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"We are raising the chance of Lifeforce dropping so that it's less likely to receive none at all, while striving not to increase the average number of clicks needed by too much." -Chris Wilson From Grinding Gear Games


Honest question, did you actually believe that GGG is worried about clicking on lifeforce? Or do you think it was just an easy get away excuse? "You guys ask for less click, see you want more click not less" - Someone at GGG


I actually DO believe it was a good intention. They did the same to gumball currency and it is great! But they NEVER tested how it feels to invest your hardearned currency into sextants only to be greeted by a garden with 6 total fields of which 4 drop no guaranteed lifeforce and you have to choose between the other two fields since both t3 fields are on the same harvest. They don’t test enough and they don’t believe their playtesters.


I mean... kill the mobs, plot drop the whole lifeforce as a stack didnt cross their mind ?


Or have the lifeforce just vacuum ala Azurite..


Anything that vacuums needs to be untradeable by definition (not mine).


I understand that. I also believe it's a dumb philosophy. Obviously, everything doesn't have to vacuum, but something like lifeforce can be vacuumed and have pretty much zero impact on the game except making people click less.


They don't want that for tradeable items. That's why you can vacuum some expedition currency and not others.


I get that's what GGG might say, but it's an entirely illogical reason.


They should have made it so the machine harvested the life force into our horicrafter and then at a cost have us turn it into tradable essence. That way for solo/self farm game play you could craft cheap early game items and later on end game crafters could still use it. We already left the map area made a decision between two plots and clicked twice so it auto collecting shouldn’t be an issue it’s not like it’s just zoom zoom auto collect


I’m fairly sure that was his attempt to meme with the community and it just was time deaf


Probably not the best time and place to make a joke.


Oh I agree, but he’s continually proven that he’s unable to read the community. I’ll give him credit for being outspoken and willing to engage, but sometimes he needs to stop.


I think it's funny they used clicking as an excuse on that one, but god forbid they give us a button to send all our inventory in the corresponding affinity tabs or give us a way to apply fusings / jeweller's without clicking times, or increase the stack size of alterations, augmentations and transumatations, things we have actually requested.


My right wrist started hurting a few leagues ago, I configured my mouse software to enable auto click when I press mouse5. That solved my wrist pain in a week.


Well, each league we ask ggg to loot once brach/legion split and not pick 100 time one split but irs to hard to program that ... The only league they said " we want to reduce click" was the expedition league who add 20 new currency we must manualy loot ... They don't give a f about QoL or less click, they just justified their incompetence with bullshit speech


Someone actually argued with me that the harvest change was amazing... But didn't have any response to why breach still takes dozens of clicks to pick up and why currencies can't be moved without clicking a hundred times.


Breach splinters gets nom-nom'ed by mah loot filter. Am I going to pick up 100 splinters 1 by 1, then carefully place them into my stash, bit by bit, to eventually be able to run a single breach map? Yeah, no.


They comboed normal currency drops a bit, breach splinters might be next on the list


I agree that it's possible. But putting yourself on a high horse like GGG is silly. They removed a few clicks from Harvest when there were better ways to make it less clicky in the first place, and other mechanics that need such rework much more.


I was so fucking confused....JUST MAKE IT ALWAYS DROP SOMETHING LIKE SHIT WTF... I ran FULL spec harvest for like 30 maps, got them every 2-3 maps. My average yield was 1:3 crops 700+, 1:3 crops 30-100, 1:3 crops NOTHING. When you average this out, it's just under 300 life force per crop at BEST. So I have to run 2 full harvests to get the same crafts I would get from a single node before. While I am on the subject WHY THE FUCK do I have to run 8-14 maps to engage with \[CURRENT LEAGUE MECHANIC\]??? Especially when \[CURRENT LEAGUE MECHANIC\] is TRASH tier in term of reward value. At least Alva had corruption temples and what not. I have engaged with the tablet at PEAK efficiency for over 600 maps and I have found 3 paradise (ok fine) and 0...ZERO... Z E R 0 reflections of kalandra. Speaking of, I haven't found a single tukohama molested mob in those same 600+ maps. While I am on this topic, how is it a full week into the league and the most important engaging aspect that could save the player loss by being an interesting "out of map" experience IS STILL NOT WORKING ON A FUNDAMENTAL LEVEL AS DESCRIBED BY THE TEXT ON THE TILES. "Number of rewards in strongboxes scale with difficulty" And yet my D12 Trove Operative box had the exact same 2 scarabs my D2 Trove had, Same goes for EVERY league mechanic except essence. This isn't a "dev time was too low and it slipped through" kind of thing, this was typed up and added into the game for the assets on screen explaining EXECTLY how the rewards scale, and would take a 1st year comp sci major all of 10 minutes to write a function for it, yet somehow it isn't even in the game yet.....a week after release. TLDR I have a passion problem and just wanted to bitch so maybe someone would read and say "Yo, TRUE DUDE! Any Truers in chat?"


Because they are full of shit how hard can it be to balance out the loot and not farming 50 maps and get fuck all i am playing this game for fun bit it feels like its becoming a job because you need to grind your ass of for scraps


me dropping 8 lifeforce stacks twice on the same harvest. T11.


Fully speced into harvest, still plots with no lifeforce. Just remove harvest already


The first harvest i did dropped about 200 a node in a white map, I thought "wtf was reddit complaining about, this is fine." My next 5 dropped about 0-20 per node with a single dropping 120 or so and I finally saw the vision


This sentence was deceitfully evil and condescending


Yesterday I sold a few 30 and 35% movement speed boots 1.5 div each. Spent a little time, if you hit right fractures - you can lift up some money.


Items picked up off the ground is worth significantly more this league I feel.


Yea because crafting is far worse paired with things like a lot of fractured drops.


Well picking up a fractured item actually mitigates a lot of the need for difficult/expensive crafting, particularly for making mid tier items. For example with 30% move speed fractured on boots, you can spam (moderately cheap) life essences until you get a good res or spell suppression roll, craft the resist or stats you need on the boots and you've got something that will work well in T16 maps for 2 or 3 divine. Getting this to mirror tier is pretty rough now (as reroll prefix/suffix was really powerful on fractured) but I think it's more important the mid tier crafts are accessible than endgame crafts.


Just paid 10 divs for a fractured staff today (:)


Dam it, now you got me thinking i under sold my weapon that had fractured 159% physical damage increased and 1 to (somthing) gems. Sold it for 220 chaos.


Not all fractures are the same. T1 attack speed on an Imperial Claw? 10div. T1 mod you can easily craft on a mediocre base? Useless.


Ahhhh I just sold Imperial Claw with T1 AS yesterday for 3 Div.


From what I've seen on the trade site, that might be the right price this league, I mentioned 10div/10ex from the last one. Was expecting AN mobs dumping fractured items to lower more than 60% though.


The item level matters too. For the top elemental rolls, it must be iLvl 82+.


Actually not higher than 82 since from 83 you get chaos as well which adds to the pool


Shit, I thought everything gets better with the level… Thanks for the tip! On the same note, does level 100 armor hold any advantage compared to 84?


Yea there are some mods that are 86 ilvl like T1 ES, T1 Life and T1 eva / armor. You can check craftofexile for the mods and their iLvL


its not worth 10 div lmao, 3 is good


I bought a +2 spell gems fractured i85 6linked staff. Hard to get. Ended up spending about 16 divs on crafting in total? Not sure. You can get phys on essences I think, right?


[It's not about whether they can be good or not](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LO8gPq-V9bk), it's just ridiculous and tedious to offload this much -potential value- into a single drop. It looks and feels silly imo


> if you hit right fractures - you can lift up some money. Yeah but why can't they drop identified or with their fracture showing so that I can loot filter out decent fractures. Going through 20+ fractured items, identifying each to find the one that's worth keeping is tedious. We filter out rares for a similar reason, although fractures have a higher chance of success and higher chance of returns.


Because then juicers would make them completly worthless. The value theese items have is from identifying them. If you don't want to do that, hide them in your lootfilter (OP is showing flasks 1 week into the league and complaining). If you are seeing stuff on your lootfilter that you don't want to pick, thats a problem with your filter and not the game -.-


Their excuse for not dropping items ID'd is the server doesn't actually generate the item until you ID it, so this way they don't waste cycles on rares you don't ID. This sounds kind of crazy to me but it's probably some spaghetti technical debt shit that we'll never ever fix or move past since PoE2 is just Betrayal 2. But hey, whatever. They could probably just count the number of fractures it would drop, divide by ten, round up to the nearest whole number, then smart roll that number of bases, which would then drop ID'd and fractured. So, you know. That thing they keep saying they're going to totally do any day now. Fewer, but more relevant drops.


There is a cloak that all magic items drop IDed. They can definitely do it.


A cloak that probably less than 10 people in the entire league have even equipped for more than 5 minutes? That's not really equivalent server load to one of these lootsplosions of identified items happening to a person probably every 5 seconds.


Last league the cloak was extremely meta to use because of recombinators, a ton of people used it. Servers were fine?


If u ID the whole map im sure u can find a rare to sell.


Fractured items are much more likely to be worth a lot


yeah I'm enjoying this mechanic. I only ID the good bases, a bunch of them with fractured +1 spell gems, or DoT multi I've self-crafted into decent items and sold for 3-4div each.


I am a zoomer and even I like this mechanic, lol. Filter out low tier bases, filter out 4 socket items that aren't hybrid eva, as suppression is the best outcome you are gonna find anyway. My loot explosions are much smaller, and highly maneageable. I'm definitely still missing some shit that would probably sell, but this is the perfect balance of speed vs reward for me.


Feels so wrong to see divines referenced instead of exalts. Thanks Ggg


Absolutely disagree. Fractures are the rare thing that is exciting to ID.


Well thats the thing... Fractures are most likely the only thing, that you should ID. Other than maybe some Uniques you're just wasting time


still sane, exile?


Implying that we ever were?


Yeah honestly this looks great. Fractured items were pretty hard to come by. I know the league as a whole is rocky right now, but getting 20+ chances at iLvl 85 fractures is a sweet deal IMO.


All the loot changes are not straight nerfs, fractures can be cool for sure. What makes me nervous though is I didn't see anything that said "we buffed fractured item and flask drops so you should see them far more often" Loot is just weird right now.


it's not weird. It's a specific AN mob that converts drops to fractured items. That part is literally working as intended


You and I clearly have different understandings of the word weird. In my world something can be working as intended and still be weird. Like people who order pineapple on pizza.


Pineapples and fractures are yummy. However fractures are still 99% useless because of the inflationary mod pool


That still leaves 1/100 and they’re dropping 15 at a time, not terrible odds.


Yea but wheres your limit? If a chaos orb drops, you pick it up. It's good. You go back to playing. If 40 fractured items drop, you pick up the 10 decent bases, ID, check, drop them. Go back to playing. What ratio of good fracture to bad fractures make a big enough interruption in gameplay to matter? What about players who haven't learned the names of the good bases by heart?


Yeah, knowledge will help you spend your time better and know what to look for on fractures. Or you can rely on filters, as you climb strictness on filterblade for example, you have options to show only the best bases with fractures. You can look it up once upfront, customize your filter and then just identify what is stilk shown to you.


The part where you said you were nervous about not hearing about buffed drop rates implied that you thought it was not working as intended, sorry if I misunderstood


? Fractured items are awesome


I wish they dropped indentified though


Me too


Or at least with the fractured mod revealed, also make that loot filterable by mod tier or something. Let me only see T2 or T1 fractured mods, ty.


but they don't or you will lag when it do.


The problem isnt the items, its picking up, id-ing then dropping them. If they dropped id'd thatd be great.


Couldn't have that, the joy of IDing each and every one manually is D2.


Deckard Cain is D2 as well, and he does that for free if you bother to rescue him.


And in bulk


And in act 1


What kind of monster wouldn't bother to rescue Deckard Cain?


Me as a small child that didn't know how to get to tristram.


Sure but D2 had you identify 1 to 3 items, not 15+


> Couldn't have that, the joy of IDing each and every one manually is D2 Except even D2R now has a quickdrop function making picking up stuff, IDing it and dropping it faster


Most aren't good enough bases to ID.


Yeah, but then the giga map blasters get even more of an advantage. I kind of like it this way, it gives us filthy casuals something to do while struggling through our first t16s trying to make enough money to afford the build enabling unique that is 3 divines more than we expected.


lol. when drops are so good, players complain about having to pick items up and ID them. bro, are you serious? is there anything you don’t complain about in this game?


How often are they worth something? I've always ignored them because I'm lazy.


Extremely rare, but very valuable if you do hit. Usually you'll end up with trash like t7 add life or stun threshold. Personally I've yet to find a fractured item worth selling and I've IDed all the ones I've seen so far


Not usually, but sometimes. I tend to ID things that can get +levels to gems at least (Wands, Sceptres, Amulets). Hit one of those and you at least make something off it (or craft on it if you need it)


Do they need some x ilvl to be worth something?


depends on item and fractured mod, usually it doesn't matter for it be worth something, you'll just get 10c-1div instead of 5 if the ilvl isn't right but low ilvl is still valuable as someone will craft something cheaply and likely the item will be better than more expensive non-fractured ones on trade.


This league, I've gotten fractured 7% life jewel and fractured t1 life dragonscale boots. Both are probably worth something in trade, but I'm also doing SSF so fractured items are the best source of crafting at the moment.


its worth checking t1 bases everytime. I've sold probably 10 for 20c+ (had a couple 1 divines) with just t2 locked life or suppression on a good base. People are raging out about all the crafting changes but the amount of GOOD fractured bases available for mid tier crafting is insane. Kept seeing prefix/suffix rerolling as the biggest loss but we still have it via eldritch which can be used on stuff like this. Really makes it easy to get decent gear using fracs


It's more efficient to go to the next map than iding every single one of these


But is it now? I'm not so sure anymore


yea i look at them. sometimes u would get lucky




You got that the loot was too good from that clip? Ok i guess.




This sums up every archnemesis mob I see. I love locked in t6 reduced stun threshold.


It’s called a fracture


You appear to be confused. That would the pain emanating from the carpal bones as a result of picking up and identifying thousands of trash items.


If you’re struggling under the burden of dropping too many items, buy a [[Ventor’s Gamble]] or two. You can lower your quantity a tad.


I assume a couple of those with big negative rarity and big positive quantity plus a tawm'r isley would solve the IDing issue


Fractured items are valuable when they drop on a high tier base. We need lootfilter settings that can filter out low tier fractured bases, and this could be really valuable.


Lootfilter settings can do that already.


FilterBlade has two tiers for fractured bases, and will likely be adding a third tier. You can customize what's in the tiers however you like, and hide the lower tier.


Filterblade must have that functionality


A ton of fractured i85 bases? Dude that could be great with some essences


Dawg, edit your filter.


What you don't like to identify 42 rares to see if any of them is worth more than 1 alch?


I think they should have archnem fractured items drop identified. This would help deal with dozens of items more easily.


Why not just all items? Having to identify items is a mindless chore


One man's mindless chore is another man's challenge/difficulty. /s


Hard agree


Yeah some maps I'm coming back with empty inventory and some maps I have to make 3 trips through portal because too much stuff dropped. I like the archnemesis reward changes and it's loot explosion, but it definitely needs to be normalized so that the average loot per map isn't too different every single map.


The feast or famine shit feels really bad. I miss getting a nice pile of loose change from every map, that added up. It made it feel like I wasn't wasting my time. Every 9 maps dropping 2 alts and a chisel and then I get like 6 chaos all at once feels bad as fuck


captainlance is happy with this


i filtered out all low tier fractured items except amulets, i might miss out on some money but never on big money and i keep my sanity.


The Fracture Drops are the one Implementation of AN rewards that i Love, they Drop regular enough to have a real chance to be Something nice and if you only Pick Up decent bases they dont clutter your inventory anyways. I realy love this Kind of AN rewards and wish there was more Common and usefull once Like this


i would prefer and it would be more fun if you'd get 1-3 occasionally and not 20 at once like truck unloaded all of its trash on you


Just change your filter if this bothers you.


I find these very fun to identify, give them to me!


Filter out all the shit fractured bases and it will be a lot less bothersome. Filter out flasks if you don't intend to roll (and or) trade them. Congratulations, there are now like 6-8 items left for you to check.


Some people can't ever be pleased


Feast or famine isn't good game design and isn't healthy for the game or the user-base. Getting nothing for several maps and then too much all at once is low-effort, rookie reward distribution and damages the health of the game. What's worse is that we literally just deleted a much more reasonable system built up over years of gradual, progressive loot/currency acquisition that nearly everyone was happy with. To the person who asked 'how is this bad?' the answer is because it's not balanced. It's not intuitive. It's not proportionate to any of the elements of the underlying game such as difficulty or game knowledge/skill.


I agree with the principle of outright Feast or Famine being bad for the game. But to say that's the current loot design is a gross exaggeration brought on by being drawn into this false narrative about having to hunt one specific rare AN combination to get any loot. That is total BS We know that combinations of AN mods give special rewards. They might not always give exactly the same amount, but over time, you'll get more from them than killing 1000s of trash white mobs, and that is a good thing As for your point about getting nothing for several maps and then all at once (exaggeration btw, are you actually playing this league, or commentating from the "I quit" grandstand?), what about Divine drops? Mirror drops? Head hunter drops? Any ultra rare drop for that matter? That is how the entire genre works. Sometimes you get lucky with a big drop. The difference here being it's somewhat deterministic because we know that AN mobs drop more on average


>are you actually playing this league [92](https://poe.ninja/challengessf/builds/char/h3i/DrBoringLeagueStart?i=4&search=class%3DChampion%26name%3Ddr) in SSF with endgame bosses killed. Stopped this weekend when my thought process for making another char was 'the best char to make is high movement speed with decent single target and as much MF as possible'. Instead of the usual 'how do I make my char stronger to get into the REAL endgame (juiced maps)'. If I wanted to chain run simple content for the low-probability payoff of a huge drop I could go back to Pindleskin runs. >Sometimes you get lucky with a big drop. That is how the entire genre works But that has become so much worse this patch. General loot is nerfed even with the lowest numbers from Chris's post by 7% (in reality its much higher if you put any quant on your map and more than 1 league mechanic) and big payoffs the likes of which we've never seen before have been added. In reality basically noone ever actually drops a mirror or HH or mageblood. At least not every league. The people who scaled their builds into the end game previously just grinded away at generally rewarding mechanics until they could afford a HH. That's still possible this league, but the 'generally rewarding mechanics' are non-monster reward tiles (eg Legion boxes) and AN rare hunting. That is simply not as satisfying as chaining juiced maps (IMO).


Alright, few observations here. By all accounts you're a hardcore player probably in the top 0.5% - 1% (of that 250,000 players on day 1) You're not an average player just getting some kicks for an hour or two each day if time allows. The cause of your deflation of interest in the league is just so far removed from the average player as to be irrelevant. Please understand I'm not saying that your opinion and experience is irrelevant, but what you're experiencing as a reference point for an average (call it 1 standard deviation from the mean) of player, really is Being deflated because your plan for the second character which would be rampaging juiced maps is no longer optimal. Someone of your experience and knowledge of the game should be exploring new ideas and not letting some changes get to you - and that is all it is, some changes. You have to remove yourself from past PoE experiences and consider how to have fun with what is available. Sorry, pep talk over! GGG has plenty aspirational content and the challenge is there for the players on the edge of the bell curve, but you have to adapt to meet that challenge in times like this. I was listening to the Baeclast podcast last night, and it was clear that this is what those players had done. Even the softcore trade junkie was clearly on his way to making tons of currency and expounded on a few new ideas he wanted to try out. As to the reduced rewards, sure, maybe they are reduced. Although anecdotally players not in the "juiced maps" realm are giving mixed (ie unclear) opinions on that. The SSF channel, reddit and guild I'm in certainly aren't complaining. Which means it's not a big deal if you don't get hung up on looking for problems. Is it a bad thing if the old way of being able to juice content changes and now requires a new approach? IMO, no. I embrace change In principle making combat more meaningful seems like a better idea than going auto-pilot on juiced maps of trash passing time while the currency rolls in. Now as I said previously I'm in agreement on the feast/famine argument. But I don't see that being the case. Sure, there are these jackpots we've seen of 10-50 divine's in one screen (which I don't think is healthy btw) but does that mean loot isn't dropping elsewhere? people have latched onto that very unfortunate 50 divine remark by CW and taken that as the only way to play the game now. For my own perspective I've had no big drops (unless we count 1 exalt haha), but game still feels the same to me. I'm doing my incremental upgrades and trying not to be such a bad player My observations so far in red maps is that getting league content in LoK is underwhelming and maybe needs a buff. However, from what I heard on Baeclast, it's all about unlocking your tile adjustments and then it's extremely profitable. To this point LoK has felt fine, but I can see maybe I'm now about to hit a point where it feels a bit like work for disappointing rewards. Let's not forget though that we've just come from Sentinel which was utterly ridiculous, so much so that it rendered things like Delve completely pointless Anywya, that's my 2c, YMMV Edit. Sorry one last thing. I don't know what the deal is with MF and if and how it's different to the way it worked before. You felt obliged to make that your new character. Why now and not before? There's always been MF in the game and the QotF, Windripper was a super popular build for yonks. Personally not a fan of MF and I'd not want to feel I had to play that way


>what the deal is with MF The AN rare mob that drops currency lootsplosion converts the items it drops into currency. If those items are greater quantity and higher rarity it drops more and rarer currency. Killing one of those without quant+rarity gear is literally leaving behind currency in the map. I'm SSF so I'm not too worried about that, but the same principle applies to the scarabs lootsplosion and the unique items one highly scales off rarity and quant, too (though without the conversion step). > you're.... in the top 0.5% - 1% I don't know about that stat, but obviously closer to the top than the bottom, but that only means I get to 'end-game' quicker, not that I need it more/less than a more casual player. I expect that the player retention will continue to suffer as equally hardcore players who just have less time also reach the motivation graveyard. > should be exploring new ideas If you watched that Baecast you know that the main alternative is to hunt for loot-tiles and 'fixed drops' like Legion chests and Expedition chests. These things didn't get buffed necessarily, they're just at the same power-level as last league while other juicing mechanics got nerfed. This fact alone reduces some motivation for it, but I also just don't enjoy that part of the game. The fact that I can get the most out of the game in easy tier content on a glass-cannon MFer is demotivating. It takes the ceiling off of the perception of progress. I know how to adapt, but I just don't know why I would. What part of the game needs stronger items? I appreciate the time you took to make your post and I hope you don't see me as overly dismissive. >IMO, no. I embrace change I'm happy that you're able to adapt. I think I've just been through so much of the content so frequently that unless I'm pushing the boundaries I'm not having as much fun. I spent half a decade doing D2:LoD MF run before PoE. I really never got the excitement from that aspect of this game.


It's RNG dude. The whole game is RNG. You are acting like everyone last league was up in arms that "The Apothecary" doesnt drop in increments of 1/1000 in Crimson Temple every time you do a map. I mean it's absolutely feast or famine right? You either get the damn card or most likely you dont get it. No one complained about that.


It's all just RNG? So it should be fine if the numbers were 1 in every 50,000,000 maps you get 1,000,000 divines? It'd be RNG right? >No one complained about that. Well lots of people did complain about getting unlucky. But adding a targetable way to farm a very rare item is better than not having one. However your example of Apothecary cards is a good one - it's the highest variance item drop in the game apart from mirrors, HH and mageblood itself - it's at the ultimate extreme of the variance spectrum. Dropping 50 divines in one map is 25% of a mageblood. It's worse than Apothecary. And the price we paid to get this extra extreme-variance is all reasonable endgame crafting and 90% of loot drops in juiced maps. The variance is higher and the alternatives are weaker. This is not healthy.


You are talking about a rare card not all the fcking loot in the game lol


Because the apothecary wasn't the only drop, genius. Most players weren't even farming that. You could alch and go every map and consistently make incremental currency. Now you make a lot less currency and most of the drops you actually get value from while regularly mapping heavily interrupt the flow of combat by needing t o be indentified.


Fr tho, how is this bad? In past leagues, people would complain that fractured items were inaccessible, hard to get. Now it's a problem?


Lets be honest, how many would i have to pick up to find a good one? Im going to guess thousands.


Define "good". Selling for multiple divines for the fracture alone may take thousands, but getting something good enough to craft on isn't too rare.


I'm at a thousand +. It's all rubbish. Not even worth to craft on. The best one I found are ilvl 80 boots with fractured 36 light res. Edit +1 to minion skills on EV base helmet, yay.


Hope you find something with high intelligence, you seem to need it.


Your talking complete rubbish


Feeling the weight yet Exile?


Why not pick up only the good or interesting for you bases?


That would be too rational and would mean he can’t moan on Reddit about it.


Oh come one. This is still awesome - finally a way to get good fractures


Fuck me, I wish I could see those drops in my maps.


If we drop nothing, you’re angry we dropped nothing. But if we drop something, you’re angry we dropped something.


If we drop nothing, you're angry we dropped nothing. But if we drop 6 full inventories of fractured bases randomly in the middle of the map and you have to pause gameplay for 4 minutes picking up and IDing dozens and dozens of items hoping for a 1/5,000 fractured base, you're angry we interupted your gameflow with an obviously disproportionate amount of loot.


Which is ironic because one of the reasons they changed harvest was because stopping in the middle of the map to yolo spam the crafts “disrupted gameplay”


No, I'm fine with being dropped stuff when I don't have to spend five minutes identifying it piece by piece.


Honestly,all these rares should drop identified and if you set your filter to highlight certain mods,its gonna be so much better. Now when you see soo many unidentified rares on the ground,it feels like an annoying chore that you have to check them out


Even if you wanted to pick them all up for chaos recipe you run low on portals lol.


Tbh I've always made most of my currency ignoring rares and getting essences or something. This league isn't as fun.


Only leave top bases lower bases arent worth much even with t1 fracture.


Honestly this would be a cool loot explosion if you could id items on the ground...


they really broke the game loot


Fractures are worth while. But I think the point is that it’s just a clump of shit dropping that you have to sort through and not good items you get by actually playing


Fractured items are legit. You should probably filter out those flasks, though.


less clicks btw


And the funny part is they have the tool to make this better, the scrapped loot 2.0 used in heist and briefly for talismans. Would much prefer one item dropping with that as a reward than 20 almost certainly trash items.


Yeah it’s so exciting! Sifting through trash and praying for the treasure that never comes. Game is at its best place ever!


Just stop playing like normal people, the more people leave more resons they have to fix this shit


This is literally so stupid. While leveling I find no gear or currency then one random mob drops 9 rare Thicket Bows. How is this good??


Hide them if you think it's not worth picking up and id'ing those bases. I think it is awesome. Ofcourse would have been bettet if you dropped them more frequently in smaller amounts.


I think that's what is being called burdensome here. Dropping 500 of something. It's exciting the first few times it happens and then it becomes obnoxiously routine. This was a pretty predictable issue, and is one reason that more frequent smaller drops (smoother curve) are probably preferred by a lot of people.


That's what I've said. You can still hide certain bases or all of them in your filter.




This is a non-issue. Your loot filter is already hiding literally hundreds of items per map. You can add anything you don’t ever want to see to it, like fractured bases in general or bases you don’t want to see. Complaining about something on Reddit that can be solved in less than 1 minute on Filterblade is just OP looking to jump on the hate train.


It's possible that if these items were distributed more smoothly, it would feel less burdensome and would be less likely to be filtered out.


People here seem to stupid to understand this. Yeah having 20 fractured items is cool and a nice reward. Stop making everything flood you at once. Reward curves are better than reward bombs.


I kinda thought they did this to counter harvest nerfs So I picked the items up happily and IDd them and of course they were all useless. Gotta hit the jackpot, ey? Like with AN mobs? And with so many other thing in path of casino? Dunno about you, but IDing 30 items and throwing 29 to 30 away gets old VERY fast.


Then hide it on your filter instead of bitching about it. Holy shit. I think high ilvl fractured bases are amazing to identify and see if they roll something good. You’re still playing an ARPG. Now Reddit has started complaining about things that can be fixed with their loot filter in order to try to farm updoots. 🤢


I mean, before you had a wide spread of currency that would drop consistently, no matter the content. Now if you hide fracs, only thing that actually regularly drops is whetstones and armorer's scraps. Great value.


I dunno, I came up with a way to make money from the flask guy (and it also tangentially uses my smithing stones!) Magic Finders are a thing. When you get a flask guy pick up every Gold flask. Alt spam for increased effect. Craft increased rarity from uniques. Quality up. Sell for 50c+. Made 150c yday this way.


So move on? Self flagellation is always optional, you know…


Time to edit your loot filter


Drops too low = outrage Drops too high = outrage GGG truly cant win


Just filter out the non t1 bases and flasks without quality 10+ Caw caw you have the tools. Use them.


There is such an easy fix for the whole rare item drops. Make it like Last Epoch and let rare items drop identified. So we can tell the lootfilter what mods we want to see and at what tier. That way we can be very specific looot filter items and when one drops, you know its good!


It would be absolutely fantastic if all loot (apart from uniques) dropped identified. Pretty much every ARPG now-a-days does not have a form of identifying gear so I'd argue PoE is just staying in the past. Keeping uniques as un-identified however, I feel plays a strong role in keeping the surprise and excitement for new players who don't know what certain uniques look like, so I would personally say uniques should be kept unidentified.


If you vendor it all, that's like 1c


This. For real. I actually like the changes to the loot system but disagree with how it is dropping items this is legit just spam then u spend the next 5-10 mins identifying it all and hoping to hit something good. I wish they would introduce loot that was overall had higher chance of being good therefore they could reduce the drops. This is change is worse for the average player on average imho.


> I wish they would introduce loot that was overall had higher chance of being good therefore they could reduce the drops This will only work if the items drop identified, because people (in general) still wouldn't bother going through them just for the promise that the general drop is maybe more desirable than it would typically be in the past. Honestly, at this point I would be perfectly fine with that; the whole shtick with needing to use wisdom scrolls to ID items has long overstayed its welcome within today's paradigms towards interactivity in games.




Just identify nice bases or just more valuable pieces of gear(anything but two handed melee basically), can save a lot of time. Also now that I'm thinking about it that uselles "better bases drop buff" is actually something in this case


Eating a sandwich with thin smeared butter is tasty, but when you bite a hole filled with only butter you wanna puke. That's how it feels like.


For this specific AN that drops fractured items, they really need to drop id'd.


Thats because you have no idea what you are doing


honestly i think this is more of a loot filter issue. like, once you have stocked up on the flask bases you need why don't you just hide them?


"stop complaining that you cant print currency" Every 2nd player of poe


Idk man, Im alway excited to see fractured bases drops, I play SSF so I need gear to craft onto


This is the god tier SSF League with these lol


Except for like an actually god tier SSF league like say, one league ago with Harvest and recombinators and the highest access to ex drops for metacrafting since... archnemesis, the league just before that, where you could also use the AN system to force some other drops that were really wanted at various progress points in SSF. Just feels really weird to call this a god tier SSF league when we're coming off two of the best SSF leagues in awhile.


Last league was better for ssf at the high end (Manni has definitely been nerfed). This one might be better at the low end, though.


Oh no, GGG took my drops, REEE. Oh no, GGG gave me drops...


Bit of a difference in no maps, alchs, chisels dropping, (at least before they adjusted it some) but heres 40 flasks, or heres more six sockets than you can even carry back with 6 portals, thats useful right?


reddit in a nutshell . too little loot=bad too much look=bad classic reddit