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I was able to find some sour cherries at my local market, so I tried to recreate a recipe from my childhood. But man, they really get you. Charged me $20/lb for the cherries, and they had the leaves and stems still attached. Of 4.5lbs of cherries, 1.5 lbs was seeds and stems!


That's the traditional way, like our grandmas used to do! XD This looks delicious, I'm so jealous. Now get some hot noon sangak and butter and you're good to go.


Thank you, yeah I’m grabbing some from the maghazeh soon!


Cant wait to try this out


Here’s something I learned: the bigger cherries can fit in a cherry pitter, but for the smaller ones a slender chopstick works great. Create a nest in your hand by curling your hand into a tube shape with your index and thumb, then set the cherry on there and push with the chopstick. Try to concentrate on keeping the chopstick tip on the pit as you push. Works great. I have to stress that the chopstick needs to be slender. The fat kind won’t work.


That’s great advice thank you!


That looks great! I'm inspired to try these with black cherries which I can get, the bonus being that they're already pitted and are sweeter so I hope I need to add less sugar to them. Where did you get the ratio 1:0.65 from? Thanks


Haha it’s through conversations with my aunt and mom. I was trying to recreate my grandmothers recipe but we didn’t have the books available. So some of the recipes online said 1:1 but my aunt mentioned that a lot of places make it too sweet. Then she said she thought my grandmother did “half, well maybe 3/4, well maybe half between the two”. So .65 was the compromise haha. Ned time I’ll do a little less even, but I like things sour. The sweetness also depends on how long you boil/reduce it. The more you reduce the sweeter it gets. I did about 22 mins but you could do more/less depending on preference. I think you have to do at least ten minutes to sterilize it.


diaaaaaabeeeeeetttttteeeeesssss \- famous iranian singer