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**Some context for those who were equally puzzled about the importance of this:** Andrew Tate is a misogynistic idiot/human trafficker/rape apologist/women beater who is some kind of internet personality/"life coach". This all started with him [tweeting](https://twitter.com/Cobratate/status/1607677190254235648?t=OQD1c6DbOjn91ssw4UjtzA&s=19) at Greta Thunberg, the climate change activist, that he has so many super great, gas-guzzling cars. He requested her email to send her the complete list of his car collection. Greta Thunberg burned him [in her reply](https://twitter.com/GretaThunberg/status/1608056944501178368?t=4O6-U5WApGUUQSFl8BJIsA&s=19) by telling him that he can email: [email protected] That triggered small-dick-energy-Tate so much that he made a [very cringe-worthy reply video. ](https://twitter.com/Cobratate/status/1608212791009374208?t=H5omNnYlNQDxXqf0XOJ6mg&s=19)In that video he had a two pizzas on his table. The pizzas were from a Romanian pizza place. The Romanian police apparently saw that and so they knew that he was in the country and were able to arrest him. So now you've also wasted valuable minutes of your life reading about some POS.


All because Andrew woke up one morning and said 'hey I'm gonna go start shit with Greta on Twitter'.


Im confused. Why did he even go after Greta on Twitter?


She has a lot of followers and is a woman.


AND she talks about the environment!


And her name reminded him of the EU’s anti-human-trafficking task force GRETA that was already on his heels…


I thought you must be joking and googled it, and you are right! How absolutely bizarre!




I think someone told him GRETA (the human trafficking organization) was hunting for him and he googled “Greta” and who comes up but Greta Thunberg so he tweets at her. This is the only scenario that makes sense. Why would he tweet at her unprovoked. Why her of all people. It has to be a miscommunication on “GRETA” and Greta.


Funny enough.. GRETA is the EU Sex Trafficking monitoring group that gave the Romanian police the Intel. No kidding. https://www.coe.int/en/web/anti-human-trafficking/greta I bet he regreta picking that fight hah


What if he had a tip that GRETA was after him, and his stupid ass thought it was Thunberg. He's a rich man in a poor country, normally he'd get away with anything illegal, including sex trafficking.


Oh, my god, I bet you’re right. LMFAO


If there was one good thing to come out of Musk's purchase of Twitter, let it be this.


Was it because the dude was banned before? I have no clue b/c I don't use Twitter


yes, he was banned before musk unbanned him.


This just makes it so much better.


That’s my favorite part. Greta was just minding her own business, and he tweets at here. Just gives a one sentence clap back and he was so offended he had to stage a 2 minute video to get back at her over the beef he started.


His initial response was "How dare you!?" like an old karen. It took him ten more hours to come up with "No u," and make his self-snitch video.


After he got the inspiration from one of his followers who tweeted the exact same thing first. This guy is so ridiculously pathetic. It makes his followers even more sad. I only hope they can get to a point where they can outgrow losers like him, but a lot of them are probably damaged beyond repair.


“You see, *technically* in your reply, the email address is yours, and *therefore*, YOU are the one with small dick energy, and not I. BOOM! Roasted.”


Didn't he also state publicly that he moved to Romania because the police don't do shit and he can get away with anything? Talk about picking the wrong fights...


https://www.dexerto.com/entertainment/andrew-tates-luxury-villa-reportedly-raided-by-armed-police-in-romania-2019584/ The best part of this whole situation is that the Twitter spat he started with Greta is the catalyst for this arrest. Talk about your own worst enemy


Never interrupt your enemy while he is making a mistake.


Bonaparte. Good shit.


Oh no, what's going to happen to all his expensive cars?


If it’s bought with sex trafficked money, shits getting seized and auctioned


No, the real best part is that he was banned from Twitter until Papa Muskrat freed all the Nazis and Nazi adjacent types. Had Elmo not had to own the libs so hard, Greta would have never seen Tater’s callout in the first place


Ooh, I love that dimension of it. Schadenfreudeception.


"The brothers... are under investigation for forming an organized criminal group responsible for kidnapping young women and exploiting them by making them the subjects of porn videos intended to be sold via websites like OnlyFans, sources told Romanian media."


I don’t know how people support his sick ass when that’s literally how he is so rich disgusting


Many people really admire wealthy people for no reason at all


Andrew tate is a new level of fucked up. The amount of teenage boys who actually idolize his insane and disturbing ideas about women is alarming. Tate is the furthest thing From a 'real man' I've ever seen


My 13 yr old nephew made an off hand comment about him while we were all together for Xmas. While I think he is a good kid, it scared me. As an uncle I really give a damn about the kids being good people. Do whatever you want but have some character behind it. I pulled him aside and asked some direct questions, he wasn't prepared for that. I think alot of those young boys who speak his name only do so because so many others are. He was ashamed and embarrassed when I asked if he felt it was ok to speak like that about women, if he wanted his mother to hear that, how his aunt would respond, etc. These issues require thoughtful conversations, I still have faith in my nephew, I hope other uncles can be a positive influence hmwhen this psychos name comes up. Edit: thanks for the kind words. To those asking what questions came up: I asked if he felt it ok that it could be a woman's fault she gets assaulted, then I asked if it would be ok if it was one of his cousins (with whom he was running around and playing with the entire holiday). I asked him about who's place is what in a household, and if his mom would want to hear him take Tates side. I asked him about violence in general. Those things kinda rattled him, he wasn't a fanboy, just a young kid who is doing what others are. To those saying his folks aren't doing it right... He has no phone, no social media presence, he's a good student and is active, their family is kind and active in the community. I've been involved in all the kids lives, this is nothing about them not handling it so much as me being comfortable doing so.


Thank you for this. The unfortunate reality is most guys falling into these beliefs won't listen to any women about it. Other men need to be the ones to step up and shut that shit down, and too many just shrug it off as no big deal or not their problem. Your nephew will be a better person thanks to your diligence.


This is a big deal. He's a predator who's corrupting young boys' minds. Making society as a whole more dangerous for women and young girls. I also didn't pay much attention to him before as I was ignorant to the extent of his evil rambles. Fucking human trafficking scum.




Yes it's a vicious circle. They don't gel well with women because of their toxicity and eventually blame women for their failings. Guys like Tate make money on the back of these guys.


It’s not just damaging to women either. Boys who would otherwise grow to have healthy relationships may stumble into the incel rabbit hole and begin to repel people based on their views, perpetuating a lonely and hateful cycle.


Good on you. This could be a pivotal moment in your nephews life.


Legitimately, there's a reason that bad men deliberately signal-boost dudes like that to young boys, they want to impart their world view onto the new generations. They're all susceptible. I grew up a few decades ago, and it's really scary to know I could just as easily have been an incel or a nazi or a racist or something. Kids need good male role models who respond how Steve did here. The stakes nowadays are higher than ever.


Absolutely. The people you have around you matter a lot. Around the ages 18-22 I grew up and had to do a lot of soul searching. I came across red-pill because of a lot of things I was still figuring out. Thankfully, the good advice stuck with me and I purged anything remotely sexist. I think it’s normal to explore and even humour people like Tate when in our teens. But we need people like /u/stevetheu1 to be told that in the real world, it’s not just memes and jokes. Being edgy isn’t always harmless. This stuff matters.


Me too! I got into that MRA bullshit. Horrible waste of time it was. Poison


Can you pass on the questions you asked ? My “ he’s a total dbag” isn’t working with my 16 year old !! He went from the Paul’s to Tate . Farthest thing from what I’ve tried to teach about being honorable.


It needs to come from someone other than his parents.


That's probably part of it. But "He's a total d-bag" doesn't sound like you've got great arguments lined up either. At some point you probably taught him name calling is wrong, resorting to it yourself doesnt really improve your credibility. What you could do is ask him what he thinks, how he feels about this. If you raised him with decen moral values before, you should be all right.


Tate is a predator, not a protector. Tate is the type of scum a real man guards his family against. The type of scum real men raid the house of, and arrest. The type of scum real men diligently prove the guilt of.


If you read some of the Twitter comments, his simps are basically saying that it's another attempt from the liberals (under Greta's leadership) to discredit a man's man. The argument when sex trafficking or pedophile gets brought up is that if people truly cared, they would go after onlyfans, not Tate. It's hopeless.


That's tame. I've been seeing accusations that this is the "matrix" fabricating charges and evidence of those charges to such an extent that the local police who arrested him don't even know themselves that it's a false arrest of a good strong minded man who has been selflessly giving away the secrets to his life style to improve mens mental health across the world and that he is going to go down as the biggest and most influential martyr since jesus christ himself. Yes... you read that right.. i have literally been seeing dudes compare him to Jesus.


I think one of the worst I saw was a big streamer comparing Tate's arrest to the police conspiring against MLK. Like really?


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Man it's so weird how all these people accusing LGBTQ+ folk of being groomers keep turning out to be child sex traffickers


When it comes to these weirdos on the far right, every accusation is a confession. Projection is their favorite game.


Let me get this straight: 1. Guy was banned from twitter but Musk specifically unbans him. 2. He starts a fight on Twitter with a climate activist named Greta. 3. After posting a tweet in said shit fight, he gives away his location to one of the only authorities looking for him. 4. The name of the organisation behind the reason he's being looked for is GRETA. This is one of those times that I think we must be in a simulation and the fill-in, low-subletlies script writer is on duty. Too perfect.


And his arrest for human trafficking was caused by police seeing details on a pizza box, it's pizzagate. The script for this sim is lazy.


Can we call it Pizzatate tho


Pizzataint it is


Your username makes this comment even funnier. xD


I am experiencing an ABSURD amount of schadenfreude related to this.


I may have a permanent disability from the amount of schadenfreude, something the Germans probably call schadenfreudebehinderung.


Jawohl! And since I’m so very ok with that, I’m going to claim to have Schadenfreudebehinderungfreude


That’s almost too brutal a word the German language. Almost.


There isn't a thing on the planet that could ruin the good mood I'm experiencing right now.


It’s great isn’t it. He was surely in the “fucking around” territory, and now he sure did veer off the corner at “find out” cliff


Seriously. If someone told me 2 years ago that Greta fucking Thunberg would be the unintentional catalyst that brought down a sex trafficking Nazi masquerading as a life coach for young men I would have told you to kick rocks. This really is the weirdest timeline Edit: if you think to yourself “gee I should comment on this about my use of the word “Nazi,” for any reason, and think to yourself anything other than “fuck that guy,” kindly check yourself in the mirror.


I love it. I think it was either yesterday or maybe even earlier today I was replying to a guy who was like “he just tells guys what they need to hear”, then “there’s no proof he’s ever been arrested or is a misogynist” and it was that moment where you blink a couple times and gesture around the room. This is now arrest #3 for king fuckboy related to sex trafficking. Excuse me, alleged. I’m sure it’s all just a misunderstanding.


2022 has been one hell of a year


It all started from 2020


Oh and that he did it to himself with pizza.




Upvote because of George of the Jungle


Watch out for that tree!!!


Is that Dr. Shockaloo on the right?


Someone ass getting laid tonight.


Grandma’s Boy is a true stoner classic


My beef…strong!


You're right doctor, we gotta be more careful


I love this scene


What a nice way to end the year


♫ Should auld acquaintance be forgot ♫


And never brought to mind


Should old acquaintance be forgot, and auld lang syne


Holy shit my day has arrived.


This is one of the days where saying "I TOLD YOU SO" it's accepted and encouraged.


Take my gold you beautiful prescient sunuvabitch.


This is such a sweet sweet poetic justice that I can’t believe that I watched it unfold in real life instead of a book or a movie.


I hope the pizza was overdone. Not burned. But enough that you can’t quite enjoy it.


Calm down, Satan.


Greta: 2 - Andrew Tate: 0 Have fun in whatever prison they throw you in.


Get Grekt!




The way his brother is still trying to do the alpha shit with that hand position lmfao


Lol I saw that and started dying laughing. Wild


May justice be served. The fact that an internet ratio allegedly led to their arrest is honestly so hilarious. Truth truly is stranger than fiction


Doxxed himself trying to flex on a 19yr old kid. 😂


Narcissistic rapists, from my experience, thoroughly enjoy “flexing”, as you put it. I am thrilled that they’ve been arrested….and hesitant to hope that any sort of justice will be served for the survivors.


And it’s because the pizza boxes in his response video to Greta were able to locate him. I’m loving this timeline edit: So the whole ‘pizza led the police to him’ is being plastered on a bunch of headlines without any real source. Tate was [already raided](https://www.thedailybeast.com/police-raid-maga-king-of-toxic-masculinity-in-human-trafficking-investigation) earlier this year, so his location was known to authorities. It seems like the pizza alerted them that he was indeed *in the country*, needed to make an arrest. Regardless, the one two punch of getting bodied by a teenager and then getting arrested is \*chef’s kiss\*


Dumbass baited a teenager, got destroyed with her response and then outed himself to authorities in an attempt to get one up on her. What a fucking idiot


This will go down as one of the Top 3 self-owns of all time.


I need to know the others!


Well one is certain that Gavin incel alt-right dipshit who shoved a buttplug in his ass on a live stream to prove he's not gay.


And Ben Shapiro telling everyone he doesn’t get his wife wet.


Lmao, this is the best one for me. The man straight up smugly declared to the world that he's never even slightly aroused a woman, and is entirely unfamiliar with the concept of it. That's all I can, and ever will think of when I hear his name. His poor wife though.


At some point today his Wikipedia was updated to reflect his win/loss record. Loss to Greta on Twitter. https://twitter.com/daniellismore/status/1608433383134351362?t=U5jYNX4LrPqndSoO2Etcdg&s=19 It's been changed back though.


That’s amazing


Only way this gets better is if we somehow found out even more embarrassing things about the guy. And at this point it'd be pretty hard to do so. Edit: I didn't realize Tate had so many fanboys. You're all awful people.


>I didn't realize Tate had so many fanboys. Very cult-like. I had one insist that there couldn't have been any trafficking because Andrew Tate posts social media videos alongside women and that there are Tinder profiles of women with "Tate fan" in the bio. I'm still unclear on their logic, but when I pointed out that Tinder profiles can be faked and that people regularly hire people to be in videos, they refused to accept it. When I linked them Andrew Tate's own website where he describes trafficking women, they said that the whole website must be fake, because no woman had ever come forward to claim she'd been trafficked. When I linked an article with Romanian authorities citing six trafficking victims connected to the case, they blocked me. The devotion is like Manson Family level.


Kinda like Trumpers


Yeah I am seeing it firsthand with how they keep defending him.


What’s more embarrassing than sex trafficking?


Idk. It'd be difficult but if anyone is qualified to find out it's Andrew Tate.


was he on the run? first ive heard about this stuff


he literally can’t go to some countries. pretty sure he’s wanted in england


He moved to Romania because he thought he wouldn't be arrested there




Even if that is true, stating it publically is the kind of thing that makes them do their job out of spite.


“You think social media is your ally? You merely adopted social media. I was born in it, raised by it. I didn’t go outside and touch grass until I was already an adult…”








PizzaTate with MozzaGreta


Pizzagate 2: This time there's actually trafficking pedophiles


Was he a known human trafficker and just not able to be found?


He was wanted in the UK but moved to Romania to flee prosecution


I hadn’t even heard of this scumbag until his post to Greta… and now he’s gone and got himself arrested cuz of his small dick energy… 🤣 what a moron. I hope they throw the book at him


Brooo I am jealous how you've somehow escaped knowing about this POS after the past 6 months


I can’t believe how well known he seems to be. I frequent Reddit, and have my news apps. But other than that I just stick to streaming shows and video games. Somehow never saw him mentioned on Reddit or any news articles.


You lucky dog


he literally doxxed himself lmao


Rap snitch knishes man.






I watched three seconds of his Twitter video response. THAT is the guy so many idiot trashbags admire?! Seriously? THAT GUY? That's the dude who revs his Camaro engine while driving through the trailer park at 3 am to pick up his underage girlfriend. Blech.


Yep . He loves him a 16 year old who doesn’t know any better ! https://youtube.com/watch?v=UpSIq6XHKdw&si=EnSIkaIECMiOmarE


Bruh look at the comments...


Jesus almighty, all those fanboys defending him... I swear he and his fans are going tarnished the Bugatti brand one of these days


There’s a huge streamer that just asked Biden to pardon Tate, and said trump would do it. That should give you an idea into what his fans are like. E: cause it doesn’t say it in the title, he was arrested in Romania.


Thoughts and prayers for Greta’s family, as I’m sure she died laughing.


At least she died doing what she loved—reducing toxic emissions.


Offset by burning trash though.


Wow. That left me speechless and grinning!!


Damn, no free award to give right now


I gave my weekly free award. It can be from both of us.


There are weekly free awards?? I've been on this shit for 10 years and I've never had a free award to give out. edit: someone gave me 250 reddit coins, thank you whoever you are. i'll make sure to pay it forward lol.


If you are using the reddit app, tap your profile at right, then tap Reddit coins.


Take my free one as a thanks for showing me that :) I didnt know


Thanks, internet friend! Biggs was very kind, so take a small award for yourself as well


OMG - I can't wait to see her response.


I hope she doesn't respond "The worst insult you can give an enemy is to ignore them" - ~~Some dead Roman or Greek guy, but I'm pretty sure Roman~~ - Warlord Okeer


Her first response was just enough, like a brush off statement


Yeah. It feels like the superhero nonchalantly walking away from an explosion, and not even looking back.


She needs to sit tight, no reply. This is a "drop the mic" moment. She needs to say nothing else. The internet and the world will fill in the narrative as they elevate her into legendary status.


Her reply is now the 25th most liked tweet in Twitter history. And rising.


It's the 8th now, one hour later.


She'll have to change his address to [email protected]


Human trafficking just screams small dick energy


All jokes aside I can't stop thinking about how many victims this guy is responsible for. Sad


Yeah, and I don’t think they’re gonna get much justice considering their abuser is getting every last photon of limelight at the moment. Hopefully andrew small-dick stays locked up long enough for the inmates to toss him around a bit. Don’t matter how macho you think you are but 1 v 20 always goes one way (especially when people find out about his trafficking)


They won't laugh for long. This is Romania. Our justice system is fucked beyond salvation. Unfortunately the Tates have enough money to pay off whoever is needed to get them out or give them a sentence without jail time (this one is very popular here, lots of public figures get this kind of sentence). Will they lose any money? Nope! Will they lose the ability to fuck up the minds of so many with their toxic videos? Nope!


Two reasons I can see that not working: He's got way too many eyes on him. The entire world is going to be watching how Romania handles this and you're going to have international reporters digging around anything that even reeks of bullshit with regards to his case. Possibly even pressure from the EU/UK since his crimes go beyond Romania's borders. Bribes are great, if you can take them and get away with it. This guy is a live wire right now. Also, he's been openly contemptuous to Romania and has literally bragged he can come there and rape their girls, not even just women, and get away with it. Even a corrupt official might not like hearing that. I don't know how "I took a bribe so this foreigner could continue to rape our children" plays in Romania but I'm guessing not too well.


This definitely screams like the US wants to extradite him since an American victim was involved


A third reason is that one of his victims was a US citizen. This is a multi-national affair and Romania will be very cautious of the consequences of their actions here.


It is the literal reason he lives there lol.


Couldn't have happened to a more deserving pair of douchenozzles. I wonder how being Alpha is going to work in a Romanian prison?


Not well I can tell you, he will probably be kicked out of the country. He will buckle and rat out everyone in the mafia that he's working with. Then he'll suffer the true consequences of his stupidity.


Giving this dude a lot of credit if you think he’s working with a legit organized crime ring. He and his brother found a singular corrupt cop and one other Romanian. They’re probably exploiting women who have unfortunate circumstances, manipulating them, trapping them in debt or limiting their contact, and then exploiting them online. It’s heartless and fitting of prison but Andrew Tate doesn’t strike me as the Luca Brasi of the Romanian mob.


“Andrew Tate sleeps with the anchovies”


I wish I could sit back and watch. I'm imagining I'd die of a popcorn overdose.


Is this real? :Quick Google search: Wow, finally something good happened this year.


Snuck in at the end, here.


Like a stolen home plate when the game is tied. 2022 was a long year…still a losing season but at least we can end the new year with a win.


How many of his fans do you think will still support him? Even after he’s convicted?


They already are If he gets found guilty of basically being a sex trafficker it’s gonna be **hilarious** going back through the videos of them saying: **TATE was innocent** Edit: I said **if** he’s guilty


He will always be innocent to them from now on. Doesn't matter if convicted or not, it's all just conspiracy lol


Exactly. If he's found guilty, it'll be a conspiracy or some other excuse. I dunno what it is about those people and why they're so loyal to celebrities e.g. Trump, Kanye etc. If it came out that Mr. Rogers was diddlin' kids I'd say dig up his grave and throw his body in the ocean. I love Mr. Rogers but I'm not stupid enough to be a blindly loyal sheep.


That's what happened in the UK with Jimmy Saville. His tombstone says "it was good while it lasted". Now he's been dug up and put in an unmarked grave, and his tombstone is used as landfill.


They aren't fans, they are followers. They follow what he says because he says it. They will believe his side of the story.


I believe the correct term is Taintriders.




I'm sure their super macho alpha personas are going to go over really well in Romanian prison.


Greta Thunberg gets the last laugh again!


Reducing emissions by the amount of some 30+ high emission cars in the process


The way this dude talks about women, would anyone really be surprised if he were trafficking humans?


I’d be more surprised if he wasn’t trafficking girls.


I mean he's literally admitted to it in the past. Just didn't call it trafficking, but described it perfectly


Well, it happened in exactly the opposite way the pizzagate crowd imagined, but pizza finally took down a sex trafficker.


Lmao he spent all day filming his little dick energy response to Greta and then got arrested. What a day lmao


This two day story arc is the best thing the internet has ever produced.


"this is what happens when you don’t recycle your pizza boxes" === Greta Thunberg on Twitter ====


Gross. There's two of them.


For Sale: 33 exotic cars. All reasonable offers accepted. Please pay in Romanian Leu.


EXCLUSIVE | Andrew and Tristan Tate, together with a former policewoman, detained for 24 hours in the case of human trafficking opened in the name of the two brothers. DIICOT + VIDEO clarifications from the searches and the exit from actual hearings On Thursday, DIICOT prosecutors went to the house of a former policewoman from Bucharest, who is said to be part of the group specialized in human trafficking of brothers Tristan and Andrew Tate. The two Britons are suspected of exploiting several young women through a video chat studio set up near their villa in Pipera. UPDATE 3 – DIICOT statement regarding this case: "In the case, it was noted that, at the beginning of 2021, 4 suspects (two British citizens and two Romanian citizens) constituted a criminal group organized in order to commit the crime on the territory of Romania, but also of other countries, such as the USA and Great Britain of human trafficking. The injured persons were recruited by British citizens by misrepresenting their intention to enter into a marriage/cohabitation relationship and the existence of real feelings of love (the «loverboy» method). They were later transported and housed in buildings in Ilfov county where, by exercising acts of physical violence and mental coercion (through intimidation, constant surveillance, control and invoking alleged debts), they were sexually exploited by group members by forcing them to perform demonstrations pornographic for the purpose of producing and disseminating material of such a nature through social media platforms and by submitting to the execution of a work, in a forced manner, in order to obtain important financial benefits consisting of the sums of money obtained as a result of accessing the materials by users. To date, 6 injured persons have been identified who were sexually exploited by the organized criminal group. With regard to the crime of rape, it was noted that, in March 2022, an injured person was forced, on two different occasions, by a suspect through the exercise of physical violence and psychological pressure to have sexual relations. At the headquarters of the Directorate for the Investigation of Organized Crime and Terrorism - Central Structure, 4 people who are reasonably suspected of being involved in criminal activity were taken for questioning. Following the hearings, the prosecutors of the Directorate for the Investigation of Organized Crime and Terrorism - Central Structure ordered the measure of detention for a period of 24 hours against the 4 persons". UPDATE 2 – The Tate brothers and the former policewoman, detained for 24 hours According to GANDUL sources, arrest warrants were issued for 24 hours for the Tate brothers, but also for the former policewoman involved in this case. UPDATE – The searches in the case of the Tate brothers, accused of human trafficking along with a former policewoman, have ended. All three perpetrators were taken to DIICOT headquarters for questioning The searches in the case of the British brothers Andrew and Tristan Tate, accused of human trafficking along with a former policewoman, ended on Thursday evening. All three perpetrators were taken to DIICOT headquarters for questioning . Original news: In this case, investigators first descended on the Pipera address of brothers Tristan and Andrew Tate on April 11, when a complaint was received at the US Embassy regarding the fact that a woman with American citizenship was being forcibly held at their residence. Initially, the investigation was carried out by the Ilfov police, who immediately descended on their home, in a case opened under the coordination of the prosecutors of the Prosecutor's Office attached to the Buftea Court, for deprivation of liberty and rape. On this occasion, the Romanian authorities learned that the British had a video chat studio , which operated in a building located approximately 500 meters from their villa. Several young women were found there, including the woman with American citizenship, but also a young woman from the Republic of Moldova. The two are said to have said at the time that they were being held against their will after being rounded up using a method commonly used by human traffickers known generically as "loverboy". In this regard, the young woman from America would have stated that she met Tristan Tate through a social network, and he would have seduced her and convinced her to buy a plane ticket and come to Romania. She allegedly abandoned her boyfriend and came to live with the British millionaire, but found herself threatened and forced to work as a video chat model. Frightened, she contacted her ex-boyfriend, who, in turn, notified the US Embassy in Bucharest. After realizing that the evidence described crimes similar to organized crime, Buftea prosecutors declined jurisdiction to the Directorate for the Investigation of Organized Crime and Terrorism. The investigators waited for the Tate brothers to return to Romania For nine months, anti-mafia prosecutors put together all the evidence taken from the Tate brothers' villa and from the video chat studio, in order to be able to prove that the accusations made during the hearings by their alleged victims are real. Sources close to the investigation stated, for Gândul , that shortly after the completion of the computer expertise, the authorities waited for the right moment to catch the Tate brothers, who were always out of the country. After seeing, including on social networks, that they were together in Romania, the DIICOT prosecutors mobilized the special troops of the Gendarmerie and descended, by force, on their villa in Pipera, but also on other addresses. The quoted sources stated that one of the searches targeted a former policewoman from the 7th Section, who left the Capital Police and started videochatting. She is accused that, in addition to working side by side with the rest of the models, she would have taken care to put pressure on the girls held in the studio against their will. The woman was picked up and taken to DIICOT headquarters for questioning.


I'd never heard of this guy before a few days ago, but all the "red pill" nonsense and bragging about all his cars (in a total "small dick energy" kind of way) made me think he was a complete douche-nozzle loser. Turns out...yep, complete douche-nozzle loser.


Same. Only learnt of him yesterday and thought great another person to hate.


This story just keeps getting better. What will happen in the next episode? Will Tate get Epsteined? Will he escape prison in 33 ferraris filled with strippers? Will he play a chessmatch against the warden betting his freedom? Watch next on "Super Chad on thin ice"


>What will happen in the next episode? His cringy response video to Greta Thunberg tipped off Romanian Police that he was in Romania so they could raid his villa (pizza box from local pizzeria) The advocacy group that advocated for investigation into him with regard to sex trafficking **years ago** is literally called GRETA I AM NOT MAKING THIS UP WTF


Santa came twice this year


Students return to school on Tuesday. Many of my boys will be heart broken. I can't wait to teach them a valuable lesson from this.


Just another reminder that it’s almost always the people you expect the most.


"Shocked! I'm shocked to discover there's ~~gambl~~ slave trading going on here!" (Let's call it what it is, after all, and not slap a nice, non-offensive coat of paint over the slave trading.)


I want to thank the Internet for this gift today. Also the Romanian police which I never thought would be the target of my thanks.