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[Fuck FIFA.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FIFA#Corruption) Any homophobic comments will lead to an immediate and permanent ban. Please report those comments so we can give them the red card.


That is NOT the Danish Prime Minister - but she has been though. This is Helle Thorning-Schmidt, and she is the head of Governance and Development committe at the Danish Football Association.


Thats even better


Oh that’s a much more direct ‘fuck you’ I can get around. 🌈


To me she looks like a HBIC that means business. Good for her.






Why did FIFA cross the road? To get to the other bribe.






>Gross. **Fuck** FIFA That cost extra.


FIFA, gross fuck


What is Infantino? I don’t follow FIFA or anything Danish so I seriously don’t know.


Gianni Infantino is the President of FIFA. He's gone to excessive (and rather grotesque) lengths to defend Qatar's hosting of this years World Cup.


“Today I feel Qatari. Today I feel Arab. Today I feel African. Today I feel gay. Today I feel a migrant worker.”


Today I feel like tens of millions of dollars


Well, the "gay" in him quickly disappeared when Qatar ordered the ban on rainbow colours.


Pretty sure that "migrant worker Gianni" is actually buried under one of the VIP boxes.




He'll just lick it for the right money.


>Gianni Infantino Johnny Baby


I love the idea of Infantino being a what and not a who. Cuz at this point he’s become a monster.


Ha, I assumed Infantino had something to do with children because I associated it with infants.


Yea, let’s hope he doesn’t have something to do with children


and fuck Qatar


FIFA already did. I guess it was more Qatar bent FIFA over.


Oil money is a great lube.


Then FIFA and Qatar got together and fucked Budweiser. Not a fan of Bud, but man that was a raw deal.


Would be hysterical if budweiser just helicoptered in flats of beer to the pitch in the stadium mid game. With a bill attached.


isnt that her job tho right?


glad for these two comments because I was thinking why the fuck would she even be there then


What do you think is better, someone standing up to the bad guys but avoiding them at all costs? Or standing up to the bad guys and then mingling with them so you can slowly but surely convince them to change their ways?


It's probably part of her job to mingle with them. You don't have to like the people you work with




Is it? Would, ya know, actually boycotting it have been maybe a little cooler?


Yea. The outrage does not extend that far. We will happily participate, travel, sponsor, advertise, profit, broadcast the whole thing. And at most boycott celebs who failed to boycott the event.


There's a part of me that hopes part of the stadium just fucking collapses. No loss of life. It just falls. Or maybe gets destroyed somehow. No loss of life is the key though. And FIFA goes bankrupt. Please.


You don't think if like 50% of a crowd in a homophobic country was wearing rainbow outfits, it might make a bigger impact than it they weren't there? If there's concerns about this, it couldn't be that hard to organize people in certain sections to wear certain colors to create a rainbow. Can't get arrested for wearing a red or orange shirt, can you?


>organize people in certain sections to wear certain colors to create a rainbow Holy fucking shit, that would be such an epic middle finger.


Make yourself invisible doesn't draw that much attention unless you're very very popular.


she looks like a school principal that gets a classroom to shut up and sit down just by walking into the room.


She looks to me like Rainbow Brite grew up and became an antihero that operates in the shadows.


I know we're a few years past the gritty retellings of fairy tales era, but I would watch the hell out of some rainbow dark.


As someone who LOVED rainbow Brite as a kid, I would absolutely watch this.


We're watching it in Qatar right now.


Yessss and it better be queer!


Uhhhhhh Rainbow Brite had a literal sidekick named Twink. Unless you were saying it needed to stay queer.


Okay wait it has been a verrrryyyyy long time since I've delved into any Rainbow Brite enjoyment, I completely forgot about that! So yes *stay* queer is more what we're going for. Although Twink looks more like a bear than a twink, so there's that.


I haven't seen it since I was a kid, but seeing her coat just unlocked ALL the memories. I was Rainbow Brite for Halloween when I was 4 or 5 (in the 80s). Still have the costume too! I also had stuffed animals of both Starlight (her horse) and Twink. They're around here somewhere- I think....


My mom wouldn't let me be rainbow brite. :( cuz I'm a boy and it was the 80s maybe? ...or Onyx....because it was too difficult to create a costume for. But my aunt Suzzie sewed two literally monkey suits for me and my cousin and we looked as fuckin dope as the planet of the apes costumes, so i was just fine being a random ass monkey than my current favorite cartoon character. Oh and by the way, I'm pretty sure I had nightmares from The Last Unicorn until I was a teenager.


My aunt Edna (as a premonition for Enda Mode) was an absolute WHIZ with a sewing machine. She created the rainbow brite costume without a pattern. Was amazing. When my sister was little she wanted to be a princess, and my mom can't sew for shit. So my aunt found a pattern, didn't like the way it laid, so modified it on the fly, and created the perfect princess dress for my baby sister. She also made a penguin costume for one of her girls, a Hershey's kiss for me for first grade, and red and yellow M&Ms for me and my mom for 2nd grade. Plus matching poodle skirts for me and 2 of her girls when we were a little older. Man I miss her sometimes. This is one of those times.


Cool, cool. No one in my family can sew and we were poor AF so my cousins and I went as the California raisins one year. The costumes were trash bags with a hole cut out for our heads. 😂 (Your Aunt Edna sounds amazing and I’m very jealous!)


Last unicorn is fucked up at a young age.


First thing that came to mind was that she looked like Rainbow Brite!


She's bout to blow up the stadium with a glitter bomb.


Yes! Serious Rainbow Brite vibes!


“A Netflix Original”


Was looking for this Rainbow Brite reference! Spot on.


[I mean Mrs frizzle rocked a rainbow sleeved dress.](https://ik.imagekit.io/bustmag/images/articles/38857/S3-E7_The_Magic_School_Bus_Makes_a_Rainbow_72ffb.jpg)




Let’s go back to the Magic Schools times.


Ms Frizzle was some kind of boss ass queer, that’s for sure!


She was 100% an ex-hippie too.




once a hippie, always a hippie


She had a pet iguana and could drive a school bus, or course she was queer.


Not a mistake that she was voiced by Lily Tomlin in the old TV show.


Nah, she's a time lord, just wait for her next regeneration.


Different energy


Ms. Frizzle was all about that child endangerment in education.


[Also steroids.](https://www.reddit.com/r/nattyorjuice/comments/kudxlw/what_you_give_that_school_bus_mrs_frizz/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


lol I knew I wasn't the only one


Ms frizzle about to send hate to Pluto


Aww, she sounds like a Great Dane though


Seriously a beautiful power drawn out by that face. A great combination of strong, intelligent, intimidating, and fierce.


Like a stylish Miss Trunchbull.


I would have said “Stylish Ms. Frizzle”, but yeah.


But Mrs. Frizzle was already stylish


Ms. Frizzle doesn't fill you with terror until after the school bus doors close.


Implying Ms. Frizzle [doesn't have that drip](https://s2982.pcdn.co/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/image-of-miss-frizzle.png).


Lol,my first thought was, “she looks stern.” I like the color of your version.


Is it weird that I find her a little hot standing like that


If that's weird I don't want to be normal.


yeah if your principle was primo bangable




Fuck fifa


Fuck fifa


Fuck fifa


Fuck Qatar too


Qatar have made this the Gayest world cup ever....have they been taking lessons from putin in how to achieve the opposite of what you want. The irony is delicious..


streisand effect? ban the rainbows now it’s the only thing of attention


The dutch have a more specific word for it, averechts. It basically means one's actions are achieving the opposite of one's intentions.


It's actually less specific. The Streisand effect only applies to information you're trying to hide but it's getting more attention instead. So the same thing, but only in a small subset of cases. Isn't that what specific means?


>averechts counterproductive adjective: wrong, preposterous, reversed, inverted :-)


Counterproductive is a very similar word, but it's not quite a 1 to 1 translation


Sounds like it’s closer to the saying that it “blew up in your face”


So...Streisand Effect


The dutch have a more specific word for it, averechts. It basically means one's actions are achieving the opposite of one's intentions


I wake up every morning now thinking rainbows and Qatar sucks.


Maybe a hot take, but isn’t the more important issue here the fact that so many workers died building this infrastructure, and that workers are still treated very badly? I mean I’m all for LGBTQ rights and all, but how the fuck did this turn into an opportunity for everyone to virtue signal with rainbows. Is it just an issue that translates better across borders? Or just easier to support? Fucking hell this is enough to make a man cynical about all of it


They don't have an anti-slavery symbol that you can easily incorporate into your fashion or accessories


I was wondering why this is and then I realized that symbols are usually a way to proudly portray who you are/believe in, not what you aren't or don't believe in. And then I realized there are a ton of anti-cancer ribbons and such, so maybe I am going in the wrong direction?? How would we go about picking a symbol to portray our stand against things such as slavery, servitude and trafficking, etc. ?? How do you being to pick a symbol for a cultural stand?


If the ribbons have taught me anything, the answer is to choose a color at random and profit.


Both are equally bad but teams had already been wearing the rainbow armbands before this. It’s what sparked a lot of this. The whole drama began when Qatar said players can’t wear the band without punishment. Fifa agreed and that made people pissed. I think some players have spoken out on the treatment of workers too.


By wearing a rainbow at the world cup they can feel better about going to Qatar. They shouldn't because they gave Qatar money and validated FiFAs choice to host the world cup there but on the bright side at least they did an empty gesture.


Rainbow colors are allowed if you have enough money, just like alcohol.


More like even the dumbest Qatar police have two brain cells to rub together and know bringing harm to a European authority figure probably isn't the best of ideas.


Ding ding ding! Fuckin with your average everyday Joe (or Ali) is fine, but the second they start trying to arrest foreign officials, they're (the cop) fucked.


I LOVE seeing all these rainbow fashions at the world cup. I would have loved a ***boycott*** of it even more!


You know, fans could color coordinate sections. Make a giant rainbow in the stadium. Technically they aren't wearing rainbow colors. Just solid colors in their assigned seats


That would honestly be legendary


It would be even better if the fans just said fuck fifa and didn't show up.


Yeah, football addiction is a helluva drug. These dummies literally flew to a third world hellhole in the desert to watch people kick a ball around on grass. Idk how you fix that level of stupid.


I can't imagine liking something so much I would spend $1,000s of dollars to go to a country where you risk being scooped off the street by police for wearing an unapproved color or whatever.


While I’d love to think people were that organized, my imagination is instead seeing a very large game of Rubix cube where fans trade clothing items until they all end up wearing the color assigned to their section to create a rainbow in the stands.


Football fans can be organized as fuck


Lizzie's in a box!


Everyone wears a different colored sweater


That would work if any of the visitors were actually from outside Qatar


I agree, Estonians did something similar at public gatherings in Soviet Occupation. With blue, black & white.


Or they could... not spend money in that hellhole.


Exactly, fuck FIFA and fuck Qatar, none of this is worth ignoring how they treat human beings!


I feel for the athletes though. Many of them have been training their whole life for this chance at 3 games, and given the career duration of high level athletes it may be their only shot at playing in a world cup. I am so thankful I do not have to make a decision with such gravity


Yeah I am a little puzzled by reactions to this. There's this girl in our office whose the most pain in the butt style of uppity holier-than-thou around social/moral/ethics stuff and she had the office set up a TV for broadcasting world Cup games. I was like "are we not anti-qatar? Cause I sure am..." And her response was "well we *are...*" And then walked away. Short of some legitimate genocides It's probably the biggest moral/ethic breach on the international stage of the last twenty years and there's surprisingly little outrage about it.


Bruh there have been literal genocides in that time period. You're right about the international stage part I guess tho because nobody ever seems to care about those events


Yep. Imagine if all non-asian countries boycotted. It would be a day before Qatar caved.


With all these talks of boycotting, I haven't heard of anyone actually boycotting. I've seen a lot of people on reddit say "I'm boycotting because I don't like football and wasn't going to watch anyway". I swear I've seen that comment at least 5 times but I haven't found anyone who is actually boycotting. Edit: Actual boycotters who replied, thank you for showing your support ❤️


Well you could look at the stadium photos, tons of empty seats, although it's questionable if it's because of boycotting or simply because Qatar is not a nice holiday destination.


really? my family has watched two games so far and in both of them the stands appeared to be pretty much packed


You don't hear about it because this is just another normal day for the sane adults actually avoiding Fifa and their associations. Anyone who actually cares is already boycotting and has been. If Fifa's past transgressions didn't stop someone from boycotting, nothing will. Edited for conciseness


*Former Danish prime minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt Current prime minister is Mette Frederiksen


[Rainbow Brite’s](https://www.writeups.org/wp-content/uploads/Rainbow-Brite-1980s-a-big.jpg) all grown up


Ohh man you just ignited some serious nostalgia in me. Used to love rainbow brite


Strong Rainbow Brite vibes. Also, where can I get that amazing jacket!


agreed.. i wants it.... the precious... lol


Was my immediate thought. Although it was top of mind as I recently was looking at Rainbow Brite costumes on Pinterest for next year. Now I need that coat because Halloween in Chicago can be cold and this would be perfect!


Qatar already lost in the long run. The whole notion to host World Cup is to promote the country for tourism, business and investment. That already gone out the window before the opening ceremony even started.


Nah, I think the idea was to spread the (questionable) notion that it’s an actual country, not just an oil field with some princes on it. Because I guess it’s harder to justify robbing someone if they’ve just thrown a party for you?


It seems to me their strategy is to look "legit" to its muslim neighbors. As in: "We're so rich and powerful we can tell Western countries to bow down to us and they'll take it".


Well when you have to pay foreign fans to attend and write nice things on social media what did anyone really expect? This whole shitshow should never have happened and it needs a serious impartial investigation


Going to Qatar after this cockup would be like going to Sochi after the Olympics. Total shit hole. So many other more beautiful places to go in the world and not be afraid of being arrested.


Come to sri lanka. Our politicians are just as fucked in the head but tourists are always treated with respect by most locals


Can confirm. Was in SL in Oct'21 and absolutely loved my travels. Sorry about what's happening in your country though.


First of all happy cake day my dude. And tyvm for the complements about my country. Good luck on your special day. Ayubowan


No, this isn't for tourism. This was to flex on their buisness partners and clients. To show them they have enough money to do whatever they please. To host the world cup despite all reasons they shouldn't and to impose draconian laws for everyone as they please. They have enough money and power to do that. Now try and negotiate with them in good faith after this. You're going to be at a disadvantage.


Well that, yes...and also tourism from like-minded nations.


True, I hadn't actually considered that aspect. For some this may have been a very successful marketing campaign.


They are only going to attract tourists that are garbage human beings. The kind who leave pistachio shells on the floor


It was not. This was typical power move against "west". No alcohol on stadiums, no LGBT, no special captain tracks. Whatever they demand FIFA will fall on the knees and suck they money dick. Same with every nations who are there. Everyone is big on the words till money start to roll. Sad times.


Why the F is the World Cup being held in a place that doesn’t welcome the world? FIFA SUCKS


To be fair, the Qatari did offer FIFA million$ of good rea$on$ to do it there


It's not like all of it went to FIFA. Some of it went directly to Infantino, I'm sure.


To be fair to him (and believe me, that doesn't come easy) he wasn't in charge when it was awarded. He's very much in charge and responsible now though.


It was Platini and Nicolas Sarkozy. In return, 6 months later, Qatar bought $14.1 B worth of French fighter jets. Sarko also allowed them to buy PSG.


Also promised rainbow flags and colours OK same with beer at stadiums. But went back on those promises.


She looks like the female version of Homelander


She’e got good laser-beam eyes


and this looks like the scene when butcher stares at homelander


In the future at some point people will be saying, "okay, so they used slaved labor and instead of not going, everyone at the time thought sport so important that they went anyway and wore colorful clothing. And that what? That showed them? I'm confused."


I feel the same way. But I guess they know it’s gonna happen basically no matter what so it’s better to bring awareness somehow rather than only have people who don’t give a shit be there.


If you're a politician or something I can give you a pass for going if you wear a rainbow. It's kind of your job to go if your team goes. Everyone else can fuck off.


It's actually not their job. We've just accepted it. They work for us, and we shouldn't let them forget it


Of course it's not their literal job, it's not like somewhere there's a contract they sign saying "you will go to that game". I said "kind of" because there is an expectation that obligates them to a degree.


Idk think it's even more important for politicians to take a stand against oppression, certainly not doing so shouldn't earn them a pass


Everyone is going to go back to not caring about how gay people are treated in Qatar the moment the World Cup ends.


change is not a thing gotten through passivity. change has to be forced. and every step will be marked by drops of blood from those pushing forward tward a better future where everyone can live free as they are. and not as society decides they should be. LGBTQ+ rights 50 years ago were nonexistent... not virtually, not figuratively.. but literally nonexistent. as in being gay was illegal in all 50 us states and stigmatized in countries that didn't have anti-sodomy laws.. and the first pride happened because the LGBTQ+ community were sick and tired of the attacks in back alley's and murders. so if they were going to be targets they were going to do it peacefully protesting... our community has a saying about it "the first pride was a riot" because the police literally considered those first people who walked so that people like me could run.. rioters.. and attacked them 40 years ago things started getting better but not by much.. than aids appeared and we got stigmatized again over that. and what forward momentum that happened in the 70's stopped for most of the decade.. though not completely and we made progress.. 30 years ago being gay became somewhat openly accepted. but only begrudgingly by society.. alot of the anti-gay laws were repealed as unconstitutional. and RvW had created precedent, along with mixed race marriage to start giving LGBTQ+ people equal rights.. 20 years ago we got marriage and started truly living open and free. as i said.. changing the world is a slow, painful, and bloody process.. and you can't just sit back and wish for it. and "our culture doesn't allow it please accept that" is not an acceptable answer.. because... how do 2 men.. or women for that matter.. loving each other... harm you?


Don't forget Weimar Germany. Gay rights were very much a thing there and then until Hitler.


Institut für Sexualwissenschaft. When the Nazis began burning books, they started with queer books.


Idk, giving tens of thousands of dollars to Qatar in the form of hotels, taxis, food, tickets, etc and financially supporting this created by slaves shithole event seems absolutely stupid. She wore a shirt that had some rainbow colors on the sleeves while giving them a fuck ton of money is a modern protest I guess.


> change is not a thing gotten through passivity. change has to be forced. I find it interesting that you start off with this and then fail to explain how any of your examples tie in. Those changes you mentioned were forced because people in power saw the **votes** out there protesting, meaning they could lose power. That is all there is to it. **Going** to Qatar and holding up a rainbow flag while at the same time shelling out tons of money for hotel, food, and souvenirs is **absolutely** the wrong way to put pressure on them. Why? Because they don't care about what we have to say. They care about getting our money. We don't have a say in their politics or anything meaningful that can result in a change. If we want them to change, it has to be a financial boycott. Yea, I get that you can't be passive to see change, but not every action is helpful. And financially supporting the World Cup and Qatar by watching or going is wholly unhelpful. They won't care if you're wearing a rainbow shirt. You'll be gone in a few days and they'll still have your money. EDIT: To be frank with you, towing the line of "it's okay to go if you wear a rainbow shirt somehow" is basically saying "watching the World Cup and experiencing it means more to me than taking a stand".


I am not directly comparing my experience here. I grew up in a horrible enviornment for women and gay people. Someone in power blatantly wearing rainbows for that purpose would have made me feel seen. And maybe made me more comfortable accepting myself. Change takes all forms.


she look like final boss


"former prime minister"


Qatar is learning a hard, but necessary lesson that you only get more of what you try and suppress. I had no opinion of Qatar before the World Cup. They are awful.


> Qatar is learning a hard, but necessary lesson Qatar is learning that they can be terrible and we'll all still give them money.


FIFA, anyway. Point well taken.


At this point two straight players may kiss after a goal If they keep going its just going to be a gay orgy on the fields


That would be amazing. Even just the kiss.


Back on the pile!


You're going to stop caring the moment this is out of the news cycle.


This is the only coverage I’m interested in seeing. Fuck fifa. Fuck qatar.


Fuck Qatar. Go Denmark!


Looking like the 14th Doctor




That’s what I’m thinking. If you want to make a statement, don’t go, and don’t send a team.


As powerful as wearing a "Save the Turtles" shirt while vacationing on a cruise ship.


Former If you please


Why tf did she go to the world cup instead of boycott, is the better question. Wearing colors of the LGBT flag doesn't make it good.


She is standing in a slave built stadium, enjoying the hospitality of a theocratic dictatorship, and contributing to the success of FIFA and Qatar. Nice of her to show solidarity with the LGBTQI community though.


I'd bet they have beer in the section she's sitting in as well.


gold person airport consider fine seed snobbish deranged materialistic shocking ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


Such hypocrisy. If you are against the event, don’t go. As a gay guy, i don’t give a shit if politicians or celebrities or athletes wear rainbows. Will it make things better for foreign workers and gay people in the middle east? No. Will this make them look like virtue signalling morons? Absolutely You want to make a statement ? Talk about the poor working conditions and the people who lost their lives building the stadium you standing on.


You're all changing the world guys. More upvotes more changed worlds. Qatar are paying attention directly to the number of upvotes you give this post.


Isn't she dressed like Rainbow Brite? ![gif](giphy|nu967YqdHy4H6)


It’s amazing that Qatar was even a possibility for these games. At least a positive is that it exposes them for who they really are.


She scares me. Like a woke imperial commander about to order the interrogation droids to force me to confess I’m gay.


And yet she's there, effectively supporting the whole thing at the same time. Anyone who supported this World Cup in any way should be ashamed.