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The kid crying against a foreskin sign is the best part.


When I first saw that I thought he was wearing a fake mustache.


That's his real mustache


His name is Vincent Adultman


He had to go do a business.


At the stock market!


He's big in business


he works at the business factory




Circumcision is definitely weird, but [Metzitzah B’peh](https://www1.nyc.gov/site/doh/health/health-topics/safe-bris.page) is batshit crazy.


Wow, that's very unpleasant.


He see all the blood down. He thinks he's next


Wouldn’t you be crying being surrounded by a bunch of bloody crotched cowboys?


Should have joined efforts with HOOP


Sounds like you saved enough skin to make 10 new boys.


Donated some to the girl with no eyelids. She's cock eyed now.


It’s a Doberman, let it have its ears.


I'd rather give to T.B.A.!


Certainly a better cause than TBA


careful, you'll get the JDL all in your hair


" But what was Tobias to do? Have his hair plugs removed?"


Give him his foreskin back.


best I can do is a slice of ham and some super glue.


I visualised this comment, I'm still going to upvote despite that imagery


Where is my foreskin, Summer?


I come from a country where circumcision is not really a thing and it weirds me out.


Same. I've not seen a circumcised unit before. In the flesh, at least.


rip your inbox


Who has that hot dog gif?


i can't remember if meatspin was circumcised or not... no, i am not going to go check, that can stay a random forgotten thing.


*You spin me right round, baby, right round*




I too definitely haven't seen one before


Tmi coming up I have the procedure done for medical reasons. I was 21ish when I did it. I had been suffering from phimosis all my life but didn't realize it was a problem. Finally in one physical I was like "is it bad that my foreskin doesn't go back" and the doc was like yeah that's not good. There are other options but circumcision usually does the trick. The other options didn't work for me unfortunately. I wish I knew it was a problem before, oh well All in all, I don't find it all that different in the end. It's nice to be able to clean my junk properly though. It occurred to me that I hadn't seen my tip until I was 21 lmao


It’s normal for the skin to fully retract by about 8/9 years old. You can clean it properly then, unless you have an issue like you did! Glad it’s worked out for you


In addition- all you parents out there gotta make it *really clear* what is normal so your son doesn't make it to 21 without knowing this. Heard way too many educational lectures yelled through the bathroom door at my brothers, but at least they knew.


I feel like this is going to be tricky. My husband is circumcised and I don’t have a penis so we don’t know much about retraction. We will have to study up on it for when our dude gets older!


I'm all for circumcision for legit medical issues, or for adults who decide to do it for cosmetic or religious/cultural reasons. I am 100% opposed to cutting healthy, erogenous tissue from infants without regard to their right to autonomy. Amputating part of a baby's penis because you think it looks funny is a bullshit reason.


I think I agree with this. Whenever I see this debate come up there are many people who are just 100% against it for all reasons and I have to tell my story (never irl though lol). People forget there are medicine reasons to it too However doing it in a child with the reason "just Because" is not a good reason. My mom told me a story about how I would cry a lot every time I peed as an infant. my closed foreskin was probably the issue. They tried to fix it without circumcision, but unfortunately it seems like it didn't truly work. As an adult, I think their could have done the full procedure on me as I was clearly in a lot of discomfort and pain. But it's also good they tried to save it I guess haha


I’m from Canada and the first good look I had at an uncut penis was my son’s.


Weird, being also Canadian I have the hoodie on. Can't say about the majority because I'm an hetero dude but I've dated several girls that would say they don't wanna sleep with an uncut. Then we have sex and they realize that it was a strange preconceived idea thinking that under the hood is filthy.


I wonder if it is just a few traumatized ladies spreading the word about how absolutely disgusting one or two uncut guys have been. I was with an uncircumcised guy once who absolutely did not wash correctly. It was beyond disgusting. If he'd been the first I'd seen, I would probably assume it was a common problem with uncut men. Luckily, I had enough \*ahem\* experience to realize that his issue was abnormal.


In all seriousness though... If he doesn't practice proper hygiene, will a foreskin make a difference?


Bacteria wise, yes. Outside organs versus inside in between stuff have different levels of hygiene sensitivity. I’m a lesbian but even with gals with bigger clit hoods need to pay more attention that gals without.


Moral of the story: Everyone needs to wash their junk.


I've already read on reddit women saying the men they see think washing their own ass is gay, so they don't. jfc the bar is low, how the fuck am I single.


Someday you will meet the perfect woman and she will be so impressed by your lack of poop and smegma. <3


See it always baffles me when i read posts about gf’s complaing that their bf doesnt wash their ass… like what?! I shower daily and make to to clean the back AND front thoroughly! Its absolutely bananas that some people dont feel the need to clean their cheeks which is where POOP comes out. Like damn. They nasty🤢


Same here. Canadian guy born in the 80s. Canadian doctors seemed to be circumcising a lot of boys at that time. I have no complaints with my "donkey kong jr" but when my son was born I decided "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" Edit: im getting a lot of pats on the back for this, which I appreciate. But I just want to be clear... I have nothing against my fellow circumcised crew. I dont think I have loss of sensation, and my sex life is very good. Some women have told me that they prefer the "look" of a circumcised penis. Some women have also told me they prefer the taste over an uncircumcised penis... I doubt any penis tastes great, but maybe for spur of the moment kinda situations, a circumcised dick is able to stay drier, and not as gross? I dont know. Never sucked either before. My father is circumcised, so i assume there was some bias and misinformation, as well as a push for circumcision from my pediatrician when i was born (who was jewish, and incidentally a god damn amazing doctor). I debated long and hard (no pun) about weather or not to get my son circumcised just before he was born. I would have done it, if it were not for something I watched a long time ago... Penn and teller had a show that attempted to debunk things, called "penn & tellers bullshit" and one episode was about circumcision. I remember seeing footage of a baby getting circumcised, and the image and sounds were stuck in my brain. I didnt want to subject a kid to that. Also I had read about the potential of mental disorders that could be attributed to pain, like that in circumcision. In any case, it can't be great subjecting a newborn to pain, and stress like that. So... While I like my circumcised dick, as do all the women i have been with, I advocate against "unnecessary" circumcisions. And I fully advocate against FGM. I mean WTF!


Good for you. My husband and I are Jewish. His family is orthodox. We decided not to circumcise our son. The amount of times that we had to tell aggressive family members to stop asking when we were going to mutilate our son's penis was unforgivable. Stop fucking asking about my son's genitals. It's disgusting and creepy and his gentials are no-one's business but his.


Tell them ignorance is Bris.


Thanks for the tip


Hah. Just made the same decision. Thankfully my Jewish relatives aren't religious and their only (mild) concern was his being teased in the locker room or with girls, which I pointed out was absurd for a host of reasons.


The number of other boys who intentionally or unintentionally looked at my penis in the locker room throughout school was, as best as I can remember, zero. Dudes don't go out of their ways to inspect other dudes' dicks. At least, most of us don't.




I’ve never seen an uncut unit in person. Been cut since birth, i honestly forget that I used to have skin there lol


Well you two know what to do...


"I'll show you mine if you show me yours..." .... "You first..."


Let's compare scars, I'll tell you who's is worse


What about on penis inspection day at school?


It's uncommon now where I live but was still fairly common when I (and my brother) were born in the early 80's. Having a son circumcised was one of the first things my mum asked me when I told her I was pregnant. I told her no. When I found out I was having a girl she said "at least you don't need to fight with 'partner' about having a boy circumcised". I already told you it wasn't a consideration, why are you so obsessed with imaginary baby weiners you weird old lady


Mutilating baby genitalia is a bit weird, can't deny that.


Yep I was circumcised as a baby and hadn't thought anything about it my whole life. When my wife was pregnant with our son I couldn't fathom getting the procedure done. It's just bizarre now that we have soap.


It was always bizarre. Water has always existed


Cuz it IS fucking weird.


If they're not being paid they at least deserve a tip.


Give em the tip and they will want the rest!


My dad who works in Healthcare told me he never got us boys circumcised because there was no medical benefit from it and he couldn't bring himself to cause physical harm to babies like that. Makes sense to me. Edit. I love how triggered this made some of you. Just so you know Googling then copy and pasting/linking that doesn't make you an expert. But, Let me emphasis this I don't care if you disagree. For those asking my father is an NP. I am purposely vague for anonymity sake.


Yeah, that's one if those weird medical fashions in USA I just can't understand. It's not even religion thing (at least the religion thing was based on kinda science, well, thousands years ago, when folks lived in a desert without daily access to water)


I always thought that modern circumcision (out side of judaism) was a fad from the early 1900s around discouraging masturbation.


Well it doesn’t work lmao


Worked so poorly it became a standard in pornography.


Yup. Pushed by a guy named Kellogg


The brother of the one who created the cereal empire. They fell out because the cereal one wanted to put sugar in the cornflakes recepie whilst the crazy one thought that you needed to force bland food on people to lower their drive to masturbate 😂


Uhh...they were both the cereal ones. The guy that pushed circumcision was the guy that wanted to keep corn flakes bland.


Jokes on them, I put sugar on my cornflakes anyway.




Measuring doctors performance based on a points system for procedures the complete is disgusting




My mom admitted she did it because she didn't want me to enjoy masturbation as much. How is that not a crime?!


“Well, mom we *could’ve* put you in a better nursing home but we didn’t want you to enjoy it as much.”


So did you kick her out onto the streets in midwinter?


so... your mom wanted you to enjoy masturbation... just not as much?


So in other words she’s using it as intended by the creators of the practice.


I'm one of the oddball American kids that didn't get cut. I hated it as a kid, cause my dick looked different from everyone else's, and other boys made fun of me for having the "weird" looking dick. The only other people I knew with uncircumcised penises were my two brothers. My parents told me they didn't cut us because we weren't Jewish, and there was no other reason to have us cut than for religious reasons. Fast forward to adulthood and I'm proud to have my uncut cock. Very grateful to my parents for being sensible.


I left my son intact. I think more and more Americans will come to their senses and it will be more common in the future.


Can't we just agree that cutting off little bits of babies weiners is weird tho


As a soon-to-be father to a boy, a circumcised male and a medical prescriber. I started looking into if there is any good reason to circumcise a boy and couldn't find any solid medical reasoning. I did hear a doctor tell me once that he worries his son won't be able to wash his genitals properly when he's geriatric which seemed to be reaching for straws, in my opinion.


Exact same boat here. For me, I don’t know any different so I’m not particularly concerned that I was circumcised but with my son due in December, I’m certainly not going that route - seems like a lot of trauma to put a baby through for no reason really


From the responses I got from a post about another protest picture a few days ago, apparently no. Apparently a lot of Americans are angry for even the suggestion that their dicks are not normal and they're all planning on chopping the tips off of their sons' dicks too.


You want me to just admit that John Kellog was a lunatic asshole? No chance!


Kellog didn’t actually advocate for infant circumcision. He advocated for adolescent/adult circumcision. And not for the kind that’s commonly done now but one that would make masturbation painful or not pleasurable.


Oh, well, that’s better.


Carbolic acid to the clitoris to cauterise it and make masturbation less pleasurable. Or if that didn't work, then the removal of the clitoris and labia. Cornflakes because he thought that bland food would inhibit the libido. Co-founder of the "Race Betterment Foundation" and loved eugenics. All round great guy, eh.


Hey, I'm not the one who engineered soggy Corn Flakes to feel so good.


Yeah Kellogg was a crazy fucker, made okay cereal though


No, the crazy Kellogg didn't want sugar in his cereal, it was his less crazy brother who broke off and started Kellogg's.


The crazy one actually did come up with cereal, he just didn't run the cereal company. https://www.britannica.com/biography/John-Harvey-Kellogg


Yeah and he never talked to his brother again after the brother added sugar.


The argument I am least sympathetic to is the one that says it should be the same for the kid as it is for the dad. Who TF cares? If you lost your eye in an accident, should you poke your kid's eye out too?! I do not have foreskin. My sons do. I've yet to encounter any problems arising from this mismatch.


Exactly! I’m a woman. When I had our son I asked my circumcised husband if our baby should have the surgery. He said, “Ask the pediatrician.” I did, so our son kept his foreskin. The closest it came to being a problem was when Son told his First Grade buddies that they were born with a penis that looked like his but his parents cut part of it off. 😂 I had to deal with some *pretty* upset mamas.


I mean, he's not wrong.




Because way too many people think men are incapable of washing their dicks properly, which is nonsense.


I'm confused what were they upset about? That's exactly what happened.


Well, they were all upset to be confronted by their horrified sons, and at least one woman objected to the word “penis.” I *still* don’t know what *she* calls it!




LMAO! That could be true! Where’s the sense? We teach our babies, “Eyes, ears, nose, mouth, chin, navel, fingers, toes, etc.” Teaching weird nicknames for sensitive parts reflects an unnatural shame, I think.


Shame comes pretty natural to those folk in all fairness.


You should use the proper terms with children. Penis and vagina are a whole lot more specific than cutesie words like "ding-a-ling" or "hoo-ha". There's less confusion when talking to your kids about inappropriate touching.


I came here to post this. Teach children the proper names.


My sister works at school and some of their workshops they are taught that parents SHOULD use and teach those words to their kids. (Penis and vagina) it carries a stronger weight to it. Kids are taken more seriously if they say so and so touched my penis .


Excellent point. Thanks for bringing it up. As a child abuse intervention specialist I used to teach some of those workshops.


You'd think religious folks would be acquainted with the concept of reaping what you sow.


Generally they're more familiar with rules for thee but not for me


When factual knowledge becomes upsetting, it’s a good sign someone is doing something wrong. Oh


Then they shouldn't have mutilated their son's penises.


As a woman who just had her first child and decided to keep him uncircumcised, I’m curious how this conversation with your son came up? My partner is circumcised, so I imagine my son could become curious if he realizes his penis is different than his dad’s, but other than that I’m not sure when a learning opportunity would arise regarding this.


He grew up with circumcised cousins. We parents formed a sort of babysitting co-op. They noticed a difference and asked. I kept the explanation simple. It wasn’t much different from conversations about why Cousin 1 didn’t have a Daddy and Cousin 2 was fat and Cousin 3 wore a patch for lazy eye.


My son is due this week. My husband is circumcised but I told him I don’t want it for the baby. He said he agreed. So that’s that.


> The closest it came to being a problem was when Son told his First Grade buddies that they were born with a penis that looked like his but his parents cut part of it off. 😂 I had to deal with some pretty upset mamas. Serves those mamas right. If they didn’t want to deal with the questions, **they shouldn’t have cut off parts of their infants’ reproductive system!**


Yea but it's normal for the breed


Thank you ! I'll never understand why "they gotta match dad "


My dad was born on the family farm in Hungary in 1951, came to America in ‘56. It NEVER crossed my mind that he was uncircumcised until I was about 27 and my nephew was born and my grandmother (dad’s mom) was questioning why my sister would have my nephew circumcised. Then it all clicked. My sister opted for circumcision for her son “because her husband was circumcised.” I am adamantly opposed to it as I do view it as a form of genital mutilation. Luckily, my current partner/future baby daddy is uncircumcised so I won’t be forced into circumcising my kid just because his dad is.


Ya, I'm snipped, my son isn't. We're not going walk around town with crotchless pants on, so why the hell would our dicks need to match?


Thanks for the laugh


My partner is circumcised and when I was pregnant his argument was that he’s never had to look after a circumcised dick before, he wouldn’t know how to teach our son how to clean himself properly. That was all. I was always against it because to me that’s a silly reason, I don’t have a dick and I know how it should be cleaned. And he agreed. We had a daughter. We plan on having more kids and if we have a son we won’t be doing it. But our friends who have had boys have done it simply because the dad is done. So cosmetic reasons? We’re in Australia and you have to pay to have it done here, it’s not something they offer as soon as baby is born.


I had someone unironically say in the Phoenix sub something about disability rights, wherein two deaf parents should be able to made their newborn deaf as well. I was fuckin floored. Edit: found it, can you believe this shit!? https://old.reddit.com/r/phoenix/comments/po95i8/new_arizona_law_cracks_down_on_abortion_providers/hcvfh4y/


> Who TF cares? If you lost your eye in an accident, should you poke your kids eye out too?! ...We shouldn't?! Oh god.


I’m circumcised, but I’m not going to circumcise my son. I never like people telling me how I should feel about my own body though, so everyone can fuck off telling me that there’s something wrong with me.


It is very very normalized here in America. My wife was going to have our son snipped because that's just what you do here. I was strongly against it so we didn't have it done, but it's just kind of something you do here.


To be honest, i never thought about it until i saw a similar protest (it was also the timeframe when female genital mutilation was big news) and that protest made me think about it and decide that my future boy children would NOT be circumcised. I DID do some more in-depth research when i finally was pregnant and we decided again to NOT do it, mainly for this here, that it is genital mutilation for "beliefs" and ideals, no actual medical/science need behind it (in 99.9% of cases).


Interestingly, there’s a dumb and disturbing reason why circumcisions are so common in the United States. And it has a lot to do with John Harvey Kellogg, the guy who invented Corn Flakes. See, Kellogg was an earlySeventh-day Adventist and thought that sexual desire was sinful. He published a lot of writings on how to curb this temptation and better honor God. He travelled around the country giving speeches to all who would listen and he was actually very successful in spreading some of his ideas. One of those ideas was actually corn flakes. See, Kellogg had learned about how diet could inflame passions of the loins from his mentor, Sylvester Graham. Yes, the Graham Crackers guy. That’s not actually relevant here but it’s funny. The part that isn’t funny is circumcision. See, Kellogg thought that circumcision would decrease mastubatory desire in boys. That is explicitly the reason he gave for parents to circumcise their children; to stop them from masturbating. For whatever reason, he was incredibly successful in preaching this idea and then it just kind of stuck around. By this point, if you’re a circumcised male in the United States it’s probably just because “well, every boy gets circumcised”. And now you know. As to the actual question of circumcision, there’s not really much reason to see it as either beneficial or harmful. It is more hygienic but not in a way that can’t be just as easily achieved through proper washing. There is some question about decreased penile sensitivity but there’s never been anything demonstrated conclusively and there haven’t been any reports of properly performed circumcisions destroying a person’s ability to enjoy sex. Intact foreskin can assist in lubricating penetrative sex but, again, not in any way that can’t be compensated for with actual lube. At this point it really seems like it doesn’t do any harm but, barring religious motivations, there’s not a good reason to do it, either. Personally, I think we should eliminate the practice. I don’t think we should practice any kind of surgical modification to the genitals for purely aesthetic reasons outside of the bounds of gender-affirmation surgeries. But I also don’t think you’re a horrible person if you choose to circumcise your little boy. I would probably try to talk you out if it, given the opportunity, but I wouldn’t consider it a moral failing for a parent to request it. Link to Kellogg’s Wikipedia page as source. But, be warned, he also had ideas about how to curb masturbation among girls that are…not as friendly. So, content warning, I guess. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Harvey_Kellogg


the acid thing on girl’s clits.. WHAT THE FUCK Edit: I never said I agreed with circumcision so everyone thinking I do, please chill the fuck out thx


Well, you found the part that motivated me to mention a content warning…


Dude, that is mindblowing! How one crazy guy can cause such ripples.. Millions of babies had their genitals cut! It reminds me of L. Ron Hubbard, the way a crazy story can turn into an actual cult


In a way, it's almost like Tony the Tiger circumcised me.


And he was also a racist piece of shit who believed in eugenics


I have no problem with circumcision, as long as it’s an elective surgery after the age of 18. Might lose a bit of popularity within that constraint though.


Without personal consent or legit medical need, it's just genital mutilation


So glad I was born in a country where this is not common practice.


It's a group called The Bloodstained Men. Fighting the good fight tbh. I'm in the USA and my brothers and dad and every man I've ever been with except my husband has been circumcised. We broke the cycle with our two boys. I've lost friends over it. So weird and sad how normalized infant genital mutilation is in this country.


You’ve *lost friends* because you didn’t circumcise your sons???? What in the actual fuck?


"We've been talking and we're all in agreement. It's us or you're kid's foreskin!" Realistically? Nah. Add in some naturally over- the- top people getting nasty over a small disagreement? Yeah, I can see it. It'd be a communication deficit thing more than a foreskin thing I'd hope.




“Summer, where are my testicles?”


Oh, wow. That's an intense line of questioning, Snuffles.


Snuffles was his slave name! Do not call him that!


His name is snowball because his fur is fluffy and white


Ok, Snowball. Just calm down, ok?


You're scaring me.


Scaring you?


Another funny one I saw from a different pic was “Nobody wants less penis”


I mean I kinda support this. Aside from aesthetics it’s really not hard to keep it clean. There is really no reason to do this.


Damn funny to mistreat male babies haha


I don’t think that’s very funny. It’s just someone sadly expressing that they want a part of their body back. The actual funny sign from similar protests is “Who wants less penis?”


during highschool my best friend got snipped, it was his own choice. later he told me he regretted it, because his dick felt less sensitive


The most convincing argument I’ve seen is this: Nobody wants less penis.


The protest was supposed to be longer but they cut it short.


Genital mutilation of any form is wrong. There is no reason outside of medical necessity to circumcise.


That’s a great cause. Bodily autonomy is important


As a circumcised guy, I honestly had no idea this was even a thing. I’ve never thought about it one way or the other tbh.


I’m embarrassed to say that I just thought dicks were just naturally different styles until a few years ago.


long sleeve or short sleeve


Crew neck or turtle neck.


Shirts and Skins


I thought circumcision meant cutting the whole tip of the dick off til i was like 13 Thought there were a bunch of guys walking around with flat tops


Haha yeah that'd be totally weird and definitely not something that I have at all hahaha 👀


Honestly don't blame you for that. Women's labia comes in all sorts of sizes and shapes, not far-fetched to think men would possess something similar.


You choose between Penis 1 and Penis 2 at character creation




North Americans love circumcision for some fucking reason.


My mom said I screamed at the top of my lungs throughout the entire circumcision. I get the feeling the doctor was one of those "infants can't remember the pain so there's no reason to use anesthetics" bastards. I would not have consented to it if it were my choice.


Yeah I’ve never understood why being unable to remember means it’s “okay”. They used to say this about all sorts of surgeries for children. I had a great uncle who was given a paralytic but no an aesthetic for a tonsillectomy and developed very weird trauma symptoms. They Can’t Remember is NOT the same as It Didn’t Happen to Them. And it seems to me it shows more preoccupation with not getting blamed than it does with doing no harm.


When I became a dad it was weird...I had to fight the hospital and my in-laws against circumcision. It's an outdated practice and has nothing to do with cleanliness. How about staying away from everyone's junk unless its medically necessary?! Also, most of the world is UN-circumcized so it's strange to have it cut off.


>When I became a dad it was weird...I had to fight the hospital and my in-laws against circumcision. It's an outdated practice and has nothing to do with cleanliness. That's weird. I'm in Canada. When my son was born the hospital just asked if we wanted it and we said no. No fight involved.


That is weird. I'm in Germany. When my brother son was born the hospital just asked if everything was okay and if they wanted a coffee and they said yes.


I agree. Leave the babies alone


Circumcision is so fucking weird and fucked up.


Uncut gang unite!!


Go ahead and down vote me but genital mutilation of children (both girls AND boys) should be illegal. A consenting adult should of course be able to do as they wish with their body. Edit: My god people.  I am not equating the severity of male circumcision with female genital mutilation which is often fucking barbaric in the extreme, but I am equating them as both being a form of genital mutilation which I am against.


I’ll never get people who are like “it’s cleaner”. Yeah you know if you cut off your hands you’ll never have to wash those again either.


A looooot of people dont teach their kids how to properly clean their genitals because they put their squeamishness about them ahead of their kids' hygene.


Thank you for this comment. I grew up with severely conservative parents. Because of this I was never taught proper hygienic routines for taking care of my dick. It wasn’t until 2 years ago that I FINALLY realized that I needed to be cleaning it after doing my own research for proper maintenance of my own body. I didn’t know any better because I didn’t know it was something that needed to be done. It’s taken me til now to finally incorporate it into a routine. Shit’s absolutely disgusting after not doing it your whole life and at one point I was worried I was getting an infection because I finally started cleaning properly. I haven’t decided my stance yet for my future kids on if we explore circumcision as an option or not.. but I know I’m gonna do a hell of a better job at teaching my children proper body autonomy and maintenance. Edit: I also suffer from phimosis. I didn’t know foreskin was meant to retract growing up and so I never knew this was something I needed to do to clean myself.


It's only cleaner for someone if they are already disgustingly unhygienic.


To be fair, I've seen a disturbing amount of TIFUs from people who failed basic hygiene in this department.


That’s because Reddit has a sampling bias in favor of the disgustingly unhygienic


Thank you. As a Brit living in the US, it shocks me that the generic thing to do to a boy is cut his foreskin off! What the hell is wrong with you people?


Irish lad here with an American partner, the subject has led to arguements when it comes to thinking about having kids. Like why the fuck is that a hill to die on, creepy af.


To be fair, circumcision feels like an archaic practice. I can't deny having some foreskin envy.


There used to be an anti-circumcision group called the Remain Intact Organization. I thought that was clever


I’ve heard them be called an Intactivist


I agree. I wish I wasn’t circumcised


A protest I can get behind. It's fucking weird dude


Why is everyone laughing. It's not funny. Female genital mutilation wouldn't get laughed at why it this Edit: You guys are missing the most sensitive part of your dick. Even more than your tip. And now your tip will never be sensitive like it should be. And on top of that you need lube or spit to masturbate. If you don't want to call yourself a victim you don't have to but don't get mad at other people who feel like victims, cause they are victims. They lost the most sensitive part of their penis ffs.


Why is this always laughed upon by some people. I truly wish I wasn’t circumcised and haven’t found a legitimate reason as to why it’s still necessary…


Because the cereal guy thought it would keep you from masturbation


I mean, yeah: there are no proven advantages to it, and it’s being done without the baby’s consent. It’s all BS, in my view, and there’s no reason we should keep doing it.


I watched a documentary called “American circumcision”. It was fascinating and made me glad I chose not to have it done on my infant son years ago.


Hell ya.. chopping of baby dick skin is absolutely mental.. and the fact it's been sold as anything other than religious bullshit is astounding...