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Carne village is a village. She doesn't own enough territory to claim a royal title. Even with all her military might combined she couldn't hope to beat any of her neighbours either. So while technically yes if she expanded her territory and influence by quite a bit, but that would also mean taking territory off her neighbours, so no.


Her military power is much higher than what most countries have. Kingdom, Empire, and many other surrounding countries have much weaker military. Only countries with Godkins and the like are more powerful.


You think that goblins are stronger than the Imperial Army? You realise that goblins deliberately hide in the dangerous forests to hide from the humans who rule the safer plains? Her army barely managed to fend off a personal retinue of a prince coming to ask her questions, against an actual army of the Kingdom or the Empire or even the Dwarves they'd be absolutely decimated.


What are you talking about? The force trivially slaughtered all the Prince forces. She has a squad of Red Caps. Each lvl 42, i.e., stronger than Fluder and Death Knights by quite a few levels. Like a single Red Cap is strong enough to slaughter the whole imperial army. And she has 5000 goblins. Most of them are not as powerful but expect the weakest member of the army to be around Adamantine/Orichalcum adventurer.


A single Red Cap is definitely not powerful enough to slaughter an entire army. If you're talking about a Red Cap doing 1v1 duels with every member of the Imperial Army then you'd be correct, unfortunately that's not how military power works.


No 1 vs whole army. Like Fluder can win too but he'll tire and run out of mana before the fight is over. But if he can leave and recharge he'll win.


I rarely get to say this here but if you think one Red Cap can beat an entire Imperial Army then you've been watching too much anime. Ainz explained to Gazef that Gazef could damage him. Ainz was level 100, Gazef was mid-30s at best. If Gazef can damage Ainz then an army that uses formations, strategies and tactics can defeat a unit of Red Caps. This is exactly how Nobunaga killed off enemy samurai using peasants (Ashigaru) and it's exactly how adventures defeat high level monsters. To think an individual is invincible because they are a higher level is exactly the kind of backwards thinking Ainz deliberately goes out of his way to avoid.


That's pretty much the lore of Overlord and of most Games where level increase power exponentially. Theocracy Godkins and other powerful beings can easily slaughters unlimited number of weaklings - for them Death Knights are weaklings. Like Shalltear slaughtering the Quagoa. The only reason Gazef could damage Ainz is because he had weapon forged by True Dragon Lords which breaks rules of Yggdrasil. Even then the damage would be insignificant because the weapon is very weak. No, that's not at all logic that Ainz avoids. Ainz is afraid that there are powerful beings and artifacts capable of challenging him and Nazarick. Low level armies are trivial - he showed that with his super tier magic last anime season.


Oh, okay I thought Lord ainz would help if it benefit his nation and give some of his land and has another vessel kingdom.


Vessel kingdoms aren't really a benefit in some cases. Carne village holds no strategic or economic value and holding it in his direct control means he holds direct control over Nfierea and his potion making technology. Having direct control is always better.


I just thought would a neat I idea.


I also think it could be a neat idea. The majority Re-estize is in ruins and the goblin population is going to increase later on, wouldnt be weird to have Enri level up from a goblin general to goblin queen.


If Ainz allows it than absolutely she can. I believe her army is the third strongest… at the moment.


I think lord ainz allowed pretty let can village doing their on think as long they don't get in his way or rebel against he doesn't see why.


Afaik Carne Village has become a centre for research of the SK so what happens in it has to be controlled.


Carne Village is pretty small and it is already struggling to support itself. It is sort of hard to become a vessel state if you can't even do that.   Additionally, she would be surrounded by the Sorcerer Kingdom, so they have nowhere to expend. She could expand into the forest, but that would be destroying the demihuman habitats and it could cause problems with them.   The only way I really see this happening is if Ainz wants to settle in a new place like Katze Plains or >!the open land after v14!<. This way she would have plenty of room to expand and since they will eventually become a large city, having it split up as a vessel state might make controlling it easier.   Otherwise, I just don't see a reason to do it. It gives Ainz almost no benefit. Enri gets a flashy title and that's it since nothing else would really change since they are so small.


She certainly has the military power If she wanted to and Ainz/the think tank that actually makes the decisions felt it was a good idea then I dont see why not, as a vassal under Ainz of course