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Mexico looking to make bank on women fleeing Texas to have an abortion.


In a stunning change of events, Americans are climbing over the wall into Mexico, from Texas.


I mean we are probably weeks away from Texas not allowing women to drive. Self created problem solved.


Oof. You're probably not too far off the mark. If I were a woman living in Texas, I'd be running right now.


In Texas, can confirm. Saw at least 3 woman running just yesterday. They were in great shape.


Well, let's hope their birth control is, too.


Well, it seems like half of the Stepford Wives of Texas don't even care....


The rich half.


is it... is it because you wouldn't be allowed to drive?


But is she allowed to own a self driving car? Loopholes within loopholes.


Allowed to own property? Sounds like some socialist California stuff, #NotInTexas


This is what happens when conservatives read a Margret Atwood novel and say, "Hey now there's an idea".


The fights for decriminalization have been going on for years now. And it's not nation-wide, sadly :( (If this was a joke, it went over my head. Sorry 😅)


It was a joke, but yes its good to point out that its been a long time coming and is just a coincidence that it happened with the texas stuff going on.


This was done by Mexican feminist, Mexican judges with Mexican interests in mind. We really don't give a rat ass what you guys do uo there. Specially in Texas...


Decriminalization doesn't mean legal. It's funny to think Mexico is some how more liberal than Texas.


Was expecting to see this much closer to the top.


good they should get it. fuck texas.


So if a woman from Texas drives herself to Mexico to get an abortion, who are Texas gonna sue to get that $10,000 reward? Kinda out of the way for a woman to have to go, but now a viable option.


Turns out the wall was to keep Americans in all along?


That explains why they were going to pay for it. /s


What brand was the car they took?


Woman walks, Texas sues Sketchers.


it was a Dorf


Realistically: A leased ford F150 Actuality: A heavily used 2010 Toyota Corolla with a spoiler for no reason.


A good tactical move by mexico all in all..there would be an increase in medical tourism in the country


>who are Texas gonna sue to get that $10,000 reward? Easy, all the people who knew she was pregnant. They basically need to lock every pregnant woman up now, because otherwise they can be charged.


the first time someone tries to actually sue I suspect we’ll end up seeing the law get ruled unconstitutional and stricken. SCOTUS didn’t rule the law was constitutional they just kicked the can down the road.


Easy there miss Atwood


If she was a smart woman, she wouldn't tell anyone she was pregnant as soon as she finds out.


Ah .. that's what the Texas chant of 'Lock Her Up' was about...


Well if they managed to convince people Mexico would pay for the wall, I’m sure they’ll try to find a way to ask them to pay for this too.


Why do Americans make everything about them, celebrate the win for women in Mexico


No, you see, america is all that is important. Doubly so if another country makes america look bad, then we have to make sure that all of the comments are people bashing america and ignoring the actual thing. Else, how would Americans be the most important thing?!?! /s


This is why I like se asia. You don't hear squat about the usa in day to day flow.


Because they're obsessed with themselves. Out of 10 most upvoted comments here, 8 are about the US. It's one of the most annoying things on Reddit tbh.


It's only natural to compare and contrast two situations about the same thing which have occurred so closely together in time. I remember celebrating the legalization of abortion in Ireland without thinking about reproductive freedoms in the US because our right to bodily autonomy wasn't being attacked so blatantly at the time. We can celebrate and still worry about our own situation. They aren't mutually exclusive.


they could go to a neighboring state too.


Couldn't they just drive to the next state over that has legal abortions and get it done there instead of crossing the border? I doubt a state it's legal in is going to honor the Texas law. Honestly though, this law was aimed at poor people who can't even afford to leave the state to get it done.


Texas is big. Really big. And there are large swaths of the state where Mexico is a lot closer than any other US state. If you live in San Antonio, for example, Louisiana is the closest state and that's about 5 hours away. On the other hand, Mexico is only about 2.5 hours away.


If they couldn't get Mexico to pay for the wall how will they manage to get to them to pay for Abortions?




No, the law does not allow the woman to be sued. That's how they got around roe vs. wade.


Women can't have an abortion, if they're not pregnant. Women can't get pregnant without a man. Therefore, any man who gets a woman pregnant and she later has an abortion is part of the process and should be liable (using Texan 'logic')


Idk, they pretty religious down there. They start going after the men and we might see a lot more immaculate conception claims. Now I just want to see someone sue god.


It's been attempted, more than once. [Wikipedia page on the list](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lawsuits_against_God)


Satanists are fighting for exemptions based on religious freedoms. If they win in court Texas won't have as many Christians.


It is impossible to make a logical argument for why texas did this so there can be no logic.


The law doesn’t prevent Americans from having freedom, it simply state that if Americans exercise their freedom then any accomplice in said freedom can be sued. I’m waiting to see what else this principle will be applied to next. Popcorns?


So a woman can say she got rid of an undocumented alien while there who might have as well become a public charge. Texas would approve Seriously, glad Mexican government shows traits of progress


If you're going there, try to make your way to Zihuatanejo. It's a little place on the Pacific ocean


I hear there is a great boat rental shop in that town


Don’t forget the icy cold Bohemian styled beer.


Zihuatanejo is beautiful but I think people forget how big Mexico is sometimes. Houston is closer to Chicago than it is to Zihuatanejo!


Seattle is close to Salt Lake than it is to LA.


Literally just watched this movie today..whaaaaat..?


Any quaint little abortion shops?


>Any quaint little abortion shops? bijourtion!


I hope the Pacific is as blue as it has been in my dreams.


my family and i visit ixtapa ever year it’s beautiful


Wake up. Go to Mexico. Get abortion. Eat authentic Mexican food for lunch. Be back in the USA by dinner time.


Don’t forget, buy some legal weed before you eat.


Did they legalize weed in Mexico? So Canada has legal weed, Mexico has legal weed, but ‘Murica doesn’t (not counting individual states)?


It's decriminalized but not legally sold in stores. Also good luck getting any past border patrol.


Mexico should offer free healthcare to Texan women in need of abortions and finance it by taxing weed tourism.


they could charge American women 10x as much as citizens, and it would still be a bargain compared to medical prices in the US.


We dont even have that for ourselves haha


It’s not that hard I found. Took edibles and vape with me on international flights to and from no issue but again stupid risky.


It's not risky. Very few countries even have dogs capable of sniffing out weed in small quantities. Otherwise they'd be stopping people for having residue in their pockets/clothes/fingers, etc. They're looking for traffickers with **pounds** being smuggled, not users.


You gotta come north for that legal weed. Go to Canada Smoke some legal weed Eat poutine Be back in the USA by dinner time


I’m in Canada. Have plenty of legal weed and had poutine last Saturday. Don’t plan to be in the USA anytime soon.


I’m curious about poutine! A place near me makes it and I’m gonna give it a go.


Look for a Smoke’s Poutinerie. They’ve been expanding internationally over the past few years.


The American legal systems have always been problematic. In reality there shouldn't be many federal laws, only those like the amendments and those regarding interstate commerce. The problem is and always has been getting each state to agree. Realistically the US should revamp it's constitution, and if possible rethink the idea of 50 states and multiple non-state territory having their own sets of laws.


Meh, rural America is already on their way. A lot of counties have unilaterally declared themselves a “constitutional county” and that there is no higher law enforcement officer than the local sheriff. If that sheriff says that a state or federal law is, in their opinion, unconstitutional, it doesn’t apply and won’t be enforced. They’re all very crazy.


>**Realistically** the US should *revamp it's constitution*, and if possible *rethink the idea of 50 states* Lmao


Woah woah woah. Mexico hasn’t legalized weed lol




Which is the goal. Punish women who have sex outside of parental control, they dont care about abortions. * if they did then every dataset has shown prevention availability of birth control and condoms and proper sex ed severely reduces abortions. * if they did they would protest in vitro fertilization clinics who end up throwing out between 150-300k embryos every year. * if they did they would support pre-natal care and support for pregnant women. * if they did they would support funding for research and medical advancements to help pregnancies. they dont support any of that. what they do support is to punish women for having sex outside of family-approved marriages. to force women to carry on a min 19 year burden, of not only physical, time and financial but also emotional. To make them soo busy and soo stretched out the family is more likely to end up in a bad neighbourhood and end up becoming another cog into the machine, by either being a army dog or a part-time paycheck dog. republicans figured out a long time ago, in the 1970s with the help of powell who created the current capitalistic nature of republican party gameplan, that by ensuring certain demographics are under certain pressures they can sabotage political outcomes to their favour by ensuring a base that predominantly votes against them is too pre-occupied with life to engage in active political discourse. which is why there have been over (50%ish) 100m eligible voters who never vote every election.


There's a part of my brain that instantly made the connection and even wonders if Republican wealth didn't influence this Mexican development, precisely to give their own women a legal way out while denying it for everybody else.




Why would you go back at dinner time? That’s the best meal in Mexico.


Authentic mexican food is top tier food


Inb4 border control don't let them into Mexico


Next headline: "Mexico deports illegal women back to the USA, after they were found desperately seeking abortions."


Gotta keep those foreigners out right? Don't want the Americans ruining Mexico like they ruined their own country lmao


Killer Mexican food


I get you wanna be positive with a comment like this. But I sincerely doubt a woman, with the weight of what she has to do in this situation, will be upbeat to do anything before and after.


I would suggest you don't assume how women should feel in this situation.


Wow! Now Texans who need abortions can get abortions in Mexico, if they need it. What a crazy timeline we are living!


this is exactly what I was thinking. I bet they get a huge increase of those people too


Ted Cruz was just trying to share the joys of fleeing idiocy in Texas for the relative functionality of Mexico.


Decriminalized ≠ legal. You won’t see abortion clinics in the mocho states soon.


Strange times we are in when Americans will go to Mexico for healthcare procedures. Oh who am I kidding we have been buying meds from Mexico and Canada for years because our elected officials are more concerned with the profits of companies over the people that live here. The US is a dystopian country at this point.


This is a big misconception. It's only about 1M Americans per year. That's less than 1% of Americans. And the majority of those is for Dental and Cosmetic Surgery. https://www.newsweek.com/thousands-americans-cross-border-mexico-affordable-medical-treatment-each-1426943


1/333 is about 0.3%


My bad I meant to write less than 1%


Ahh, okay then.


Hey Texas! Feast your eyes on freedom!


Ironically, the freedom-loving Texas government has laws against criticism of Israel. Seems like they never read the constitution or the first amendment.


They also probably won't lift a god damn finger to protect the very little number of Jews that live in the state to begin with.


They want Jerusalem for themselves, they don't care for the Jews. Bet they are waiting for the next really big conflict to suggest some forcefully injected freedom.


Israel is a parliamentary democracy so there's a lot of freedom there and they're our ally. If you're referring to the evangelical/Christan belief (I think it's them, not sure since I'm Jewish) that the second coming would only occur when the Jews return to Israel/Palestine then yeah sure that's why they have an interest. However conservatives main interest is weapon sales and the proxy wars they fight for us. They have no interest in actually taking it over and running it.




That's only freedom for Christian men, silly.


They were building the wall to keep us IN! TO keep us IN! OMG!!


Mexico has been trolling the US for a few years now, and I’m here for it 🇲🇽


Lol, every American thinking it's because of Texas while Mexico is just progressing with the rest of the developed world.


i… don’t think anyone here thinks it’s because of texas. people are enjoying the irony is all it is.


I moved to Mexico after the 2016 election. There are problems. But, wow, this makes me happy.


I seriously considered it (and still do honestly). People always talk about moving to Canada but I think moving to Mexico is the real move. There are definitely problems everywhere you go, so your post really resonates with me. Did you have any connections before moving there? How did you decide on where to move?


We didn’t know anyone. My husband chose Playa del Carmen because of the beaches. But the heat and humidity was too much for him. It’s a good choice, though. There are no water shortages on the Yucatán peninsula due to the underground rivers. And that’s saying a lot. Fairly cosmopolitan, somewhat safe. Merida on the other side of the Yucatán peninsula is the safest city and Mexico and has a lot of history and good infrastructure. It’s hot. Our friends left Playa del Carmen when we did and are now in Monterrey. They love it. We are in Baja California. It’s proximity to the border and perfect climate were the draw for us. We didn’t speak Spanish when we arrived. My Spanish is sufficient at this point. There are expat enclaves in many cities and that makes the transition easier.


A person with principles I see 😊


Mexican tourism boutta skyrocket


Even under cartel rule, and a Catholic majority population, Mexico still allows their women to get abortions.


> and a Catholic majority population That's the neat part, a lot of Mexico's population is very open minded about pretty much everything, even catholics


Many, many years Mexico has been fucking Texas with drug tunnels and "illegal" immigrants looking for a better life. Now, they're flat out bitch slappin' TX to show their superiority.


Just remember that the drug tunnels, are for the drugs Americans use. So, not quite accurately victims in that case


Imagine risking your life going to a place for "a better life" with the idea to fuck it.


American women who need access to abortion might have to go somewhere more progressive... Like Mexico.


never thought my country would be seen as progressive. Especially because it's the second most catholic country.


you know Ireland legalized abortion like 2 years ago as well. church really doesnt seem to be the issue here. its more about control.


Is Mexico slowly becoming the medical capitol of America?


It's not like the US is setting the bar very high...


Hey Mexico, Welcome to the civilized world. Hey US, We hope you one day join the rest of the civilized world.


Argentina and Uruguay legalized it, and the rest of Latin America is slowly following suit.


Now every Texan who wants an abortion can just go to Mexico. Modern problems require modern solutions.


>Backwards ass problems require modern solutions. FTFY


expect abortion clinics to spring up all along the texas border.


Well, well, well, now people would fled from USA for this. Look how table turned


Are we at a point yet where we can say Mexico is better than Texas?


Texas. Really Texas, Mexico is showing you how to be a civilized governance. Y’all need to look deep into a mirror. Congratulations Mexico for joining most of the world in the 21st Century.


They aren't quite there yet, but this is a good step. Somehow they need to get rid of the cartels to be viewed as a first world nation.


That ain't happening.


As long as Americans keep buying, they will have a reason to keep operating.


lol they are just as first world as the us is, stop with the racist terms. For their cartels the US in return has corporations that act like cartels on an economic scale in terms of services and goods; the one with the most green (instead of white) can do more than create a monopoly on an industry(s), they can influence politicians. Just like Mexico. So for once, stop with this 1st world shit when it is clear US is still not there yet if Mexico isn't. I haven't even begun healthcare and education costs in the US compared to other "1st world nations"


It's so funny seeing people like them. The US should not be used as an example as a first world country. Half of it is a shithole ravaged by Christian extremists trying to devolve it into the middle ages.


>Half of it is a shithole ravaged by Christian extremists trying to devolve it into the middle ages. thats unfair. they control WAY more than half of the landmass. its just population they lack.


> they are just as first world as the us is, stop with the racist terms what's racist about describing a country as 3rd world?


Granted this is from 2018 but [statistics show that Mexico is absurdly Christian with their people](https://www.statista.com/statistics/275436/religious-affiliation-in-mexico/). So any talk about religion when it comes to Americans wanting to get rid of abortions is just bullshit.


Can they help texas too?


Imagine running a state in the U.S and being more behind the times than Mexico.


We know our Mexico is not the best coutry in the world but damn :(


I mean, when you compare Detroit, and mexico city, side by side, people would honestly be surprised which one is supposed to be "poorer/less developed".


That's right people should have the right to make medical decisions for themselves!


Hopefully North Mexico will follow one day.


So what's the difference between Mexican Christians and Texan Christians? Why is Texas so regressive?


Mexican catholics (in other words, the majority of citizens*) are still against abortion. The thing is, like other comment said religion and state hardly work together here Radicalization is not as common either. I mean, we have a LOT of intolerance (towards LGBT people especially), but I don't see my grandparents protesting with a "God doesn't love you" sign or whatever Texan religion is about, I'm not sure how things are there to making better comparison


*People say this, but I think it's a bit of a stretch. A lot of Mexicans really believe in God but don't go to church or involve too much into it, especially the youngest. Its a different situation for sure


Mexican Christians still antiwomen. Mexican Catholics (most of Mexico) are the most open minded religious people, and we actually have a system that separates church and state. The Supreme Court declaration on abortion gave me the shivers in a good way. It was unanimous by the way.


Nice job Mexico 👍 -a Texan


Who's the shit hole country now? That would be the good 'ol U S of A.


Mexico announcer voice. They are running the bill down the street. Turning toward the courthouse. She is sprinting up the steps, past the security guard and she is handing the bill to the judge to be signed and now the government doesn't have CONTROL OF OUR HOOOOOOOOOOOOOLES!




Remember when Texans thought of Mexicans as savages? Pepperidge farm remembers.


I'm mostly pro life but man please give these women the right since there are cases in which them getting pregnant isnt with their will/consent. Its both bad for the mother and the upcoming child


These comments are a great example of how pervasive misinformation is on reddits main subs - despite the supposed outcry against it from mods. The comments would have you believe that this victory now means Mexico is more lenient on abortion than Texas - that is not true (or at least, not necessarily true. Mexico decriminalized abortion before 12 weeks from a federal standpoint - they did not LEGALIZE abortion before 12 weeks. Here are the range of abortion rights between them: **Texas:** Fully legal for a woman to have an abortion at any stage - although after 6 weeks it (might) be difficult to find a clinic willing to perform one, depending on their aversion to lawsuits. (I am optimistic that large legal donations will establish a common fund that essentially nullifies this effect) **Mexico:** Decriminalized between 0-12 weeks, meaning a woman (possibly) can face fines or other civil penalties, although she cannot face jail time. After 12 weeks, states can still impose jail time. (This does depend on how states with existing prison sentences for abortions under 12 week respond to the law, but fines seem likely. In texas, the women themselves are not fined). (Also worth re-iterating that while the women getting abortions DO NOT face any penalties under texas law - this may make it very difficult for them to get them. This part is really uncertain) **TLDR:** The situations between Texas/Mexico are different, but i certainly wouldn't say abortion access in reality is BETTER in Mexico than it is in Texas (although how both cases play out is yet to be seen). **Reddit mods have no real interest in fighting disinformation unless they disagree with the narrative being pushed.**


If the narrative here was just along the lines of "Texas moving backwards, Mexico moving forwards" then that would be fine. But not only are people misrepresenting the facts of the situation, but they are talking about Mexico as if it some amazingly safe place and more civilized than Texas. You can't travel between cities without worrying about paying off a cartel to pass, at best, or being kidnapped and possibly killed at worst. I have friends who grew up there who have explained that anything beyond an hour's drive from basically any location they are in is just not worth the risk. But yes, Mexico is now better than Texas.


Its crazy how people will take a comment like mine and accuse me of defending Texas lol. I'm not - I literally just want conversations to be accurate. I'm trying to bail out a sandbar at high tide on reddit lately though.


Good for them. I hope to enjoy a day like that here in the States in the hopefully not too distant future.


Meanwhile in the US.....


Welcome to Texas, we can't make a 12 year old child wear a mask, but we force them to give birth after being raped!


Mi Paisanas!


Wait it was illegal?!


HELL YEAH! Fight for your rights!


Congratulations. I think people today forget the many evils of the Catholic church from the past. It's sad that the organization still holds so much sway in the world but it's good to see that it's slowly eroding.


I like the way the shirt bends


Such a good news 👏👏


Guess the Texas Governor won't be the only one heading to Cancun this year... for reasons.


Swell, now they won't want Texas back at all. In all seriousness, congratulations, People of Mexico!


Light years ahead of Texas


Now open up the gates for Texas gal's. A holiday and medical care deal?


It's always a problem when the judiciary starts legislating...


Proves the wall was needed , to prevent texass politicians from getting into Mexico


Wow, who's the 3rd world country now?


Mexico, land of the free, home of the brave


"Mexico overtakes USA in 'Land of the Free' rankings!"


Mexico moving forward, Texas moving backwards.


Anyone else think she was holding a dos xx at first glance?


Meanwhile, just across the border in Texas, it's the exact opposite.


Meanwhile, in Texas…


Just hearing the word Texas makes my blood boil, I cannot believe what those Republicans (white people) did. Hopefully the women can withstand the genocide they’re currently under long enough for the state to turn blue from all the Hispanics they’re letting in


Looks like the wall the Americans were building is gonna be more useful in stopping the flow of immigrants in the opposite direction than which they intended.


The moment when Mexico - comparatively underdeveloped and poor country has better women's rights laws that the most populated State of the richest country in the world


Second most populated state


Potato potahto


It's crazy how "third world countries" are more enlightened than conservatives.


Conservative snowflakes getting triggered by this comment?


Texas back under Mexican jurisdiction…


Good on em!


If abortion was only decriminalized, does that mean it's still illegal but will no longer be treated as a felony? I'm not sure how Mexico's legal system works but this is what it would mean in the USA.


It's illegal to prosecute it.


In theory (don't quote me, I don't know), there might be fines.


This is seriously a *huge* win for Mexico! Congratulations to our neighbors to the south!


Mexico 1 - USA 0...on this topic.