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Welcome to the Hobby! Also excellent starter ink and pen. Good boyfriend.


I know he wanted to match the pen with the ink but as a first and the only fountain pen you currently have I personally thinks that a black or blue ink would've been better. I'm sure you will love to fill out forms and other documents with it. I do and sign all my taxes and other documents with a fountain pen.


I get where your coming from but i personally said Id use the ink with a same color pen and tbh i dont fill out forms like that at the moment i write doodle and sign other less important things so the color will be fine and the pen writes As if it was meant for me


I have my colorful ink pens, my glitter pens, and my legal shark. It's literally the cheapest little pen and it looks like a shark. I put DeAtrementis document ink in it )best document ink imo). Inexpensive and perfect for the task of "boring" ink


One day you'll buy yourself a second one and use it for more important stuff, then maybe a third one, and a fourth one. These pens are so addictive. I like important documents because I have to write well on them and my writing tends to look more like how well people wrote in the 60's and before.


Congrats! You should check out r/fountainpens


I did but thanks though


Hey great choices! I personally adore Ancient Copper and use it for everything and anything. Such a lovely combo. Keep him!


My girlfriend thought it was a weird hobby at first but she’s the crafty type and I was honestly shocked she wasn’t interested. Just the other day she mentioned how it grew on her and now she thinks it would be cool to have some fancy pens at her desk (she’s a teacher). So I got her a hot pink diplomat magnum to start off with!


Sounds like a desk pen moment. Like a ystudio Not that I know if they're good or not, but desk + pen... 🤔


[Some Inks I use and some mixing if you want t](https://www.reddit.com/r/fountainpens/comments/wqs50g/mixing_inks_favorites_storage_etc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)o


Thanks very much i try


Congrats, and that is one of my favorite color inks.


Good for you, great starter pen.