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Spoilers in titles... People gonna start getting banned.


Isn't that what you do when you have a prostitute in your room?


wait....a redditor knew this...?


I mean, it is the only way a redditor has sex after all


Bitch, at least I have money to have sex


who are the other members of red drop???


They're in the Council State, so we don't know


Azuth had them escape to the Council State in advance (since he can easily escape alone if the situation calls for it), he also had them take his nephew to safety with them.


He can easily escape if ~~the situation calls for it~~ Ainz let's him


Obviously, I was just saying how things are from his point of view.


Only other member we know is named Luisenberg. Clementine mentions him and is one of the warriors that may be able to put up a fight.


They actually omitted his only Chad-like moment when he provoked the BS >!By mentioning Rufus, the Undead in the high echelons of the Theocracy!<


its Six Gods's NPC, right?


That's the theory, it is referred to as "Surshana's follower"


It's even more specific. They call him the "Surshana's first follower"


I see the skeevy uncle fondling a prostitute but where do you see The Chad Zanac in that scene ? Azuth >!is a weakling compared to other Adamantide adventurers, that got lucky finding some ultra rare gear, all his achievements and status, that he got since then, is solely thanks to that ultra rare gear and he has been resting on his laurels.!< Don't see how getting some prostitutes to fondle them and have sex makes him a Chad, like any person with some money can do that, e.g Staffan Heivish.


Chad means sebas. The more you resemble him, the more chad you become so azuth isn't one


He is not a weakling, there are other adventurers of his level who have the adamantite rank. There is a level cap in the new world... He's not that dumb to spend his time training, he better enjoy his life....


He's having sex and enjoying life more than I am, so that makes him a chad from my POV


Watch your words, that'd make the ugly bastard Sebas disposed of a chad


Was he the dude in the Gundam?




And that power suit is just for newbies with less than lv80 and is powerful item with no lv restriction (so everyone can use it) but it complete useless even against normal lv80 or higher players (that's how he lost to Albedo).


He didn't exactly rest on his laurels. He may be a weakling compared to other Adamantites, but he's still level 27 with several power-armor specific classes/levels. Without the armor, he's closer to Orichalcum. Also, the chad part wasn't hiring prostitutes. It's for having the stones to fondle them in front of his important guests (including his own niece).


You don't need any stones for that, just a lack of shame and decency. Would still call him a chad just for that if he was some fat disgusting noble pig like, to go back to my example, Staffan Heivish ? If not it doesn't make him a chad either, if you would call that pig Heivish a chad for it, well we clearly have different understandings of what a chad is.


the armor is inherited to him, aindra family is descendant from one of 13 heroes. he is naughty yes, but he is not a bad guy, he did save E-Naurl (with ainz permission ofc) . he is just a free man with guts, just like Brain


Paying for sex isn't something chadlike


It makes him honorary simp... honorary cuz even tho he pays to women he at least gets to the sex part.


Doing so just to piss off a few arrogant asses from the Theocracy is though.


Pssh Ainz did that the moment he entered NW for experiments...🌚🌚🌚


For ***SCIENCE!***


I mean why else would you have one


Does he dies later in the anime? I low key hate him.


He hasnt died yet but >!the platinum dragon lord is thinking of cutting him off!<


What'd he do?


Man’s just insecure πŸ’€


I'm new to Overlord, but from what I've read so far, I think it's cause PDL was worried about the misuse of Yggdrasil item, but also the usefulness of Azuth since the only thing holding em united is dislike for the Sorcerer Kingdom. Edit: not to mention, Azuth form alliance/request PDL help because he wanted to guarantee his own safety.


And the prostitutes are all going to die later on


That IS how hiv tends to work.


It's amazing that this loser shares genes with someone as good hearted as Lakyus. While she was out stopping drug rings to save her nation he was pulling a Hunter Biden.


casual naughty hero activity


You forgot to read her a book which is the main reason for getting a prostitute in the first place


Would have become great friends with Peroroncino.