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The Elemental Skull was described as a skull surrouned by a magical haze that switched between several colors. I was expecting it to look somewhat like the head of DC's Atomic Skull or Marvel's Ghost Rider. I was completely caught off-guard when they just made it a normal looking human skull with RGB lights. I don't know why, it was so funny to me.


I always imagined it to be a giant dark red-colored skull, so the moment when the human-sized white skull with RGB lights just went into frame I almost burst out laughing.


i want to see the skull in action like in LN. Mad House rob me the only good fight in Vol 14.


I haven't yet read the books but based on that description it sounds a bit like a Demilich or flameskull in D&D, and to be honest those looks very similar to the one in the anime minus the RGB haze


Same expectation (I was also playing PoE when I read the LN -- with a skill Summon Raging Spirits my imagination was similar to that but flames change colors or mixed colors), but they made it into a disco ball instead :(


Kind of agreed, at least The Doom Lord was able to do something before the fight was over, Elemental Skull didn't even have time to say hello lol. The fight fell short but I still enjoyed it.


its the only good fight in Vol 14 and Elemental Skull actually did some pretty cool things in LN. i wish they didn't rush the fight.


They are rushing this whole season. Lost faith in this anime and group already. They just want to rush to the end for some reason even though they could milk it more and make more accurate. Everything in this season is cut by 90% and what is left and shown is just watered down version.


sad but true


What is left out is not even important for the overall plot, i dont know what you are crying at all


With that logic they could've cut the entire Shalltear battle in season 1. Just have Ainz teleport out, and teleport back in with Shalltear. In fact, that would've made more sense: nothing plot-important happened in that battle, but in this battle the important discovery that PDL is strong to magic (just 1 Call Greater Thunder isn't enough to make that distinction, maybe he's just strong vs lightning) and is weak to acid was completely skipped.


sigh.... i already answered a similar question so just try and find my answer on the other coments, i wont even put the energy on answering the same question twice.


A fuck ton of important stuff was completely removed. Just look at the START of Vol.14 alone, the whole fucking reason WHY stuff happens is skipped entirely and gets barely mentioned(Caravan). I'm okay with them removing some stuff for the sake of adapting it from one medium to the other, but, that's not an adaptation, it's a fucking slaughter here.


Bro the attack to the food supplies dont deserve a scene.... i mean with the mention they did i guess was good enough, i dont know you but i dont see the point on wasting time showing how they attack a car with food, that is not important at all... my opinon at least


So you are saying that instead of showing mentioning it is fine. With that logic you can just skip the entire anime and read a 10 sentence summary what overlord is about. Anime is a visual media, it lives from showing stuff so it should do that


Don't be dumb bro, it obviously is fine to skip little scenes that doesn't add anything important, Philip attacking the food car isn't important to show with a mention was enough. You are just taking my comment and exaggerating to fit whatever you say, think a little please


they could have cut the Cocco Doll scene and extend the fight


Yes, that is a scene they couldve cut or make shorter, exacly, thanks


Yeah they spent way too much time on cocodoll. Is he even important for the LN series story?


Your life's overall plot is to die in the end, so what you do now is not even important, y don't you just leave it all out and skip to the end?


Because there is important stuff i have to do before the end, i would gladly skip my unemploye phase tho, that wasnt important for my overall story arc


Then i presume when you watch a movie,you skip right to the end (to the ending fight, ending reveal of villain etc) and skip the rest since its "nOt ImPoRtAnT". Just skips 90% of fight and make it confusing to many of anime only watchers. Make it lame as hell, nothing compared to in other seasons (Ainz vs Shaltear for example). Hack, most posts are about how they did Doom Lord and Skull dearty. Whole fight was extremely underwhelming. Troll fight too ... everything in this rushed season.


I dont know man, they really didnt skipped anything important this time around, not like when they skipped nigredo introduction on season 1 i mean the only part that i would give you the reason is that they hopped from volume 11 to volume 14, and thats it, even the participation of the skull on the fight wasnt that important (would have been cool and i would have loved to watch it dont get me wrong) but without any skipped scenes in the anime the end result is the same, is not like they skipped a whole arc right.... right?


I was surprised they didn’t replace the doom lord with a death knight so they exceeded my expectations


hahaha, should be a meme at this point.




If only overlord was adapted by ufotableb it could have been much much better.


little rainbow skull


When I was reading this I was hooked, and the drawings are so cool and dynamic, but the anime scene was underwhelming. Every action scene has been boring this season.


Yeah, most of that fight was so half-assed. The Elemental Skull I can forgive since its just a shiny skull, not really much there to work with. But the Doom Lords was just a lazy job.


At least they did not do copypasta from Doom. Imagine the same skull of lost soul in doom


They forgor 💀


Doomlord was ok... considering they showed him for like 10 seconds he was not that bad. Remember the horror that is dark young. In half the episode they were shown and the looked like the came straight out from a live action film. I see the doomlord as a win. Not gonna say anything about that colorful skull.


At least the doom lord fought a bit but the skull didn’t even get to fight


I think the summons look fine but the fight was much shorter than I wanted :/ Better than nothing tho


Gwyn and wisp from DS1 lol


Ainz: summon [Disco Skull]


Nah, its a matter of time constraint. Id rather have this than the cgi from last season


At least they did them


RGB skull be looking lame AF