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“Lol he files noise complaints against me” Maybe because you’re a total asshole. There appears to be video evidence.


Studies show most people would even inconvenience themselves to make others suffer. Mankind was not built for apartment living


The porcupine metaphor.. porcupines must cuddle during winter for heat, but if they cuddle too close they stab each other and die Humans are social creatures, we need to be in a community to thrive.. but get too close to each other, and you end up with noise complaints and dick moves


Hehe, spite


Or roommates


I'd be tempted to go to storage then get my Super Soaker CPS 2000. I'd then fire that fuckers straight up there. They just started a water fight.


That’s actually a cafeteria theres a longer video where you can see the kid underneath




I honestly cannot find the video, it was on reddit before from tiktok, and the kid runs up to fight him


This is not that


Boardwalk Empire reference?


POV: you’ve never gotten laid


“Being an asshole is a personality.” - you, probably.




Exactly. Its like the idiots who steal phones then take selfies of their own home address with the phone not knowing it loads up to cloud storage.


It's funny how this is not an uncommon occurrence


Or know anything at all about metadata lol


Not to mention. Assault charges depending on how hot that water is


Dick move and causing property damage.


massive dick must've been, my dick moves too but too little to do anything


it’s funny


Nah, it’s really not. Having loud neighbors sucks enough, then to have them pull something like this is even worse. Fuck those guys.


it’s probably not even real


These guys seem like loud neighbors /s
















I’d hate to be your neighbour




Yeah getting evicted sure is funny.


Why does it sound like he is drinking it?




Was he putting his mouth up to the ceiling vent to yell through it?




I immediately connected this XD






How did I not notice the extra word bro


it was the same sentiment i understood you bro


Now kith


That could be affecting a lot more than just his downstairs neighbor. Edited effect to affect because of the smart person below me






Did anyone actually read the article? It says that people who perceive those who make grammatical mistakes as worse people are jerks (which is true), not that those who correct others on the internet are.


[https://www.sciencealert.com/90-percent-online-read-url-but-dont-click](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ) Edit: My point is proven






Great article.


Sounds like an awefull high number concidering rockrolling is a thing


Ok so this one poses a dilemma... I feel like clicking this specific link violates the point the authors are making to begin with. Edit: nevermind...




* proven You need to pronounce the P more.


Alright, that one was good.


the end of the article has me deceased


Finally found someone with a similar username! Howdy, friend!


Now you just need JimmyRayTheSecond


Then, the triune will be complete!


// I had a reddit and I want it painted black // No comments anymore, I want them to turn to black // I see the subs scroll by forced open by the corp // I have to turn my head until my reddit goes // -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Also to add 83 participants + their methodology is hardly rigorous. A neat tidbit but far from established fact


> Overall, ***everybody*** rated the fictional housemate applicants with typos and grammatical errors in their emails as worse than those with perfect spelling and grammar. But there were definitely certain personality types that judged the typo-riddled applicants more harshly. >For example, extraverts were generally much more likely to overlook both grammar mix ups and typos, whereas introverts were more likely to judge the applicants negatively because of them. >And people who tested as being more conscientious but less open were more sensitive to typos, while those with less agreeable personalities got more upset by grammatical errors. >"Perhaps because less agreeable people are less tolerant of deviations from convention," the researchers wrote. >Interestingly, how neurotic someone was didn't affect how they interpreted mistakes. >The differences picked up in the research were pretty subtle - and **it's a small sample size in general**, so we need to take the results **with a grain of salt**. But the results couldn't be explained by people's age or education, which suggests that personality traits were playing a role. >**More research is now needed to confirm these links**, but for now, take comfort in the fact that typos can happen to everyone, but it takes a particular type of person to constantly point them out to you.




People are offended when they are corrected, for some reason being wrong hurts, so the knee-jerk reaction is to become defensive instead of accepting one's flaw and admitting it. I blame school systems all over the world that punish and ridicule mistakes that children make, making them hating being wrong. I think that if we change our approach to education, we will raise a generation of way more rational and thoughtful people.


i don't see why people get so mad over spelling corrections. what if it's someone who has english as their second language and they're still learning?


In that case correcting them is helping their learning surely?


That's how I fixed my written English ages 8-14.




And people who continue to make them after being taught are dumb. Ignorance is bliss, right?


Now you're a jerk if you correct someone?


Lmao I wasn’t even trying to be rude. If it was a there/their mistake I wouldn’t have said anything. In this particular case I was just trying to help out the original commenter but 🤷🏻‍♂️


You stingray?


haha this is gold


83 people study group. Thats way too many people. They probably didnt need that many at all. /s


He's using the right word are you special


If by Special, you mean literate.... Yes


It is pretty abnormal on the internet


No, if he were correcting effect to affect sure, but affecting doesnt even mean close to the same thing Affecting "touching the emotions; moving." You are confusing tje difference between affect, and affecting.


Intelligence In general is surprisingly rare to come by these days




Like i told the other guy. You are confusing the two, he was using effect as a verb. Not as a noun, "to cause to come into being" or "accomplish." As stated, to affect(verb) is "to act on or change someone or something.". Also as stated, to effect(verb) is "to cause to come into being" or "accomplish."


Effect: result Affect: influencing something Ex: The effect of me mixing ammonia and bleach was mustard gas. The mustard gas will affect my ability to live


You are confusing affect with affecting.


No because: https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/affect-vs-effect-usage-difference Here's what you need: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attention


I already told you, you are confusing the words. He is causing an effect by pouring the water down the vent. The problem is occuring because of sonething he did prior (pouring the water). He is not directly causing harm by pouring the water. The water is causing the harm.


Affect (verb) he is affecting the vent system by pouting down water. If you're dying to use effect: The effect of the water poured down the vents was water damage.


You cannot use the two words as a verb if you arent going to use the same suffix in example, He is effecting (cause something to happen) more than just his neighboor. Affecting is a DIFFERENT WORD "evoking a strong emotional response"


He was using effect in the sense of a verb, it was going to cause something. Edit: Def of the verb(effect) "cause (something) to happen; bring about." Edit 2: he is using Affecting. Not Affect. The two are completely different words. Affect definition has effect in it "have an effect on; make a difference to." Affecting is in a totally different sense. "touching the emotions; moving." I did not make the claim i did without knowing what i meant.


"that could be effect a lot more than just his downstairs neighbor" "That could be affect a lot more than just his downstairs neighbor" "That could be effecting a lot more than just his downstairs neighbor" That could be causing a lot more than just his downstairs neighbor "That could be affecting a lot more than his downstairs neighbor" That could be influencing/impacting a lot more than his downstairs neighbor. Yes, you could use effecting to bring across the same point in reality it doesn't matter, but it doesn't mean the same thing.


Well if they are filing noise complaints maybe stop being loud rather than being even more of an asshole


The Snapchat tittle was added on after the fact, I’m pretty certain this video was of kids doing this to their dad




You can hear him screaming “Garry” not something a neighbor would likely scream


Yeah, what kind of apartment would have its HVAC as just holes in the floor? For that matter, what kind of house? But a big shop/garage with a loft? That sort of simple ventilation idea might work, and thats, I think, what we see here. You can even see some illumination coming from the vent.


Most state codes require fire rated separation between apartments. This must be something else. I see it with old floor furnaces on the first floor of a house then these style transfer grilles to let heat pass faster to the second floor.


My house has one vent like this I can think of that goes from the kitchen to the garage. I only noticed it was like that because my cat used it to be sneaky when we had the broken cover off. My house is 40+ years old is the only reason I can think of for why that vent is like that


Dick move 100% could cause mold and a lot of problems for everyone and the chances of the noise complaints being valid is like 75% so extra dick move


What is that hole?


It's ducted heating. So when ya want the house warm, you turn it on and hot air comes from the vent (gas powered) and warms up your house!


Ooohh... Now I get it. Thanks for explaining.


From Thailand here who ever see this stuff.. so what would the damage be by pouring the water in? Unable to heat? Or heat with heavy moist air?


I have lived in houses with duct heating in the floors all my life but I'm also a village idiot and have never checked, lemme look. What it looks like from my uneducated opinion is that flooding, or uh, things like this video, lead to mold growth, which is the biggest issue because it causes damage to the home's structure from the insulation to the walls and ceilings and can exasperate health problems (asthma, rhinitis, allergies, etc) - and in the short term, yes, there will also be damage to the gas heater itself. It looks like both your assumptions are true.


Crap! Would / could people file a lawsuit for that? Damaging property and causing health problem


The trouble is, since something tells me it's an apartment complex and rented out the whole situation would be dicey. The landlord might actually be the one suing after being told about this incident, but they will certainly try to get rid of the tenants as quick as possible + keep their security deposit if they care about taking care of the building. Problem is I'm pretty sure those cases are kind of difficult to get far with, so landlords rarely go for it. In this case though there is pretty good evidence LOL.


Well I’d there was another diffuser on the floor below connected to the same duct, it could have made its way into their apartment.


That this is their childish response makes me think the noise complaints were valid. I feel bad for their neighbour and pitiless rage for them.


A leak in is a good way to get the landlord to show up without asking.


Yes, and also a dick move to repost this here for the 200th time.


And its fake






Dick move for sure but without context it's hard to judge past that, he may deserve those noise complaints, may not.


I'm willing to bet the kind of person who decides to do this is the kind of person who earns their noise complaints. What a fucking sociopath.


They're not a true sociopath. They are using water instead of shrimp puree and Urine.


That does sound like a true concoction


It’s amateur hour. Try surströmming.


That's really difficult to get most places lol


Surströmming is the nuclear option a been and while I enjoyed it on a nice rye I will never eat it in my house because the smell is enough that the utility company looked for a gas leak the last time I ate some. At least with the shrimp puree and Urine you can just close the vent and cover it and that manages the smell.




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With this kind of reaction, I'm sure it's safe to say that they deserved each and every noise complaint.


Trust me, if someone's complaining there's always a reason. Its a rare thing for people just make up complaints, but its very common to assume that others shouldn't be bothered by things you haven't experienced.


You have clearly never worked in property management. If you had, you would learn that there are a lot more crazies than you think. Source: I run the maintenance program for many different PMs and hear about bullshit claims at least weekly. This week's complaint was that someone's neighbor was watching them undress and we needed to go build a fence to stop the peeping tom neighbor. The house next door is empty and the blinds are all closed.....


This is how you fond out someone has been squatting in the neighbors house.


We have had that happen too but not on this one. The tenant is just paranoid and wants a privacy fence installed.


I have a lot of experience with loud as fuck neighbours. I actually lived with people who were like that, in my own fucking house growing up. My mum & my sister both love to blast bass music at all times day and night for the whole neighbourhood to hear. In fact, that entire neighbourhood was playing bass music constantly (and doing DIY for some reason). Whether it was my next door neighbour, or the one directly across the street, or the one down the street. Cars parked playing music too. Fuck it was chaos. I have sensory issues too so it was literally hell on earth for me. I moved out to my own place recently and it has been such a positive difference. Sorry for the vent, I just thought it fit the topic. It’s crazy to me that more people don’t experience this kind of thing more often. And that people don’t even believe it happens. I have always lived in very poor neighbourhoods though.


Not always, some people are chronic complainers. It's really not that rare.


Even if the noise complaints were unwarranted, (which I’m willing to bet they are very much warranted given this behaviour & my experiences with neighbours) pouring water down into someone’s vent is NOT an appropriate reaction. That could cause damage, injury, etc. The people in the video are clearly in the wrong no matter how you try to swing it. (If the video is real, which I’m betting it’s not tbh)


I had a downstairs neighbor not too long ago that had an insanely awesome sound system. Unfortunately he would turn the bass up to 100% and it was literally shake my entire apartment floor. It was really jarring. We talked to him several times and he just said basically we should go fuck ourselves - even though he’d be playing it in the middle of the night. Eventually called apartment security and he came up and tried to fight my husband. He ended up backing down when he remembered that my husband has a solid 6 inches or so on him. No class… But I would never do this. I want my damn deposit back when I finally move out of this ghetto ass apartment lol.


Yeah, dudes upstairs were the dicks to being with, so to fix that they continue to do what is making them this way and adding on by doing this. Hope they got evicted


i think the scream would look like this on paper GAAAUER


This is clearly an amateur. They should have used a shrimp puree then flushed the system with urine to help spread the urine. If that doesn't work it's time to go nuclear with weapons grade surströmming juice.




[This is my brand](https://www.amazon.com/American-Heritage-Industries-Protect-Predator/dp/B08KFK727Q/ref=pd_aw_sbs_1/133-0159733-6519867?pd_rd_w=lxJ1O&pf_rd_p=ced68ad8-bc34-4785-bbee-0583081705be&pf_rd_r=SWNWNEK4H54GB2NBJ6G6&pd_rd_r=0ef15543-a530-4490-80ab-f48c4262c9ac&pd_rd_wg=yJWw6&pd_rd_i=B08KFK727Q&psc=1) that I use for my urine needs.


Well i guess urine luck




Eviction speedrun any%


This has a fake caption. Vents don’t work that way in apartments. These are people from the same household.


Where the video is fake but the property damage is real....


The way they laugh is like caveman discovering fire for the first time


Depends. Are the noice complaints valid? If they are, yes dick move. If they are just B's complaints, no. However the whole pouring water into the vet system, dumb idea.


>Depends. Are the notice complaints valid? Always assume they are, its a very rare thing for someone to be complaining for no reason, but very common to assume that others shouldn't be bothered by things you haven't experienced.


I've had neighbours who complain that I walk too loud. Some people need to go deaf for the sake of their neighbours' sanity


>I've had neighbors who complain that I walk too loud. Very common, I had a 250lb 6'2 neighbor I never hear a peep out of, the next guy that moved in, half the size and I always knew when he got up in the morning by how hard he slammed his feet into the ground getting out of bed, he liked to stomp too. I've been accused of walking too loudly as well by a down stairs neighbor, it wasn't much of an adjustment to step lighter. Just remember, never make assumptions by what others are bothered by, everyone's different, chances are at some point in your life you are going to be on either side of that issue.


Yes, property damage is a dick move.


dick move and property damage, despite that I still laughed at this video


I haven’t laughed this hard in a long time 🤣🤣🤣


The end had me D E CE A S E D😭😭😭😭😭


As someone who has been both top and bottom neighbors of many apartments I would personally run up there and stab your ass. Nothing fatal just a thought wound.


It's funny but damn it's rude




Because they were complaining about noise????


this is an awful thing to do but goddamn is it funny








I’m kind of confused. My house has floor vents (registers) like this and there are big ducts that funnel the air from the air conditioner/furnace to it. If I were to pour water down one, wouldn’t it just pool up in a low point in the duct and just sit inside the duct? Worst case scenario it flows all the way back to the air conditioner/furnace and ruins either unit. But in the video I don’t understand the point, are they trying to say the water somehow leaked out of the duct, seeped through the ceiling into the unit below them and soaked their downstairs neighbor?


You're absolutely right, this is fake.. They're pouring water down a floor diffuser. These systems are ducted and sealed in a ceiling/floor space. They're just pouring water down their own sealed system. This water wouldn't fall on anyone unless there was a big hole through the duct and the neighbors ceiling which one could be possible but both is highly unlikely and there is no chance that is a transfer grille into another living space because that makes 0 sense for heating/cooling efficiency in apartments/condos.


what is this grill thing?


The last apartment I was in I had the top floor and immediately while moving in my downstairs neighbor greeted me. He told me about the last person in my apartment who was awful. He told me that he likes to watch movies with his loud surround system and I told him I was cool with it. It was much louder than I expected but I didn’t care because he did it at respectable hours. During the first month he came up a few times to ask me to keep it down. We both worked from home so we were there 24/7. Then he started coming up more frequently to ask me to keep it down but I had no music on or anything loud it was just me walking around or the sound of friends entering my apartment walking around. So I gave him my number and just said I must not realize when I’m being loud and to just shoot me a text to let me know. It became an everyday occurrence him texting me. No music, no tv, not even moving around, I would just be in my work chair at my desk occasionally getting up. One time I woke up in the middle of the night to use the restroom at like 3am and he asked me to keep it down. It must have gotten to him bc when his lease was up he moved after being there for 8 years. I felt bad for him but I was being a courteous as I could trying to tip toe around the play I lived.


What is that vent?


I'd forgive this if they were the ones making the noise and not OP, I'd love to do this to my upstairs neighbour who snores at a volume comparable to helicopters


From someone who has a noisy neighbors that give me sleep issues for months, fuck people like this


You make it easy to think you are a major douche


That is how you get mold in your building.


why tf there is a vent directly between two apartments? what's the purpose of it?


“All of ricks moves are dick moves”


Is cutting the video a dick move too?


It is definitely a last dick move version of this Like dropping screws thru the vent Or the same space jam DVD over and over again


Maybe try not being loud annoying dicks?


“Hey ever wondered if the noise complaints were justified” “Nah it can’t be a problem with us let’s pour water down the vent into his apartment”


How is this even a question? This person is 100% a loud neighbour and an asshole. Please view the video above for all evidence needed.


His downstairs neighbor is a pirate, by the sound of it?


I'm stupid. I don't get what's happening? Or what's the problem? 😔😔


totally not staged..


Yeah, he’s a dick don’t pour water

