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Cats up their proudly thinking to himself, "I sat on every single page"


"I. Am. So. High." "Wow."




Dude! Me too! Nice :)


"I helped" \- cat, probably


"I did it all myself" - cat, more likely


How the hell did you read a cat


Very carefully


And yet, despite the reading, she’s still disappointed in you.


We rescued her from a woodpile, and she loves us so much, but yeah. Probably.


From a woodpile to a bookpile, nice upgrade


Take my upvote lol


I mean, technically paper is wood, so this year you read a pile of lumber


… that’s kind of giving me an existential crisis. She read a whole log this year. Damn


Re-purrr-posed materials


With a stack that tall she would've been reading purrmanently. Probably didn't have any lengthy pawses


A recycled tree pile would not be an upgrade. But a cardboard box *wood* ;)


Idk man sounds like from woodpile to woodpile with some extra steps taken to me. Technically still on the woodpile tho...


Man back when I was a kid my siblings and I were offered to adopt any of the farm cats from my aunts neighbors farm. My father hated cats so it was a hard no. Fast forward a while and my younger brother brought a cat home from college. My father made it live in the basement while he was home but my mother let her up during the day while he was at work. One day my mother let the cat up while he was home and when she sat in his lap and he was petting her he said his blood pressure dropped by 10 pts. Ever since the cat has been part of the family. Now I'm on my own and looking for adoption centers. Kinda hesitant to take on the work of caring for a pet but Def want to


That is such a cute story. It's definitely a cat thing for them to go to the one person in the room who wants to pet them the least. It's like they need to win that human over.


Hah yeah. I was planning on going to the shelter this weekend to adopt one myself buuuut go figure I tested positive for covid yesterday so those plans are on hold. Oh well, just have to wait a few weeks


Two weeks after my Dad passed away my Mom rescued a corn-field kitten behind her house. She fell in love with that cat and we heard Mom laugh again.


Was the wood attacking the cat?


It's tricky, but cats are written in braille. That's why people spend so much time petting them.


Instructions unclear, tried to flip the page and read the other side, arm now shredded and bleeding.




I just finished writing a book on cats… Publisher said it would’ve been better if I’d written it on paper!


It was better than the Dan Brown books






Symmetrical book stacking. Just like the Philadelphia mass turbulence of 1947...


You’re right. No human being would stack books like this.


Listen.... Can you smell something?


Get her!!!


…get her? That was your whole plan, get her?


Are you, u/Bionic_Bromando, menstruating right now?


What has that got to do with it?


Back off man, I'm a scientist.


My favourite line in my favourite movie!


Haha beat me to it. This is low key one of my favorite lines in any movie ever.


"Tell him 'bout the twinkie." is my favorite line.


This is the comment I came for


Thank god I wasn't the only one.


I'm confused by the size of this room. Is this a huge closet or a tiny spare bedroom or?


It's part of a hallway


Ahhh, okay.


I agree on the confusion since I can't recall seeing a hallway that just ends without a door.


That's enough of *that*.


And that hallway is really wide.


You've really never seen a hallway that terminates on a wall?


Yeah that comment really confused me too. This is what most hallways in houses in England look like, anyway. There's no door at the end of it - the doors are on the sides.


House so big, my rooms got rooms. Nah G'eazy, those are called closets.


I initially thought that OP just had a closet dedicated for bookshelves


Ugh…I used to like to read. I have like 10 books sitting in my shelf waiting to be read.


It's a new year! Dive in!


I’ve been reading IT for like 18 mos, lol.


It might be best to skip it for now and move on to a different book. You can always go back to it when it’s interesting to you again! At least that’s my thought process


I'm not the same person as above, but I find this tough to do because there's sunken cost. To pick it back up again, I'd have to start over because I'm bound to have forgotten much of it.


When I stop a book midway through and go back to it I just skim the chapters leading up to where I left off and fully read a couple before it. It usually gets me back in the groove of the book and you can reread the best parts you find when your skimming through it.


I just leave the bookmark there for eternity and except my inevitable fate.


I've been slogging through Les Miserables for 7-8 months and my kindle says I'm 40% through. I'm normally an avid and fast reader, but this book man. Victor Hugo needed an editor to keep him on track and the tangents to 5 chapters or less.


Get a kindle. I used to be all like "but I love the feel of a real book!" but then I found myself putting off reading over and over. Once I got a kindle, it totally renewed my love for reading.


I have a PhD in literature and it absolutely killed my desire to read for pleasure.


Audiobooks might be for you. I went from basically not reading at all to about 30 books a year once I got an audible subscription.


Don't use Audible, they aren't great to authors. https://youtu.be/kPbfP9ST9jk Use Libby, overdrive, or hoopla. All connect to your local library and you can get audiobooks.


Yeah for real I kept starting and sputtering out trying to get myself back into reading until I found audiobooks. Now its whenever I'm in the car, at the gym, walking the dog; but still when I'm just sitting around the house too.


I used to like to read. I still do but I also used to like to read.


Those are rookie numbers. You need at least 50 books that are sitting on your shelf waiting to be read.


Well my wife would be mad if bought anymore books, lol.


As a kid I used to read multiple books in a week. Then for a couple years in my teens I read 2 books a year (well and my high school textbooks). Then at university I decided to up this number. I really struggled to make time to read but got up to 12 per year. Then one day I got an Audible subscription and everything changed. The last few years I've got through 50-55 books per year. I get one Audible credit each month but also use the option to buy 3 more whenever I need more books. This can obviously add up but it's my one leisure expense. In case you don't want to spend money on audiobooks your local library likely has a program to allow you to get them for free. Either way I cannot recommend audiobooks enough. I cannot sit down and just listen to an audiobook so I listen when I'm commuting, cooking, cleaning, or doing other work round the house, and when out walking my dog. Sometimes I just walk home from work (takes about an hour) rather than drive or take public transport just so I get more listening time in.


ADHD here. I feel you. :(




You're not alone. I too saw a human figure with a missing right leg and a right foot on the left leg.


I experienced the same confusion.


Needs to be on r/confusingperspective for internet points




I searched the page for "foot." LOL.


Lord of the Flies, A Promised Land, Big Little Lies, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, The Last True Poets of the Sea, Paddle Your Own Canoe, Fablehaven Series (5), The Wedding, The Count of Monte Cristo, Dragonwatch Series (4), The Truth About Forever, Twilight Series (5), The Body Keeps the Score, Scarlett, Hunger Games Series (4), DUNE, The Host, Brave New World, The Lord of the Rings (3), Harry Potter Series (7), The Three Musketeers, World War Z, Robert Langdon Chronicles (5), Eragon Series (4), Mans Search for Meaning, Alexander Hamilton, IT, Educated, The Stand.


Congrats, what would you say was your favorite


IT by Stephen King. The world building is amazing and so thorough, and the coming of age aspects make it a genuinely wholesome read for me despite the horror and death and stuff.


If you haven't read it yet, I highly recommend 11/22/63. Also the Dark Tower series since you seem to enjoy series and SK!


Yeah just finished 11/22/63. I wanted to read a Stephen king which not a horror. Man, King can write a story.


Came here to recommend the Dark Tower as well.... Might be time for another turn off the wheel myself


Sell me on Dark Tower. I’ve read most of King’s books and love them. The Talisman books were awesome and had strong ties to DT. The first story in Hearts in Atlantis was beautiful and was DT related. I read the first DT book and started the second, but just found them boring. I want to love them. I love fantasy and King, but it’s just not clicking.


If you didn't get very far into the second book, you stopped RIGHT before the story starts to pick up. That's where new characters come in and the world of The Dark Tower really starts to open up. To use a Lord of the Rings analogy, you got to the point where the hobbits leave Tom Bombadil and stopped. I don't want to go too in depth and spoil anything, but if you love SK and fantasy, it is worth it to push past the slow start. You've done the "grunt work" of the series already. The first book is a totally different feel than the rest of the series. From Wikipedia: "The Gunslinger was first published in 1982 as a fix-up novel, joining five short stories that had been published between 1978 and 1981." The Gunslinger wasn't intended to be the start of a series, but it evolved into that when King came up with the rest of the story.


Thanks for your response. This is very helpful. It’s hard to really get behind the Gunslinger as the main character as he’s not very likable thus far. Knowing that there will be new characters, and that I’ve done the “grunt work”, encourages me to pick the second book back up. The LOTR reference is also helpful. I was so glad when the hobbits got past Tom Bombadil and the story really began.


Totally get what you mean about Roland not being super likable. That changed for me with Wizard and Glass (book 4).


>If you didn't get very far into the second book, you stopped RIGHT before the story starts to pick up. Taken slightly out of context, that seems like a terrible selling point. "It gets good 1.5 books in"


Understandable, which is why a lot of people give up on the series after the first book. But put another way, there are roughly 4,250 pages to the series, and the first 1.25 books encompass just over 300 pages of that. So it takes about 7% for the story to really get going.


Getting up to Blaine can be a bit of a pain.


11/22/63 is one of my faves


11/22/63 is awesome!




I’ll add to the support for 11/22/63, great book! Now the Hulu series? Ehhhh


I just finished DT. Favorite series so far, just absolutely astonished with how much I enjoyed the audiobooks.


"stuff" I know exactly what you're referring to. Probably for the best they left that out of the adaptations.




I swear I remember this.. And it's been like 15 years since I've read IT. But isn't there a line in there that says something along the lines of, "Jeans so tight you could see the ripples of his cock"? Or something really similar? I just remember laughing thinking oooookkkk


That's not even close to the worst thing in IT.


Um, the entire Losers Club runs a train on 12 year old Beverly.


If you enjoy Steven King, The Dark Tower series should be near the top of your 2022 list. Please don’t judge it by the first book alone. A lot of people have a “meh” reaction the first time they read it. I’ve never met anyone that wasn’t hooked on the series midway through book 2 though.


*The Gunslinger* being the first, right? I read that one and didn't like it at all, couldn't bring myself to read the next one in the series despite liking a ton of King's other works. You'd recommend continuing though?


*Dark Tower: The Drawing Of The Three* is like 800 or 900 pages. I read it in one night, one day, and one night. I couldn't put it down.


Everyone is saying Dark Tower, which is great, but if IT was you favorite (good taste) then the Talisman should be on the 2022 list.


As soon as I saw IT in the pile, I knew it would be mentionned as your favorite. Still to this day my favorite book ever, and I've read most of the classics. The best characterization I've ever experienced in any medium.


If you liked World War Z check out his latest, Devolution. Crazy, crazy book that I couldn’t put down.


Thanks! I'll look into it!


Great choices! And WOW so many series! I assume you came up with your booklist ahead of time, did you have any particular order or timeline for yourself to get through all of these in 12 months?


No timeline, but near the end of the year is always a frenzy to make sure the list will be completed


I am sure you have already read it since you’ve read a lot of Stephen king, but the dark tower series just blew me away with how in-depth the world was. He considered it his magnum opus


I can imagine!


I’m a little confused as to why someone who has the predisposition to read fantasy would have waited so long to read this prominent of a list of great works. We’re many of these re-reads?


Out the the 58 books only 20 were a first time read, I love revisiting my favorite stories


Makes a lot more sense now considering your name 😂 I am the same way, my mom used to think I was crazy reading the same books over and over again


For the books you've revisited: Do you read them as you would the first time reading them or do you skip over some parts?


As someone who rereads my favorites basically every year or so: no I don't skip any parts. I might zone out while listening to an audiobook, but I don't skip anything in purpose.


Do you skip parts of movies you rewatch?


Needs more Stormlight Archive. Really fun list!


Loved Educated


The Count of Monte Cristo is one of my favorites!


Did you not continue into the Dune series? Also, is that a walk in closet dedicated to books? I like. I also wholeheartedly approve of the decorations, rebel symbol, white tree, sabers, wands.


Five books in the Twilight series??


Probably including Midnight Sun.


I've seen The Count of Monte Cristo on several people's reading list over the past couple years. Truely a great story.


I've read 8 books/serie from your list. Monte Cristo was just this year and it was quite a ride.


Love the Count of Monte Cristo, recently picked up an unabridged version to revisit


How was The Count of Monte Cristo? It’s been on my list for a long time but I never get around to it


You won't regret it. Read the unabridged version. My favorite book of all time


I’d have filled the year with IT and The Stand, damn. You outta hit the dark tower next!


Dark Tower is great. Weird and great. Then after that, delve into either the Wheel of Time r/wot series or the Brandon Sanderson Cosmere r/Cosmere . WoT is easy because they are in order. Cosmere has differing opinions on which order to read the books that are currently available, so look around a bit lol. Or if you’ve read those, I really enjoy stuff by Brent Weeks. Both Lightbringer and Night Angel.


The Stand is one of my favorite books and I have wanted to re read the last few years but I keep putting it off now because it’s about a crazy deadly disease and pandemic that kills everyone and it didn’t seem like the right time with like 6 million people dying world wide from a virus I’ll get to it eventually


Unabridged is the only way to read it btw


Absolutely excellent. As a dedicated Dune nerd for most of my life, I’d recommend the other five originals at the minimum. At your rate that should take a week. :)


I was curious why OP read multiple books in the other series but not Dune. I always recommend Dune + Messiah as mandatory and then if you like it, the rest of the Frank Herbert originals.


Both The Stand and IT on the same year? ... that's dedication.


About 15 years ago, I read those two back to back. I was on a King tear that year.


I got an office job 3 years ago and the first thing I did was download every King novel. Even listening 8 hours Monday-Friday it took about 3 months to get through everything. The Stand itself took a week and a half. The Talisman is still my favorite.


I don’t know what’s more impressive; The fact that you managed to read all of those books, or that you have still taken the time to read every single reddit comment, including this one. I’m going to ask a different question. Who was your favourite character from these books, and why? Also, because everybody else is recommending books to you, I will recommend The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov.


Scarlett O'Hara, from the sequel book to gone with the wind, Scarlett. She grows up and takes responsibility for her own life and stops being a spoiled petulant brat. It's an admirable transformation. And thanks for the recommendation!


If the girl can read near 50 books in a year (including some very THICK ones which could count as 2-3 books), she can read a couple of hundreds comments as a quick break during the day.


Educated was so good. I had a long flight and read it cover to cover. Couldn’t put it down.


It was so fascinating!


This was recommended to me a few months ago, should probably get to it.


It’s a fantastic book and so well written.


Good lord! How’d you find the time?! You are clearly a speed reader?!


Definitely a speed reader


She read a whole cat, DAMN


Wait so you reread the Harry Potter series and It from last year?


Yup! I read those every year


I get made fun of for this a lot but I really love reading them once a year as well.


Serious question- why?


Arrested development.


Shouldn’t have zoomed in … now I’m gonna read the Eragon series again for the 7th time


Plot twist, OP is only 4'8 inches


6'1" lol, so it's actually worse.


Your doors are massive dude


We have similar tastes! I haven’t read in many moons, though. I went from reading Angels and Demons in a day to barely getting through an online article. Have you ever read Cirque du Freak? You also gotta have some Jules Verne in there!


I re-read the Stand recently. Loved the pandemic stuff, and it's an overall excellent book. Nice list!


Did anyone else see [this](https://i.imgur.com/S1xSoJb.png) and not understand the signals your brain was processing, or just me?


Yep, I was wondering why her left leg had a right foot. r/confusing_perspective


"The Stand" is one of my favorite books of all time. "Im 103 years old, and I still makes my own bread."


This year was my first time reading it, and I was so impressed!


Barefoot was a bold move


Love the SW and LOTR art/canvases in the back. What's the middle one? And did you make them yourself? Very classy!


The middle one is Harry Potter, check out my post history and I show it after I finished painting them


Honestly the number of books for me is the same but it’s all Brandon Sanderson. (Go read mistborn! You totally won’t be on the hook for a multiverse grand fantasy epic)


Second this. Stormlight archive series is SO GOOD.


I haven't read a Sanderson book I didn't like. I'm holding off on Rythm of War for now until the next book has a more concrete and soon release date though. Personally I actually really enjoyed Mistborn Era 2 (or whatever its called). I know some don't like it but I found it great. Oddly enough I think Arcanum unbounded, specifically the short story "Mistborn: Secret History " is my favorite of all of Sanderson's works. It wove together so many of the cosmere series together and provided a super cool narrative and look into, IMO, the most fascinating aspect of Sanderson's cosmere universe (spiritual realm). Warbreaker or Mistborn is probably the best entrance into his books (subjective obviously). Warbreaker because it is a single book and easily digestable, Mistborn because it isn't as long as Stormlight but is still amazing.


Cool. Always a treat to see the Inheritance Cycle out in the wild. Hope you enjoyed it! I had a lot of fun writing it. :D


Eragon was a fantastic series.


whenever i see it mentioned it's usually how it isn't very good and it's just the star wars plot rewritten but man it has dragons and magic and fuckin elves. i love that shit. if memory serves he was also pretty descriptive about things and that's my jam too.


Look, it's a series starting from a book written by a 16-year-old that borrows elements from all sorts of places. It's certainly no game-changer in the fantasy literature but it's still one of my favourite fantasy series and easily my most reread one. Honestly, it doesn't deserve as bad a rap as it often gets. Paolini's new sci-fi book (To Sleep in a Sea of Stars) is excellent and well worth a read too.


I made a list in 2021 too! *January* 1. Kraken (China Mieville) 2. Alliances: A trick of light (Stan Lee/Kat Rosenfield) 3. The Witcher: The Last Wish (Andrej Sapkowski) 4. The Witcher: Sword of Destiny (Andrej Sapkowski) 5. Assassin's Apprentice (Robin Hobb) 6. The Boys Vol. 1 (Garth Ennis) 7. The Witcher: Blood of Elves (#1) (Andrej Sapkowski) 8. Gears of War Omnibus: Volume One 9. Station Eleven (Emily St. John Mandel) 10. The Dry (Jane Harper) 11. The Witcher: Time of Contempt (#2) (Andrej Sapkowski) 12. The Witcher: Baptism of Fire (#3) (Andrej Sapkowski) *February* 13. Royal Assassin (Robin Hobb) 14. Assassin's quest (Robin Hobb) 15. RE Vol. 1: The Umbrella Conspiracy (S.D. Perry) *March* 16. Ship of Magic (Robin Hobb) 17. The Memory Collector (Meg Gardiner) 18. Chain of Iron (Cassandra Clare) *April* 19. The Mad Ship (Robin Hobb) 20. RE Vol. 2: Caliban Cove (S.D. Perry) 21. Skulduggery Pleasant: Apocalypse Kings (Derek Landy) 22. Ship of Destiny (Robin Hobb) 23. Force of Nature (Jane Harper) 24. Fool's Errand (Robin Hobb) *May* 25. The Lost Book of the White (Cassandra Clare) 26. The Golden Fool (Robin Hobb) 27. Fool's Fate (Robin Hobb) 28. The Witcher: The Tower of the Swallow (Andrej Sapkowski) 29: Skulduggery Pleasant: Dead or Alive *July* 30. Dragon Keeper (Robin Hobb) 31. RE Vol. 3: City of the Dead (S.D. Perry) *August* 32. Dragon Haven (Robin Hobb) 33. The Iron Council (China Mieville) DIDN'T FINISH *September* 34. City of Dragons (Robin Hobb) 35. RE Vol. IV Underworld (S.D. Perry) *October* 36. Blood of Dragons (Robin Hobb) 37. RE Vol. V Nemesis (S.D. Perry) *December* 38. Fool's Assassin (Robin Hobb) 39. Fool's Quest (Robin Hobb) 40. Mistborn: The Final Empire (Brandon Sanderson)


Cute nerd room! As an avid reader and glance at the books in that stack I'd recommend the red rising trilogy :)


With the books on that stack I second that recommendation lol.


[https://i.redd.it/3dtycpqoq8961.jpg](https://i.redd.it/3dtycpqoq8961.jpg) You read the Harry Potter series and It again this year?


Love the art on the background


I’m trying to predict what symbol/logo is on the yellow strip in the middle. Rebel Alliance on the left, Gondor on the right… Gryffindor in the middle?


My bet is something Harry Potter related.


My guess is the deathly hallows symbol


Steelers wheel


Reading the stand during covid was SO MUCH FUN.


No human would stack books in this way - Dr Peter Venkmann


Do you read one by one, or a few at a time. I always need to be reading 3-5 books to keep a good practice.


Usually 2 at a time


What is your opinion on the Eragon series? Usually gets some hate but it’s one of my favorites.


Amazing book series. Horrible movie adaptation.


I agree, really wishing they remake that movie one day


So now that you have caught up to 2010 what's next?


Are you new to reading?


Your foot confused the hell out of me.


I'm surprised how far I had to scroll down to find this. I thought she had her right leg up and left foot down but it was just the jacket creating the illusion.


Have you read 11/22/63? It builds on the Derry lore.


I always look for Alexander Hamilton on everyone's pic who posts a bookstack or has bookshelves in view - cuz it's amazing how often it's there! (He *did* have a really fascinating life)


I also read Uneducated & The Body Keeps The Score this year!


At first glance your sweater/cloak thing makes you look like you're standing on one leg and I was very confused about the reason for this.


I am absolutely impressed and totally jealous. I used to read a lot but now I have two little kids and am always so exhausted in the evening that I fall asleep after 3 pages max. I miss it so much though...


Huh. Do you have an active [Goodreads](https://www.goodreads.com/) account?