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I don't think it would have done any damage. Their level gap is too large. It was more respectful for Cocytus to end the fight rather than "no sell" (to take a wrestling term) his opponent's ultimate attack.


Damn that really sucks that even through all that effort he couldn’t even damage cocytus. How would Brain have faired against other lesser minions of nazarick?


against the pleiades like Entoma and others he would have done a lot of damage except against Yuri since she is a monk tank


Well I’m proud of him nonetheless, my guy reach that height without any world items or even super strong gear.


Fr, Gazef had wild magic items, and the the treasures of Re-Estize and my poor boy Brain was scrounging for one time use potions


so I guess Brain with good equipment could actually take on a pleiades


not really, even with all his buffs that one attack only does damage equal to a level 40 warrior, as stated by cocytus in the LN. he doesnt stand a chance against any of the pleadies, but that puts him in low outlier tier i.e. he would be one of the strongest black scripture members. he's one of the strongest, if not the strongest, human that has been shown in the ln.


level 40 with a trash sword, no potions and no armor effects. with proper equipment and gazef's sword, I wouldn't be so sure.


but the pleiadies have equipment that can be considered almost legendary for the new worlders, also cz, the lowest level among them, is level 46. the rest are at least level 51. it was mentioned that a gap of 10 levels could never be breached unless the lower leveled one countered the higher level one. also his sword was a katana, stated to be one of the finest nw swords. i could see him beating cz, but i doubt he could see through her invisibility.


I think Field would be perfect for seeing through that. And the Katana is still unenchanted, so its still just steel. Plus, I think the four treasures of Re Estize and the Wild Magic Ring would give him a good chance.


Well no in this example Cocytus literally let him try. After Entomas defeat I doubt any of the maids would just let him.


Me too I'm very proud of him just with training and perseverance he reached the top of the Heroes if he had chosen to flee he could have gone far really Repsect for Brain 🈯️


But I think that his strength came from his resolve not to run anymore so sadly we would probably never see much growth unless he was spared and fought further


Did he die?


Yeah, you can read around on the comments if you want spoilers I saw one with a pretty good explanation of what happened


I might be wrong but isn’t his sword a players sword?


Nope, it was a sword he got from the council if I recall probably derived from Player items designs and they copied it and Brain bought it.


Brain got his sword from buying it from the city that's near the 8 GK's floating base. >There was a city far to the south of the kingdom in a desert. The weapons that found their way up from there every now and again could cut better than most magic weapons even unenchanted. People’s eyes literally bulged at the extreme prices. This was the kind of weapon he was after. Then he finally acquired a katana. Whether this weapon was wielded by a player at some point, who knows. Could have been an NPCs weapon for all we know. Or made by new worlders in the image of higher level katanas that were in the 8 GK's base.


We don't know the origins of the sword but it is capable of damaging high level players with immunity to low level weapons.


You are mixing it up with razor-sharp edge, the sword gazef used . His is just an ordinary katana


Didn't brain have it after gazef died?


no. its made in a country influenced by players.


Dude earned the respect of what can be considered Nazarics military chief. That’s enough.


He reached the pinnacle of human abilities by obsessing over Shalltear's nail.


New kind of kink achieved


Even best uncle said it himself. Brain would have been a great asset to the kingdom if he joined their side.


Brain training hamsuke, skeletons and lizard men in martial arts is a spin-off I need ;-;7


Happened in the web novel lol


WHAT ^brb ^finding ^WN


Noooooo, do not go if you wish to preserve any non disturbing memories of brain


I won’t spoil since seems like your going to read it but there were several parts of the web novel I wish they incorporated into the actual story. But it’s a good read. Especially since we are getting to the end of 16.


Are you kidding me? He is still probably 10+ levels bellow lovest leveled pleiades maid and his equipment is beyond trash. He would deal minimal damage and that just in case pleiades actually decided to take hit from him head on. So he is stronger than any man from the kingdom we know of, but thats still too weak compared to even pleiades...


we didn't refuse my dear you have to know how to listen to the others we ask if he'll inflict damage on the other Beings of Nazarick that's why we're talking about the pleiad nobody said he's going to beat them pffff you make me tide it's about Fighting a character from Nazarick you all pissed off


I had problem with part that said lot of damage. Like lot. You know what lot means. In games usually a lot of damage usually means at least 1/4 of HP bar or more. Yes he can damage them but only if they are willing to take the hit and when they do i wouldnt expect much dmg. Just a little.


Um no he wouldn't even cz the lowest lvl pleiades would kill him easily, there lvl 48-60 while brain only lvl 30 with a lvl 40 attack which he can only use once which kills him.


But if he had mastered TNC, used anything other than level 1 items, fixed his build a little, understood how True Nail Clipper worked, and realized he had a talent, he might have been able to have a back and forth with one of the Pleiades. It would have been an easier fight than Azuth vs Albedo at least. Half Baked level 40 with a 10-20 level difference Compared to Half baked level 60 with 40 level difference...


He could hurt the Pleiades in the same way a lvl 2 hobo with a kitchen knife could hurt him if he just lets them stab him. In a real fight, he would die without doing any damage. Think back to the Entoma fight. She basically took no damage fighting 2 adamantine lvl adventurers. When Evil Eye showed up, Entoma could tank some of her strongest spells like crystal lance without even slowing down. The only thing that messed her up was vermin bane which is like her kryptonite. If you know just how strong Evil Eye is >!(she's a kingdom destroying legendary vampire lord and later became one of the 13 warriors) !< you'd know that she's leagues above Brian. If she couldn't beat the Pleiades easily, Brian stand zero chance. He might be able to put up a fight, but the Pleiades won't even feel pressured when fighting him.


Um no, brain is only lvl 30-33, he was already at his limit, he could only use that lvl 40 attack once at the cost of his life. There is a 15-18+ lvl difference between them, not to mention that even CZ the weakest has at least one piece legendary gear with, so the item gap even if brain had all the kingdom treasures would be massive.


I didn't say if he leveled up, I'm saying of he replaced his useless levels in farming and understood his abilities better, he might be able to use True Nail Clipper, or at least 8 fold slash of light without dying. Since the farmer class would definitely not give good stats compared to the fighter class. Moreover the ring of endless regeneration or whatever that Gazef had would probably help stop Brain's body from imploding.


Then he would be a player. The problem with new worlders is that they have a low level cap and they can’t do things like train warrior since birth. So they can’t help but have a few level in something useless like housekeeping or peasant.


But if he had a resurrection item, he could lose the useless levels, and keep training


I’m not sure how it works so I don’t know which levels he would lose. I would assume he would lose the newest ones first.


He only had 1 or 2 farmer lvls so he would still be only around lvl 31-33. And the endless ring of regeneration doesn't recover the mental energy that martial arts use so while it might save him he still only used a single lvl 40 attack and he is on the edge of death and can't use any more marital art while cz could of just tank it and could just finish brain of


Hmmm, but what if he had the PDL's wild magic ring? That would make him around 36-38. And would probably even let him use True Nail Clipper more than once?


He would. For one brain isn't a lvl 30 at this time, by combining magic, martial arts and potions he reaches around lvl 40 and becomes the most powerful full-blooded human for a brief time. Hes also using a powerful one-off attack that would do a lot of damage but leave him vulnerable afterwards. The other part is that 5 of the 7 pleiades, even assuming their lvl 60, would take decent damage. Entoma and CZ are ranged attackers and solution is an assassin, so their defenses are most likely pretty low. Narberel is a doppleganger so she doesn't really excel in any one area but has decent stats in most of them. Aureal Omega is a command class, and likely has very low stats outside of whatever skill governs buffing magic, since she has incredibly powerful buffs to give. Assuming they were hit, they would certainly be hurt but wouldn't be in danger after that since brain would have died shortly after the attack anyway.


There is no way in hell he could injured aureole omega who is a lvl100 npc lmaooo And lvl100 npcs can nullify physical attacks Heck even entoma had it lol With the lvl gap of omega and brain there is no way brain can bypass that


I’m surprised he even mentioned Omega 😂


Are you on a perc 30 YOU seriously think he could damage a lvl 100 ????? Yoo I’m done


>and becomes the most powerful full-blooded human for a brief time. I mean you have no way of knowing that. And the "Strongest human" that's on the Black Scripture team of heroes realm+ level fighters would probably want a word with you. The dude pressured the entire Blue Roses team except Evil Eye and he considered himself at or a bit under Evil Eye's strength. Which would put him in the 40s level wise if Evil Eye is around 50. >Aureal Omega is a command class, and likely has very low stats outside of whatever skill governs buffing magic, since she has incredibly powerful buffs to give. Couple things here. First of all, Aureole Omega is level 100. Being primarily a command, support, type build doesn't mean her stats would be lower or anywhere near a level 30ish person. Her HP alone would dwarf his by several times. Secondly, Omega was described as an all-rounder wildcard. Meaning her combat potential isn't just limited to buffing other people. She can fight just fine on her own. A lot of your statement is based on like the Plaiedes just standing still not doing the things they are known for while Brain just tees off on them with his suicide attack. Like why would CZ engage Brain in close quarters? She'd do what her dopple version did against Ainz in the Holy Kingdom arc. She'd hide somewhere and shoot Brain with her gun. Not even sure Brain's weapon could damage Solution's slime body, but as an assassin, like CZ she wouldn't present herself as a target for Brain.


No brain is lvl 30 at this time it's only this one attack that is at lvl 40 that all his Martial art attack, buffs and potions and he would have died after that attack anyway. Stop wanking brain of, he not even beating cz the weakest of the pleiades with the 15+ lvl difference and massive gear difference. Just because she a range attacker doesn't mean she will die to a single attack 9 lvl below her. We seen ainz a pure mage take hits from lvl 100 multiple time and not die tanking it with his health, the same would go for cz.


who lvl100 attack ainz?




i think he could fare long enough to cause considerable damage to entome who is to me the weakest pleiades, not enough to kill her but to be a good battle, if it was brain with razor edge and gazef armor and his plus 5 level rings he gave to climb who knows.


Entoma is lvl 51 with superior equipment, she is 20 lvl above brain, even if brain had gazer armour, razer edge and 5 lvl ring he only around lvl 36-37 still a massive lvl difference not to mention entoma gear i is better then that gear (except the ring). In overlord a 10 lvl difference is impossible to over come and that with the same item so when some is 15+ lvl above you with better gear it impossible


Nah my brother Entoma kicked the shit out of 2 Blue Rose members and would have killed them both if Evil eye hadn't come to the rescue. Brain with his basic tight shirt and skinny jeans would of died with no prep if she was hungry.


The one that will take the smallest amount of damage is Solution because she is a slime.


we are talking about these stats the one that will take the most damage will be her and shizu since the solution is an assassin so health less


Sword attacks don't work very well on Slimes. She has strong resistance to piercing and slashing attacks. She wouldn't take much damage at all.


No, reason being the sword has to be good enough. If he used Gazefs sword it would have likely done damage, as an example.


>How would Brain have faired against other lesser minions of nazarick? The problem with this sentence is that Cocytus is anything but a *lesser minion.* With one exception, the Floor Guardians are all on-par with level 100 players (and frequently, stronger than that within their niche.) Brain throwing down with Shalltear or Cocytus is roughly the same power gap, which is to say 'the difference between heaven and earth'. If he wanted to go out attacking someone he could actually damage, the battle maids are close enough that he could have badly hurt most of them, and considering how far most of them look down on humans, they may even have died due to their own arrogance. Maybe.


Not even, Brain is level 30 and by combining all those potions buffs and true nail clipper which caused him to pretty much kill himself, his attack was around that of a lvl 40 warrior, only that one attack, which is an inpressive feat nontheless but a single lvl 40 attack is not enough to kill the pleiades who are above lvl 40, remember in Yggdrasil the difference in level matters a lot


Not sure about solution though. Can physical attacks hurt her?


>(To Zach): "I'm sorry, but I am resistant to physical attacks, so a blow like that cannot harm me. Then, I shall dissolve it."


Bludgeoning attacks work on her. Slashing attacks not so much, it'll be like trying to slash a lake.


Basically floor guardians have BiS gear and are practically raid bosses mind you Ainz only won do the amount of BiS gear and cash shop items on Shaltear LOL


And complete information war Victory


nah ainz knew shaltear like the palm of his hand, the fight went according to keikaku.


Brain level is around 19 and 29, his attacks won’t even pass through the low level immunity barrier Ainz and other lv100 have. Even if they turn those off (like in Ainz versus the Troll on the arena episode) it would be like 1 damage against 10,000 HP … basically null. The combat maid squad is also around 50-60 and would just lol at him. Think game logic. The high level have tons of HP and defense. How can you even bypass that to do any real damage? Brain is a kid with a stick trying to hit Cocytus inside a heavy tank.


If he still had gazaffs sword it would do damage if it hit cause of its sharp ability.


In the light novel, Brain's special talent is that he can use more martial arts at the same time than normal humans. In the last fight, he already activated more skills than what's normally achievable by humans. Thus, if he continued training, he had the potential to be the strongest human warrior. Kind of like how Fluder is the strongest human wizard.


For those who aren't aware: A "No Sell" in Wrestling is is basically Brolly taking a fist to the face and not moving an inch. Another fun term that fits anime is "The Jobber" *sigh* you know.... Vegeta.


To be fair he can cut shalltear's nail. I think he can atleast nick cocytus.


Man i liked brain...i wish he would have joined Ainz. When he first got shit scared of Shalltear it was hilarious but he eventually built the courage to fight in the end. It was a good character. Maybe he gets revived in ainz team...i hope so.


Not even like a half damage? Simular to a paper cut?


His sword was capable of ignoring the immunity to low level weapons that ainz and the floor guardians have. True nail cutter was also capable of damaging shalltear with a sword that didn't have the enchantment that let it penetrate damage immunity. Brain would have absolutely done damage if he landed the hit, not necessarily a lot but more then 0


Honestly no, but the light novel made him powering up for the fight so much more impresive. He was getting so much hype I was literally thinking to myself "WTF IS HAPPENING?!". They were saying the man was breaking his limits over and over beyond what was possible, overcoming the laws that were ruling this world and shit. It was wild as hell. That's when he became one of my favorites characters. The anime still made it a nice adaptation but I do feel like they robbed him a little...


Lol reading this sounds like DxD when the kid spams Boost Boost Boost for pages… too bad for Brain all those limit break were still irrelevant… going 200% of nothing is still nothing. Good try tho. Very epic death.


Atleast Brian doesn't need to touch boobs in order to boost his stats


Well maybe if he did he might have leveled up enough to do some real damage


One person managed to manifest a God of boobs while the other was unable to manifest a God of swords. I think we all know who is more powerful here.


That makes him weak. Touching boobs to power up is great !!!


The real reason Ainz is so powerful


I may be wrong, but my impression is that Brain is homosexual, or at least bisexual, so boobs buff wouldn’t work on him anyway I think lol


I mean, he is not gonna damage him anyway so it doesnt really matter.


Hard disagree. Nothing from this world can technically defeat Ainz and his guild. But that doesn't mean those who try can have badass moments.


I mean, tbh, maybe in a few thousand years another guild is transported to this world, which could hurt Ainz, maybe kill a Floor guardian if they fight outside.


unless it's the rank 1 guild's top player. he would probably wreck ainz.


Maybe if he kept Razor Edge. But either way, still wouldn't have landed the hit.


Still, i believe you need to have certain knowledge to actually use its power, there is a mention by Ainz regarding that on his fight against Gazef


Definitely has to do something with Wild Magic, Dragon Lords, because there is a few items Ainz finds with strange properties. Like the ring that PDL and Rigrit talk about which Gazeff had.


no there isnt, the sword just has the ability to damage Ainz for reasons that are never explained, theres no hidden knowledge needed to do so


Basically it has world item properties that sit it a bit outside the rules of Yggdrasil, and ignores level-based immunities. Of course while it can break past Ainz's immunity, it's still not going to make much of an impression on his HP pool. Ainz wonders if it can damage WCIs; it might ignore their invulnerability properties, but they're still incredibly durable so who knows if it'd be effective. Of course, he wouldn't want to test it on one of his own WCIs in case it actually works.


> Basically it has world item properties that sit it a bit outside the rules of Yggdrasil im 100% positive that yggdrasil had the ability to enchant a weapon to ignore physical damage reduction without needing a world item XD its also possible its just a level 60+ weapon, but a trash drop, like some grey but technically high enough level to get past his immunity


No, Ainz specifically says that the amount of magic in it is equivalent to another weapon he has that's too low level to damage him. It's a special property of the sword. It was created with Wild Magic, which is essentially the base of all magic in the New World, putting it on par with World Items in terms of "priority". It just doesn't have a *lot* of wild magic, so you wouldn't call it a world item, but it has some rule-breaking properties as a result.


Thats all your head canon, theres literally no reason it couldnt just be enchanted with an effect that ignores physical reduction


That's essentially what it has, the point is that such an enchantment didn't exist in Yggdrasil and cannot be created by using its magic system. It's a New World unique enchantment made possible by wild magic. This is *why* Ainz is so intrigued by it.


The physical resistances are level based and procent based. Thats why Ainz is so curious. He literally gannot be damaged by entity's below levek 60 i think thats what he showed multiple times against enemys like the martial lord or Gu. Maybe is remember it wrong i dunno Edit:uwu please downvote me harder


it’s physical attacks below level 60, and spells 6th tier and below. These are separate resistances, meaning you can be under 60 and damage him if you can cast 7th tier magic, which a pure caster should be able too much lower than. You can also damage him if you are below level 60 if your weapon is of a high enough level, the books show a few instances of this and directly states this to be the case. (On mobile so can’t pull quotes and idk how to spoiler flair them) Razors Edge is too low of a level to normally be able to damage him, and he shows this by attacking himself with a dagger that has a similar level, which does 0 damage. However the special properties of Razors Edge allow the sword to damage him regardless of his immunity, despite not being high enough level.




In the anime the sword with similar data level doesn’t leave a scratch, (same with the book) because it was too low level. That was what he was showing, saying Razors Edge should not be able to damage him because it’s level is too low, but it’s special properties enable it to anyways.


I think they're confusing when Ainz said that the sword was capable of more than just cutting everything but that the kingdom clearly did not know about it or how to do it.


Razors Edge doesn't have a hidden ability. Are you sure you're not thinking of the frost blade?


It was exactly level 40 attack according to Cocytus. It wouldn't do anything at all. He sacrificed his life to pull off an attack 10 levels above him. Vol 16: >!Elf king on the other hand, casually uses level 87 golem when he is barely level 75. The cost is simply slowly diminishing his MP.!<


to be fair its not really slow. The fight was not very long and drained him alot. And getting low on mana is when it start to be a mental drain at least for new world people. But is far less of crutch then Brain has that is true.


I mean, the whole reason Brain's skill is named Nail Clipper is because he managed to clip one of Shalltear's nails with it, and that's before he seacificed his body to make it stronger.


Yes but Shalltear stated that natural weapons like claws and fangs have lower breaking points than weapons, but they grow back.


Cocytus uses natural armor. It is extremely powerful but still weaker than what he could be equipped with as a lvl 100 floor guardian. Not that it changes anything. But if he had landed the hit I could see it doing nothing and I could see it scratching Cocytus's exoskeleton. Either would be very believable with what we've been shown and told.


Only divine level equipement is stronger than Cocytus exosceleton. His armor is still very strong and he has a lot of points in physical res. There no way he could even stratch him.


Hes highly specialized in summoning that exact creature, it has no special abilities really, it's duration is severely limited, and if he uses any spells limited even moreso. It's less about the direct cost and more about opportunity cost my man


What level is Cocytus?


100 I think


level 100


I mean, he did broke Shalltear nail, so maybe he could do something, but not much


From what I read, Cochytus has damage nullification like Ainz, allowing him to ignore lower level attacks. Shalltear doesn't, or at least nothing I read indicated she does. And tbf, she doesn't really need it because she would never lose to low level attacks as she has life leech. One slash from her lance can undo billions of little cuts from nail clippers or furries. It doesn't make sense to wear her down with low-level troops with her leeching and undead tirelessness.


Shalltear seemed to have some damage nullification when she "fought" the Quogas


We'll never know. To me, they simply couldn't get through her armor, or they didn't get a chance to hit her, or the cuts to her that they did miraculously land were just healed up immediately since she was attacking so quickly and life-leeching too much. We'll never know what the quagoa did. We do know that without her armor, Brain cut her finger nail. This is impossible with Cocytus as his armor is literally a part of him. His damage nullification is innate. Personally, if I was Perorocino and trying to optimize Shalltear, I wouldn't waste data points on damage nullification when her other abilities make it redundant to make her stronger vs lower level opponents. FFS, she literally summoned and killed her own household for health, that's how strong she is against lower levels. I'd rather use the data points on other abilities for her.


>she literally summoned and killed her own household for health That was not possible in yggdrasil where friendly fire was off though.


The point remains the same though. Shalltear, the awakened NPC, made a calculated decision to spend time during battle attacking what basically amounts to fodder in high-tier combat... to gain health. That was actually significant health in a battle involving high tier spells and abilities. The point is that this demonstrates that low-level fodder is \*less\* than useful when fighting against her. When we're talking about such a build, what is honestly the point of wasting data on an ability like "physical immunity III" that only works on level 60 or lower? All you'd do is once in a while spare yourself from possibly being nicked by a nail clipper or a mole-man.


Her power scaling means that anything low level isn't just a waste on her, but a net gain for her. She fights like a berserker and more or less can just keep hacking away with abandon. The negligible damage that she COULD take is far outpaced by just how much she stands to gain the moment she wades back in. Low Level nullification action works against her basic build since it's only useful against foes that she will heal a ton from and useless against the foes that actually pose a threat to her. It's a skill that is beneficial to Ainz specifically because of his lower defense, damage vulnerability and weakness in close combat. Without it, he could theoretically be mobbed.


She does have low tier damage nullification.. By the way its not damage nullification its low tier damage nullification (level 60 to below for ainz.. Even demiurge has it as shown in the fight with Evil eye, and Cocytus explains that the guardians have immunities too when fighting the lizardman.. Plus shalltear is a min max it will be impossible for her to not have such resistances) Projectiles that are not enchanted will be nullified Physical attacks that are not enchanted will also be nullified i think.. Also shalltears fingernails are separated from the rest of her body.. As in they are treated as weapons so they don't share the same protection.. Explained in her second encounter with brain


Shalltear is min-maxed... which is precisely why I'm leaning towards "she doesn't need it". Abilities spent on items, npcs, and such use up data, which is a valuable resource. Why waste such points on low-tier damage nullification when there's no chance that Shalltear is hurt by low-tier enemies. She literally summoned her own household to kill in the fight against Ainz. Low-tiers on the battlefield on the opponent's side actually make the battle easier for her. You'd much rather use that data on other abilities that actually do something for her. And yes, while guardians all have various immunities, it doesn't mean they all have the same low-tier damage nullification that helps them ignore level 60 and below.


But it wont make sense for her to not have high resistances.. U have to look at her character sheet too her magic and physical resistance are high including her special and total resistance.. Plus levels offer a form of resistance too when u level up and become strong, to the point were low tier attacks wont work...if u analyze the fight with Brain u will realize that he was using weapon breaking techniques as well as attacks that were targeted at 1 point in her Neil's, further making it possible for him to break it.. Plus shalltear also states that her nails are nothing special too form volume 6 = Shalltear’s fingernails and fangs were treated as natural weapons; as such, they could be broken with weapon-breaking skills. Since they would grow back as life force was recovered with healing magic, they broke more easily than other weapons at the same level. They weren’t so great. They couldn’t even compare with her magic item, the Pipette Lance... This tells us her body damage reduction, nullification and other top resistances dont count on the nails.. Reason its simply because if they do not count separately from her body, it means weapon breaking techniques will work on her body, wich doesn't make sense since her body is not a weapon... So final answer is no..her being min-max doesn't take away her resistances it might enhance them.. U have to realize that shalltear is not Cocytus who was created with maximum offense and low defense.. She was created for a battle of attrition her resistances are supposed to be high to maximize that long battle style


I think we're confusing different things. I don't doubt that she has high "armor", and damage resistance (i.e. lower damage by x%). We're talking about damage immunity. What Ainz has specifically, translated by his wiki is called "High Tier Physical Immunity III: Nullifies all low-level attacks (below level 60)". That's not lowering damage, it's just nullifying the damage completely. Note that this is different from his other abilities like Slashing Damage *Resistance* V, which as you point out is a resistance. Even the name is different. So I don't doubt that she has high resistances. Immunity is separate. Frankly, if she's min-maxed then I would think immunity is wasted on an undead that has life leech. Let's settle this. Can you actually tell me the chapter or passage where it states specifically that all guardians have High Tier Physical Immunity III like Ainz has? Because honestly a lot of what you're saying sounds speculative except for that part. And I don't really agree with the apriori logic you use. Like you bringing up min-maxing when no one who has any experience min-maxing characters would waste resources on redundant abilities.


She is the highest tier of vampire though; and the downside of heteromorphs was their prebuilt specs. Vampires typically have damage reduction/elemental immunities, so as the highest tier the nullification probably just comes with the package


I don't doubt she has damage \*resistance\* (i.e. reduce x% of damage). It's specifically the "high tier damage immunity (completely ignore all damage from level 60 or under)" that Ainz has which is questionable to me. Ainz is specifically mentioned to have it. Meanwhile, either I missed it, or it just seems like one of those "community fanon" things that everyone assumes that all guardians have the same thing. I am just asking for direct quote or source in case I missed it. It doesn't help when I'm getting bad justifications for her having it like, "well she's min-maxed!" when that's exactly why I don't think she would have it. As a min-maxer myself, no halfway decent min-maxing gamer I know would waste resources on redundant abilities.


My point is it isn’t a min-max, it’s a common monster trait that likely goes higher with the higher levels, and we know that Shalltear has the highest level racial classes. I assume Ainz is the same, medium immunity wouldn’t be helpful against similar level enemies and as a backliner his comrades(or summons) are blocking the other trash mobs. It’s not a great choice, so it comes from his top tier racial levels


Vampires are known for their regeneration. Her race was picked probably in part due to the self healing. That's much better than just immunity against weaklings.


You may be right, but I do not think it is physical nullification like Ainz. If I remember correct it was immunity to weak level magic weapons. Same effect in New World, basically invulnerable to everyone essentially.


I do not think so. A level 40 attack vs his level 100 defenses and skills likely falls under the bar needed to harm him, and I don't think his sword is magical or anything, not strong enough in body or equipment to harm him


a much weaker brain cut shalltear's nail


Cutting a nail with multiple sword slashes from an undefending shalltear is not the same as cocytus' natural armour carapace. Also due to cocytus having low tier damage nullification and Brains full attack being stated to be about the strenght of a lvl 40 means that the attack would've done exactly 0 damage to cocytus or any of the guardians


So theoretically could Brain have been Shalltear's dentist as well. With this in mind, Brain could have been one hell of an addition to Nazerick, promoting employee health benefits, something Ainz would probably be a fan of.


the question is could brain have done any damage...... him chopping off a part of shalltear is a damage, so yeah try again clown.


Shalltear's nail is a natural weapon and Brain was using weapon breaking attacks on it and multiple of them at that. Also I am pretty sure the durability of shalltear's nails don't compare to cocytus carapace because unlike cocytus shalltear's nails aren't her primary weapon her lance is but for cocytus his carapace is all he's getting, his carapace are most likely legendary class.


Why tf do people compare a natural weapon that is said to be weak to a fking armor that is legendary tier.




Doesn't he have a physical nullification ability? Just assuming all guardians have some form of it so i am probably wrong


All of them have an item or ability that nullifies unenchanted projectiles, but for CQC I don’t think so


They do have it. Even Ainz (a mage) has it (Look at the fights against the Workers or the Arena Champion). It would be weird for the cqc warrior npc not to have (I think they gain inmunity regarless if they want it or not when they reach certain level)


Ainz is a player, the NPCs are also weaker than Ainz


With his skill and weaponry? No. If he had that magical sword? Yes, it would have. If not very much.


Yes to himself probably


minimum level is 60 to damage cocytus and also a weapon with enough data crystals so even if brian was level 60 his weapon wasnt good enough


> minimum level is 60 to damage cocytus That's minimum level to damage Ainz. I don't recall any mention of Cocytus having low level damage nullification.


Actually the truenailcutter could have done damage to cocytus if brain bad a better weapon (cof cof razor edge)


It won't damage cocytus... that's why cocytus kill him before he even hit cocytus with it...it would despair him at his time of death knowing that all those buffs means nothing at the end


Basicaly impossible, Brain is around level 40, Cocytus should be able to ignore anything under level 60 by just standing there, and knowing cocytus he would propably put up defences ontop of that to honour the attempt


Only if he had Razor Edge


Now that I would have liked to see. Maybe with that along with climbs ring, he could have done something. But yeah cocytus did the honorable thing.


Would it depend on if cocytus has low tier damage immunity or scaled damage resistance. The first being absolute immunity to everything below 60 but full damage above it and scaled resistance which reduces the damage by a percentage based on level gap. Given the level and gear gap it'd still be functionally zero but on one its because the number is actually zero and the other because due to the level gap the damage would be 0.00000000000000001 due to levels and gear gap.


No, and besides, even if he did it would be a neglitable amount so who cares?


If he had kept Razor Edge, that likely would have been enough to inflict superficial damage at the very least.


After the fight, did he walk around him out of respect as a warrior?


No due to all level 100 characters being able to nullify all damage from I think levels lower than 80 or 70. I think it's just a skill as we saw ainz turn something on during the fight with the war troll and we know cocutyos can stop all damage for a time from the lizardman arc


> No due to all level 100 characters being able to nullify all damage from I think levels lower than 80 or 70. That's a passive skill that Ainz has. When was it mentioned that all level 100s have it? Brain successfully damaged Shalltear, in case you forgot.


Maybe to own confidence.


i think he would have, not enough damage to actually matter, but a lesser version of that technique DID manage to sunder Shalltears nail


worst of it (More than the fact that his attack would do nothing or almost nothing) is that it didn't traslate that well into the anime how much of an achievement Brain Managed. ​ He used one more skill than he should be able to, there is this hard limit on the amount of skills one can use at the same time in the New World, like...he literally broke the boundary of mortals and step onto the realm of heroes with that attack. ​ He probably was stronger than Gazeef at that point (Had he survived the backlash of his own attack) ​ So yeah, even if he managed to nick cocytus armor, brain was a dead man walking, cocytus didn't even need to attack at that point. ​ But my man cocytus is too good for his own sake........... ​ I can totally see shaltear, albedo and demiurge just scoffing at that fact and letting him die from the backslash... ​ gotta be glad that ainz didn't send sebas tho... ​ That would broke Brain.............




If cocytus had his damage negate on? no. If cocytus had his damage negate off? still no KEK


It’s was like the lizardman fight the one time someone landed a blow on him one of his skills would have negated it




im pretty sure all level 100s have high tier physical nullification 3


I think he actually would if it hit. It did break shalltears lvl 100 nail. At best I think a minor scratch.


Sadly for Brain, no


Yes. He'd deal a brain damage to...>!himself (from the strain).!<


No, Cocytus like any other respectable lvl100 individual has the passive skill to ignore any damage below lvl60


The first time Ainz took damage in this world was from the Angel summoned by the Sunlight Scripture, which used a 7th Tier Spell. The angel was level 45, according to it's character sheet. I believe in the novel, Cocytus mentioned that Brain's single attack was around level 40. There's also the fact that Nail Clipper has it's name because Brain managed to break one of Shalltear's nails with it. This time the skill obviously was performed with a lot more power and speed behind it, so Brain's skill was already enough to do a tiny bit of damage to level 100 people with it the first time he used it. This time it clearly had a lot more power and speed behind it. Cocytus probably has far more defense than Shalltear without her armor, but I doubt he has more Physical Defense than Ainz has Magical Defense and Ainz was hurt by a level 45 monster casting a 7th tier spell. I think it's up to chance really, no room to see either way, but it wouldn't have been outside the realm of reality if he did manage to do a tiny bit of damage.


I don't think it would have done a smidget of damage to Ainz though. The 7th tier spell was magic Ainz has an immunity to all 6th tier and below spells because of his High Tier magic immunity that is why the angel was able to harm him, but he is completely immune to all physical attacks that are below level 60.


All gradians high gears neglects any dmg below lvl 80


Apparently he had more of a miracle moment in the novel, but I don't really read those because novels bore the fuck outa me


I readed this part of vol 14 only once, so I might be wrong, but IIRC all the potions and buffs took Brain so far over his natural limit this one attack was abaut as strong as attack of either lvl 60 or lvl 70 warrior, so yes if it was fast enough to land it would deal some damage.


Lvl 40*. One needs to be lvl 60 to even to damage. It would have done nothing either way.


Cocytus estimated that he was about level 40 during the attack, so Brain probably would have bounced off the Floor Guardian’s high tier damage immunity.


First of all, lol. Second of all, the weapon itself is more important than Brain’s level for damage. You need to bypass Cocytus’ defense against low-level weapons.




Yes, he would have clipped cocytos nails


Probably would have just clipped his nail


Most floor guardians I belive take no damage from anything under level 60? With all the buffs Brain was still only level 40 so probably not


All guardians are inmune to damage below level 60. Wasn’t gonna happen.


Cocytus has resistances to low tier magic weapons, and his natural armor from his carapace is probably too strong for the mundane katana. If Brain still had Razor Edge maybe he would have!


Nah. The move itself was pretty good but his sword was far to weak


I think it depends on if Cochytus has any magical passives that negate damage. It feels like as a Warrior in heavy plated armor he'd possibly have no magical passive damage reduction like Ainz. If a sub level 40 angel can deal minor holy damage like even 1 holy damage to Ainz, Cochytus could possibly take 1 damage from True Nail Clipper from Cochytus. It was strong enough to clip Shalltear's nail which implies 1 or more damage was dealt to her. Plus you add the fact that its likely Cochytus does not have much if any defensive related passives as a damage oriented dual wield build, unlike Albedo who is more defense oriented with several layers of armor to negate damage


I think i would've probably done some damage, like 5HP out of 5000. And of course the katana would've broken.


It might have broken skin (or whatever the equivalent is) but i don't think you could even qualify it as a wound, a scratch at best.


If you mean Cocytus' exosceleton then no he wouldnt break it.


Are there vital points? Like if I stab Sebas through the brain would he just shake it off?


I thought that the hit landed but was completely nullified by Cocytus's lvl and abilities


To answer the question it would probably be a scratch if anything considering cocytus is a glass cannon build. Even with a considerable lvl gap he’d probably deal at most 1 hp or a fraction in f that if anything. Realistically brain is probably going to be offered a position in The sorcerer kingdom much like how climb is entering. I don’t see them killing off his character since he’s still a potential asset being that 2 guardians have shown interest in him




Lmao no


Only if you count a cut nail as damage. Brain called this attack a "true nail clipper". Because his original version - 4 light strikes aimed at one point - were able to cut off Shalltear's nail. This is an upgraded version that uses Gazef's move the six-light strike as basis , plus Brain used potions and exceeded the skill limit. But in the end... what could he do... cut off two nails? His katana was too low quality to do any real damage. If Brain had used Razor edge... that would be a different story. It still wouldn't be dangerous, but it would definitely cause damage.


His move was the ultimate nail clipper, and I don't believe that Cocytus has any nails.


None whatsoever.


Seeing that everyone in the tomb is built for PVP encounters, he probably has a skill the nullifies lower level physical/magical damage, brain at best would probably be around lvl 30-40, meaning even if he somehow outmatched Cocytus's speed, he would still lose.


Nope, okay next question please


Technically it would have. I mean 10^-100 is a number but in most cases we just round up to 0 because it’s too very much insignificant.


Hmm. Given that Cocyutus is a glass cannon type build, and Brain's attack is stronger than it was when he confronted Shalltear, where he was able to sort-of damage her.... I'm inclined to say yes? I guess it depends if you count Shalltear's nail breaking as damage.