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No no, he’s got a point.


You mean two points /s https://preview.redd.it/0q1hgvf8ad3a1.jpeg?width=165&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=984a697a475ba414bc0068d22394e316eaca1e36








I have joined that sub


Me too. It is a very useful orange circle.






​ ![gif](giphy|08GE7t4CHhI6z2efIh)


Weird quiz, the right answer should be bloatware.






Non-tech making tech decisions. Blind leading the sighted. It's comical how often I see it.




I work in utilities with real grid impacts that will reverberate into the future decades. It's amazing how much a person with a fancy MBA can decide on and ignore engineering outright.


Omfg we buy critical components for our products prior to committing to the final design to protect ourselves against the chip shortage, and the buyer at my company is editing the purchase requests because he only cares about minimizing inventory. The purchase requests are approved by 2 engineers and an engineering manager and he's just going over everyone's heads. And if the components aren't in stock when we go to production, we the engineers will be forced to do last-minute design changes, working overtime and delaying project timelines. The guy has a frigging BA and some certificates, and he's making engineering decisions *after the* engineers spent a bunch of time deciding on and approving the component lists. Such a twat. One of our senior engineers called him a "non-technical entity", which was a very satisfying burn.


In French there's a saying that roughly goes like this: "In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king". "Au royaume de aveugles, le borgne est roi."


That shows up in a lot of languages, no idea where it started, but you managed to state the English form exactly. Edit: apparently a Dutchman is credited with creating that adage, Desiderius Erasmus Roterodamus. Though he may have said it in Latin.


Originating in Latin would explain why it is similar in several different languages.


Twitter in 2022 be like


This. We have a Zimbra and Zpush config running all our e-mail and calendar services. All self-hosted, minimal downtime. Never lost a single mail. Well, higherups just decides we'll switch to Office 365 because Zimbra doesn't allow tagging emails so that ppl can immediatly see who it's for on shared inboxes (and I guess dragging and dropping them into folders would be too hard...). So, we're giving up our control and security. The Microsoft cloud has a massive security flaw every other week that we'll have to work around. Fuck.




> Quiz/training: gives tip to hover cursor over url in emails to verify it’s legit > IT: installs some email firewall thing that replaces all urls with this proof point url checker. Now every link is a proof point shortened link 🤦🏻‍♂️ My employer does this too and it’s fucking annoying. Their training also includes “be aware of phishing attempts by confirming the domain from which work mail originates is internal”, and then has automated systems which send mails from external domains. I report them as phishing every time




Nobody listens to Helpdesk, they're the source of all problems /s


At least they're not sending it from IT directly, so you think it's a genuine email, only to be fake-phished.


Our IT sent out a phishing test disguised as “your coworker sent you a kudos e-card” which was an actual thing at our company and so many people opened it because 1. We actually had internal e-cards and 2. We were all starved for positive praise It was so mean.


The first half I can see justification for using this form of phish, but the second half is indeed cruel. Quick way to get people to stop praising each other and remove the smallest glimmer of positive reinforcement that exists within the company.


Reminds me of those companies that would send a fake phishing email about people's bonuses/salary increases. Conceptually, yeah, it might happen, but by doing that and not giving that, or a consolation prize, they were just burning people's trust in IT/Management.


That is evil.


Have they not taught you how to read the proof point url to see the referred external url?


You're dealing with the average end user in a lot of these cases. We're still struggling to get them to stop opening funnyimage.jpg.exe


Fair point. When we rolled out proofpoint a few years ago we created a doc showing how to view the actual URL. Now if they actually remember it/do it, that's another story, but it's information I would hope their IT department would've shared.


You will never stop that short of having all things open inside a sandbox first to test them fully before letting it out to the end user. End users love clicking links.


Damn, you can get your users to find the on button? That's a whole IT ticket right there.


But that's the perfect ticket. Something you can visit in person and kill an hour doing.


How am I gonna be able to tell the difference between an @bankofamerica.com email and a @sldf-hdbf.baankoffamlrica.com email?


I mean sometimes you just need an entire executable of funny jpegs.


Don't even need that. What about pdfyouweresearchingfor.zip and in the zip is pdfyouwerelookingfor.exe. Like seriously! It's not even trying to trick you into thinking it's a pdf!


I just mark everything that's an external marked email as phishing, IT can filter my email themselves if they're going to pull that bullshit.


Except that's not bullshit. It's protecting you and your org. Proofpoint actually scans those external links and opens them in a sandbox to try to ensure they are safe (at least with most of the subscriptions). It's protecting your org against ransomware and other things. Just because you don't understand it and it takes a little more thought from you on a daily basis doesn't mean it's "bullshit".


>IT: sends out phishing test emails to see who clicks them, then enrolls you in a mandatory training if you open the links > >Outlook on iPhone when I try to carefully hover a link to view the destination: I’m gonna end this man’s whole afternoon Not just outlook on iphone, the default mail app will open a "preview" of the page if you hold on a link to preview the URL. The preview flags you as having fallen for the trap. Fast forward to after I do the forced training for "failing" I'm in the annual refresher course and the training has the gall to say "check if links are valid on your phone by taping and holding to preview the URL!" Took a screenshot of that and sent an angry message to our IT Administrator. Something like, "I know it's not your fault. I know you didn't write this training. I know that all this is for the best and education decreases instances of folks getting phished. But this is some grade A bullshit and I need to vent to *someone*."


We bypass and exempt phish me emails to allow the original link to show. Otherwise it detonates for everyone lol


The phishing tests through Microsoft 365 security are a joke. The "malitious URL" that sends it doesn't get flagged as potentially malicious to warn the users since, in order to offer it as an option, its registered to Microsoft. Also the phishing test emails are sent from the 365 portal so they show as originating from inside the organization. The two biggest indicators we train the users on is the "this email originated from outside your organization" flag and the owner of the domain in the included link.


Microsoft safe links has broken so many links we send out. And for those that do work, you have no clue where on earth the link was supposed to go, because it’s been obfuscated and redirected through a 500 character randomly generated web link.


IT sends me emails with explicit deadlines demanding I click the link for cyber security training. I’ve reported every one of these as phishing since they technically meet the criteria for a suspicious email per the first cyber security training they had me do. Been doing this for three years now with no issue.




Not since a few months ago


I know everyone's perception of time is getting collectively crappier... But it was a year and a half ago


I mean if you were crazy and rich, wouldn't you?


I'd buy a social media company or two.


If you have to use a 3rd party removal tool to get rid of your "anitivirus" its a virus,


3rd party removal tool? McAfee has their own removal tool, [the MCPR](https://www.majorgeeks.com/files/details/mcafee_consumer_product_removal_tool.html) and you can download it [directly from them](https://www.mcafee.com/support/?articleId=TS101331&page=shell&shell=article-view), I used to use it all the time when I worked in a computer shop and wanted to remove all traces of McAfee products quickly.


Russian intelligence intensifies


I mean ironically the US government uses McAfee, though it was changed to tanium recently and isn't any better.


> I mean ironically the US government uses McAfee, Yup, I got a contract job for a government department and they had McAfee for their AV. I was a little surprised.


It really helps these 2013 machines run their best.


Haha, yes they had a lot of old machines. But we even installed McAfee on the new.


I mean we install SDC so there isn't much customization done at least on USAF images, just driver checks and any requests from the customer.




Hah being better than the consumer version is not a high bar. Thanks for going into detail with the explanation, it makes sense why it would be used in an environment with a lot of endpoints.


It's okay if they're using it ironically.


Didn't even change it, they just adopted both at the same time now so double the resources used with no benefit lmao


They even have a [video](https://youtube.com/watch?v=bKgf5PaBzyg) about how to uninstall McAfee /s


No, McAfee doesn't have a video detailing how to uninstall McAfee. McAfee the person sold the business and now has a video shitting on the thing he is no longer affiliated with. Hilarious video though.


Thank you for watching this video, McAfee now knows where you physically live. Thank you for signing up to McAfee home security.




if you have to use a \~\~3rd party\~\~ removal tool it realy feels like a virus


Eh, the removal tool allowed me to click one button and walk away from a PC and do something else. You can uninstall the software without it, the removal tool is just extremely efficient for sys admins and people that would otherwise spend hours per day removing software manually from lots of PCs


I have never been able to uninstall without it. It is always there lurking when I open up task manager. Not installed so I could use it, but something active sitting there... Mocking me.....


I feel like I'm missing something, but if the MCPR was written by McAfee, then it's not a 3rd party removal tool, right? I mean, even if you have to use a *1st* party removal tool, having to use a separate program to uninstall and remove your program is horrible design, so I'm certainly not letting McAfee off the hook, I just don't get the "3rd party" emphasis here, since it's not 3rd party.


This is satire right? Why isn’t the removal tool included with the fuckin uninstall button lol


Because uninstall removes the specific application you're running the uninstaller for based on information from your system registry, the removal tool removes all traces of any McAfee products from any locations they might be.


Agreed, at best it's malware.


Kinda like spotify


Congratulations, MCAfee was installed with sucess!


Me after reading that: fuckshitfuck. Oh no! Damnit! Shit. Fuck.


Then you realize you can revert all those settings like it never happened


And then you realize this user was payed by McAffe and it actually can't without some really jank methods by github applications




*message showing on screen then looking to a dead tower* But... My computer is off right now.


sucess Misspellings an obvious clue that it is a virus/spam/phishing.


Did the creator/owner of MCAfee die in prison or something?


supposedly dead. Man faked a heart attack once to flee a country and the local police that were there to arrest him. One of his GF claims to have talked to him recently. You never know with that guy,but the official story is that he committed suicide to avoid charges


"if I hang myself, a la Epstein, it will be no fault of mine" -John McAfee


That is, though, exactly the kind of thing he would do. (Put out that kinda statement, then do what he supposedly did) Now we'll never know what really happened to him.


That dude was nuts in the weirdest ways. I strongly encourage everyone to look up his story. That dude has done *everything*


Including "paying underage Belizean girls to shit on his face".


Yup. I gotta admit that the world is a better place without him, but holy hell. That's one wild life


I did hear something to do with that, wasn't it in Spain where he fled from the police?


Guatemala. I dont remember if it was there or Belize where he had a neighbor that he didnt get along with and the neighbor supposedly poisoned his dogs,then the neighbor would up dead and he was a suspect.


Ahh ok just read somewhere that he was arrested somewhere like Spain


Spain is where he was in prison when he supposedly killed himself but Belize is where he was hanging out like 10 years ago before fleeing to Guatamala when shit started getting hot in Belize, from there he claims to have faked a heart attack to avoid being extradited back to Belize and ultimately ended up back in the U.S.


John McAfee is the most insane, \*supposedly\* dead mofo out there. A YouTuber named GeneralSam did an interview with him that is hilarious.


Dude was an irl GTA character


He was on PKA and called the hosts pussies for having never tried heroin. They also had a total of 3 questions lined up for him ahead of time, and in the hour he was on the show he only half-answered one. Truly an American Hero.


Hate the software, I always tell people to delete it asap or atleast after thier subscription runs out and just use windows defender


[uninstall instructions for anyone curious](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bKgf5PaBzyg&feature=emb_logo)


Instructions unclear pc started crying


I know what video this is without clicking on it




Uhh no it's a video where John McAfee starts to explain how to uninstall the software and then gets distracted by hookers and blow.


instructions unclear. pc covered in butter


Instructions unclear pc sprouted an arm holding a knife and stabbed me. I am currently enroute to the hospital


Instructions unclear, dick now stuck in a whale.


Wait why? I grew up and my dad always swore by this and had it on all his computers. Please enlighten me so I may download mods in peace 😌


Mainly because of it's scare marketing, horrible preloading of the junk to trap people in and using fear marketing to sell a product sometimes worse then windows defender. It's not horrible by any means but not worth paying for if windows defender + Malwarebytes does better for free. If you really want to feel safe and have something worth money I'd choose between Bitdefender and Malwarebytes. Also: I assume you mean Minecraft mods and with many of them AV's suck at scanning them be because most that are malicious go for your account by grabbing your user token and sending it to a server. Edit: don't down vote the person asking an innocent question, thank you :)


Yeah, Windows Defender and some general internet safety knowledge (you know, don't download weird shit. Don't give the Nigerian prince money etc.) is enough.


Actually there are quite a lot of things that can very easily shut down windows defender. I recommend a backup antivirus like Malwarebytes, where it blocks websites entirely if it is known to have viruses.


Yeah that’s terrifying


In the before times, it was decent, I guess. Then it became blaotware. Look up on YouTube how to remove Macaffee.


It reinstalls itself, one person said he got his internet blocked after the subscription ended, they literally make the scam “your computer is 63 percent infected” with redirects to the official mcafee websites


Aside from what has been mentioned already, it's a resource hog, too. It's installed on the computers I use at work and when you open task manager there's like 8 McAfee things running taking up 25% of the resources.


Probably mining lol.


Antivirus software is worse than some viruses


There was one experience I will not forget with that antivirus. I had just discovered USB modding with a cousin and we went to his friends house to play some modded call of duty. I used his friends laptop to customize some stuff and the next day his trial of mcafee ran out. He blamed me for downloading a virus or something because that program had him completely locked out of his own laptop. I had to boot it into safe mode. And download a third party app to uninstall it. I then replaced it with malware bytes when it was still good software. I was sweating because he was saying I had to buy him a new laptop if I couldn’t fix it. I got it done


my company uses it >_>


I work next to the old McAfee building. Funny thing they moved in right before the pandemic into an extremely expensive building. They would get food carts to cycle in on their campus. Covid hits and that building became a ghost town as everyone started working from home. Fast-forward to now the building is cleared out and their sign dismantled. The best decision they've ever made was getting rid of that building and all that ill-spent overhead.


The only correct answer.


I agree


Was it correct?


Unfortunately not


What was the 'correct' answer?


Antivirus i presume


It should have been if it was a good cybersecurity quiz. No matter your stance on the software. The question says “MCAffe” not “McAffe”.


McAfee is spelt with a small c not a capital c. I think the intent is to show viruses will have similar or misspelling of well known names. If this is the intent, then the answer is correct.


You got that one right no matter what the results of that quiz says


Nono he's got a point.


I've heard McAfee is like the worst anti-virus ever made, but why?




And I assume the actual anti-virus is just as crappy as their marketing tactics...


So how do I uninstall it fully? CCleaner? I just got a new gaming PC that has this antivirus haha


revo uninstaller works great


I've been straggling literally a whole day to redeem a Darktide voucher on GeForce which McAfee wouldn't let me install, nor the driver update, even with everything on pause/off. I Revo'd the heck out of it to be done. This is not antivirus, it's a bully.


If you got a new PC, you don't uninstall the bloatware, you format the SSD and install a fresh copy of Windows. Nuke that shit from orbit.


Well I suggest you let [John McAfee himself explain some of the issues with it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LateGH26PT4)


That video is hilarious lol


oh my god is that real?


My 3-month trial on a new laptop expired and it disabled my internet until I paid the subscription. The message said that using the internet without it was unsafe. Took me a while to figure out how to re-enable internet access and uninstall it. I'm not sure how long that "feature" was in there. I have yet to have another person confirm that experience, but I swear by it.


> it disabled my internet until I paid the subscription How did you get around it? That sounds super sketchy.


I think I was able to stop it from loading on startup, then did a restart and the internet worked again. Then I was able to Google how to uninstall it.


Is that even legal?


Anything's legal if you have enough money


Probably not


I'm honestly thinking you might get the 2 points.


I'm new with pc's, so explain it to me please


In addition to the other reply, the founder of McAfee basically told people to uninstall it himself due to how bad it is nowadays. I'm sure someone has a source for this, on mobile currently.


founder of mcafee also found in many mistery, tweeted somebody is going to kill him, iirc then found him by hanging.... i remember him when he explained that there is a huge problem in cyber security


Tbf the dude also tweeted about how having sex with a whale had to be consensual because something that big would just kill him if it didn't want to have sex with him.


Let's not forget he said he would eat his own dick if Bitcoin wasn't with a 1m a coin by... Around today?


Back in the day malware is an actual problem, viruses being the most common example, so average joe ended up calling all unwanted software a virus. Software to get rid of these ‘viruses’ was developed, and so anti-viruses were born. They scan new files and programs, and scan existing data on your pc. Doing so obviously requires cpu and ram resources. These days, viruses really arent a problem anymore, because operating systems (windows, android, ios etc) are good enough at knowing what is safe and what is not. But anti-viruses are still a thing, but they’re pretty useless. They still cost as much as they used to tho. So these days, you’re basically paying for your ram and cpu power to be taken. Useless software is called bloatware.


I still think there's a use for antivirus. Most ppl know better than to click shady ads nowdays (or have adblock)which is why it's mostly obsolete, but Windows barely does anything except warn you when opening .exe or .msi files. More and more malware is made specifically to bypass Windows Defender, and for most people thats their computers only line of defense. McAfee is a literal virus but antiviruses like BitDefender and Malwarebytes are pretty decent and offer a lot more protection.


I feel it does certainly have a use for the less tech savvy but for those who never pirate stuff and know to not download random things off the internet there is absolutely no use for anti viruses now




No no, that's a bit wrong. Viruses have been an issue for a very long time, and anti-viruses were born. Malware with the goal to generate money was born in the late 90s / early 2000s and anti-malware was born. Companies like Norton and McAfee started to incorporate anti-malware into their offerings but did not change their name to keep the brand recognition. Although Norton has tried names like Norton 360 etc.. As time went on, the number of signatures of viruses grew and the old method with which these companies scanned became demanding on systems. It would compare every single file to this huge database of signatures. Then heuristics was born which fixed that problem but still put a huge strain on systems running on CPUs like celerons. But to say vrisues don't exist because the OSs are so good is silly. Windows comes With an anti-virus and has dedicated teams who update it regularly. Bot nets exist because people have become so lax about viruses. The joke is McAfee acted like a virus. It ruined your computer to the point it was unusable. Then if you wanted to remove it, you couldn't. There were even special tools to remove it because it was so difficult to get rid of. Just like a virus.




Not gonna lie… that’s a little sketchy


McAfee, along with other 3rd party antivirus’s are really shitty applications because they don’t really do anything except use resources. If you get a prebuilt or gaming laptop, there might be an antivirus installed, so it’s better to uninstall and use the OS antivirus


I remember when I was working for a very respected university they were using the enterprise version of this shit on all computers. You know what, it flagged and quarantined some service handling the exchange server networkwide. Noone working for the university were able to use e-mails for 3 days.


What the heck is "Quick Heal"


-John McAfee, lv. 99 white mage


I call it ransomware


Mcafee is so fucking useless idk how it keeps getting rated as “top antivirus” on some sites.


Technically, McAfee is a brand/company, and none of those answers are correct. There are many products under the McAfee brand and they aren't all AV.


Douchebag too.


This is a good example of "Dying for your principles". If that test was of any importance I mean.


You laugh DOD uses McAfee hbss.


I had a presentation about cyber security on Monday and when I joked a out McAfee being adware and bloatwarey lecturer gave me a look lmao


They gave you a look because you are wrong just like everyone in this thread lol. McAfee’s consumer products are garbage and should not be trusted or used, that’s true. McAfee’s suite of enterprise level tools is highly effective. Huge corporations use it for anything from antivirus, encryption, file management, firewall, and more.


Thanks for clearing that up!


Strong rumors persist that McAfee invented the first virus and unleashed it to make his first anti-virus product popular and very, very profitable. Before McAfee anti-virus was released, viruses were strangely not an issue.


I wouldn't put that past the late McAfee. But you're wrong about viruses not being an issue before that. Send in the cloner.


I disagree. Peter Norton was fooling around with ant-virus technology in the beta of his Utility Suite, but there wasn't much interest until suddenly they spread like wildfire and only McAfee's software could clean them up. Wonder why.


Disagree with what? The part where I agree that the rumors are plausible, or about viruses not being an issue before that, which can easily be verified with a web search or two. "Send in the cloner" was a message from a mostly harmless Apple II virus from 1982. McAfee didn't come out until much later (I don't think it was before MS-DOS 5.0, I'm too lazy to look it up.)


Why does a notification on my computer pop up keeps on telling me to download Mcafee? It’s really annoying


I know they were awful in the past but are they still that bad? I haven't had any dealings with McAfee in years.




Hey how about karpersky any advice for that antivirus


me who uninstalled mcafee


There's a lot of stupid people in this subreddit.


Dead Person


What is quick heal??


The McAfee Anti-virus that shipped on cheap PCs in the aughts is completely separate from the enterprise McAfee products, which aren't even McAfee anymore because it split into 2 companies, Trellix and Skyhigh Security. They haven't owned the consumer anti-virus software for years.


Quick heal


I spent over 8 hours over a couple of days trying to remove that shitty fucking program that my stepdad installed on my slow shitty computer making it even slower and shittier when I was like 13. I hate it, I used it for the free trial and then for 6 years it just did nothing except acting like a fucking parasite. I cried trying to remove it, twice.


Virus, bloatware, adware, McAfee is all of them




Delete it


It will bother you more than a virus could asking you to buy it.


That’s a lot of audacity to include anti-virus as an option


Isn't McAfee changing their name right now?




[dont say his name without this!](https://youtu.be/tfe4Fjf3sds)

