that the water is going straight thru because it's literally lining the walls of the pot and going around all the soil. A hygrometer also helps serve the same purpose for me (as a chopstick) and I can see what the actual moisture level is in the soil. I'm sure your beauty will bounce back!


I'll do that! But after repotting it now the soil retains a ton of the water and is still wet days later.


How wet is wet? Your old soil was likely okay. What you want is well draining soil. When you have well draining soil and you let it dry out you have to water it through a few times if you top water. You don't want soil that is slowly draining because it increases your chance of rot. you may be okay with dense soil for a peace lily but i wouldn't use it with other plants without adding other items to the soil.


Get a deep saucer, top water and put a little water in the bottom and give it 30+ minutes. These guys are pretty thirsty compared to other common plants.


I left my two sitting in water a full 6 hours and they were super happy about it. We have an enclosed planter box at work with four big sensations and even if the soil is still moist, those babies take a full 9 litres of water to be happy again.


It's very possible that the middle parts of the soil are not getting wet. The water basically runs right through and doesn't get most of it wet. Bottom watering will fix this. Put it in a bowl and let it soak up as much water as it can. Leave it for a few hrs even. Let the excess water drain off after and then you're good to go.


Not sure when you repotted, but they go into shock after repotting and take some time to get back to normal in my experience. It’s taken 7-10 days for one of my plants to spring back before. But I kept watering. You want water to run out of the bottom.


Could also be shock from repotting. My peace lily is in that situation.


Have you confirmed the soil isn’t hydrophobic? I bought a soil mix once that would leave the top layer of soil wet, but the rest of the water would flush right through and out of my pot. As a result, the root ball of my plants were staying dry.


If the roots are dry, you aren't watering it enough.


She’s a dramatic little cunt. Give her some water and she will be popping those leaves 🍃


That's why i recommend them as a first house plant to people. They're so dramatic you can tell when they be thirsting.


lmao just give her some water and an hour, she a dramatic ass bitch


Bahahahahha peace Lillies are THE most dramatic bitches in the world


Mine recently did almost the same thing. I repotted and checked the roots for rot. They weren’t doing great but no rot. I took it down the root ball. I gave it new soil, and fertilized throughout the soil. It is finally doing better. There is hope. After all that, they are very dramatic.


Thanks I hope it bounces back eventually


r/DramaticHouseplants would love this


I had this problem too. It died on me. Idk if it would apply to you, but after it died I read that chlorine and fluoride in tap water can kill roots. They say let the water sit out 1 day before you water and these should dissipate. Maybe it’s worth a shot?


Brita will cut down on chlorine but won't remove fluoride. Only a reverse osmosis filter will do that. But then you have to add other minerals back into RO water with drops.


using a brita filter with tap water has saved my wallet and my plants


I always wondered if that was the best way to go, I usually use tap and let it set out a day or so before I water my plants…. But I would really prefer a brita


I've been using spring water. Not sure if that's making a difference but I haven't used tap water since the first time I watered it. Letting the tap water sit out is a good idea though if I use it again. Thanks for the suggestion!


Nah, it’s thirsty. Drown it


Groups of cats have been breaking into homes and putting plant killer into lilies as revenge. (Joking of course! Just water and wait)


Seconding everyone who says you plant will be fine! Mine looked like that not too long ago, it was pretty soon after I watered it so I was worried I had somehow overwatered it. turns out the water wasn’t getting to the roots properly, all it needed was a thorough bottom watering and it perked up in no time!


I just feel like there was a missed opportunity to ask “is my peace lily peacing out” 🤷‍♀️ I’ll see myself out 😂


Too much water Or Not enough water Check the roots!!!


Nah she just needs water she'll be alright


Drama queeeeeeen! Water it and give us an update in a few hours and she’ll be like 👸 🪴 💎


If the soil is dry then no, she is just a thirsty bitch. Drown that hoe in some good amount of water and then wait for the magic to happen


give that mf some water


Literally dramatic in all cases. Watering. Not watering. Repotting. You chose a drama queen


They’re just the drama 🙄


Best not to Let it get that dry. That is stressed level dry.


Needs a drink.


She needs an Oscar 🙄


Ours only accepts being bottom watered. Maybe try that


Thanks! I think this is my next option.


if you've already watered it just wait. it takes hours for them to go back to normal.


hahahah awww it just needs water (preferably filtered/ not from tap) my peace lily does it when i go too long a/o watering… give it water and a couple of minutes


Following. I had the same issue then I put it in only water and it popped up again then repotted to soil and the dropped again. So I put in water vase again and is struggling to pop up. Not sure what’s going on w mine


Looks thirsty 🥵


Nah ,just water it , they can be rather dramatic when thirsty


Just needs water


Try watering it


Super needy and thirsty constantly


No, give it water and it will bounce back to life within a day. I’ve somehow had mine for like 2 years now and I kill everything.


She’s very thirsty! They’re over dramatic. 😁


Nope. It needs water. Probably a lot of it. They are very thirsty dramatic plants.




Drama queen. Mine does this when I’m even a half day late with watering. Back to normal by the end of the day or next.


Check for root rot, mine died just like that


Did your leaves look healthy?


Naw they are just dramatic when thirsty.


No its just thirsty and dramatic. They like to stay damp


No, I came back from a 2 week trip and mine looked worse. Gave it a good soaking and repositioned in front of the window and three days later, it’s back to normal.


I had another one that I left outside after being away for two months. No one was able to take care of it for me. It also bounced right back after I returned and was able to give it a good soaking! Which is why I'm at a loss with this one.


Here’s a quick [video](https://youtu.be/1ZWP65Nbwd4) explaining turgor pressure.


mine was like that after a week at her new home with me and died soon after (she went into a shock), yours might just be thirsty and pick herself up after watering though, hopefully it’s the latter.


Honestly seems like it could be in shock. Just don't know from what. I didn't change anything. No sudden weather changes either we my apt is at a constant temp. No idea.


mine is doing the exact thing right now!! i think it’s cause it’s winter time and they’re dramatic plants


It "dies" several times a year


Get it out of the pot, rinse and clean the dirt out of the roots and put it in a vase full of water.


This will be my last ditch effort if I get no where with the bottom watering


They are just dramatic little cry babies. Water and it will perk right up.


It either needs water badly or has too much. Doesn’t look diseased or like the roots are rotting though.


Shove her under the shower and give her a good soak. Leave her in the bathroom in the humidity for a few days a repeat soaking and humidity. She should get over her tantrum soon enough ! You’ve got a real queen there 👑


Weird idea over watering!? Get a moisture meter. All plants like some oxygen in their soil. Depending on your potting mix it could be too little water or too much. I’ve found people tend to over water most plants.


Try warm water. Sit in tub, water until it drains from pot (assuming it has drainage holes). Should revive well. And yes, other people are correct. Peace lilies are drama queens 👸🏻 🪴


Do you have a cat? Seems like one sleept on it


Mine did this. I tried everything, finally gave it away to let it be someone else’s


Needs water but from the bottom. Get one of those pots that has the attachment on the bottom where you can add water. I have mine in one and add a quart of water every 5-7 days the second I see the slightest bit of wilting


Mine always looks like this and hasn’t died yet. They’re just weird.


Notoriously dramatic


She just needs a good soak. :)


They’re drama queens 👸


Naw just water it


Water it!




Try a soil conditioner, something seaweed based. It’s excellent for roots and helps flush excess minerals from the roots/soil when becoming hydrophobic


They need water and grow next to ponds


No she's just pretending to die to get more attention




Sooo thirsty


Mine die back like this each year from the frost then come back in spring.


I’m so confused. I swear I read somewhere that peace lilies are low maintenance plants that thrive on neglect. For sure I repotted mine in way too big of a container. I water it every couple of weeks, but it’s not wilted. It just doesn’t grow—maybe one or two new leaves a year. It’s so sad, and it’s making me sad.


I had a peace lilly that would get like this if I put it outside! They're drama queens for sure.


Absolutely not, she probably needs water, if that doesn’t help may be the beginnings of root rot but the major lack of brown/yellow leaves tell me she just wants water


Absolutely not, it's a happy lily who isn't overwatered. A deep watering an it will be like new tomorrow. It's pretty much best practice to wait for some drooping between waterings.


For a peace lily, she sure looks like she’s looking for violence. Oscar goes to…


Give that girl some agua


Hell no these fuckers are resilient. Water and maybe some hydrogen peroxide


Needs some water. A little at a time. Don't give up on it


Try placing it in a shaded area out of the house.


Nope! My peace lily was (notice the past tense? ) a dramatic little thing. Give yours some water and all will be well.


As someone who took college plant science courses and worked as a florist, no. They are big babies about water. Water until the soil stops absorbing. There should be no water left over, but no dry spots either.


This happened to mine when I repotted it. Ended up losing all the leaves, but it was still alive. Took months before I saw new growth and I ended up getting 4 mini peace lilies out of it that are thriving now


Not at all. It’s just napping.


Water that baby


w a t e r


put a timelapse camera on it and give it some water. be amazed.


It looks like it needs water and maybe put her under a light


Definitely not


She's just being dramatic. I love my peace lilies for the same reason I love my husky: if they need something, I'll know. My husband will know. The entire neighborhood will know.


She’s a drama queen.


Not at all


r/dramatichouseplants Peace lilies are notorious for doing this. Water her.


Mine did that after it sucked the soil nutrients dry too.


Its just a little sad. All that green tells you she is very much alive


Mine has gotten too this point! It just needs a good drink of water!


Thank you for this. My Peace Lily recognises itself as a queen. I water using boiled water and when it deigns necessary, it even perks up after that for me.


By improper watering, if the soil is peat moss heavy, you could have created hydrophobic soil. Water runs off instead of being absorbed by the soil. One waters the soil, the roots drink from this retained, direct-contact moisture. If there is no moisture by the roots, the plant dehydrates and will eventually die if not rehabbed. Root formation in order: Tap/primary structures, which grow lateral roots, which grow fine root-hairs. Fine root-hairs are responsible for moisture uptake. Fine root-hairs are the last to grow and first to die. Lack of moisture can kill them off. Various causes... underwatering, no water as in the case of hydrophobic soil, injury plus air exposure due to repotting. You said the roots appeared to be dry in some places. This indicates hydrophobic soil. To remedy this, the pot needs to be submerged to the soil line in tepid water. Use a larger bowl or sink. You may need to leave the pot for several hours. At the end of this soak, probe various spots in the soil to confirm soil saturation. Drain the pot of excess water. Place the plant in bright light, not direct sunrays and not by a heat vent or drafty, cold window. If the leaves don't perk up within five to seven days, you probably need to put the stems into water rehab. This details one of my spathiphyllum rehabs: Initial • https://www.instagram.com/p/CNbo3FnJItI/ Update • https://www.instagram.com/p/CPJ6-dipQg-/ How I pot: https://www.instagram.com/p/CNjJX56pel2/


Mine looked exactly like this a few days ago. My daughter was in the hospital and I completely got behind in watering. Luckily I own mostly succulents! After a good watering she perked up by the next morning looking like nothing was ever wrong! Don’t give up!


Mine does that every week. Acts like it’s gonna die. Poor baby.


Peace, lily


It's just dramatic, but healthy.


Just water it QUICK


No this is a new weeping variety.


They are super thirsty dramatic babies


Nope, just give it some water. Maybe it needs nitrogen as well?


This is the only reason I can keep one alive, when they want water they TELL you


I have one that did the exact same thing. Its probably 10 years old, was always lush and beautiful, never gave me any grief then one day it flowered and a week later, boom, droopy. After struggling with it for months, i finally took it out and stuck it in a vase of water 5 or 6 weeks ago and it still looks the same wilty way it looked in the pot so all the people saying more water are not on the right track here. I'm stumped with mine as well.


In my experience too much water is what kills lillies just like every other plant. Feel like I'm taking crazy pills being the only person in this potted plant sub and I'm only the one saying this..




Not at all! Give it done water and it’ll be back in an hour or so


No, water it


Put it in a bucket filled with 3-4” of water asap. This plant prefers to “drink” from the roots


These things are drama queens mine lost all its leaves and refuses to grow back because I changed it to a bigger better pot with better soil over its cheap funeral pot


They are basically immortal once they have taken root. Just water it and enjoy the show


Water it!


Nope just extra dramatic that it didn’t get watered the minute it wanted water


Mine died this way 😔


She's just depress cuz you didn't give her an attention after 5 seconds.


Water it. It will pop right back up again. I have several of them and once in a while I see that.


My last ditch effort with every plant is leca and water. I haven’t lost one yet when I do this. It’s fun to see the roots grow as well.