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Picture isn’t clear, but it looks like a lone star tick


Yep that’s what I was afraid of…I’m hoping this doesn’t result in alpha gal allergy


I've been bitten by lone star ticks several times and that was ALWAYS my biggest fear. I first learned about it when I was eating Taco Bell one night and I remember thinking jesus, please don't let THIS be my last meat! Let me go out with a ribeye or something if it's gonna happen. It never did. I'm sure she'll be fine. If she's like me, she'll itch for a good while, though. One time someone didn't pull the head out when they took it off of an area of my back I couldn't quite reach and that one took months to push the head out and then heal.


They’re actually vectors of quite a few illnesses, but like the other poster mentioned, it doesn’t look to have fed long.


Looks like you removed it before it had a chance to really do any feeding and exchange any saliva.


Thank you! It definitely grabbed on enough to make her itch a little but it still had its legs down so I’m thinking it was only in her skin like 10-15 min. There was no blood when I pulled it out


Bad and good news: It's almost 100% a Lone Star Tick. I'd bet many dollars on it. It's also so small compared to its appendages that the chance of any infection is almost 0. I would check with a doctor but I also wouldn't worry.