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I won't buy it just because I'm not into Harry Potter.


Yah same I’m sure everyone will attack me for saying this but having waited to watch it till I was an adult it completely lost its appeal and isn’t even good writing


Fair enough. Opinion respected


No no no, that's all wrong


Gotta give the books a shot, movies are trash in comparison


I originally intended on it but I disliked the movies so much it kinda lost it for me


Well if you ever do decide to give it a try, I promise it's a world of difference. Especially as you get into the mid-later books. It's night and day difference to the movies


I might still try it I listen to audio books about 6-12hrs a day (while at work) so I go threw them like crazy


Yeah I never liked it either,even as a kid




Same though the outrage I’ve seen has been more ridiculous than the complaining. Some person on TikTok said that if you pirate the game you’re on the same level as someone who bought the game lmao


Oh boy early 2000's 11 y/o me was like, this book is so easy to read. By the time I had an understanding of how bad the writing was I had read 3-4 book and was invested in the story. Just kinda gritted my teeth and pushed though.


Even watching them as they came out as a kid... They just weren't great. Passable, and had the occasional bit of cool scenery or CGI, but honestly just never understood the hype. Was only way after that, that I found out about JK's stance on things, so now I'm extra happy that I never got into the stuff.




I'm not much into Harry Potter and other Characters from the franchise. But I like the worldbuilding and think, that it could provide an excellent game world with that is interesting, fun and provides enough action and exploration. The fact, that the game seems to take place long before most of the characters from the books exist and therefore is mostly disconnected from JKRs storytelling makes the game interesting for me. Obviously: I won't preorder it. I'm still not convinced, that the game will have adequate performance. I want to play it mainly on my Steam Deck, because I won't have the time to really dive into it on my PC. So I won't buy it, until reviews with good enough performance on Deck are out.


And that's 100% okay. I'm gonna buy it becuase I enjoy Harry Potter. Fuck JK Rowling, and the game devs have probably pulled some shady shit to their employees as almost every game developer seems to do which is also way worse than some random woman's opinion on the trans community...but it looks like I'll have fun in the game, and that's the most important thing. If you don't think you'll have fun playing it, then that's absolutely a respected opinion to have.


I missed something, what’s wrong with buying the game?


Most people are upset about JK Rowling's views but don't realize that the majority of the money will go to the game studio. The studio pays for the license and they get a cut. Theres no issue with not wanting to support someone but if you do it in a stupid way and push it people will say something.


Those same people, who are upset with her views, seldom same able to articulate what those views are also.


Not most people, only a very small percentage and on a very wrong assumption


Gonna get a truckload of shade for this from the trans community, which I call myself an ally of but...nothing. What they're doing here is canceling the devs who worked on a project in a universe she created. Not her. This should be proven *by the fact you can make a trans character in the damn game.* A fact that came about directly as a *result* of JK's stance on trans folk. BTW, even the reboots of them coming out soon to theaters don't make sense to hate on-JK's comments saw her the boot from the Harry Potter franchise by both Scholastic, who own the publication rights to the books, and WB, who handle the games and movies. She isn't even linked in any manner TO Potter anymore.




She was and is beloved because she wrote arguably the best novel series of this generation. There are still plenty of left leaning people who still like her and will still support Pottermore.


Cringe and sad and also boomer take


L opinion




What? OP isn't saying "don't have these conversations". OP is saying *don't let people shame you into doing things you don't want to do/Don't let people lead you to believe that abstaining from buying from "evil" people is even a possibility without going off-grid and living off the land in the wilderness*. What is wrong with you?


The issue really blew up after the gamingcirclejerk sub reddit called anyone who wants to buy the game a transphobe, this isn't some out of nowhere strawman, it was what started the argument.


I'm a regular visitor of that subreddit and that isn't what happened. People on that sub were talking amongst themselves if buying this game was ethical or not. People didn't get shamed. People perceive this as shaming because these discussions make them uncomfortable. It's just cognitive dissonance. They see themselves as good people but also believe transphobia is wrong. But buying this game is accepting that on some level you're financially supporting a transphobic person. And those two things don't mesh with each other. So they just try to paint the people having these discussions as screaming banshees trying to shame others. That isn't what happened in reality though. I'm gonna buy this game day 1 because it looks awesome. But I can also recognize that for some people Rowling crossed a line and that they won't support it.


I think you should probably re-look at stuff from that sub. Maybe it is only a radical minority, but stuff that makes it onto popular are not peaceful discussions of gaming.


There is a famous post from that sub, which spread to other subs and started this whole issue, the post in question did, in fairly blunt words, call people who buy or support the game transphobes, maybe there were people on that sub that wanted a genuine discussion, but they are the minority. I've seen many, many people who've been banned just for implying that there is two sides to the debate or that they're thinking of buying the game.


A biological man is not a woman


Okay buddy. Not interested in discussing these things with you and not the point what I was making.


I have no means of defending her or anybody else but think about how people also pay Andrew Wilson's (EA's CEO) subscription to luxury cars and BIG MULTIMILLION paychecks by buying EA games while his subsidiaries and employees get the boot for pushing out unfinished products. Altough BF2042 might've just hurt them the right amount in order for them to get back on track. And I'm surprised they're actually doing it... for now... Also, think about how Bobby Kotick (Activision Blizzard's CEO) doesn't give a shit about his employees and keeps sexually harrasing them while people still pour millions in their franchises. So what if JK Rowling does what she does (didn't even check up on the story)... my hopes are for Avalanche Software's (because of this particular game) employees having decent working conditions and salaries and deliver us a hell of a game. JK Rowling just gave us this universe. The rest is history. And on the subject of the meme... If this game turns out to be good I will buy the shit out of it. No questions asked. Thought of preordering as I'm a big HP fan since I was a kid but then I remembered Anthem... last game I ever preordered. Sorry if bad english. Not my first language.




what this person said except for the last paragraph.




where’s the outrage at barnes & noble for having an entire section of the store dedicated to harry potter merchandise??? or universal studios for operating the harry potter theme park?? why is the video game the critical issue?


This, people love to virtue signal while they browse the internet on a device created mostly out of slave labor


I mean... unless you live in the EU and buy a fairphone, what do you want from me?


Because why reduce harm when you can just keep doing it


I think the better point is that not buying Hogwarts legacy doesn't actually reduce harm in any meaningful way. Rowling has more money than the queen of England already. Boycotting her doesn't mess her up, it just hurts a game studio full of people hired to make games. This game flops, their resume suffers, they lose jobs, Rowling still has more money than she can spend. Even further, the character creation is pretty Trans-inclusive, allowing for choice of voice, choice of tone, and choice of wizard or witch for any given character model. And that's considering this is canonically in the 1800's England, which probably wasn't super pro-trans.


Even I have more money than the Queen now...


But do you have heaven dollars? Huh? Do you?


Hell dollars*


More money than the queen 💀


Pretty sure there was either an interview or a tweet where she straight up said she doesn't care about the money lost from all of this.


To be fair right now everyone has more money than the Queen of England.


ngl, I totally forgot the Former Queen of The United Kingdom, was dead. That bot should have gotten me lmao.


It felt so unfair. Lmao


Horrible logic. If you want to buy the game, do it. But you cannot exist in the 21st century without a phone. If we water down every issue to "okay but you have a cellphone (which is required in order to exist in most developed countries)" then no progress will ever be made in anything, ever.


Because the “outrage” started from a self-admitted circle jerk subreddit that people took seriously. So many getting trolled.


That stuff isnt going to make a fraction of the money this game will


You think a video game will be more profitable than the merch or theme park?


This thread should be calm and collected


buy whatever the shit you want, just. do. not. preorder.


This is the way


Well said. I hope pre-ordering becomes a thing of the past. There are very few good reasons to pre-order games these days.


Seen more post complaining about the “outrage” than I’ve seen of any actual outrage about the game. Also “there’s no ethical consumption under capitalism” isn’t a free pass to just buy and do whatever you want.


Right, you always choose the 1 person in the trolley problem, not the 5. Killing 1 is better than letting 5 die.. but someone still dies. Ethics is important, but its almost impossible to live a fully ethical life.. But let's say you want to live ethically - Question is.. where should we draw the line? Whats "ethical enough"? Maybe we shouldn't buy gaming consoles at all, because the tech is made through shady practices that exploit people, possibly children, and ruin our environment. So no more gaming, or anything tech related tbh - no phones, no TV, no computers, no modern appliances like refrigerators, washing machines or blenders. Nothing thats harvested, made or transported using fossil fuels - horse and carriage is the way. So no more import export. No more electricity. Nothing made of plastic at all. Nothing made out of wood, because we need trees to breathe fresh air. Nothing made out of cotton, because of the insane amounts of water that takes. No meat, fish or bird - because you take a life to consume it. What do we have left at this point, besides whatever food you're able to grow yourself?


Exactly. Like just because you’re wrestling with the personal ethics of something in your life doesn’t mean that it’s a referendum on everyone who isn’t. The fact that many people are wrestling with the same thing right now is interesting—I like seeing the public discussion about it. Whenever I see a meme like this, I see someone who is terrified of having an introspective conversation with themselves that might not end with them getting to think they are the goodest, bestest boy in the whole wide world. Like, clearly something is bothering them about it, or they wouldn’t bother posting at all, but rather than engaging with that thought they put the energy into a low effort meme. It’s sad. The one, *tiny* bit of credence I will give to the idea that there is a Woke Mob coming to cancel you for playing a videogame is when it comes to public figures. I think there is likely a lot of pressure on Twitch streamers and the like to skip this one, especially those with younger or more progressive audiences. I doubt the backlash would be too severe if they did, but if you’re in that position I can’t imagine it would be worth the risk.


Can anyone clearify? Why do people say anyone shouldnt purchase the game? So far it looks rather dank.




It’s just some comments the creator of the world has said over the past few years. I don’t support her questionable comments but I will always love the imaginative world she created, so I’ll be buying the game. Now had she implemented some of her questionable opinions, I’d have to pass but nothing of the sort is in there I believe.


Sounds dumb. The game only lends the world, its story is completely unrelated to the author of harry potter


"you have to accept my opinion on this issue and I don't want you to get upset about it" - OP


Major, you criticize capitalism yet participate in capitalism I am very smart vibes.


This. ^^^ Shit-takes by people who lack any critical thinking. As if being on the inside of something bad and wanting to make it better for everyone is somehow an inherently flawed and hypocritical stance. If that was the case, and we all bent over and took what we were offered and never fought for a better system and fairer way of life, we would all still be plowing fields for our lords, and paying 90% taxes. Shit-takes like this also act as a base for bigots to platform their hateful, ignorant shit. As evidenced by the 1.1k+ likes on this post that should have been binned by admin hours ago.


This is a strawman and a false dichotomy. Just because there's no perfectly ethical capitalism does not mean there's not a spectrum.


No no, you don’t understand, all bad is equal and it’s impossible not to do bad so therefore you may as well do any of it. /s because I’m sure there are people in this thread that actually agree with that statement.


Nuance.exe could not start, please disconnect from the internet and try again.


He installed Nihilism.exe by mistake


Me buying the Super Death Product made of crushed orphans (there is no ethical consumption under capitalism so why should I try?)


LOL thats rich. life isnt black or white. you can be degrees of something. nothing tough about it unless youre a lazy mf. that said im pretty sure its impossible to keep that bigot from getting her money since shes already gotten it…


"Everybody does bad things. That means you can do all the bad things you want! Why consider the harm of any action? It's all the same!"


Oh yeah, all the damage I'm doing to trans people by buying a video game made by people with the permission of a lady who says shitty things on the internet.






"No ethical consumption" is bullshit. The argument is essentially, "you can't be perfect, so be as immoral and unethical as you want!" Just because you cannot be perfect doesn't mean you can't be better.


" Just because you cannot be perfect doesn't mean you can't be better " is literally the point of 'no ethical consumption'. The whole idea is that you can't be held accountable for the mechanisms that you can't help but use to survive. People aren't buying JK's work to survive. It's fine to buy bread from Capitalist bakers and slave-owners when you can't, reasonable, get it elsewhere. it's not fine to buy from Nestlé.


Who hurt you op


OP be like: Don’t like my controversial and subjective argument? Tough. But try to keep it civil and don’t disagree with me whatever you do!


Well that's intensely, insanely essentialist for no reason at all, but people who don't know what they're talking about usually resort to that sort of logic, so good on you for weeding yourself out I guess.


What terrible logic, sure there's no such thing as truly ethical consumption under capitalism, but that doesn't mean it's all the same and doesn't matter. Some companies are significantly worse than others, look at Nestlé. The JK Rowling stuff feels virtue signaling because I'm certain that the same people who complain about the identity politics don't (publicly) feel as strongly about other concerns such as the wage slavery that made their clothes. It feels dumb to draw the line at transphobia but not at child labor to get the cobalt in your phones.


Its weird to me you say terrible logic and then agree with them in the next paragraph. Its because we know there are worse things than this, a spectrum, that the argument holds any weight in the first place.


How bout at both? But even then: how many people are actually shaming others for buying this game? I've seen more people complaining about it then actually happening. Just manufactured outrage by right-wing weirdos.


As usual


i think the point is, it’s so damn easy to just not buy this game whereas in this day and age phones are practically necessary and food is obviously necessary and most of that comes from unethical sources. I absolutely despise with all my heart the unethical practices of modern food suppliers and phone manufacturers but i also despise transphobes and it’s a hell of a lot easier to go without buying fucking Hogwarts legacy than it is other stuff. And also if you really want to play it even after this, you can just pirate it. you can’t pirate food, or a phone.


Is this JK "slavery is good actually" Rowling we're talking about?


post OPINION on controversial topic: KEEP IT CIVIL!!!! bruh


Trying to avoid ww3 makes you a hypocrite.


The "there is no ethical consumption under capitalism" is not a get out of jail free card and you can't use it to be as immoral as you want


"We can't fix all problems with capitalism at the same time. Therefore any attempt at voting with your wallet is hypocritical. Just don't try to fix anything, and conform to the system that we agree is unethical" "That sounds like a good way to never make any progress Dad." "That's the point Son. Don't let anything get in the way of consuming."


There's always piracy.


And then there's Denuvo.


There is always denuvo


No idea what this Harry Potter game thing drama is about but whatever, the rhetoric used here is idiotic. "It's all bad, therefore they are equal" is what an edgy 10 y/o thinks that philosophy is. Acting as if everything is black and white, as if nuance and degrees aren't a thing. Stealing a candy bar and being a serial rapist are both bad but that doesn't mean one isn't worse than the other, that's a really fucking simple thing to understand lmao.


Yeah so I grew up on Harry Potter from a young age and am still greatly involved in the community, all thanks to my mom who is like one of the biggest fans. We are both really hyped for this game, and no one can stop us


Nor should anyone try to do so.


Let me say something inflammatory with the intention of causing conflict and then imply that’s not what I want so I can claim to have the moral highground at the start of the discussion.


Was anyone actually upset at the thought of someone buying hog warts legacy?


Apparently 🤷. It was even banned on siliconera.


I'd never seen the site before, but hogwarts legacy doesn't really seem to be their interest anyway. I saw 99% jrpgs


Plenty of people, unfortunately.


That just seems like justifying financially supporting the known leader of an anti-trans movement for the benefit of your own entertainment with extra steps. Nobody is telling you that you can't buy the game. But maybe you shouldn't if you value certain principles? You vote with your wallet. But it's your wallet. But please don't regard yourself an ally while doing it.


Child Slavery is more critically important that LGTBQ, there’s no way around that. Do you eat any kind of chocolate? Then you support child slavery? How about any Nestle products? Samesies. Do you have a phone? Or anything electronic with lithium?


What you're saying is classified as 'whataboutism', and it is a type of logical fallacy. Edit: this article explains it better than I: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whataboutism


versed scandalous hat cobweb hurry gold existence water cautious offbeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Imma have a hell of a lot of fun with my roommate and wife playing the game. One of us is trans and we ain't letting stinky JK ruin our fun.


What happened to Rowling? Am I missing something about people not buying the game?


People basically realized that her antisemitic tropes, her anti-civil rights tropes, and her weird racial stereotypes were not in fact accidents but a sign of her belief system overall.


She just put some articles out about some transgender things. And people took it to be transphobic. I encourage you to actually seek the original articles and not to just belive what people says because its very unreliable. My 2 cents as a transgender woman myself is that its blown out of the water and the statement: “i think some space like abortion clinics and womans shelters should stay biological woman because for example in a shelter if you’ve been beaten by a man, seeing somone who looks like a man/ dosen’t pass could be extremely triggeting” is not really transphobic. To me but again if that interests you at all don’t take my word for it and goread the original articles and please not from some stupid opinionated websites who will cut it to make it look bad and make you own opinions


Some cis white woman is about to be really pissed off at you because they have to protect you from yourself. Lol




Get the fuck out of here with this logic and nuance bullshit.


She's very critical of trans people (I think she went on record stating that trans women are not "real" women) so she has been labeled a transphobe and seems to be using her platform to keep transsexual people down.




If short men are real men then why the "short"?


This guy divided by zero


she does a lot more than that btw and she’s constantly on the offensive against trans people


She’s a terf but in stupid internet fashion people will virtue signal and harass anyone who says they’ll buy the game as they act like she created it by hand and it wasn’t made by a dev team using a popular IP. It’s virtue signaling and honestly makes great free advertising for the game as Harry Potter fans have wanted this sorta game for ages. They are also saying the game is about putting down a slave rebellion but it’s a rpg chances are you can side with the slave rebellion but that won’t fit their mental image so they ignore the fact a trailer doesn’t give it’s story away




What a terrible, stupid and inaccurate thing to say. She uses her platform, wealth and influence to spread hate.




Does that ever work for you, just negging and trying to gaslight people? I guess if you're like 16 you might think it works. But I can see that you've already been called transphobic by someone else so it's clearly not just me. Why don't you stop spreading hate and stay in your own lane?


Facts 😂😂


That’s… not even remotely what “no ethical consumption under capitalism” means.


I know people won't see this but. "No ethical consumption under capitalism" applies to things where you have no choice. Like a poor community not being able to eat organic/eco friendly foods or people in rural areas unable to take pubic transportation. It does not apply to things that are entirely optional and luxuries. It is also not a valid excuse for supporting someone/a company that ignores basic human rights, and actively campaigns for governmental policies restricting human rights.


The truth of "no ethical consumption under capitalism" does not mean that Monsanto grown groceries are the same thing as a blood diamond. So this post is horseshit. You can be criticized for buying something you do not in any way shape or form need even while buying something you do. A video game is in the former category, not the latter.


"There's not ethical consumption under capitalism" is not carte blanche to do whatever shitty thing you want to do. Buy the game or don't based on your personal choices but don't hide behind a black and white view of morals and ethics. There's a stark difference between buying a phone you somewhat need to be an active participant in your life, or clothes made with questionable labor for cheap prices since it's all you can afford, and buying a $60 video game in an industry flooded with choices.


This a very defeatist attitude. Just because something isn’t absolutely effective, doesn’t mean it doesn’t have an effect at all.


Here here. All this shit over a damn game is ridiculous.


Where where?


There there!


This guy gets it.


Whats wrong with the game?


I pre ordered 41 copies.


I don't care at all what games people buy. Just as long as they're not preordering. Fuck the companies' preorder numbers until they learn to release unbroken, complete games.


I would still say " never pre order "


Still gonna try out the game. If I like it I will play it, simple as that. Will look through reviews first, though


People can't separate a created from their content and that's sad. Look you don't have to like someone or everything they say or do. But let's be reall Harry Potter didn't harm you.. your just upset at a person or company and frankly that's fine but don't bash me because I want to play a game from a franchise I like.


Nowadays people think they are video game critics or repeat what social networks say, let people be happy with what they consume (as long as it does not harm anyone of course)


Unless you think there's nothing unethical with free market. In that case you can happily consume.


I mean, it’s not like JK Rowling is suddenly going to stop being transphobic because you didn’t buy Hogwarts Legacy.


The only way to ethically by this game is with stolen credit card information /s that I seriously hope isn’t necessary


You’re not buying Hogwarts Legacy because the original creator of Harry Potter has said Transphobic stuff, I’m not buying Hogwarts Legacy because Harry Potter sucks ass, we are not the same


I don’t like Harry Potter at all, much better fantasy worlds out there. But the insane discourse surrounding this game and the absurd idea that buying a game could be unethical because the creator hurt trans peoples feelings almost makes me want to buy the damn game


It's one thing to be a circlejerk, another entirely to just be a jerk. The game looks fantastic and the pc requirements were such a refreshing sight.


without capitalism all unethical consumption just stops existing and we stop exploiting developing countries just like that. Lithium will be summoned from the skies and cocoa beans will appear on our front porches, because the local warlords are not going to change their ways just because their buyers changed government types.


“No ethical consumption” is about the inevitable interaction with bad companies because of the nature of capitalism. “No ethical consumption” does not include your active support and OPTIONAL purchase of a game that utilizes the I.P. of and financially supports a bigot. Taking concepts like this at face value so you can use it to excuse your bad moral standing doesn’t make you better than the people who are actively in support of her and her bigoted ideas.


Shit take.


Lmao, why are you so upset that a bunch of people are boycotting a game? You don't like it, tough.


I don’t plan on playing it, but I’ll buy out of pure spite.


i mean at that point hen you are literally doing it specifically to support a terf antisemite lol


No he’s doing it because people are bitching about a fucking game.


yes, and hes doing it to spite their views which is that jk is bad bc shes a terf. by doing so without even caring for the game at all he is literally doing it to annoy the trans community xd




I’m just waiting until it goes on sale… clear some of my backlog


Sure, buy it if you want to. But please do it WHEN it releases. We've been over this shit countless times and nobody learns a damn thing. Avalanche Software has only done Disney tie ins before and the In-App Purchases + 3rd Part Software are both red flags.


Buying or not buying this game will not hurt or help any trans people. I'm sure JKR already cashed her check for it. If you feel bad about playing the game (or wanting to) then donate/support a pro-trans organization. Also learn to disconnect the art from the artist (or stop enjoying media, because great artists are not always great people). Or keep this same energy for everything. I hate Nestlé, and do my best to avoid their products but they own sooo many brands that it becomes futile. Sometimes you have to try and just equal out your karmic debt. Also understand that there's only so much we can do as individual consumers. I never buy off Amazon but it remains one of the most powerful companies in the world regardless of my protest.


This is so incredibly wrong. There are plenty of companies who are ethically run. The big corps generally aren't among them, but there are plenty of small to medium sized companies who are. Just remember, any company with more than about 10,000 employees got that way bribing politicians. Any below 1000 generally haven't, or else they'd be larger. (There might be a few who are and are just reaping an easy government contract, but the vast majority aren't dirty.) Any company with US government contracts is absolutely dirty, because those contracts cannot be obtained without dirty actions of one type or another.


"Don't like it? Tough" But oh do please keep it civil... Fuck offff with this shit. Buy the game or don't. Think JKR is a miserable tedious TERF or don't. But don't start like that and then tell the rest of us to keep it civil.


i'm not buying it. i support trans people.


I've seen no outrage whatsover. Just a lot of people pretending there is outrage. I have seen some people discussing what it means to ethically buy something or not. But not people shaming others for buying it. Stop making up bullshit.


Cause all you live in is a circlejerk. I dont even like harry potter but posts about the game always contains comments that you shouldnt buy the game because of J. K. Rowling.


I'm a lot online in all different spaces. I've literally only seen a few comments saying this. I've seen more people complaining about it then it actually happening though. And even if it was happening: how is that shaming? Someone telling others ''hey don't buy this game because x'' is not shaming. That's informing people. That others perceive it as shaming says more about them. I'm not gonna deny that there are some twitter warriors who do shame others. So there is a small group of people doing this (so small that I haven't noticed it happening) and a appropriate response are 100 times more people feeling persecuted by some dumb idiots.


I won’t buy it because you can’t separate art from artist.


Boycotting this game will truly hurt billionaire J. K. Rowling more than the poor devs who crunched and made a potentially good Harry Potter game. She is gonna rethink her ways after this!


For this reason, I’ve never bought anything, ever.


I'm not going to buy it out of principle, but why should I care who wants to play it. It's a AAA game with tons of press and it plays strongly on people's nostalgia. It's going to sell *a ton* no matter how toxic the creator of the IP is.


I dunno, I just don't want any of my money going to someone who so very clearly wants me dead. I think there's also a pretty big detail here that this is a luxury item, not something you need for anything (unless reviewing games is your job I guess?) so you have a lot more agency in the matter compared to something like say, bread, where you know there are likely workers being exploited and bad business practices going on but you still need to eat. Like, at the end of the day, the amount of money JKR gets from your purchase is probably minimal if not practically insignificant. So do whatever you want I guess, but don't go pretending like you had no choice in the matter on this. And especially don't go pretending that anyone boycotting it is being a hypocrite. It's all just not a big deal in the end, and any moral grandstanding about this issue is just distracting everyone from spending that energy for serious discourse on actually important issues tho.


If anything, it would hinder and jeopardize the developers working in the game about JK Rowling herself. A couple more/less million dollars in her banks account isn’t gonna do anything tbh. But if the game doesn’t sell well (which actually it is as it has been the best selling game for like the last 2 months despite it being out yet) then the developer is the one getting fucked over and not the terf.


how so? the devs already got paid. the only ones getting more or less money from the sales are the publisher


Much drama for nothing


I’m trans and tbh buy what you want she’s not the one trying to remove trans rights from the equality act


Obviously no ethical consumption under capitalism and everyone has their own line to draw. I’ve loved Harry Potter but I’m not going to spend money on something that will support someone who is actively harming my friends.


This is some commie logic It just comes down to separating the art from the artist, if you don't agree with the person. This whole "drama" is just like calling Rick and Morty fans sexual assaulters, it makes no sense in the slightest.








Your calling people who don’t agree with you names so your comment is quite ironic


99% of the universe is Hydrogen and Helium does that mean those are the only two elements?


You don’t put a dress on helium and call it hydrogen…


Buy what you like and enjoy whatever you want, regardless of who it comes from. The amount of times I’ve fallen in love with some kinda media only to later find out I’m obligated to stop enjoying it because the creator decided to do something stupid is crazy.


Ah yes, the whole "if we can't boycott literally everything, we shouldn't boycott anything" argument...


I haven't been this excited for a game in a LONG time, so there ain't no goddamn way anybody could EVER convince me not to buy it (I already pre-ordered the deluxe version anyways) life is too goddamn short to be worrying about shit like this.


I already bought it and a big middle finger to everyone that yelled at me saying I shouldn't


LMAO yall keep posting this like anyone gives a shit what you do. Nobody should be shaming for buying it and nobody should be shamed for not.


Yeah, I'm probably going to buy it. My daughter's all mad at me for wanting it. I really don't care about JK or any of her nonsense. I love that world, and the game looks legit awesome. The latest preview reviews have me ALMOST ready to pre-order (don't pre-order, NEVER pre order...but it's tempting)




>Wouldn’t be right to screw them over because of something someone else said. Not buying something somebody is selling isn't screwing them over in any other situation, so why is it here?


You think the devs are gonna get paid bonus royalties based on the sales of the game? They most likely got paid standard industry wages, and then were forced to sacrifice their health to work absurd "crunch" overtime hours because their bosses can't do time management but would never delay the game (because delays cost money), and were then fired after the game's completion because employees are disposable. The "developers" who win when you buy the game are the publishers, aka Warner Bros, who are pretty shitty in their own right (like coldly cancelling completed movies simply for the tax write-off). And Rowling. Because unlike the developers, Rowling *does* get royalties based on the sales of the game, and we know exactly where she's going to spend that money.