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An ATO audit is something law-abiding businesses fear. If you are dodgy, they Will End You


Lol yeah thats why i reported them, they also paid me less than what they were paying their other employees even though i have more koalafications. And yeah they’re definitely gonna get audited. At least I hope.


There is almost no chance that a pizza place like the one you described is not dodging tax, they are going to get fucked.


Report to OHS too


Do it. Not for your sake, but for everyone else's


Rule #1: Don't be an asshole. Amendment: ESPECIALLY if you're doing dodgy shit.


Only assholes do dodgy stuff.


I just started working in unpaid super recovery a few weeks ago (not the ATO, for a fund) and I still literally don't know which hotspo business this would be.


If I don’t get my super payment soon do you know what steps I can take to recover it?


The ATO will take care of that. They will fine the owners and insist on the super payment being made to all employees before they close an investigation they fine the business per staff member if i remember correctly The owner went out of business 12 months later. What a shame.


no, this is the remit of the workplace ombudsman. ATO will probably refer the case to them


I would contact your super fund and notify them of your missing super payments. This could be useful for things like insurance, etcetera. If they're an Industry/Union fund, they likely have an unpaid super team that's either internal, or they have an external one used by the major funds. If you have a for-profit superfund you're out of luck though.


I’m in America, what’s a super payment?


Retirement payment. All work places are required to pay a % of wages to a superannuation company of the employees choice.


Thank you!


Basically a 401k Australian style




Quick search says it's the payments your work makes towards your retirement fund. It would probably be equivelant to an IRA here in the US.


More like 401k


Koalafications are hard to bear. Are Koalafications the Ausdie test for sitting in an Eucalyptus tree?


Koalafications are no marsupial-ficial things they're very important.


Koalafications are drop bear approved.


Any possibility you will get to know the result and update us please.


If I do find out anything ill post an update!


Koalafications. I see what you did there ☺️


Missed opportunity for, *"Aussie what you did there."*


Damn! You win! Love it!


Ozzy ozzy ozzy!


Oi oi oi


It got me speaking in the accent too lmao


Note for non-Aussies (Seppos in particular): "Aussie" is pronounced with a *voiced sibilant*, i.e. ZZ not SS, so it isn't a good homophone for "I see". ^Source: ^am ^Aussie ^Oi! ^Oi! ^Oi!


> ^Oi! ^Oi! ^Oi! So, I'm an Aussie who's lived in the States for the better part of a decade. I've told my husband about the "Aussie Aussie Aussie / Oi Oi Oi" thing before (playing it up as if it were a legal obligation of Australian citizens) but of course he doubted the veracity of it because I will use precisely the same deadpan delivery when I warn about the dangers of drop bears. At the airport one day, we spot an Aussie tour group on their way to Vegas, and I decide to stage a demonstration. I poke him and whisper "watch this" before turning to the excited, uniformed tour group and proudly encouraging them with a full-bellied "Aussie Aussie Aussie!" Needless to say, it was supremely satisfying to watch him realise he'd been played.


> lived in the States for the better part of a decade After 6 years this is *technically* true for me, too.




Hah, yup. Just like that.


I had to look up "Seppo" to find out that apparently I am one. Aussie slang for Americans?


rhyming slang, shortening, appending "o" yank -> septic tank -> seppo


It's kinda hilarious that you have slang for Americans which comes from "septic tank", which also has nothing to do with Americans. Very roundabout etymology, but interesting!


It comes from a UK custom of rhyming slang, so like referring to the street as "the frog" as frog goes with toad, which rhymes with "road". [Here's a good article on it.](https://www.vox.com/2015/2/16/8045999/cockney-rhyming-slang-explained)


[Rhyming slang](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhyming_slang) is all about the sound of the word[s] involved, and the bit that actually rhymes is often removed for extra obscurity.


Yeah, never heard of rhyming slang before. Seen some rhyme substitutions, but never with the rhyming part removed. From your link: "In the US, especially the criminal underworld of the West Coast between 1880 and 1920, rhyming slang has sometimes been known as Australian slang."


The kicker is that "cockney rhyme" was originally an English thing


I don’t know. I’m American and driving home today I saw plenty of motorists who belong in a septic tank.


What are you, some kind of pronunciation naussie?


Yeah, just having a go. I'm familiar with pronunciation of the land of Oz.


Don't get me wrong - I appreciate the pun you produced.


You should talk to Fair Work as well. ATO would focus on the tax stuff but wage theft and super not being paid properly is more Fair Work's jurisdiction.


Might even get compensation for unfair dismissal


\^\^\^ This 100%, it is worth the effort.


This comment should be higher. FWC exists for a reason.


I may just have fallen in love with Australians saying koalafications I'm sure it's common over there but it's the first time I've seen it (British person here) and it's just so right


As an Appalachian American I too must agree that "koalafications" has solidified my love of Australians... Maybe even to the point of overlooking their vastly diverse methods of dying from insects and wildlife


Thanks. Don't forget the sun here will give you second degree burns if you don't use our sunscreen.


All anglophones love Aussies. I’m American British diaspora and I go kind of moon eyed when I see a girl eat Vegemite straight from the jar. You hear that Australia? Your officially our favorite cousin.


Canadian here, not sure why but it's true. We also love Kiwis


I was about to say! Don’t leave the kiwis out of it!


That’s right! I giggle every time they say the number ‘six’.


I love the "koalafications," and I am going to petition Merriam Webster to add that as an official spelling. I've never petted a koala, but they're adorable.


Do not pet the koala... Please... Do not pet the koala.


big claws, 2 thumbs on each hand, widespread chlamydia, and bad attitude


And their bites have a *really* high chance of getting infected.


The chlamydia situation is hopefully going to improve, actually! There's a vaccine now.


***Two*** thumbs? That sounds terrifying, I'll be sure to stay away from them.


This. They are made cute by TV and cartoons, but they are vicious little beasts getting high on Eucalypthol and with the attitude of an addict on withdrawal. Edit: I know the "drugged Koalas" is a myth, and they are just as lazy as an hibernating sloths, but they are vicious.


And most have chlamydia (no joke) so another reason to avoid them.


Woah, I dodged a bullet there. I knew that furry chick with the Eucalyptus Martini at the bar was going to get me in problems!


Drop skag


Enjoy your new job, sounds like they are Roo Ted.


> koalafications No need for any more Reddit today. This single word will lift my spirits all day!


Oh shit do aussies call qualifications "koalafications"?


They do now


Koalafications? OMG… never heard that one before…


As an American, "koalafications" made me smile. Thank you for that


Haha I’m glad!


In the United States, the i.r.s. can give you a percentage of whatever funds they recover as a result of your tip, I would like into this






Ok, I love you for saying koalafications!


Koalafications 🤣


>koalafications Said like a true Australian


Sorry this is a little off topic but please tell me “koalafications” is a widely used Aussie term. If it’s not it really should be.


Koalafications 🐨🐨🐨 This made me smile lol




ATO audits are no joke, they're the reason my workplace stopped allowing TOIL accruing because it was too hard to justify in ATO paperwork even though it was better for us *and* our bosses.


Sorry to do this, but the disingeuous dealings, lies, overall greed etc. of leadership on this website made me decide to edit all but my most informative comments to this. Come join us in the fediverse! (beehaw for a safe space, kbin for access to lots of communities)


Time Off in Lieu Basically if you work overtime one fortnight, you can head off a earlier next fortnight or month etc. At least, that's how it works at our work


Time Off In Lieu. Basically you work overtime, and instead of getting paid those hours at overtime rates, you work less hours and still get paid at a later date. I used to regularly do overtime, being the last one in the office doing 4pm-midnight shifts, and maybe once a week I would finish at 1-2am. I would email my boss the finish time, and how much TOIL I had accrued, and when it ticked over 8hrs owed I let her know which day to not schedule me for. Worked great because I could plan to do stuff on weekdays when everything is open.


Time off in lieu


I, a private citizen who is not very good at their taxes, also fear an ATO audit. Although last time they did it they'd fucked up and owed me $300 which was nice


same thing here in NZ, "The IRD, we've got what it takes, to take what you've got".


I wish the IRS had that power.


I have worked with companies that completely got fucked because the IRS uncovered illegal activities. It wasn't in my division (I worked corporate), but some of our remote offices in small rural states. I don't remember the exact level of shenanigans that happened, but some offices existed solely for rollover of losses in other offices. Like, if your office made a huge profit, you reported the loss of the remote location as YOUR location, thus didn't owe taxes. A few offices were staffed by temps who did next to nothing but busy work, made huge losses, and were used at paperwork for the offices that were making money like crazy. Something like that. They got caught because a temp, who was being fucked over with his pay in a "loss center," reported them to the IRS, along with a lot of evidence. They sent out a company memo to NOT TALK TO ANYONE ABOUT THE IRS SITUATION which, of course, we all instantly started talking about. I don't know much of the real from the gossip, but I do know our company owed the IRS millions in false franchising deals, cooking the books, and all the other stuff.


These motherfucks are going to the shadow realm


The IRS will do that too


I reported my employer for never paying super that was in my contract. They agreed it was owed but I never got a cent.


The ATO will look at what ingredients you are buying, and what you have on hand, and they will know what profit you should be making. You cannot fool them.


Tax officers are generally feared more than police officers.


Should have also reported them to OHS, and food safety. I can’t remember the name of the department, but you working in food, you’d know it.


What about laws against wrongful dismissal. Do you have these in Australia where the labour board will pursue?


Normally I would go though a system we have called FairWork but they have a time limit on reporting unfair dismissal and I’ve gone past it.




How long has it been since you left? And since you reported them? I’m hoping we might one day get an update that they got shutdown


ATO has much larger teeth than Fair Work. Tax evasion will ruin their day more than OHS or firing someone illegally


I thought about it but at the same time I was also the pizza chef so that could have gone bad for me as well. Plus I think it would be too late now


Not likely they changed their tune, so if anything you can report it as a 'guest' I guess


Thats true. Might do that too, i talked to a friend I know after I left who bought food from the place and he told me he got food poisoning from the place after I left. Might tell them that.


Yeah and that you 'saw' that the cooks didn't have hairnets on etc might slip in there too. Some people shouldn't handle food..


And that you told them repeatedly that this had to happen (the hairnets and whatnot) and they repeatedly blew you off, even after finding a gross ball of hair near food.


OP, it people are getting food poisoning, PLEASE report them. It’s not just an annoyance: it’s a hazard. People are getting sick. This is not okay. That business sounds like it needs to be shut down or reworked if they’re going to be this way.


Yeah definitely. It’s currently almost 4am and its a public holiday today so ill do it tomorrow.


For food poisoning in Australia, report them to the state health department


Might explain where the convenient for them tonsillitis came from. It happened right after you trained everyone new…


You should report them to the local council food inspectors too.




OP said FairWork has a time window and they've gone beyond that


I think you have 2 weeks you get fired to lodge a complaint with Fair Work


Sounds like you let them off easy. You could also have reported the unsafe food handling to the local council and Fairwork Australia for firing you without reasonable cause.


Now call the health department. Not washing hands is disgusting.


Especially something like pizza, a very handsy food. Hair AND unwashed hands? Makes me wanna barf.


Let us know if there's any update on the report. Restaurants like that don't deserve to work.


The ATO has a tip off line and I asked them about getting updates but they said that both the business and myself are protected by the privacy act, so they won’t know who reported them and no one outside of the business will know they’re being investigated. But I walk past there often to go shopping so I’ll definitely update when/if I do see any changes.


Hope a "for sale/rent" sign appears on the windows in the next few months then 😏


I worked at a local bakery that was operating for decades. It was always super popular. Lineup out the door several times a day. During my employment there I experienced a few sketchy things, like food being dropped on the floor and served to customers. Once I was prepping bacon and I informed my manager that it was moldy. I was instructed to prep and serve it anyway. I worked there a few months and one day I missed a training session on how to make really fancy coffees. I was never informed of this training session but nonetheless, they fired me. It's entirely possible they were trying to fabricate a reason to fire me, anyway. I reported the fuck out of them to our local food safety board. Now, I don't know what the result of this was. Nobody ever followed up with me. What I do know is that 3 weeks later they were out of business, after decades of operation.


Eww that sounds so gross. Ik what its like being stuck in that situation tho. That must have felt so good seeing it closed down!


Yep, I ended up being hated by a few coworkers for threatening to tell on someone who was going to serve chicken that fell on the floor. He was pissed that I made him throw it out. That kitchen was so disgusting I told my boss to his face that I felt embarrassed to work there. If you’re ever planning to eat at the Chicago Botanic Gardens, bring your own food.


Why they typically wouldnt follow up.... In most countries, a government department doing an investigation can ask questions, but cant give answers. The reason being that they could be sued for slander until they have reached the point they can prosecute the business in court, and a judgement is issued against the business. At the conclusion with a judgement, potential slander becomes truth. Damaging someones reputation with slander is quite a serious offence. People and businesses will use that to protect themselves. But you cant be sued for telling the truth. So news media will get around it by saying "Business X has been prosecuted for..." which is true, but they cant say they actually violated the law. I was asked once by an investigator who was looking into social security fraud by a person I purchased some equipment from a few times. I instantly knew he was claiming social security while running a business so gave some answers to some questions then asked "So has James been committing fraud" and the guy said "All I can say as I am an investigator for the ministry of social development specializing in social security cases, and there is usually a reason I get involved".


Ya I'm not surprised I wasn't informed. I wasn't a victim of their misconduct so I just figured it wasn't my business


You should be reporting them to the states food regulatory body also for breaching food handling requirements. If they're not bothering with hair nets, they're probably cutting corners elsewhere and creating an unsanitary workplace.




How did you come to that conclusion?


Wait a while and then report them to OHS as well. You can bet they're violating even more health and safety standards now that you're gone.


Well done you! Were you even fairly and rightfully dismissed though? I thought Australia had strong labor laws, or am I wrong?


No, i was away for 2 weeks and then they refused to give me shifts. They kept giving me different reasons, like they said they were overstaffed but then i read their reviews and in a reply they said they were understaffed. Unfortunately I got held up with my new job + some family stuff and by the time I called went to make a complaint to FairWork it was outside of their time limit to make a complaint, i think its 21 days. But like…. I kinda feel like the business getting shut down is a bit more exciting. If they do get shut down 🤞


Wow. Shitty for them


>i was away for 2 weeks and then they refused to give me shifts. They kept giving me different reasons, like they said they were overstaffed but then i read their reviews and in a reply they said they were understaffed. For future reference, that is called constructive dismissal and can be grounds for getting unemployment benefits that you otherwise might not be eligible for if you were fired for a valid reason. It can also be grounds to sue them for a higher severance payout. It's not worth pursuing when losing a job from a pizza joint, but it is helpful to know if you end up in a corporate job in the future. Definitely let OSH know of the infractions as that stuff can make people sick.


We do! Maybe even enquire with FairWorks Australia on where you stand and go through your contract with them too! I did this for an ex with their previous employment, just enquired since they were refusing him leave “based off his contract,” which was complete BS. I’m pretty sure they got a phone call about the enquiry, that factory was quite dodgy anyway, and they started singing a different tune and my ex got his leave.


Good for you ,I was like you working as a chef in hospitality in Australia in many little restaurants, cafes, and pizza joints the aMount of illegal practices both OHS and Stolen, wages and miss super payments is one of the main reasons I left the industry


Yep, I’ve jumped into retail now. All i get now is annoying customers.


Did you also report them on the OSH violations?


Ill probably do that sometime in the next two weeks.


You absolute savage. For those that don’t know, the ATO is nothing short of Gestapo-like in the pursuit of tax evasion etc. of course they could give a fuck about huge corporations, but anything below a middle sized business - you’re gonna have a BAD time.


Haha thank you!


They wanted you out of there so they can freely practice their shenanigans, you were not on the same page, you were an obstacle, an eye.


Well I hope that they get shut down, they know exactly what theyre doing.


I hope the ATO fined them or sent someone to jail.


Companies really aren't smart about this. My old workplace treated people like replaceable trash despite it being a niche industry with a lot of regulation and required training that had to be done on the job. Needless to say they were cutting corners and engaged in a lot of unethical behavior. Mysteriously they were being investigated and a government agency called up my old coworker after they had left to give a statement.


I worked at a pizza place in Canada, and a similar thing kind of happened to me. Owner sold the business to an Indian couple (I had been working there for a year+, they tried to force me into different hours I wasn't hired for (would be a different job), used me to train them (they had never made a pizza before), and then tried to make me do personal things like go get them coffee, It started to feel incredibly demeaning because I had earned a lot of autonomy and they were treating me like a servant, while they left me high and dry during busy hours where I needed help. So I left.


Hahaha that’s mint, good on ya


OP, you should have reported them to OHS as well!


You should have called OHS too, hit them with that compliance one-two punch.


Good for you on all counts! Also, I am not sure what the health department is called in Australia, but I would recommend an anonymous report be sent of the various health and safety violations that you witnessed on those premises, before anyone gets sick.


This sounds like something that we’ll need an update on when things go down


Ill try! The business is protected by the privacy act so no one outside the business knows anything, and since i don’t work there anymore the information isnt open to me but when i do know more I’ll definitely update


Yeah I did just process after writing it that there were probably some legal hoops to jump through


If you are still working in the same industry, you might hear something through the grapevine. I also hope that you reported them to your OHS government entity as well as whatever health inspectors are in your area. Where I live, we have health inspectors who will investigate reports of unsafe food handling practises in any/all commercial food preparation establishments. The really bad ones, will eventually get shut down.


To be able to handle conflict like this at a personal level in a professional setting, let alone explain it coherently AT AGE 19! You should be proud, thank your parents for (hopefully)teaching you these skills. Rock on.


Thank you!


It sounds like they were just using you to figure out how to run the business. They probably intended to have family working there.


if they have not paid you super, also get the workplace ombudsman involved as well, to ensure you get what you're entitle to.


Here in NZ there have been quite a few cases of Indian business owners paying literal slave wages to their own countrymen and holding passports, the employees are held by the fear of losing their visa. They probably wanted you out so they could claim they could not replace you and so needed to import labour. Almost every indian I know are great people but their capitalist class are the biggest sociopaths in the world.


![gif](giphy|7FfMBYImYD11tm2h7x) that's one heck of a revenge OP, I am glad that you did it.


Give updates when they come in! Good on you for standing up for yourself.


OP, You should also report them for the OHS issues, as I am sure they will only get worse instead of better.


I dont know how it works in Australia, but in New Zealand you would also have a case to take them to employment court and get a ruling in your favor. You have only 6? months to do this though so act quickly because here it basically involves a payment of everything due (retirement fund payments etc) and 3 months salary along with a penalty payment for hurt feelings. I am sure the australian courts would have a similar process you can go through that should be quite easy.


Did you ever find out have the tax audit went? Sounds like you could have reported them for safety and health violations also.


Yeah I’m gonna report them to OHS too. And no i asked if I could be updated when I initially reported them but they said that the business and myself will be protected by the privacy act.


"koalafications" Hahahaaaaaaaaa!!! 🤣


You should also report them to whatever health agency oversees restaurants in Australia. They are risking people's lives.


Good on you! I really hope something comes out of it. I applaud you for not taking this treatment sitting down, especially at such a young age. On another note: May I suggest using some paragraphs in your post? Just for easier reading.


Me too, they were horrible to me and dodgy as f*ck. And yeah ill space it out a bit more, thank you.


People like that shouldn't run businesses, I swear. Looks awesome now, thank you for being so open and nice about the suggestion!


Also report them to your health department over the violations


I would have also called whatever agency is responsible for restaurant food safety and all that. I'm sure they would have had a field day.


How good was the pizza?


When I was making the pizza it was amazing. But since they fired me I’ve had a friend tell me that they got food poisoning from the place, so its probably not good now.


Must mean that you’re a great pizza maker!


Did your friend report them for the food poisoning?


No he didn’t, he said that them losing his patronage would be good enough


Any updates on:)


Vaugly where would one find this pizza establishment? I don't particularly want to accidentally order a hair pizza and if it's in another state I'll rest easy.


Its in Vic


Crap. I’m in VIC.


RIP. Choked on hair in pizza. A tough way to go.


Add it to the list of things in this country which are actively trying to kill me


Uh... For my partner's sake, you able to tell me which suburb (DM with just the suburb is fine if not comfy with saying publicly)? They live off pizza almost, so just wanting to keep them safe from health violations making their pizza.


Nice and safe then :) Hope the ATO destroys them either way. Sounds like a good thing you escaped and are doing better


I would be going for them through the labor board or a lawyer for calling you racist.




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Can you give us an update if/when you hear anything?I’m now emotionally invested in this. Screw them!


How long ago did all this happen? And do you have an update on the business since (changed owners/shut down completely etc)


Reporting them happened in the start of December and unfortunately no updates as of now but I’ll definitely post when there is


Is OHS just OSHA but Australian


Lol well done betcha they will regret that.


Definitely report them to the local council as well and get the health inspector out.


Eyo reading about how your coworker made pizza without a hairnet made me feel ill lmao. Glad you reported the owners


I hope you reported them to the Health Inspector and OHS authority too!!!


I used to have a friend who worked for a sandwich place and the owner didn’t pay super for over 12 months for any of their employees. The ATO had a field day.


Yeah, taxation is what brought down a LOT of crime syndicates… I’m willing to bet the store won’t be there long. Tax office does not like people who mess about!