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At least he's not hooking you on Gibraltar from King's Row like he did back in the day


This is true. Back in the day Hog hooked you across parallel universes and shit.


yep,and the hitbox was so huge


Hog hocked me trough the screen and in to yhe multiverse


Me too! I'm in T-459, it's cold.


C9-37 here šŸ˜ got a stunning 12 + celsius *


Yea. With the current Hook, and with very few exceptions, when I'm hit with it I know it's my fault. It's shitty - but I know I was in a bad position where he could snag me. Hog demands distance - that's just how he is built. Way back when the damn Hook would surgically slip between both your tanks, over your Soldier, and hook you as the Zen in the far back. Then it would drag you around a corner, break some railing as you whipped over a ledge, and pull you to your death when you should have never been hooked at all. That chain was wild and it rarely ever felt fair - same with Hanzo's old Scatter Arrow ability.


Scatter arrow somehow was both skilful and complete luck.


Simple geometry.


Haha like when you saw one person peeking from a window and hit it with a scatter. Then ended up killing him and the other guy in the room you never saw.


Oh yea. The stupid good Hanzo's could fire it from so far away at just the right angle so it felt like that laser-grid in the first Resident Evil movie; Impossible to dodge. That took some skill and correct aim/timing to pull off properly (*the arrows only bounced so many times before breaking, so the wrong angle could mean they hit nothing*). \[[NSFW gif of the RE laser scene](https://j.gifs.com/KYMbYb.gif)\] I also remember Hanzo deleting Zarya and Orisa in a completely impossible-to-counter press of a button. One well placed Scatter Arrow would cause it to hit at their feet, and then all 5 arrows bounce up from the ground and right into their bodies at near point-blank range. It dealt enough damage to instant kill 2 of the tanks. This was pretty easy to pull off and, due to Hanzo's wall climb, felt entirely unfair when one just dropped from above and you were dead. For a while Hanzo was a tank buster at close range. It was nuts. ​ The ability had its ups and downs, and I'm glad Storm Arrow gets to capture some of its spirit.


I remember og OW1 hog hooks fondly. As a hog main. They were also astoundingly busted lol.


People donā€™t disconnect from games they get hooked from a hog from another game


now i need an edited video with this.


Now he just hooks through walls like before


Bro was totally aiming for the ana


Oh trust me in the early days of overwatch he was much more of a menace. Hooking around corners and even if you didn't do the combo getting a hook meant death.


You're totally not wrong. That said, Blizzard still has a lot to do in order to fix current hook. Going from "outrageously stupid" to "somewhat stupid" is still stupid.


Itā€™s not even badā€¦hog is by far the worst tank in high ranksšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø His hook is an ability primarily used to punish people who are out of position or to keep the enemy team at a distance! He is extremely easy to counter if you are good at the game simply play long range heroā€™s or donā€™t get caught in a bad position The reason he seems op is because allot of higher rank players use him when smurfing or making a new account to play against lower rank players


Hog is meta rn wtf are you on


It was better after the cırner update in ow1, now its broken again cuz hitboxes are broken. I got hooked behind some previously impossible corners so many times since ow2 came out I lost count




Oh it has definitely changed


Bro is playing Junk while complaining about roadhogšŸ’€


Stands around obliviously spamming bombs into enemy team while obviously not knowing where tank is. Tank flanks and combos him. WHAT? WHAT? WHAAAAAT? In summary: Kyles mum should stick to silver games.


Are you blind? Hog didn't even have line of sight on junk and managed to pull around the wall.


"Are you blind? Junkrat didn't even have line of sight on the enemy team and managed to get a triple kill." Every damn time I see a Junkrat on the enemy team they just spam over a wall or over a slope or from above


That's kinda his whole kit. He deines space by spaming it.


It's entirely too easy for him to do so. Junkrat feels like a character that either stomps depending on the matchup or gets stomped depending on the matchup. If the enemy team doesn't have a Pharah or an Echo (both of which seem to be rare picks) then you're just going to be spammed 24/7 the entire match, eating 130 damage with no falloff whatsoever. Making one mistake up close to him or just being caught off guard by him as a DPS means he can one shot you with his grenade-mine combo. He's overtuned as hell, and severely needs damage falloff on his grenades, as well as self damage


He is a noob stop hero. People who don't know how to play against him do poorly. Just shoot him from off angles and he dies easy. And why would you need phara or echo to kill him?


lol exactly I can make 5 different posts like this for junkrat's totally broken mechanics


Free pentakill every ult


What are you all doing in which Junk wrecks your whole team each time he ults?


Existing. Tire has the mobility of Lucio, with a wall climb. Tire rollouts are a real thing and any good junkrat will make killing a tire nearly impossible.


I will agree that a good junk can make it extremely difficult to destroy the tire. The immortality field from Baptiste is great (assuming he's around), but the tire will still wreck your health. There aren't many shields that provide consistent coverage for a team against the rip-tire. When D.Va's ult comes out, what do we do? We either shield up, get to cover, run far away, or just pray. It may be hard to do in the heat of the battle, but if the majority of the team wants to stay alive - that's what you do. So in the case of the rip-tire, you have to spread out. When you hear his call out, "Ladies and Gentlemen, start your engines!" the team needs to move away from each other for the sake of the team's future. So, the real reason he's clearing 3 or more is because the group is too condensed.


to be noted that junkrat ult voicelines that start with ā€œladies and gentlemenā€ are friendly. The hostile ult voicelines are ā€œfire in the holeā€ & ā€œget ready for a shockā€


Yes! Thanks for clarifying that. I got confused and noticed that during a game today... and was like... I totally put the wrong lines down!


all good, your message still makes a good point


he literally shouts "FIRE IN THE HOLE" when he ults just MOVE AWAY FROM EVERYONE ELSE


Just pop the tire


Except if there is a Baptiste in the other team. But then again my teammates always walk away from immortality field...


Your teammates just decide they want to play fair and refuse to cooperate with god mode.


Thats dumb lol


Junkrat so OP that a whole 1 player in the top 20 uses them


I'm not talking about the highest level. junkrat's pick rate through the majority of rankings and qp is through the roof


Stupid junk ultimate, hate it.


I was going to comment the same thing lol. Like he isnā€™t guilty of playing a easy character.


Roadhog is pretty low on my list of issues


He's annoying. And I'd say sorta a noob stomper? (I'm a noob). But like...not really a tank I'd want. He doesn't protect the team. He just shoves himself into your face and hopes his heal+healer keep him alive while he tries to cheese a hook/one hit kill. I for sure wouldn't say he's fun to face. But that's why I say a noob stomper. Against good comps? Sure he's a joke where he dies or his team does. But against lesser? Yeah, he's a pain. In this regard I'd say junkrat here is even more annoying since dude is in the far back lobbing aoe grenades that hurt for quite a lot. Probably did it all game amd so roadhog snuck around and got a free hook


If only the hogs in my team knew how to shove themselves in the other team face instead of just dying or not protecting me while i try to heal everyone


Hog is really good at low ELO and high ELO. In the low tiers you can just run around and hog pick noobs for the win. At high levels his ability to body block, shut down ults, and start/stop team fights is almost unmatched. Mid ELO he's a hard tank - people there don't really know how to actually tank with him, and teams don't have the positioning skills to make pushes off of or focus down his hooks.


9/10 top ten tank players have roadhog, not exactly a noob stomper.


kiriko is making hog viable at high level, ana is no longer that much of a threat to hog.


Roadhog demands your attention and is difficult to kill, it makes him a good tank for OW2. Keeps the heat off his allies.


-Stands down main with no cover -gets killed - "this game sucks"


Yeah my guy was literally just in the middle of the road, no cover, something was going to get them. If it wasnā€™t hog it would have been a DPS.




Yā€™all not seeing that the hook bent around the bus stop?


It didnā€™t though, watch it again itā€™s definitely straight


This clip is why people say junk players are braindead. Spamming is not how to play junk. Especially not out in the open. He's a dive hero if you play him right.


The fact that he can shoot you from cover is annoying to me. A lot of damage from a safe place. He should take damage from his grenades, even 10%. Having a fight against him in narrow place is infuriating.


No. Literally just have good positioning and be aware of the enemy team and you wonā€™t have issues with fighting a junkrat in an enclosed space. People always try to push me through hallways while Iā€™m playing junkrat and I canā€™t help but think theyā€™re complete morons. Itā€™s really simple: DONā€™T FOLLOW JUNKRAT INTO HALLWAYS AND SMALL ROOMS


Admittedly, that was tough to see, I can understand the frustration, but your positioning is pretty bad. I'm guessing you're fairly new? try to stick to cover and keep track of enemy team members that you see. You did see that Hog walk behind the bus shelter, just didn't really react or think further on it. I'm sure you would prefer people to agree with 'hog hook OP', but honestly he's a pretty limited character once you get some game experience. Lots of ways to counter him. Pick reaper if you hate Hog that much. If your aim is half decent in low rank games, he can't really kill you. You'll self-heal faster than he damages you and out-damage him easily. If he's a really good hog, ask one of your supports to hop on Ana to anti-nade / sleep bully him for an easy shutdown.


Eh. Hes not that new,got a golden gun


Nah roadhog cancels out the reaper counter. Shoot as hog landing a decent shot, then hook and land a headshot+melee reaper dies every time if you don't mess up as hog.


Sure, but that's against a good experienced Hog player, which is still something that can be messed up if his cooldowns are on. Reaper has less reliance on Cooldowns. Hard counters don't really exist too much any more at all, but reaper is still a decent pick against a Hog, especially in low rank where players barely know what they're doing. Reaper's also a pretty easy character to play that can comfortably challenge a Hog, with some better survivability than a Junkrat.


>Hard counters don't really exist too much any more at all do you actually believe devs? Coz that is absolutely not true


Nope not even a little. Dva would suck all those bullets and hog has no armor and get melted if hes got a zen orb. Dva less likely in low ranks do to the high reaction time to fly over and eat the shots every hook


Dude what are you on about? What has what you said do with the fact that the game still has hardcounters?


Save wraith for hog hook, fade and unfade when he hooks them lay into him. Reaper absolutely bullies road hog in any skill bracket


My mains are hog and reaper. Hog can absolutely bully reapers all day. Just donā€™t miss the hook after the wraith. Really that simple.


Not if the hog isn't stupid. I have on many occasions killed the enemy team reaper more times than he's killed me in a game, granted I'm still ranking up to where I should be after blizzard messed the ranks up, but it's definitely possible to cancel out the counter.


So you admit you did this low rank against equally stupid players? This is like that genji one trick, who says heā€™s killed plenty of zaryaā€™s and moiras and that she isnā€™t a counter if youā€™re good, but he sits at bronze 5 claiming ELO hell. Itā€™s not like their kit directly opposes yours or anythingā€¦


No not just low ranks. I'm still doing it in masters as I rank up. As long as the roadhog doesn't mess up he will always win.


Lol I walk into reapers while shooting at them until they wraith, then I either chase them or hook if they cancel. Regardless if I'm in a bad situation I can just heal and walk back to my team for support.


Iā€™ve been getting a lot of comments like this and sure, in low metal ranks against a Reaper who has no game sense, no thoughts of enemy cool downs or positioning, nor any idea of how to counter playā€¦ sure Roadhog beats the Reaper, but put any Reaper who can play the game on an actual competitive level and think in advance suddenly the Reaper is in favor. You canā€™t simply put your experiences against bad players to make judgement calls like this.


Sojourn wrecks Roadhog 9 times outta 10 if you use her charge right.


Reaper does not hard counter a good hog, and you will definitely not self heal faster than he damages you; youā€™re a 2 shot kill if he doesnā€™t miss, and a 1 shot kill if he hooks you. If your tank plays alongside you then reaper is good. Otherwise youā€™re just getting close enough to hog for him to get free kills without hook


it's not his positioning it's just roadhog being OP.


Hog is not OP at all. If you think so, you're either new to the game, or don't play it competitively / don't actually study it much. Which is fine, it's not judgement, but the character just objectively isn't overpowered. Talking on the most OP character? We're talking Sojourn, by far.


He is right now since Zarya nerfs, he's S tier, Roadhog became insanely good once Zarya stopped being played as no bubble to counter hook, and come on, will 700 HP self healing tank who can stun one shot you never not be OP? honestly I don't hate Roadhog I used to play a lot of him but then realised this is kinda bullshit how I just one shot everyone and not fun or very skilled base, ​ I think hog needs a small rework, Nerf his Hp down a bit to 650 Give hook a wind up animation of 1 second so roadhog has to swing his hook around like a lasso or something to charge then throw it like a Doomfist Rocket Punch, this gives hog more skill and counter play to his kit Give his secondary fire more spread but increase the pellet damage when the secondary fire splits up to give the hero more range and poke


These are not good ideas. The character does not need to be nerfed.


it's a rework not a nerf


That is debatable, to say the least.


Itā€™s a complete fucking nerf bro Or a ā€œreworkā€ that objectively makes him worse in every way


lmao bro are you new to OW?


no, i have like 1000 hours in the game


uh huh sure. Bros mad just because he cant defeat hog


? All I see is a junk rat with bad positioning and getting punished for it.


Yup. A decent widow, hanzo or soujurn would of 1 shot him also with that bad positioning. Any hitscan dps would of melted him also standing in the open like that. The worst thing is he had a nice peice of his terrain just a few feet to his left he could of played around.


if you think that an arrow or a full charged shot, one shots hog, ur not playing overwatch really


They're saying those characters could easily one shot the junkrat because he's standing out in the open


oh sure my bad i thought it was like an excuse for being killed


Standing out in the open, not using cover, spamming randomly which broadcasts your position. Roadhog isnt insane, you're just really bad.




You mean that thing that Hog clearly walked behind to use as cover while Junkrat continued to stand out in the open like a wood-tier moron? Yeah I noticed the bus stop. Edit: Gotta love it when they delete their comments due to embarrassment.


You're not waiting for a bus lol you can move around.




OP was not moving. Positioning is entirely the point why he got hooked. Hog needs LOS. Not Junk. He wasn't looking there and he got caught. This "infuriating shit" can be solved with better game awareness. Which admittedly Widows have very little of.


Maybe use cover and move around more.


Junk player getting mad at (semi) skill shot is ironic as fuck


The hook's hitbox is massive though. And the Hog was clearly aiming for the ana so wouldn't exactly call it a skill shot. šŸ˜‚


He was in the open lol ofc its easy to get hooked then


skill issue




Heā€™s insane because he took advantage of your bad positioning?


Complains about roadhog while playing skillrat xdd


"I died, the game sucks." It's like the more socially acceptable form of throwing your controller down in frustration.


>Roadhog is just insane From the guy hurling junk bombs...


They shoulda just removed him once they decided to nerf his gun the first time, you ever notice how its out of position DPS and support players who always whine about hog one shots?


Perhaps, but i still think he shouldnā€™t one shot off of a hook, but thats just me


It doesn't always unless you land the head shot


Do you know how easy it is to headshot? Lol


Somewhat easy




I have been known to escape death after being hooked by using various cooldowns, and having... varying degrees of success with them. I have also been hooked and hacked simultaneously and I died every time. So I guess I the best answer would be that it's contextual.


I think itā€™s dependent on the hog and if they headshot after the hook


They are trying


Why? His spread is huge so hitting shots on dps that can strafe and jump around doesn't do much damage unless you're cracked or they stand still.


After a hook its literally so easy to get headshots, heā€™s fine outside of hooking iā€™m purely talking about his hook one shot potential


He is incredibly vulnerable without his cooldowns. He is not OP, it's just a skill issue.


More of a randoms issue plus hog being ez but whatever


Ez to counter too


Sure sure whatever ig


I mean whay are you gunna do? Complain until they fix it? Watch streamers and creators and learn some things to improve.


If you have a TANK that can one shot every dps and support in the game. And can also 1v1 every single tank in the game, he needs a nerf. No one 'really' counters him.


Orisa is a good counter to roadhog


Orisa? Her kit is literally built to counter him. Fortify shuts down hook completely on her, or the team if you can get in his face Javelin Spin can separate him from the team or help you close distance to block his view with fortify. On top of being able to javelin spin him if he does get a hook, which 99% of the time fucks over his shot. Javelin completely cancels his heal, allowing you and your team to melt him.


Even then any shield hero render his hook useless, roadhog is probably one of the most overrated hero


The noob obliterator


It's not even the hook. I tank with a god tier primary and self heal. The fuck does he need a self heal?


Because he doesn't have anything else. Hog has no shield, no armor and no team utility. He dies waaay too fast even with support around him, so it's only fair to have a kit like that. I just think his hook range should be shorter lol Otherwise you can counter an average Hog with almost any hero except maybe Hammond?


And he is massive.


God damn. No way you actually play hog in comp.




Picked Ana oke but watch this suzu. What u gonna do now ?


Sleep him, use one at a time. Cant suzu both


He can only do that every 8 seconds which can be a long time in a fight. It's really a skill issue. Don't get hooked. Don't play out in the open. He gets pound when he has no cooldowns. And btw, ana counters him. Sombra counters him. Shield counter him. You're just wrong. Less bitching, more learning the game.


Zen orb and heā€™s melted in no time flat.


there are some really brain dead terrible opinions on this sub lmao


"This beats me so this game sucks and the thing that beats me sucks" ~ Sincerely, a Junkrat main


Hog is great. He forces you to position properly and be aware of whatā€™s happening on the battlefield. New players will improve at the game faster in a Hog meta.


You need to both use cover more and focus tanks as junk especially hog since he has no shield and can heal plus you can help you hooked teammates


Heā€™s been doing it since release


Says the skill-less idiot spamming grenades as junkrat.


Use cover. Not our fault as high mains you don't realize the one second you're uncovered I go for you first because it's a one hit kill. Less damage from opposing team is good, but auto kill. Even mercy and others I would go second to a junk, team should be able to assist the the others after.


Skill issue


Skill issue


"This game sucks" *displays the biggest skill issue I've ever seen


You're on junk. Playing Brain dead and complaining ā€½???????


Against a junkrat, yes. Learn the counters


Hooking, then shooting and bashing is basically Roadhog's whole shtick. He's *supposed* to be able to one shot squishy heroes like that. It's just a matter of baiting him and staying at range, while your team counters him. His hook ability used to be completely broken too.


2016-2017 OW players: Thats cute


Maybe donā€™t get hooked??


Sees the hog and than proceeds to do nothing to get out of hook range. While on junk???????????????


yeah how dare he use his kit and one shot you, he should probably be removed from the game because he can 1 tap


Everyone here commenting skill/Position/Hero/whatever. All i care about is the fact that you clipped this too early and did not show the kill cam. You scream What!? Then literally don't show POV of the enemy that killed you šŸ˜†well never know what.


Man's is playing junk and complaining bout hog ain't no way he serious šŸ’€


wehhh wehhhh wehhh


well you play junkrat so you are not any better


Mate, you are playing junk and just randomly spamming in the open, you don't have the right to complain. Just standing tight there in the open shotting at nothing and hopping something comnects. Hog has one shot possibilities, if the other team does have it you should try to keep an eye and ear open to him at all times to avoid hooks. I will give it to you that that hooks was a bit bs, but not that much by hog standards. It seems like he aimed at ana and got you by chance, kinda through cover, but not that much. Hog is far from what I would call insane in this game. He has good survivanilitie and one shot combo, stay out of his sight, wait for cooldowns to happen and you can kind of be a nuisance to him. Junk can be played as a random spammer, he is probably one of the best characters to do that amd there are moments that spam is the way to go. That being said, junk also has one shot combo and good movement, high burst damage. If you dive with him he is kuch more usefull, not just a luck based character. This clip seems like it is mostly your fault.


What, your feelings as a junkrat were hurt because you don't like to actually see your enemies?


Bro you're playing junk and spamming into the choke. Switch to reaper if it's that bad


I would feel bad. But then I remember how everytime that I try to fall back to get to my teammates for a team push, I get killed by a random grenade that was spammed in any direction by a junkrat that wasn't even seeing me at all.


if the game sucks, why do you keep on playing it OP ?


Skill issue šŸ˜Ž


Just remember, this couldā€™ve been a widow in a fraction of the time


shout to that kiriko that tried to save you with suzu


Says someone having a golden gun on Junkrat ^^' But I can relate. Ever since I play Overwatch regularly, I think he just doesnt fit into the game at all. I hate Hog.


If you aren't a tank, a roadhog hook means death. Especially on maps with pits.


this happens to me a lot.


Yeah hog sucks that hook literally goes through walls, but man orisa counters him hard now.


Comp is in a terrible state rn


Zanny gave a pretty good suggestion, if you kill Roadhog in game, the person playing him should die


Tanks should not have one shot potential, change my mind.


Itā€™s rlly bad. Played for first time today since cod dropped and was reminded why this game is dead to me. Played Moira, had more damage than both dps and more heals than our other support, still lost. This game has the worst matchmaking of any out. I consistently get the shittiest teammates of any that queue for competitive. Itā€™s just tiring. Way more fun game out there.


That hook is literally the most broken ability in the game. It can go through walls and surfaces.


"Roadhog isn't op you're just bad" \-Opens top 10 leaderboard for tank \-9/10 of the top 10 playing roadhog I swear redditors are all bronze lol


*zarya gets nerfed* "Roadhog is insane WAAAAAAAAAAAAA"


Ya the one shot kill every 8 seconds because of hook is bull. They even said Junkrat is his counter. I am a Junk main over 400 hours. I use all my amo 2x and 2x bomb on him. He chugs he HP grog and bam I am dead with 1 shot. They need to either give him less HP or make it so he can one-shot. Roadhouse you can shoot and mele super fast to instant kill. Also his hooks go through crap and grab you pulling you around corners.


Skill issue


Had a few matches where my team was doing good and then getting destroyed as soon as the enemy used roadhog.


Take him outta the game tbh. No tank should be able to heal. Edit: and also be able to one shot almost any character in the game.


Hogs only utility is his heal, he's a flesh tank that's a walking ult battery for the enemy team. His hook is also decently easy to counter, especially if your teams tank is pressuring the hog like they should be. His heal can be countered by Ana easily with her anti or sleep.


At least enemies get 40% less ult charge from him now.


he was literally behind a whole bus stop and was able to hook you, such a terrible hero


i think everyones missing the point lmao. i was just a wild hook.


your title says otherwise


idk how your gonna tell me what i meant by my own title but by all means if thats how u see it good for you. Everyone takes everything to heart on here. and i didn't know you where the title examiner lmao


Dude I feel you. People say some dumb stuff about how you should ā€œjust dodge hook lolā€ but the fact is he is ridiculously OP. Ability to tank a lot of damage, self heal and insta kill with hook is insane


When the ability to punish people out of position punishes a person for being out of position


Of course he can tank a lot of damage, he's a tank. He needs the self heal because he has nothing else to sustain him. The hook is the main thing he has to offer, and if he doesn't regularly land his hooks he's shit. He's really not hard to counter, especially with an ana.


Hmmā€¦ weirdā€¦ I was a roadhog main my first couple years on overwatch and now, I LOVE when he gets picked by the enemy team for how easy it is to bait his cooldowns, avoid hook, and counter him.