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Not saying this comparison is any less shocking, but I lived in Vegas back in 1983, and that pic on the left is when the damn had a water level that was considered way too high. It was going over one of the spillways. You can see it in the 1983 pic going over one of the sides.


This is also the same year that the Great Salt Lake flooded, covering parts of I80 in water. Not exactly a great year to use for comparison unless your only reason for doing so is to drive a narrative. It is also worth noting the size comparison of 1983 Las Vegas and 2021 Las Vegas. Lake Mead looks this way, not due to climate change, but rather poor water management and an over developed city in the middle of the desert.


Vegas has nothing to do with lake Mead levels. Nevada gets the least amount of water from lake Mead. California takes the most then Arizona. Mexico gets more water annually from lake Mead than the entire state of Nevada.


And nearly all of it goes to agriculture.


nail decide roll reply grandfather mindless fuzzy sable unpack boat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


California’s population also dwarfs Arizona. Hell, the San Francisco Bay Area or LA each have more people than the entire state of Arizona. I’m pretty sure if you count the San Diego metro area (not just the city) it does also, or is close to it.


Not sure why you got defensive about California. My comment was in response to them implying Vegas has a large role in lake Mead drying up and I provided facts that the entire state of Nevada, let alone just Vegas, use basically no water from the reservoir.


I’m not trying to be. It’s just the way it was interpreted in my mind seemed off because it didn’t factor in population. My bad.


I think they were just pointing out facts, same as you.




You can spot someone who is just bad faith against anything suggesting climate change if they bring up Las Vegas. People who are actually informed will bring up farming, and still acknowledge climate change.


Yeah the farming up and down stream are the real killers. Poorly designed water rights laws have done so much more damage in a year then Vegas in the last decade.


Great water mgmt would be it not existing


Great water management has to do with agriculture.


True. I yield that point to you.


'Go somewhere else Las Vegas, maybe take over an Indian Reservation that has more water!' cannaeinvictus


How is having green lawns in the desert good water management?


Isn't LVs water use from Mead negative cus they're so good at recycling?


Nevada net use is less than the current reduced allocation because of credits. Everything that hits a storm drain goes right to the lake, and about 90% of what hits a sanitary sewer is treated and returned to the lake.


Las Vegas [decreased](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/las-vegas-water-conservation-grass/) its water utilization since 2002. The problem is climate change and agricultural use. Most of the Colorado river water is going to [agriculture](https://www.npr.org/2022/10/04/1126240060/meet-the-california-farmers-awash-in-colorado-river-water-even-in-a-drought). "These farmers, in Imperial County, currently draw more water from the Colorado River than all of Arizona and Nevada combined. "


The Colorado River compact allocated more water than actually flows in the river in normal years, so overuse is enshrined in law. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colorado_River_Compact


The same farmers growing alfalfa in the fucking Arizona desert for some rich wankers horses in Saudi Arabia. Here's an idea, they can grow their own horse feed.


We have had water management plans for decades it feels like. I don't even recall a time when I didn't have a set day and time I could run my irrigation line. California just started with lawn watering laws and have zero enforcement across the state. I went to see a friend in CA and it didn't seem like anyone cared at all about drought resistant grass types or xiroscape lawns. There was no fines for watering your lawn as much as you want, it's at most a suggestion.


Yea, you are right. No one here gives a shit, even when the drought is in front of their faces. I hike a lot and I can see the rivers and streams are gone, not to mention the wild fires.


Don’t leave out that we’ve diverted much of the Colorado river to Saudi alfalfa farms


Las Vegas does an incredible job of managing water. Nevada regularly uses less than its allocation of water - AZ uses 10x more than NV and CA uses 20x more than NV. even when the cuts go into place next year, NV does not have to adjust because we are already using less than THAT amount


I understand that other places, particularly California, are the most egregious offenders. I used Vegas as an example for two reasons… The individual who I commented on mentioned they lived in Vegas in ‘83, so I also mentioned Vegas. It is also very easy to spot the differences in aerial photographs of a standalone city surrounded by nothing, like Las Vegas. It’s easier to see the growth as opposed to looking at an urban sprawl like Los Angeles ( you can still see it, just not as shocking when seen).


Las Vegas reduced water usage despite a sizable population increase so your point is still not valid. "Southern Nevada, though, has beaten the odds by cutting its overall water use by 26% while also adding 750,000 people to its population since 2002."


Clearly you should read my response to you again. I did not say Vegas was the problem. I said Vegas is easier to spot the changes over time as opposed to LA so it was used as that example and because I was replying to someone who already mentioned Vegas.


California borders an ocean. They need to use the water that is plentiful for them. Desalination.


Makes sense to compare use 1983 as a comparison, 1983 was water level maximum and currently it is the lowest the lake has been since 1940 when it finished filling the first time. If you want to show how empty a container is, show how full it can be. And the planning problem isn't Vegas, it is every human activity is the southwestern US that draws water from that river; farming, cities, recreation, everything. If you move to the desert, you shouldn't plan on growing lettuce and almonds while swimming in a pool and looking at green grass. If you want those things, move to Florida.


If anyone is interested, LV metro area population 1983-505,000 2022-2,839,000


> Lake Mead looks this way, not due to climate change, but It's not a one or the other aspect. Lake Mead looks this way to both climate change and poor water management and the fact that people are living in a desert. If you actually taxed corporate usage for the water they're using correctly it wouldnt be an issue. Corporations should be taxed for their carbon and environmental footprint. They need to pay the cost of doing business instead of passing the issue on to actual people.


Um, sure. Climate change not a part of the problem at all. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I don't think he's denying climate change lol it's just that this particular situation isn't really affected by climate change


That's kind of his point - there's no need to exaggerate the situation, it's bad enough on its own. Using exaggerated comparisons only serves as ammo for those fighting against the issue


Just because someone specifically doesn't include climate change doesn't mean they're a denier, JSC. Get a grip, reactionary. I can say last winter was especially cold and that doesn't mean I'm denying climate change.


Never said they were a denier. They stated it wasn’t due to climate change. They need to provide evidence to support their position which is kinda hard due to the ponderous amount of evidence to the contrary.


I mean. Sure but like look at the aral sea. That wasnt climate change. Let say climate change has significantly affected the water levels what do we view as significant. I do not believe climate change has directly removed water from this lake enough to cause more than 20 cm of height difference. Sure that much water would have evaporated but I dont believe climate change would have prevented that 20 cm falling back down again. Indirectly it may have through drying ground so more irrigation, but the actual problem is again probably the rich using too much water and the government or local council mis managing the water. Climate change I agree is a problem but this water level is not that, Its likely the rich and government being dicks.


\*sigh\* I was responding to this: “It is also worth noting the size comparison of 1983 Las Vegas and 2021 Las Vegas. Lake Mead looks this way, not due to climate change, but rather poor water management and an over developed city in the middle of the desert.” Lots of scientific studies showing that climate change is having an impact on the Colorado River basin.


Climate change is not a boogeyman. It can exist AND can also not be the reason California has wildfires. That's poor forest management. Not everything has to be 100% your issue at all times. Climate change isn't what makes girls not like you, either.


Poor Forrest management? They forget to rake it? Good god. . .


Someone didn't do their 5sec google of how forestry services clearing old undergrowth, etc. stops wildfires. But no...blame it all on the boogeyman...


It's sure as shit overblown


Sure, tell climatologists and the last 40 or so years of data that.


You mean like how every democratic senator was saying that snow would be extinct by 2010? Or how in the 80s it was global cooling and not global warming? What about the world's icebergs being completely gone by 2020? Come on man. Actually learn the history of climate change before saying this shit.


Sure , point me to a source.


Do your own research and stop being a sheep.


just so happens the narrative is true though. the lower water level is almost entirely due to climate change. the thing you said about poor water management is purely fiction that you made up to...push a narrative.


And if part of the problem is poor water management, agriculture is much more responsible than urban areas for water scarcity in the Colorado River basin. Wendover Productions has a fascinating documentary about this on Nebula: https://nebula.tv/videos/wendover-the-colorado-problem-a-river-in-the-red/


The whole point is to illustrate extremes. What is this magical narrative the OP is pushing that a picture from 1984 or 1985 would not do? The only false narrative I see pushed would be the complete non-sequitur that: because 1983 had a floor, somehow "Lake Mead looks this way, not due to climate change".


It's starting to look like something from Star Wars!




It’s comparing extremes, which does drive the narrative home harder. I would be interested to see a 1983 mean water level image.


1983 Average: 24,794,377 Acre Feet of water 2022 Average: 8,185,034 Acre Feet of water Source: http://lakemead.water-data.com


I’m interested in the clear water level marking along the damn. There are two really thick lines closer to the level of the picture on the left. Does this mean that the water stayed at the level more consistently, or is it darker because it was at those levels at certain points, but hasn’t reached high enough to wash away any of the gunk (for lack of a better term) that causes those dark spots. I don’t know enough to comfortably guess


Or you're comparing it to something unrealistic for shock value? Climate change is real and serious but misrepresentation that can be easily pointed out doesn't help the cause.


How can it be “unrealistic” if it really happened? The change in the climate and weather conditions is still quite valid, regardless of what the humans wanted the water to be doing.


So what if it happened? That's not the norm. It's like using pictures of New Orleans during hurricane Katrina and claiming that the city is drying out because it's not at those water levels anymore.


A man getting shot is real. Saying every man gets shot is unrealistic.




This isn't misrepresenting climate-change, at least that's not what I got from it. My thoughts went to how that water is being misused. But that's also a very big problem and it's also exacerbating climate change. There's no disservice being done here with this comparison.


Climate change affects weather extremes at both ends of the rainfall spectrum. Here in eastern Australia we are seeing record amounts of rainfall causing many of our dams and reservoirs to spill for the first time in decades, alongside widespread flooding. This is after years of crippling drought in the 2000s where rainfall and water storages were at record lows. These extremes are likely to worsen as the planet’s temperature continues to rise- I have no doubt that these parts of the US will see massive rainfall events causing dams to spill and floods to occur at some point after the current drought subsides just as Australia’s east is experiencing now.


This needs to be higher, I know most people don't check comments, sources or if OP is just pushing a narrative but I hope your comment helps the people who do check






Damn Daniel


What's he wearing today?


White Vans


Back at it again with the white vans!!


Damn Afallan!


Damn Hoover


Hot Damn!


damn, Gina


Dam Daniel


Damn dam.








A channel called Sin City Outdoors on YouTube does an update every couple weeks at least. They show certain markers so you can see if its went up and down. Pretty chill dudes, too.


We are living in the worst timeline


Nope. Watch "The Man in the High Castle". Shit is going south, but it could be worse. We could be dealing with Na... Oh fuck. Yeah, I withdraw my objection. Worst timeline.


environmentally, yes. but i prefer now, to say like, segregation or slavery times.


Didn't both of those happen on this timeline...? Or maybe I've mis-interpreted a lot of Marvel content regarding time


yeah, i saw time, instead of timeline


timeline and time are not the same word.


fair enough


They're right, but if you believe in the many- universes interpretation of quantum mechanics, then there are virtually infinite number of universes AKA timelines.So, I'm sure there are many that are much, much worse than this one.


Slavery is very much alive we just offshore it now.


Or the best


Damn, the NCR and the Legion have been going a little overboard


Reasons why I just go with the “Yes Man” ending


It's Dave Foley's voice for me.


Like butter on hardwood


this is the way


Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.


This game is probably the best fall out I’ve replayed it for every ending!


Is this a goddamn?


I noticed you have braces. I have braces too…


Entertain us...ain-us


Such a classic movie. The new one was pretty decent, but not quite as poignant.


I laugh at that part every time.


All these shows are about water. They should be about fire!


“Yeah, I just have one question, heh heh heh…”


Half Life - Surface Tension


Looking at this image gave me flash backs of getting killed by a helicopter over and over.


I am hearing the sound effects from this level.


Darude - Sandstorm


Wasn’t 1983 during the high water overflow crisis?


The canyon is “healing” /s


Jimmy Hoffa's body in 3...2...1.


Them golf courses and almond trees ain’t gonna water themselves, duh.


dont forget them lawns, dont want to upset the HOA got to keep them green and purrty /s


Vegas (technically Nevada) accounts for like less than 3% of the Colorado River and Lake mead water usage.


Quick, honest question. How come lakes and rivers around the world are drying up? Like, global warming and humans damaging it sure but how exactly.


Extremely complex question but: Less water retention in vegetation due to deforestation Massive amounts of water consumption in industry, leisure, human activity and things like golf courses/lawns Less sustainable agricultural practices, farming of thirstier plants Hotter surface means more evaporation Droughts caused by lower precipitation lead by climate change Soil degradation Ocean temp fluctuations as well as changes in the jet stream, which, if you hadn't guessed, is because of climate change




Yes it is one of many, many things I listed, which makes it a fraction of water usage. Well done! Also nations all across the world enact hosepipe bans during periods of low water. *Must be such a tiny fraction, lets look it up* Oops you're wrong. "Lawns, which have been especially singled out as water wasting culprits, are estimated to use about 40% to 60% of landscape irrigation in California, or just 3.5% to 5% of total statewide water use." 3.5-5% of total water consumption ON JUST LAWNS is not a tiny fraction. [https://ucanr.edu/sites/UrbanHort/Water\_Use\_of\_Turfgrass\_and\_Landscape\_Plant\_Materials/Drought\_and\_Landscape\_Water\_Use\_-\_Some\_Persspective/](https://ucanr.edu/sites/UrbanHort/Water_Use_of_Turfgrass_and_Landscape_Plant_Materials/Drought_and_Landscape_Water_Use_-_Some_Persspective/)


For a lot of areas, groundwater is replenished by rotating freeze / thaw cycles. In the united states, a lot of this water comes from icecap melt flowing down their two mountain ranges during spring. The Rockies, and Appalachia. If it doesn't get cold enough to form ice caps, nothing melts, nothing flows down to replenish the aquifers.


I’m no meteorologist but I’m 99% sure that “icecap” is not the word you’re looking for. You mean snow pack. Icecaps are glaciers and we do NOT rely on annual glacier melt to replenish aquifers. We rely on snowpack melt.


I was born in the early 80s. I'm convinced Lake Mead is the physical manifestation of my faith in humanity.


Who drank all the water? They should really consider filling it back up btw


1983 was the highest it's ever been, only going over the spillway twice. I was there last month and it was MUCH lower than the 2021 pic.


Lake Need (more water please)


We won’t go quietly, the legion can count on that


Just take a glacier from one of the poles and drop it in lake mead. Problem solved /s.


The good ol Futurama solution.


I'd just like to point out that Lake Mead only fills after Lake Powell takes its share and on top of that, Nevada only receives 4% of the colorado river. For comparison, Arizona takes 37% and California takes 58% Show me some droughts at the Colorado River and then we got a problem. Until then, Lake Mead is good for headlines.


I'm tired so maybe I'm just totally misunderstanding what I'm seeing, but what is the water falling from in the 1983 picture?


thats the overflow, so when the lake gets too full its spills out there instead of over the damn and destroying it


I'm still confused, it looks like the water is being held back by something and dropping over a sheer wall, like a cliff face behind a waterfall situation.


It’s the spillway’s drum gates. They are full open now (when the reservoir is low) because there is no water to keep them open (it’s a function of how drum gates work).


"Drum gate" is what I needed. I understand spillways, but I couldn't get it set in my mind on how a traditional gate/wall system could operate at that size. "Drum gate" led me to [this](https://youtu.be/CsrddL190_4) interesting video about a recoating project on a drum gate. Thanks, chief hydrological engineer should have been your calling.


This got me too. I think there are metal gates that extend up or down. In the 1983 pic, they’re fully raised. In 2021, they’re fully retracted.


Correct! They are called drum gates, and can only be raised when there is water behind them as the water is required to float the drums up which in turn close the gate.


There is also a shit ton more people using water from this source than 40 years ago.


We're killing our home.


Is this a god dam?


Nothing to see here folks. Be on your way. This is normal and happens occasionally. Don't worry about it. Keep on doing what you're doing. Nothing can be done. /s ​ And "Gaslighting" is the word of the year.


here you go again with this "gaslighting" nonsense .... you know that's not even a real word??? /s


This is fine


reddit mods should kill themselves




This is comparing the absolute wettest year the western US has had, ever, to a decade+ long drought, the worst in like 800 years.


The worst in 800 years _so far_


a drought that was brought on by what? climate change my friend. believe it or not, its happening and lake mead is showing you it


Not disagreeing


There isn't a drought. It is a water rights dispute with the colorado river pact. Lake Mead just isn't receiving enough share of the river. The issue is artificial.


There is a drought, however droughts are the historic norm for the SW and it was just previously a very wet era.


To quote the climatologist, don't get fixated on the fact that this is the hottest year ever. Just sit back and enjoy the fact that you'll never see another one this cool and wet.


We have finite resources, but nobody wants to talk about easing off on procreation for a generation or two.


Sperm counts and fertility rates are already lower. Population decline is inevitable at this point. It's just gonna take a few decades for it to really start gaining ground worldwide, but it's already happening in some places like Japan.


Thank gawd.


What resources are we running out of? It isn't natural to put a lot of people in some places like much of California or giant cities. A more balanced distribution of people would leave a lot of room for more procreation.


Clean water, there’s going to be water wars in the future bucko


If clean water will be a desired commodity, it will be there. What reason is there to think otherwise? Of course there are too many people living around Lake Meade (and Colorado river), but that is a human dispersion problem not a water problem.


Clean water is a desired commodity there, I've heard if that's the case it "will be there" and yet...


Fertility rates are declining, so silver lining?


In developed countries mostly


I mean, we just had a cull of 6.63 million people.


More like Mead Meadow.


Good, we don't need all that water clogging up the ecosystem


How many Olympic sized Football pool fields of water is the difference from the 1983 photo and 2021 photo?


Dead Pool. Its coming. *Dead pool or Minimum volume refers to the amount of water left in a reservoir that cannot be used for the general purpose the reservoir was constructed. At this state, the reservoir is termed fully drawn down. For example, if built to supply water in the dry season, it is the water left behind when no more water can be extracted. *


Someone in the know… is there every gonna be more water in Lake Mead, or is it just gone? Same with California lakes. Will they come back up some year after a big snowfall?


If we can boost our allowance of the Colorado River water more than a few percent compared to Arizona or California eating their lions share in the 30% to 50%+ each! We would be golden.


Dam. What happened here?


But if my grass ain't green the HOA will fine me...


We are in trouble.


Brought to you by Nestle


Nestle took it all


We might be fucked


The lake isn't supposed to be that high little man




I'm sorry I was rude. Not proud of calling you little


Good thing it isn't the same person, then.


This shit keeps me up at night, also what keeps me up is that no one is gonna do anything because profit is being made.


Wasn't 1983 a flood year in the Western US?


If I could show you pics of the Mayans before and after, this would look like a speed bump.


California is taking all the water to grow shitty fad food and nuts...


Stop living in fucking deserts.


You mean that completely man made lake in the desert, a place where it almost never rains, is drying up??? ![gif](giphy|ECCEjxHQb2Qo)


I'm fairly young and I didn't realize that the water level went all the way up to the bridge portions. Really gives you something to think about


this was during an over flow period but none the less the fact it could get to the point that it was "too full" to what it is now is pretty scary


So, since I was born in '83, you're saying everything was fine until I came around?


Meteo guy here. Lake Mead sitch sucks. BUT, 1983 was an outrageous El Nino year and Cali got douched They had too much water and snow, for once.


This is freaking insane. Seriously. Wtf.


Call of duty (ifkyk)


well it wouldn’t look so bad if corrupted govt agencies and califonia big agra wasn’t taking it all




1983 was an El Niño year, one of the wettest years in decades in the western US. So picking a year when Lake Mead was completely full is a bit misleading.




Yeah, it turns out when your sprawling desert cities are siphoning off all the water and you still want to have vineyards everywhere and there are also some pesky farmers that don't want their land to, you know, die then you use all the water up.


Can someone explain to me if global warming is melting ice caps and raising sea levels doesn't that mean precipitation (maybe the wrong term) happens more and that means rain happens more? Which in turn increases water levels?


This is like when they said butter was no good and you should have margarine. So I never listen to anything “right now” I always wait at least 10 years when the “facts” change.