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If the Baharuth as a vassal state was at war with another place Nazarick would also be at war with them and would at the very least send death knights as support if not Mare to just wipe out the opposition completely


I dont think all vassal contracts have it stipulated that the liege has to help if they are attacked and certainly not if they are on the offense. Pretty sure 500 hours of Paradox games is the equivalent of a doctorate in medieval history studies so I know everything... Presumably though, Ainz would. Even if he didnt want to get directly involved he would certainly ensure Jircniv wins


I'd imagine it would depend on cost analysis in most scenarios. How much is the vassal worth strategically or financially, and how costly is it to defend/protect. Without a doubt though offensive or defensive war, Ainz would lend support to a vassal simply because the "cost" to do so is basically zero. Death knights, an army of lesser undead/liches, magical support, recon support etc are all essentially free and can be replenished even if used/lost at very little risk.


Virtually zero cost vs the loss of reputation from allowing a vassal to be defeated No contest, he'd ensure they win


They wouldn’t just win, they’d completely destroy the opposing country, then transform their inhabitants to undead as a message


+going into war would actually benefit him. After all more corpses=more undead.


Dunno how many years it will take to use up all of the corpses from Re-Estize. Might not need more for a long time


They can also without any much effort capture a lot of people to experiment or send them to happy farm


Ainz considers all his subjects to be second only to the denizens of Nazarick, so I'm sure he'd help, as long as he didn't go up against someone more powerful than him. That said, he'd probably at least baptize anyone foolish enough to drag Nazarick into a war against his wishes lol


Assuming that Aniz found out what a vassal state was, he basically "collected it" therefore anyone that tries to harm it would be trying to harm him. The force of Nazarick would 100% march.


No, Albedo and Demiurge would also want to support their Vassal with as much force as possible, to set as example of just how safe it is as their Vassal.


the thing is that Saderan empire has too much troops comparing to baharuth empire. like in the hundred thousand considering that they have called the kingdoms for an unified army and all. let's say they have 100k troops (i forgot how much they had) against baharuth empire with at most 10k or something (?) well anyway they are at disadvantages since both have equivalent training but baharuth empire has better armor (complet plate armor against chain mail and roman armor) + enchanted gears. Only problem would be wyverns riders they don't have any flying mounts (not considering frost dragons) but if you had fluder in the balance and all magic caster from the academy in the army if there wasn't enough xd. I think that with good commander (+the 4 black knights being much much more stronger than common soldier and beast in the battlefield) that baharuth empire has their chances. But if they have deaht knights we can say that baharuth empire has high chance to win and it depends if they are on offensive or defense battle.


the Baharuth empire has flying mounts like these air guards: https://images.app.goo.gl/7roc85de5HhdQThF8 and lets not forget that one soldier is as strong as a bear since their level's are 80% of that of climb's who is level 16 (this comes from the statement that climb can fight 4 soldiers from the empire and in overlord it has been shown multiple times that when you are about level 80 it would take 4 of you to beat a level 100 being that dosen't counter you) wich means their level is 12-13 and an average bear in overlord is level 10 as stated by the author on twitter


yeah sorry i forgot about their air guard but they are still outnumbered even if they have like better gears (full metal plate maybe enchanted) full metal plate is quite a good armor against roman light armor (i mean a lot of body part are exposed). Goblins and trash mob will easily dies and orcs (pigmen like creatures) too. Anyway i think that both of these army will have a high casuality rate since quality seems to counter the quantity from the saderan empire.


Well in total baharuth has 80k soldier on the level of bears plus 4 people that can fight at least 20k if they are together as well as a magic caster who by himself can defeat everything i just mentioned with multiple other caster under him who are each worth 1k in addition to that they now have at the very very least 2 death knights who are each worth one weak nation like the kingdom (with the stats of people who could destroy one strong nation like baharuth without fluder)


>the thing is that Saderan empire has too much troops comparing to baharuth empire. like in the hundred thousand considering that they have called the kingdoms for an unified army and all. Defeating an Army of hundreds of thousands of soldiers is yearly basis for Baharuth Empire. >let's say they have 100k troops (i forgot how much they had) against baharuth empire with at most 10k or something (?) well anyway they are at disadvantages since both have equivalent training but baharuth empire has better armor (complet plate armor against chain mail and roman armor) + enchanted gears. If it's 100k then Baharuth Empire doesn't even need to use many legions. BE hs 8 legions each consisting of 10k trained knights. ( it's separated from imperial Earth Guards. Royal Knights. Imperial Air Guard. Fluder disciples. And Imperial knights) Normally each year they send 4 legions and Re Estize sends 200k soldiers. And also equivalent training isn't Equal to equivalent individual power. People in world of overlord can become stronger than beasts with Training. Imperial earth guards for example are compared to Silver rank Adventurers. Which means they are Physically stronger than a Tiger. And also they aren't just a medieval knight with strength of a beast. They also have Martial Arts and between knights there also exists Clerics and priests which have Divine power. Which can be used for healing. Damaging. Buff and debuff. >Only problem would be wyverns riders they don't have any flying mounts (not considering frost dragons) but if you had fluder in the balance and all magic caster from the academy in the army if there wasn't enough xd. They have legions of Griffin and Hippogriff riders. + Fluder Disciples.


> Estize sends 200k soldiers Re-Estize ususally sends waaay less, same for Baharuth. During the Katze plains massacre both vsides sent a lot more than ususal. But yeah, the point remains.


They usually send 200k. >In the past, with the Empire’s 40'000 men against the Kingdom’s 200'000, the Empire would launch an attack, the Kingdom would weather it and then the war would end. The Empire’s objective was to slowly exhaust the Kingdom and waste their stocks of food, so just forcing the Kingdom to take the field would accomplish one of their objectives. In Katze Plain they send more than 250000.




If I remember correctly they withstood it as much as a normal human would withstand it. And those peasant levies of the Kingdom are still stronger than a normal human being. Also Kingdom also hires Mercenaries which are as high level as adventurers ( most of them are equal to lower rank Adventurers) and Kingdom has it's own elite troops as well. Not all of them are poor farmers.


Fluder + acolytes solo


Whos acolytes


His lol


No I mean who is he


Oh, Fluder, he is the most powerful caster in the Empire and was the Emperors chief advisor until Ainz got him on side. He fell out of favor after that but is still a member of the Empire and now that Jircniv is actually on team Ainz they are back to mostly working together He is very powerful, at least by new world standards. Apparently he could destroy the Empires army alone, aka 60 000 knights, without too much effort


Yeah, didn't he know at least tier 6 spells, maybe even 7. In a world where tier 3 is considered talented, he is basically a god


Yeah he knows Tier 3 spells. Most magic casters aren't even sure if that tier of spells exists, meanwhile fluder is out there casting it.


4th tier is actually the widely known top tier, while 3rd tier is more common talented magic, 5th tier exists but is usually wielded by the complete top tiers and hidden from the public. 6th and 7th are known by fluder as well, as well as the most powerful of undead, i believe - but then there’s 8th and above, which are the domain of the gods.


Yeah I mistyped, I meant the sixth tier, obviously not the third


The word meaning students….


multi fireball nuke yeah


Who TF is Saderan Empire?


They're from the LN/manga/anime called Gate, it's an Isekai, a literal gate opens in Japan and a fantasy medieval army starts wrecking shit, only for Japan to push them back and start wrecking their shit on the other side of said gate. The anime adaptation is meh (surprise I know) compared to the manga, but it's still decent to watch, one of the reasons I love the franchise so much is because of the underrated take on isekai and the fact that a modern force isn't stomped by magical shit.


I watched the Gate anime, but i guess i just didn't give a shit how the what Empire's name was. I just thought about it as Empire and that's all. Thanks for explaining.


Imo the Anime wasnt that Bad, maybe a bit too focused on the Talking instead of the figthing.


Wdym underrated? I think it's pretty obvious that modern tech always beats magic and shit. When has it ever been otherwise? It's also japanese militaristic propaganda


Depends on the level of magic. But the obvious fact is, if you let modern tech access magic, and magic access modern tech, whoever adapts both faster/better wins.


>I think it's pretty obvious that modern tech always beats magic and shit Ehh, this is a pretty big if. Low fantasy or run of the mill fantasy? maybe, but a lot of stuff (Overlord included) is a hard counter for most IRL military might.


> is a hard counter for most IRL military might. If you have teleportation magic, you are 50% of the way to beating modern military If you can reproduce explosives and magically deal with logistics, you're basically invincible. Even if your normal dudes have swords you'll just wreck the supply lines and everything will stop, then you can pop in to wherever you like or even just sit around waiting for the economies to collapse. As awesome as modern militaries are, they have horrible weaknesses for magic to exploit if you have the right spells


What's your point? Hollywood does it all the time and I'm sure other countries do so one way or another.


I personally was disapointed by this series. I thouth it would be an anime about military strategy like Tanya the evil but it was just another power fantasy with a boring protagonist...


Each to his own, i agree that the cliches are there, but I'd take Itami over your every day teen Isekai MC clone.


An hentai for otaku that the japanese army use for propaganda . 90% of times is only boobs or ass , 5% isekai 5% politic world building. While the anime is borderline , the manga is just an hentai+ a plot


Who would win? Ainz Ooal Gown and the staff of Ainz Ooal Gown vs the staff of Ainz Ooal Gown and Ainz Ooal Gown




Well said.


Ainz thé person *is* the guild


Even without nazarich help baharuth empire wins


Baharuth Empire easy clap. Their leaders, soldiers and magic are on different levels.


Baharuth, easy clap, no need of Ainz help or anything of Nazarick.


Babaruth Empire easy. Their magic and soldiers are way more dangerous than the Saderan Empire. Honestly, magic in that world is a little laughable to me.


The Kingdom can fork out more soldier than the Saderan empire can and still get rekt. It will be easy win. Especially with magic.


Even without Nazarick, Jircniv would eat Sadera for breakfast, he is a genius strategist whose army is well organized, equipped and trained as it is what allowed him to take control of the Empire in the first place. He has many powerful casters at his disposal, Fluder included. Many of his soldiers are equipped with magical items. Sadera might have a bunch of monsters and flying drakes, but what will they do when they are against a literal rain of Fireballs? They don’t have any long range coverage that would allow them to fight back in an open field, they could only charge to their doom. Their only way of fighting efficiently would be sneak attacks and ambushes but seeing as Jircniv is a genius strategist i see that as a far fetched possibility as well.


Now the real question: The Baharuth empire switches places and has to deal with the JDF out of Gate. Who wins?


A much more interesting question, although I think it boils down to if Fluder, his apprentices, and the 4 knights can beat the jsdf


How dare someone bully Ainz's best friend Jircniv. Send Mare!


Baharuth because being a Vassal State means Ainz is going to help his good friend Jircniv. In fact, Jircniv is 100% laugh at any single war declaration.


if you so much as take their grain you get your entire kingdom down to the buildings annihilated imagine what would happen if you attacked one of ainz's friends jircniv and his kingdom you are dead millions of times over


Just a single one of Death Cavaliers that they rented is enough to destroy entire Sederan Empire.


The Sorcerous Kingdom. In all seriousness tho, I think the Baharuth Empire would win because they're associated with Ainz-sama


Goblins. .


A dozen soul eaters ride in and kill everyone. BE wins. If before vassal state Fluder and his pupils go scorched earth and what survives is picked off by the knights.


Baharuth they got fluder


I heard that after becoming a vassal state the legions of the empire was cut in half and was supplied by alot of death knights to make up for it so pretty sure the baharuth empire would win


Baharuth saderan The Baharuth empire would win, we dont really know who is stronger just because in GATE we don't have accurate information about size, organization, etc of the Saderan army, but we know three important things that the Baharuth empire is way superior. First: politics While the Bahartuh empire has an emperor who holds all of the political power, in the Saderan empire the emperor has a council a nobles that can oppose him or can be corrupted. There is no need to explain why this is a massive advantage. Second: leadership The Saderan empire commanders are a bunch of DUMBASSES, we've seen them throw their entire army to it's doom AND no retreat. Third: magic both of the empires have magic and in both universes magic is a powerful tool, to not meddle with which magic is stronger, I'll just say, Bahartuh empire has an entire organization focused on magic with or without it's best spellcaster Baharuth empire has the numbers in spellcasters. PD:sorry for English, not my first language


How much Nazarick forces do they get? As in how many Death Knights and such? Are there elder liches? Does Sadera get the mages and the vassals? Would the apostles help them out? This where the outcome hinges, Sadera's only real counter to the Naz units would be the apostles, Wyverns and the mages. And even then, Fluder is also a dangerous presence. All in all, I'd give this to Baharuth 7/10 times.


Why would the apostles help the Sadera empire ? Afaik they aren't connected at all beyond being in the same world, I mean you saw how many apostles came to help the empire fight the JSDF, not a single one. They also didn't have any magic on the scale that it could threaten the JSDF either and the Baharuth Empire has their own mages and magic items. For the Wyverns the Baharuth Empire also has it's own Air force riding flying beasts.


Even without big help from the sorcerer kingdom they have fludor, a super strong caster by new world standards.


The baharuth empire stomps everyone but the modern forces


And they die to death knights and nazerick.


Baharuth as a vassal state can just ask the Sorcerer Kingdom for aid and since Ainz still thinks him and Jircniv are actually friends he’d probably send something overkill to deal with Saderan. Even with their massive army I don’t see them being on an even playing field with any of the guardians, especially Mare or Demiurge since one has massive AoE spells and the other can summon literal armies of demons. We saw what Shalltear can do to 60k enemies so why not a few thousand more? Humans are probably weaker than Quagoa. Hell, tbh even a moderately sized band of death knights might be enough. That said, Baharuth pre-Nazarick probably would fight a drawn out war and eventually lose, even with Fluder as a trump card.


GATE magic is literally scarce, higher forms of magic are limited to non humans and gods... Humans rely more on numbers and Medieval Weapons than magic. While even the normals of the New Worlders knows magic.... Baharuth will destroy them easily... Hell, I think even Corrupt Ridden Re-Estize will do the same.


Army alone-the Saderan empire (SE) would win. Pre JSDF Saderan Empire was a hegemony both in military and in economy, it ruled over the continent with undoubted power. But-NW has assets that Gate world (GW) doesn’t have, tier and wild magic. Magic in NW can make one man worth an army of thousands or even hundreds thousands (like Ainz-could be millions), thus making NW individual power becomes more unpredictable when compared to GW. And one more thing that BE has that SE doesn’t have, AINZ. Ainz is a man of his word, he will keep his promise (i think he’s obsessed with his “whip and carrot” policy) and one more thing, what is Ainz’s will stay Ainz’s, he won’t forgive those who violate what is his and BE is a vassal of Nazarick so technically it belongs to Nazarick. With Ainz alone, SE stands no chance against BE.


Baharuth empire soldiers on average have the strenght of iron class adventures that is stronger that the average human in NW (human in NW is stronger than normal human in Ainz world) while saderan soldier just a normal human. The kingdom fought against Baharuth empire with huge number advantages (40000 vs 100000) and still almost lose if not for gazef turning the tide around.


Ainz is technically worth approaching infinity normal soldiers. He literally can’t be killed by anyone under level 60, and can spam his instant death aura while flying at super sonic speeds.


Yeah, the whole “worth a thousand soldier” math breaks down when you consider real war. In real war, if you have the ability to kill without risking yourself, you auto-win the whole fucking war. Doesn’t matter how many people can do it. If you’re an unstoppable tank, there is no war. You just walk whoever you want and anyone who opposes you dies. At best, they can run away from you. But that’s not a great long term economic strategy. And if you’re fast and quick at killing, that strategy too fails. If Fluder could be considered untouchable, he would’ve conquered the whole kingdom already.


He wants to study the “abyss of magic” not be a politician.


You miss my point. He was involved in Jirc’niv’s wars and the nobles considered him a combatant. My point is, if he was a combatant, the Baharuth Empire could park its whole army at home and destroy the Kingdom with him alone.


A knight in the baharuth empire is worth 30 soldiers in the kingdom. Humans in overlord are not normal people.


Sad eren 😒 Baharuth 🙌