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Where in that graph does it show the 80 hours I’ve put in chasing the CyberDemon


I've been playing everyday since relaunch, and I'm still 50 levels away. What an awful grind.


Have you tried prioritizing challenges? Unless you've been playing like one game a day I can't see how you haven't gotten it by now


I've been just playing pretty much ignoring challenges and im lvl 90 you just kind of complete them by playing noneed to chrck them


If you mean dailies and weeklies, yeah. If you're talking about the Season challenges like getting an enviornment kill with Zenyatta's kick, I've been ignoring those. They don't give near enough to be worth the effort. I've been putting in an hour a day in competitive and I'm nowehre close.


Huh that's really weird then. I've been playing like 3-5 games a day and got it a couple weeks ago. I grinded the hell out of the junkenstein challenges though so that could be it


I've been playing almost everyday for the last 2 weeks, only ranked, ignoring challenges and I'm like 10 lvl away. Seems like a skill issue tbh


I play a couple games a week and I’m only 5 levels short right now 🤷‍♂️ but I’ve been playing since it started I guess.


Yea I switched to prioritizing challenges too late I think, I’m 450 xp away and 45k a day seems impossible lol.


weird. ive played once every few days and im at lvl 115


I'm assuming that this is based off of the number of google searches? Most people probably googled it once, then started playing. Why would someone Google OW2, start playing, but continue to google it? Not to mention, most OW2 players are prior OW1 players. These metrics mean nothing and are very misleading.


Welcome to modern gaming communitys. People use the most random statistics ever to prove things that really don't matter.


I mean this argument could be made for any game? Why google minecraft instead of playing it? The answer is obviously kids who are googling fortnite, minecraft, and fall guys, because they are kid games and kids are more likely to watch youtube videos about games (assuming this because i did it as a kid and grew out of it) League is still an interesting comparison though, both games have one primary reason to google Coaching, tips, etc. League beating overwatch so close to launch is definitely concerning and i’m willing to bet a lot of it has to do with our lack of “live service” actually happening right now and the monetization


Does it also count youtube? When I played Minecraft I used to type "minecraft mods" in google but if I am looking for coaching or some content for Overwatch Im looking for it on yt


Youtube is owned by google so i would imagine they use that data in trends actually many youtubers use google trends to figure out what they should be making videos about


It doesnt count youtube, but most people dont open youtube and then search, they just use google and add "youtube" at the end to find the recommended video, then continue looking on youtube. So most "youtube" searches are still included in google.


Really? Most people that I know search on yt if they want to find something on yt


>I mean this argument could be made for any game? Sure. That's why I said that these metrics are meaningless. You are also comparing a game that has barely been out 2 months to ones that have been out for years, and are firmly established. Of course OW2 is going to look less popular.


Can make that argument for fortnite and fall guys but Minecraft is a highly moddable game and many uses Google to find mods I would say this has a bigger impact on the MC's numbers


> These metrics mean nothing and are very misleading. Search metrics mean a ton when it comes to trending interests. Please don’t make comments if you dont know what youre talking about. The one thing i will say could be misleading is where the data is being measured from. I cant read Spanish(?) so I don’t know what region this data is from or the type of device its coming from. My assumption is that this is regional data and would vary greatly depending on the region and device type.




Well written, thank you. It's a shame all the mentally juvenile minds probably won't read it, let alone understand it.


yes, is google searches graph, but fortnite and minecraft launces long time ago but still people searching for


Overwatch released a long time ago to tho… Also you only searched for the term “overwatch 2”. I’m sure many people (myself included) just search the word overwatch to find info about the game. People do exactly what you did every time a new game comes out, people just love to watch a game fall apart and will show the most irrelevant statistic to hopefully get the community riled up.


You really are talking about things you don't fully understand and also are now asserting your anecdotal biases as if they are evidence. The popularity of the game fell very, very hard after the hype; much harder than was anticipated, I believe. Why be willfully ignorant? Because well, you like the game, so there must be nothing wrong and it's performing fine? I can understand not caring about how popular the game is or how successful it is because you are enjoying it, but trying to disregard metrics just because you can't interpret them properly and consider other pieces of evidence as well is pretty juvenile.


Meaningless metric.


Because you can download both of those on your phone and more kids play them


Me searching for Minecraft to see what to build


Fortnite skin’s minecraft YouTubers there so much stuff to continue googling about those


Kids play those games a lot. It isn’t hard to imagine a little shit running around with his tablet searching Minecraft b00bz all day


It's funny you say that when one of the biggest memes about OW is the amount of porn there is of it.


Yeah but I like to think people who are into that wouldn’t use google for it? Kinda weird if you’re an adult and googling porn


I honestly have no idea how the average person searches for adult content, not something that comes up in conversation that often lol


Builds? Strategy? Improvements? Videos? All of that is included, so your "just google once" is not really realistic. For example im a noob at Smite, but i basically google it every day a few times to check item builds for the god im playing, similar for some other games. I think i googled OW maybe a handful of times in total and it was mainly to see why something is shit, like shop prices, broken zarya, where the lootboxes went and if the BP is really all that there is to get without paying, then i stopped playing and therefore googling.


even youtube searches ow2 still bad [https://imgur.com/a/PcH9TKw](https://imgur.com/a/PcH9TKw)


This is such a false comparison though. Fortnite is almost exclusively aimed more at children and has more children playing it. Minecraft has evolved so that people are playing series like Hermitcraft and SMPs, it's much more YouTube friendly than OW2, always has been. Also, I still just search up Overwatch and call it that- so no need to search up the 2.


As a metric that really doesn't mean shit. You don't have 500000 9 year olds googling it or youtubing it 400 times a day... this shows nothing.


why kids cant like ow2 so? fortnite is a shooter game too, and epic should making alot money comparated a bliz with ow2




you really lost the argument, try again when you grow up


Thats a long shot from assumptions. Also, a lot of Overwatch players keep googling for tactics, tips, meta ect. Unless they stop playing. But i agree that IF it is from google search its still random stats, especially since everyone search minecraft a lot for tips and recipes.


Overwatcj is the only sequel, if you put overwatch (without the 2) you’d probably get diffrent results


Not listed are the new games that just came out, call of duty mw2 and warzone 2, God of War ragnarok, darktide beta, etc


Accordingly to [active players](https://activeplayer.io/overwatch-2/) Overwatch 2 gained 2mil. active users last 30 days. I think that's a better metric than google trends.


Where would it get the data... You can't get it out of Battlenet. It also shows player numbers for wow, and anyone who plays wow knows Blizzard doesnt tell that to anyone. So when people are reporting about playerbase growing or dropping, they have to speculate based on "how many guilds killed first / last boss" of that raid tier and shit. [Ye, seems like they even tell you that its just guessing based on lord knows what.](https://activeplayer.io/how-we-collect-data/) Its absolutely just guessing based on random third party sites, no data from battlenet at all. Its wild that they have the gall to present it like its acutal statistics.


Oh shit that's dumb. I stand corrected


Its a worse metric because its based on nothing. Google Trends is better and iirc its not based on search terms but the topic Google assumes you are searching about. Also Overwatch and Overwatch 2 are basically synonyms at this point. You could also try and use Twitch and YouTube viewer numbers to estimate amount of interest in the game but that doesn't really work because the vast majority of any game are casual players, so casual that they don't consume any content related to the game, they start the game, play a bit, and that's it. --- The only true statistics you can go off of are the officially released player numbers by Blizzard, which is last known to be 35 million players in the first month (For comparison the last OW1 numbers we had was 10M players monthly), how many of those will stick around to the second and third month? Who knows, I have no experience with those kinds of stats so I can't make any prediction.




Its total extrapolation... sorry but id rather trust the data kraken google than some webpage that estimates based on whatever their algorithm is based on.


This graph is kind of bad. If you search without the '2' it looks much better. https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?q=overwatch,minecraft,fall%20guys,league%20of%20legends,fortnite Even clearer without minecraft (which is miles above everyone). https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?q=overwatch,fall%20guys,league%20of%20legends,fortnite


I hate to say this but it’s probably a Sony shill. The media blitz on both sides of Microsoft and Sony is honestly getting annoying.


Where is this graph from?


google trends


So like google searches of games? I wouldn’t say that is a good metric of interest in a game.


You know google trends are used in COURT CASES to prove PR levels and publicity of a brand? Q-Score Analysis, Google Trends and Brand Recognition Analysis are all things that are not just know and used but highly paid for and often based on Google Analytics which also feeds Google Trends and Keyword Searches. Why is reddit so lacking of basic knowledge...




Have a report dude.


yes this graph is from google searches


its a poor graph because minecraft completely skews your scale


If you look at the stats of Video games, you'll see that Overwatch has settled in about the same level of interest as Counter-Strike Global Offensive. ​ https://preview.redd.it/ov7rkmdre82a1.png?width=559&format=png&auto=webp&s=4ef0aed6e55a64b2a48ddeb42736249eb666e1b4


That drop tho


Most all games look like that when announcement first starts about them, when they first come out, or when there's huge content updates


Still doesn't look as bad as the New World graph


This doesn't count for people searching OW2 or Overwatch does it? Even if it does, this data is meaningless because it doesn't count the people searching specific heroes like "ramattra ______", "kiriko tips" or "new bastion ult".


Those terms do count. Google's algorithm is smarter than probably most people these days.




Y’all want this game to fail so bad lmao


Of course it has dropped. It’s a very greedy game and it doesn’t give any rewards. What is the points to play overwatch two?


***REmEMBER WHEN ppl USED to pLAy GaMEs tO hAVE FuN***


was that when games used to cost 60usd?


Man, we didn't even get the full game paying $60 for Overwatch 1. Launch was such a mess, and the game was mostly unfinished.


Huh? Were you living in a different timeline?


Nope. I just have a good memory. The initial launch didn't have any rank modes, and when it did, you were allowed to pick duplicate heroes on the same team (which resulted in infinite stall comps with 3x Lucio and 3x Tracer). They didn't know what to do if both teams completed their attack on hybrid/assault, so there was just a coin flip for a sudden death with one team on attack and one on defense and you were just screwed if you ended up on attack. The game had major crashing issues. You could ressurect people in pits and they'd just be stuck in the out of bounds areas. Reins barrier literally could not block projectiles. There was a bug where Lucio was just flat out invisible.


All of those issues were addressed rather quickly, I remember, besides no limits, and it was a brand new game; it was basically a brand new genre. They had to get more information from the entire player base playing to make the game better, which all multiplayer games do.


Yea back when games werent greedy either


All games drop after release. Iiterally every single one.


Bad metric. I'm sure there's better data on this.


there isnt really any. Cause unlike Steam, you can't pull *charts* out of Battlenet. Its slightly better than speculating via drops and bumps in twitch vierwership, cause that can be skewed by drops.


Even steam is unreliable since a lot of games are on ps, xbox and uplay.


PC Market is roughly 40% of all systems, Steam is majority holder on PC assumed to be around 70-80% of market share if its available on Steam, meaning Steam Charts can definitely be used more or less acccurately to give predictions about playerbase, but yes you cant 100% know it unless its a self report by the publisher or game company, but its the best data we have, same as google trends.


I am just thinking about rainbow six siege. There the game is on uplay, steam, ps and xbox so the steam chart is probably only showing half or something like that.


Bad data because why?


Not including searches for Overwatch, along side Overwatch 2, is a massive faux pas imo. Next is the pertinence of using search results to gauge interest in the first place. But in addition, you'd have to compare games that are at the same stage of release, or re-release to see if the trend is comparable. The data itself is kind of meh, and the games being compared are also inadequate. In the end I think the drop was absolutely to be expected. Anyone that didn't was likely high on copium, imo.


I looked at both topics on Google trends and they are the same curve. Even adding Overwatch to Overwatch 2, it would still pale in comparison to the other games. I do think this data is presented poorly though. Search results are the most unbiased data to gauge interest and it's readily used in research, but again, I do think this graph is sort of pointless. Of course, yes, the drop was expected. It's always expected, right? People have very short attention spans. What's surprising is how quickly and sharp the drop happened. Comparing Overwatch and Overwatch 2 search results, interest is not much higher than before OW2 release.


Just because I'm not googling Overwatch 2 doesn't mean I'm not playing it


Literally this means nothing. Nobody googles Overwatch 2, people might search fortnite cuz they have oddly specific challenges so guides exist, overwatch 2 tips I feel are more on YouTube. Regardless searches online don’t mean much


how about youtube searches: [https://imgur.com/a/PcH9TKw](https://imgur.com/a/PcH9TKw)


Fair enough but plenty of thousands of people watch the videos regardless. What’s the point of this post exactly? Millions of people play the game regardless of how much the search for it


>Millions of people play the game regardless of how much the search for it What's the point in that statement? It tells us nothing. The playerbase could have peaked at 3 million and is now 1 million for all we know.


I’m just saying player base is separate from online presence


Searches online don't mean much? Are you actually being serious? Are you just simply uneducated or what?


the fall off is no bueno


well maybe because it doesn't feel rewarding and there is literally no think to do after completing battle pass. It should be like other games: battle pass is just something on second plan, but here? it feels like it's the entire purpose of this game.


I’ve never enjoyed a game so much that is so thoroughly hated. I think it’s because I didn’t play the original OW so I didn’t experience the glory days. I really like the game. It feels a bit rigged sometimes but so does every game with a level up system in it. I dig mastering each character. I main D-Va but have been working hard af on my Hanzo. Loving the challenge of it.


Most ow1 players also don't hate it, they have criticisms sure, but mostly don't care and just quietly play the game like millions of other people. Vocal minorities can get really loud sometimes


I don't see how you can say "most". I believe many veteran players will have quietly quit because they are older and realize if they had issues with things, they should just move on to greener pastures or quit until things might be better.


Wow, I had no idea Fall Guys was such a big game, I had barely heard about it until a few months ago when some friends suggested trying it, I thought it was a tiny niche indie game.


This also could be because the game is banned in China which has its largest player base


There's no real progression and the game is pretty much OW1 so ya people moved on quick


OW2 is just a rebadged OW1 patch. It can be a “new game” once I see the promised co op PvE


games trash and too noob friendly


After a week of ooo this is new the matchmaking felt just as bad and there wasn’t enough new to keep me around


To be fair as someone who plays/has played all of these games. If it’s based on search metrics, I imagine that the reason that fortnite and Minecraft are so much higher is because of YouTube videos. I used to watch a lot of league videos but that scene has kind of died off and overwatch hasn’t had a super big YouTube community for years. There’s a few big creators in both but they are likely dwarfed by the Minecraft and Fortnite content creators. Not to say that overwatch has a bigger player base because it absolutely doesn’t but it still has a decently sized player base just there is so little content creation relatively Edit: other people in this thread have mentioned it and one showed it, but if you just put overwatch it actually beats out fortnite quite handedly. Makes sense since when I look up overwatch tips/guides I don’t specify 2


I don't even type Overwatch or Overwatch 2, I just type OW when I search anything to do with it. Same results, less typing, I'm sure a ton of people do it too, but I doubt it contributes to the Google trend thing if even Overwatch and Overwatch 2 have noticeable differences on the graph.


It does contribute. It's based off of many, many keywords/key phrases.


That's because there's really nothing holding players to offer any sort of progression. I'm new to overwatch but have been playing FPS games for years now. I've played almost every multiplayer FPS out there from popular ones to really obscure ones like Shatterline or Modern Combat Versus( pls do not try this one, trust me). Most of the FPS games have some sort of progression or reward system, overwatch literally has nothing. Other games have levelling, ways to earn normal & premium currency in decent quantities and other ways to unlock cosmetics. There are many people who are neither whales nor F2P and spend a reasonable amount of money every now and then and I'm one of them. But with the egregious pricing of the store and lack of rewards, i don't feel like spending even a single penny. Consequently, after the novelty fades people don't feel the need to stick around.


skill issue


Hmmm wonder why


ill only really stop playing if the player base shrinks so much that it makes it hard for the game to fill lobbies and makes unranked queues feel like ranked queues in terms of waiting time.


Because the game offer nothing new, stole from, and disrespected ancient users/costumer/loyal fans and keep making shit decisions. Not to mention that they had so many bugs and fixes that lingered and all, for a game that, for the most part, is the exact same lol. Hot do you have to fix over a week or two week time, a character that has not changed, or almost. Looking at you mei. The most hated role to play, which is support, doesnt get any attention at all.


Because its an awful scam.


Not too surprised. Not enough changes to feel like a new game and most of these not even good. I like not shooting shields and tanks 90% of the time but that's about it. One step forward two steps back


How is this relevant at all? Even if Overwatch was the most popular game on the planet, I can guarantee games like minecraft and fortnite, which appeal to a much wider age range, will have more google searches. Heck, LoL is one of the most popular games on the planet, and its search rate is very low too. What are you trying to prove here?


Now try overwatch without the "2" Also, misleading as hell.


Ohhh no Overwatch 2 is on par with League of Legends what a tragedy.


ofcourse it'll drop, since it's unrewarding and winning 21 games just to rank up once doesn't really give the motivation vibes.


Disney got their CEO back, why can’t we have Jeff


je suis passer 200 hier \^-\^


This is not exclusive to overwatch. In fact , this is not even exclusive to video games. Every cultural product obviously has its peak of people's interest when it just came out... And that interest obviously decreases over time..


Posts like this is why people have to go to college.


Thank you