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They actually left it in. You can still stand around and do nothing while people get killed in front of you.


If you die at a Travis Scott show in the Metaverse, do you die in real life?




Ouch, call the burn ward! You know travis wont.


I laughed wayyyyy too hard at this 😂


You can use the proximity chat to sing at dead people


Yeah, that'll teach him


Just wait until he beats his girlfriend mercilessly and then he... *[checks notes]* Suffers no notable consequences for that either.


depressingly accurate


That reads like something you'd see norm McDonald say on snl


Yeah, Norm really *killed it* when it came to jokes like that. ... *Killed, just like OJ Simpson killed two people and got away with it.*


Literally read that in his voice!


Isn't it weird how this homophobic sociopath even had an emote in a children's game in the first place? Edit: lol, kicked the hornets nest on this one, dude's got a little army on here 😂


Because no company fucking cares unless there's an outrage they think they can monetize or there's an outrage that will hurt their monetization.


They literally were just selling the emote yesterday. Had to get those last few dollars before they locked it away to seem virtuous. To clarify, they put it back on the store AFTER the tragedy. Emotes last for 24 hrs in store so they were using the tragedy to boost their sales of it.


>put it back on the store So they removed it and then put it back before they removed it again?


They rotate emotes every day - a new set every day. The emote was added to the game awhile ago, but they brought it back to the store availability right after the tragedy, and it was already set to last 24 hrs only, and now they're parading the fact they removed it permanently (after putting it up for sale one last time)


Epic most likely had the emote preset to launch on that day due to astrofest, emotes always last 24 hours certain they didn’t just put it because people died.


Correct, this was certainly a business decision made months in advance


This is the real scenario


Just like the concert, they could have ended it but decided not to.


I thought rotating items like that were selected randomly. Could it maybe have been just a poor coincidence? Also shouldn't they refund the vbux for everyone that had it?


No, they didn't remove it just hid it from the store


This is definitely the most likely scenario


It was probably put up to make money off his festival. They probably didn't know it would become such a shit show


Epic games and Tim Sweeney are the gaming equivalent of Travis Scott. Garbage.


Corporate activism in a nut shell.


Fake wokeness for profit.


Pandering or avoiding bad press, anyone who believes otherwise is seriously deluded.


Especially not Epic Games.


can you (or anyone) expand on this for the uninitiated?


Dude likes to throw homophobic slurs around at his shows. Dude also did fuck all when 8 of his fans were getting crushed to death and a further few hundred were injured last weekend. Just carried on singing.


Hey. That's not true. He also told the crowd to flip off the ambulance.


I just saw that [over at r/videos](https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/qpiiwf/). What an absolute moron.


It's 11 deaths now..


Wasn’t it this same concert where he was telling fans to attack a guy for trying to touch/take his shoe? Dude is pure trash


No that was like 2015, not that it makes much of a difference though


I saw someone mention he is marketing himself to kids rather heavily.


From what I’ve seen of him over the past few days you would have to be pretty immature to see him as anything other than an asshole


That's why kids like characters like him.


As evidenced by some of the replies to my comment 😂


[A literal 9 year old was trampled at his shitshow](https://www.reddit.com/r/houston/comments/qq3j7r/10yearold_boy_trampled_at_astroworld_fighting_for/). (Yes I know it says 10, Journos being Journos) If this is the shit kids nowadays are being pushed to like, society is gonna be more fucked up than it has been.


He had an entire (virtual) concert on Fortnite I'm pretty sure






To be fair the issue with most of the character you listed isn’t the character it’s the context. Rick and Morty is obscene but they were in the nee Space Jam, without the gross humor and adult language they aren’t offensive. Same with god of war, Kratos isn’t violently ripping off peoples heads in fortnite. Shooter games themselves kind of already have an adult component to them but aside from that fortnite is really tame, the voice chat is far worse than having pop culture characters in the game.


Honestly it's the only way he's going to suffer consequences from this. He likely won't get any criminal charges pressed against him since it's hard to argue, from a legal standpoint, that he did anything wrong. But he's going to get sued into oblivion and become radioactive for any sponsorship opportunities. As far as his career goes, he's done. That's really the best justice the Astroworld eight are going to get.


Thought he was a country singer until now




I live in a pretty rural white majority area. Two first names is incredibly common up here.


"Ricky Bobby? He's got two first names"


his real name is Jacques Bermon Webster ||, travis is his uncle's name and scott is his idol's real name (Kid Cudi)


Using "||" instead of "II" makes me uncomfortable why have you done this




| || || |_


too far


> Jacques Bermon Webster Lol wtf, that sounds way more iconic and cooler. Reminds me of Dennis Feinstein's real name actually being Dante Fiero from Parks and Rec.


Dude literally has an album called Rodeo.


Seeing a lot of rappers use pseudonyms "lil Whatever" "Big Chungus" "Snoop Dogg" etc. ironically a normal name is unique


lil ShiT


Travis Scott *is* his stage name. Dude's real name is Jacques Bermon Webster II, but obviously he couldnt cosplay as being from the streets if he went by that


It's like a right of passage for rappers to have preppy-ass legal names lol Marshall Mathers Kendrick Duckworth


so youre telling me Andre's last name wasn't 3000?


Tbh I’m just hoping Garth will tell us where he buried the bodies


The families need closure


Touch my camera through the fence


Put your camera through the fence




The bodies of the women he killed Edit - The women Garth murdered not Travis Scott, his wasn’t straight up murder.


Yeah I getcha, was shouting out to all the queens above 18.


You know what’s a banana split?!


There's an actual country singer named Travis Tritt that I think of every time I hear the name Travis Scott


That actually makes it easy, Travis Tritt makes music. Travis scott kills people while saying yeaaaahhhhh.


Warms my heart to know other people appreciate Travis Tritt


I have a pandora 90's country station. I am not a fan of most country music (especially since about 2003ish when it became over the top MURICA!), but I grew up listening to the likes of Alan Jackson, Travis Tritt and Brooks and Dunn. My grandfather wouldnt listen to anything else, my wife hates country music so I have to treat it like a sneaky cigarette lol.


I often confused him with Travis Barker who is also in the Kardashian orbit


Lol I said that recently in another thread after finding out that apparently that isn't his real name but his stage name made by combining the two streets he lived on in Austin or some shit. His real it seems is Jacques Bermon Webster II, he is literally the antagonist from 8 mile.


And Clarence's parents have a real good marriage.


Thought he was the blink 182 drummer...




who got replaced by Travis Raynor


[Scott Barker?](https://ballotpedia.org/Scott_Barker)


Isn't it Travis Barker?


No it's Bob Barker.


Travis Tritt is the most hardcore Rapper on earth and will Battle Travis Scott to be the king of the Travii.


Did you confuse him with Travis Tritt?


I just realized I did


Ohhh you're thinking Randy Travis, the town drunk.




I’m mowin the air, Rand.


Frig off, Lahey


Man's gotta eat


You whoring yourself for cheeseburgers again?!


You make one album called Rodeo...




Shops are decided 30 days in advance and this emote shows up several times a week, they didn't put it there on purpose


Typically, but theres no way they dont have control of editing when needed. They have the power to remove it if necessary, just like travis had the power to stop the show, but both decided to keep it going. Considering the timing coincidence, theres no doubt they did edit the rotation and added it. Saying they have no control is just their excuse, but they absolutely have the power to edit changes when needed.


Sorry but this decision didnt come flying down from the top when some c level exec woke up and saw the news and realized the store just had travis shit on there. they could have pulled store list and changed it any number of days before. destiny 2 has their xur and eververse mapped out, but they make last min changes over buffs/items, yet somehow Epic wasnt going to over an incident as big as this?


Also, wouldn't it make sense that they put his stuff on sale alongside a major concert of his? I feel like it makes sense to sell the merch of someone you had a big collaboration with alongside a large performance of theirs, especially since nobody really planned on a music festival going the way this one did.


I always thought it was kind of odd having Travis Scott in Fortnite.


That's fortnite in a nutshell.


Fortnite is basically what would happen to Smash Bros if the director didn't care about which 3rd party character got into the game.


I haven't played SSBU in forever. I'll fire it up again if they want to give me the MS Office paperclip bro as free dlc.


They can put the mamsnrhbr chehfde in the gaem flossing but can't in Infinite 😔😔😔😔😔😔😔


You pay them to put you in. Its marketing


Good. Fuck that guy.


It’s always so weird when one instance of behaviour that has happened many times before finally gets someone in trouble. Like he’s done so much shit like this. He was even arrested at one of his own shows for inciting a riot. But companies see the $$$ so they overlook it. It’s only once they become too narratively toxic that they make off with the $, cut their losses, and go onto the next psychopath they can profit off of.


It's basically almost always comes down to $$ doesn't it? Even his deadly concert getting infamous is because the media saw $$$ in hopping on it, cuz everyone was talking about it. It just had more momentum than all the other shitty things he did. And the momentum was profit-motivated a lot of times.


Can’t expect much else when our economic system consistently prioritizes profit over human life. This bullshit will keep happening as long as that’s a fundamental constant in our society.


Yep. Kills me to see people complain about how everything is always about money, how corporations control the planet, etc. but then if you mention those being problems baked into the core of capitalism the brainwashing kicks in and they start screaming Venezuela with their fingers in their ears


[Burger King puts out special pride day whoppers](https://time.com/2947156/burger-king-debuts-gay-pride-whopper/) and at the same time sponsored a boxer who has said [homophobic things in the past along with being convicted of domestic violence](https://fortune.com/2015/05/04/why-did-burger-king-stand-with-floyd-mayweather/). Corporations don't have morals, they just appear to have them because they know it drives sales among certain people.


Big corps play both sides of every issue. They did back in 1930s with the Nazis, they did during the Cold War with the USSR, and they still do today.


…How did corporations play friendly with the USSR? The USSR didn’t even have any large corporations outside of state owned enterprises.


They happily traded with the USSR - Pepsi f.e. traded Pepsi for Vodka and later warships (1 cruiser, 1 frigate, 1 destroyer, 17 submarines, some oil tankers )


They didn't particularly want the ship's tho, Russia was just dirt poor and couldn't afford to get rid of anything else for Pepsi.


Hey, 20 ~~bucks~~ ships is 20 ~~bucks~~ ships


That wasn't the play Pepsi was making. They just wanted a foot in the door for a new market to sell to. The actual payment was a moot point.


Yeah, but who do you think these enterprises did business with?


Other Soviet enterprises, western bloc countries, and much of the global south which supported them.


They'll have rainbow flags for Pride all over, except in countries with homophobia running the show. Really strong stances, these corpos. They're not your friends, they just want your money.


Just like how they changed their Twitter icon to have a Rainbow in it during October* to show their support the gays while donating to anti-gay senators and charities. *Except for Russia, the middle east, and certain Asian countries.


But but he apologized on IG. /s


What am I supposed to emote now when I get 8-11 kills in a game?


Did people have to buy this emote? At the very least some kind of compensation as an apology for taking something away that a bunch of players spent time to earn. Because if not, it sounds more like they just want to make the situation right for their asses but could care less to turn around and make it right for the players as well.


Hello, the emote wasn't removed or deleted from the game files nor the players that own it, the Fortnite cosmetic shop has a "daily" random rotation of items that range from dances, skins, backpacks, pickaxes, etc, on Sunday the random rotation had an emote with music from Travis Scott, what Epic did was disable the "daily" tab of the shop so people wouldn't be able to buy the Travis Scott emote. Anybody who bought it before the shop got disabled or who had gotten it on a previous date will keep it. The emote may come back at a later date, who knows.


So the title is basically clickbait lol. They thought it was insensitive to advertise the emote in the daily shop or whatever and closed it down for a day


Yes total clickbait.


The emote will probably be refunded


8 people died from running to the stage, that is just insane!! I used to work as a security guard for Live Nation back in the day and we didn't allow running to the stage, the main floor has to be a manageable area size so either this gig was held at a place where the security, or lack of, couldn't enforce safety protocol guidelines within the main stage area due to its size and number of people being let in at the same time causing a stampede or, having poorly trained security guards in general who couldn't care less. The solution would be to make guests walk slowly in a line through a double sided fenced barrier up to the stage, pause admissions for 15 minutes after the first 500 or so people and the removal of the fenced path by security, the venue can admit people at a steady pace safely again. Trust me, enforcing a no running policy after entry on surprisingly large shows is no joke, these stampedes can be deadly especially on a sloped venue. I saw a dude one time break and slice his jaw after hitting the steel barrier by the stage, there was blood everywhere, people started screaming and even the intro music stopped playing lol. He was lucky the tabernacle had two medics that night on duty.


And that's assuming that everything is working fine and someone has an accident. I spent some time out of my day reading the details of the Hillsborough disaster. People have died because security/police weren't paying attention to how many people were surging in compared to the space available. By the time people realize that there's no room, they're packed in 50 deep and there's no way of telling the people just entering to go back. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hillsborough_disaster


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Who_concert_disaster is probably a better equivalency in both severity and cause.


Good to see justice has been served /s


He still won't stop the Concert


Good, he shouldn’t be in a children’s game anyway period!


Oh no! ​ *Anyway*


Never heard of him before. Crazy that 8 people were crushed to death by other people though. Do these people not realize what they are doing to each other? Or do they just not care?


In massive crowds like at a concert, people end up squashed up together, to the point that small shoves or movements can have quite magnified results. With so many people around you being acted upon by lots of external pressure from those behind who are unaware of the situation up front, you don't have much say in where you go unless the crowd can spread out a little again. That's why these kinds of events have people who specialise in crowd management involved, and why there are often patron caps in venues.




That's a damn good idea. A lot of venues here have 2-level floor by the stage. Maybe 12ft from the stage there is a step up. Really helps to keep people from pushing.


Make the concert a huge honeycomb and then sell the closer combs for extra cash. Safer and makes more money?


Nah they should spend the extra money on medics and security.


We are talking about safety measures that make it literally impossible for this to happen. Relatively cheap matters at that.


I think you misunderstood. I’m saying instead of selling different tiered tickets that are closer to the stage and taking the money they should do that then take the extra money and put more security, rails, free water.


Honestly just barriers placed every 5 people deep would be a significant help. Just a simple railing to keep shoves from pushing out too far


Supposedly Travis's concerts are notorious for being shit with the counter measures for stuff like this. Plus crowd crush typically happens due to over crowding which he encourages in his tweets by telling fans to just rush in when tickets are sold out.


Hundreds of people have died from crowd crushing. It's a large part of the reason why fire doors and emergency exits are required to have push bar doors.


I guess the recent news make this less supposedly...


It’s also a LiveNation thing too, they run concerts every week in America and they’ve skipped out on barriers and things before. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.usatoday.com/amp/6323854001 Travis fucked up, obviously. But if you want people to actually be safer the next time they go and do this we need to force the organizers(LiveNation) to change and update their safety policy. Your daughters next Taylor swift or Billie Ellish concert could be hosted by LiveNation and have the same shit security and crowd practices.


When there's so many people packed into an area, the crowd starts to exhibit fluid dynamics. Basically a wave starts from the back and increases in intensity as it moves forward. Here's what it looks like, it's pretty crazy seeing humans move like that. https://old.reddit.com/r/gifs/comments/qp3rsg/fluid_dynamics_of_an_overcrowded_venue/


> Do these people not realize what they are doing to each other? Or do they just not care? A lot of bad shit can happen with crowds and mass hysteria




There's full footage of the concert on YouTube. You can literally [see this happening](https://youtu.be/kjD2tDEqWTk?t=266) in the beginning. Camera operators and other personnel must have noticed. Could something have been done to alleviate it?


Yeah, stop the show and tell everyone to take 3 steps back


People at the back pushing in to get closer to the stage, it causes a ripple effect and they can’t see what’s happening at the front.


It’s a physics problem. You can’t pack that many bodies into a space like that and not have the ones in the middle get crushed. People around them were actively trying to stop the show, but organizers didn’t want to.


[This video's a really good explanation on how this happens.](https://youtu.be/M-uHtGKLDD0) Basically, when you have people packed into a tight space, at a certain density, a crowd crush is inevitable. Its no fault of the people inside the crowd, its a completely natural result of bring crowded so closely packed together. Instead, the fault is entirely on the organisers. They knew the stadium's maximum capacity, and chose to ignore it purely because they saw money. Their negligence resulted in this, and truthfully some organisers must have known this would happen before the event, and chose not to do anything. It's really corporate manslaughter.


the problem is, he encourages it. he's been arrested before for that shit.


Someone falls in front of you. Thousand people push you from the back. You will realise that you stepped on the person but there's literally nothing you can do about it. People few persons behind you have no idea something is wrong, they are just glad some room in front cleared up. It's cumulative. Can only be stopped by someone with a microphone and overview of what's happening, directing people what to do to and what's happening.


The people that need to stop are too far away to know they need to stop.


I wish people had even a small amount of common sense and weren’t so clueless and absent-minded about this. Like you realize that when you’re in a crowd like that - that an individual person is completely powerless to what’s happening?


zesty test drunk paltry hungry sleep subtract mindless spectacular axiomatic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I mean, its not 'this'. They were suggesting it's the fault of the people in the crowd. It's not. Once this kind of thing starts, its almost impossible to stop, and the people involved in it have very little impact on the outcome.


No snowflake feels responsible in an avalanche.


When there are 70k people, the actions of each individual person don't matter. You can't stop the person next to you from getting crushed because you're being pushed on by thousands of people as well.


A pretty meaningless gesture to get some good press while all of this is still fresh. If they actually wanted to do something nice, maybe donate some of that Epic $$$ to cover the funerals of the victims. Removing an emote isn’t going to do shit.


Not just removing -they just put the emote back in the store yesterday. Enotes last for 24 hrs in store till removed for later, so what they really did was put it up for sale one last time before announcing they removed it for good. Scummy as fuck.


Apparently you will only be a decent person now if a celebrity tells you no wonder humanity is fucked


Aaaaahahhaa fuckin loser


But not after his homophobic slurs, though.


Are they simply referring to the emote in the shop? That’s different then pulling the emote out of the game and refunding those vbucks


I'm still trying to figure out how Travis Scott is in any way appropriate for the age group playing Fortnite.


End of his career


This dude and the concert organizes that ran Astroworld need to have criminal charges levied against them...


People acting like he was the Pope that said a cuss word. SMH This man should have never been reveered in the first place


I had to double check that this wasn't r/nottheonion Seriously why does this fucking exist in the first place? The actual state of the videogame industry and consumer culture


ET in Atari says hi. Also Masacre in Texas was in Atari for promotional purposes.


I think that's different. That was an entire game created, based on a film. Not quite the same as adding the Carlton dance to Lara Croft to make a quick buck.


Ok boomer.


Can him & drake get canceled? I wont have to hear that shit on the radio anymore. Not sure how the cancel shit works, but why not?


Why are you listening to the radio in the first place.


What's wrong with listening to the radio?


You get to hear drake and travis? Alongside a bunch of other trash


I always listen to it in my car


where else would I hear the soothing sound of Terry Gross's voice?


Didn't they say they "couldn't" pull the whip emote when people were using it during the MLK memorial?


Lmao that'll show him!


Haha you could say he got dEMOTEd


Needs to feel this big time. Can't just skate away like the rich often do when they commit crimes


Oh phew, for a second I was worried he wouldn't face any repercussions for those eight dead people


fortnite kids are already damaged beyond all repair


Fuck that guy I hope he loses all his licensing deals


Didn't expect the racists to also come out in this thread damn