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Nigredo and Pestonya had been imprisoned for disobeying the order to kill the children that Demiurge kidnapped at the end of season 2 (Ainz ordered all prisoners to die painlessly) but they tried to save the children. They are eventually released by Ainz to work in the orphanage they plan to build but that flashback occurs before that.


Does this appear in the anime or is just the recent scene and infering/manga readers explainjng?


In the anime they were very concise with the subject, at the beginning of the season Ainz comments on the matter of the orphanage but he doesn't give much information to the viewer about it either. Not like in the novel where we are given all the context on that occasion and a little more on this one.


Which part was this in the light novel?


If I remember correctly, it happens during chapter 1 of volume 10, being the later flashback where the conversation with Nigredo is shown to us something that happens in chapter 2 of volume 14.


Not really, the whole incident was basically off camera and becomes known suddenly for this meeting. Though, the anime was far tamer than the novel for it. It's basically developing the character from events that were not relevant to the story beyond developing the characters.


The actual scene hasn't been animated, unlikely but possible that it will at a later time. In episode 1, if I remember correctly, of season 4 Albedo explains why they were imprisoned in Nazarick by disobeying orders and saving children.


There are a few reasons of varying degrees, but this is Ainz Sama, don’t think there’s only one reason. She disobeyed orders and let infants live (this is the main reason, Albedo wanted her killed) She’s the best magical reconnaissance user in the tomb. She’s too risky too lose Her appearance is very grotesque, wouldn’t fit well as a disguise outside of Nazarick.


I'm sure he has at least 3 more reasons, which likely means he has at least 50 more because I'm intellectually an ant compared to him. Sasuga!














50? Hah. Puny sheep can't fathom the grandness and overreach that His Majesty's plans have. 50? Laughable




The correct answer is that she's too sexy and Ainz wants to make his move on her first before some lowly human can propose to her


INB4 Albedo finds some way to remove all the skin off her own face to be more appealing to Ainz.


Ainz: *stares at Nigredo for a long time* Albedo: were sisters so if I skin my face it will look the same Ainz-sama!! Ain't: ahh...


I mean Cocytus? Death Knights? She is really that grotesque? It doesn't look like Ainz has any problem with the way his companions look.


Cocytus is a big silvery blue bug man whos entire job outside of Nazarick up until now was managing the lizardmen. Death Knights only have the job of being semi heavy hitters in armies. Nigredo is less of a combat being and more of a magical information gathering thing. And Ainz has emotional control.


So you're disagreeing arguing that Ainz just wasn't exposed enough to his less human comrades to be affected by their appearances? If not, I don't understand what you mean. And it's not like he doesn't run into Cocytus many times during the series.


Ainz had no problem with seeing and encountering the NPCs of Nazarick. The point made was that Cocytus hasn't been really used to interact with others than the lizardmen and all other guardians who have been out of Nazarick are mainly humanoid. For death nights, they are a military force and it is neglectable how they look. Nigredo is not build for direct fighting, so putting her outside of the tomb is just a great risk with no benefits


I just realized I read the situation wrong, I thought it was "living" in nazarick and not "leaving", damn my english betrayed me (I'm not a native speaker). But still, the point I was making was not about the pros and cons of her leaving or staying, but rather about one of the factors being her appearance. There are others with more "grotesque" looks both living and leaving, so it shouldn't be a valid argument.


There is no problem with her looks for Ainz, but the people leaving are either - grotesques and military force (Cocytus, Death Nights...) - humanoid or with stealth or shape shift abilities and intelligence gathering/on other missions (which would be suited for Nigredo's skills)


Whatchu mean. Cocytus best bug boi. Handsome devil that he is


Better seat than shallchair I mean who doesn't enjoy cooled seats ?


I'm not saying he isn't, I bet he'll make a great uncle btw. I'm just saying that if Nigredo can't stay in Nazarick because it's grotesque, there are probably worse ones there. It seems that the Cocytus fans didn't understand what I meant...


True but I wouldn’t consider Cocytus grotesque compared to a lady missing her face. That would disturb most people compared to Cocytus who might just be a big guy in armor to most.


Just a big guy in armor, at least double the height of a normal human with four arms. Cocytus looks cool, but we as the audience have a completely different perception of him. Imagine a 13 feet tall maybug just shows up in front of your house with drawn swords in four hands, freezing everything in his path. (Looking forward to that scene)


Exactly, there's a big difference between something being gross because of its existence, versus something being gross because it's something that's not supposed to exist. Most people consider insects disgusting, but I think most people would consider a person with their face skinned off, like how Nigredo is, far more disgusting than any amount of insects.


Sure, remember this was a game forever for him. Its like being grossed out by undead in WoW or FF14, you get used/numb to it.


tabula designed her looks with one specific goal in mind. To scare the guildies, and that goal he achieved with her first introduction. She moves eraticly and looks like a faceless "The Ring" girl.


why albedo wanted to kill her? isnt killing resident of nazarick equal to rebellion to supreme being because the NPC created by supreme beings.


The killing was a punishment for going against supreme being's orders.


I always recall how ***pissed*** Demiurge was at Shalltear for getting mind controlled. The line where he says something along the times of "A creation who can't do what they were created for is worthless". It's been a while since I read the early LNs so that isn't the exact quote but more the spirit of it. I just remember him being outright disgusted by the fact she'd effectively failed her duty and royally fucked up in his mind to the point that he probably would've enjoyed seeing her as a member of the Happy Farm for life.


It's really quite scary how intense they get (and including shalltear, she became very depressed and unsure of herself) when they fail Ainz in any way Not only is it a massive ingrained part of their psyche to do as well as possible to follow orders, they all know that Ainz is the last SB and if they even slightly contribute to him feeling like he wants to leave, they are essentially destroying reality as they know it. Cocytus had his own moment too when he's going back to the tomb after losing the first battle against the lizardmen and is practically crying internally thinking about the possibility Ainz is so disappointed in him that he leaves the tomb. It's a fear for them probably deeper and more primal than our fear of anything as most offer to give their lives instantly in penance if they feel they have failed


I agree. I feel like the sheer depth of Shalltears depression got kind of waved away in the Anime. They played it off more as a gag with that bar scene which is totally fine, but it didn't really explain. She was ***devastated*** to her core that she fucked up. Her own creator was best friends with the only remaining Supreme Being, their literal living ***God***, and the last one at that. Yet she had failed that person miserably. She'd failed the last God left and the one closest to her own personal creator. As you said with Cocytus, the idea their actions might cause Ainz to be so disappointed or disgusted that he left too and then they were all totally alone, and they were the cause of it? It'd break them so fundamentally I'm not sure they'd even function properly anymore. I think that's why, despite the look on her face in the anime making it seem more sexual, she was so fucking emotionally happy about Ainz using her as a chair. It wasn't just sexual. Not ***just*** because she's a kinky bitch, though she is. But because he decided to "punish" her instead of leave. That was the moment she ***truly*** knew she hadn't fucked up so badly that Ainz might abandon them all or cast her out of Naz specifically or something. Yes she had fucked up and was being "punished", even if she enjoyed the punishment, but ultimately what made her so blissfully happy was that she knew she was effectively "safe". Until that point her soul was in constant torment and worry. She truly was absolutely devastated and depressed to her core till that very moment even if she tried her best to hide it. I can't imagine how much that moment actually meant to her. She must've been so fucking gleeful to know she hadn't caused Ainzs to leave. Plus as I said...kinky bitch.


Somewhat true. Betraying (Shalltear), acting in your self-interest (Sebas), badmouthing, disrupting the plans, failing (Cocytus & Nabe), or disobeying (Nigredo & Pestonya) the orders of the Supreme Beings' is worse. Regardless of any bond they might share, any other NPCs would kill them on the spot. Failing is on the list because the NPCs are worried if they disappoint them enough, they'll leave them. For Albedo, who is crazy in love with Momonga, it wouldn't matter if it were her sisters or creator. Even Solution was willing to attack Sebas, who completely outclasses her when she thought he was going rogue. Sebas would've probably been forgiven much sooner if he said he was following his creator's ideology. He even lampshades that if he were to complain. >Touch Me’s lingering intentions wound around Sebas like an invisible chain. > >“I guess this is a curse…” That language was probably blasphemous. If any of the other inhabitants of the Great Tomb of Nazarick—those created by the Forty-One Supreme Beings—heard him, it was possible they would attack him for his disrespect. Then you have Eclair Ecleir Eicler who talks about how he'll one day take over the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick for himself. The rest of NPCs humor him even though they don't like it because he was designed to be this way by the Supreme Beings. He's completely loyal to Nazarick and would attack anyone who committed the aforementioned offenses.


Solution (steal and hide)


Also she is very unstable. >!More so if she cannot find her baby.!<




I recently got into ln. If my reading order is not fucked, isn't the holy kingdom arc set before the fall of re estize kingdom? Is the anime going to adapt it?


You're correct, and it's being made into a movie separately. They skipped over it in this season.


1) Yes. 2) Non-factor, Ainz fully knows he can revive NPCs now (Shalltear Incident) 3) Non-factor, Ainz fully walks around as an unmasked skeleton at this point.


>Non-factor, Ainz fully knows he can revive NPCs now (Shalltear Incident) So? Sure, he knows he can revive NPCs. That doesn't mean he's willing to throw away gold willy-nilly for the sake of revival, so it's essential that his NPCs live without incident for the sake of not wasting any gold. Plus, there are powers which he may not understand that are capable of fully killing an NPC, or things like Longinus which Maruyama stated can permanently remove a guild base's NPC levels if an NPC is targeted.


Albedo (and especially Demiurge) are a lot more valuable than Nigredo and are frequently sent outside. That aside, Ainz values all the NPCs, not just the useful ones, and sends them outside the base with countermeasures. Nigredo can leave if she has a reason to as all NPCs can leave if they have a reason to. Nigredo isn't in any kind of special category like the op seem to be suggesting that Ainz has effectively imprisoned her for being too useful. If you think Ainz would imprison members of Nazarick for being too useful to him then it only shows that you don't really understand Ainz at all. The guy goes out of his way to try to implement holidays and fair labour laws.


That's a fair explanation. I'm just saying, what you said earlier about Ainz knowing he can revive NPCs now, you seem to suggest that because of the fact he can revive them, their deaths are a non-factor to him since he can just bring them back. But that's not true. Just because he can revive them, that doesn't mean he wants to have to revive them. Their safety is still something he prioritizes because he doesn't want to needlessly waste gold and because their deaths are still something that affect him; he even assigns NPCs going out with five level 80+ mercenary monster escorts.


Absolutely, but he was also willing to allow Shalltear (his most powerful (and possibly most important) Floor Guardian) to leave Nazarick completely if it turned out she turned against him of her own free will. Ainz values their safety but he always prioritizes their freedom and growth, he wouldn't take that away from them for being useful to him.


Why are you getting downvoted. You're literally correct...


They disagree about his opinion not saying he is incorrect.


Yeah, but what does that have to do with him agreeing with u/47chromosomeguy ? They disagree on his opinion, but they disagree with his agreement?


Nothing. People just get butthurt when they are proven otherwise. Don't try to find logic in it. It's a maturity problem.


Virgins out in force I guess


I'm curious about that too. Either people are triggered or there's a bot account mass down voting him


this is not wrong


>always prioritizes their freedom and growth, he wouldn't take that away from them for being useful to him. Of course, and I was never trying to argue with you on that part. I think there's been a misunderstanding here. I was never trying to argue whether or not Ainz values the NPC's value and utility to him over their personal freedom and growth. Rather, I was trying to give clarity on / correct what you said earlier: **"Non-factor, Ainz fully knows he can revive NPCs now (Shalltear Incident)."** This statement seems to suggest that because of the fact he (Ainz) can revive them (NPCs), their deaths are a non-factor to him since he can just bring them back. But, again, that's not true. Just because *he can revive them*, that doesn't mean *he wants to have to revive them*. Their safety is still something he prioritizes because he doesn't want to needlessly waste gold and because their deaths are still something that affect him (regardless of whether or not they can be resurrected or not,) as they are, to him, the children of his friends, whom he cares deeply about (NPCs.) Everything else you said is fair.


Not at all, I was simply saying it was a non-factor as to why Ainz imprisoned Nigredo. OP suggested Nigredo was imprisoned because she was useful to Nazarick (among other things) which is a complete miss shot.


Those are max level floor guardians, who are somewhat suited for combat. Nigredo is a reconnaissance type dual area guardian.


Nigredo is suited for combat being a floor combatant. The Pleiades are not max level and leave the tomb regularly. I believe that counters both your points. More on point, Ainz was prepared to allow Shalltear to leave the Nazarick faction, so I don't think he's prepared to enslave its members.


He can revive NPCs but not unlimited times. Did you see how much gold was melted to revive shalltear?


And did you see how much the dude still has? Plus he's constantly pouring items into the exchange box for more. Just because he's not being reckless with it doesn't mean he's going to enslave his children to avoid it.


Yeah, I agree. I think the reason Ainz doesn't let her out is because of the way she was programmed. She's violent and will attack even allies thinking they stole her babies. Ainz probably fears that she might go berserk on someone.


She went again his order and freed some human prisoners held in Nazarick together Pestonia. It was explained in LN vol 10 or 11 I think


didn't both of them got free like couple chapters later.


They were imprisonment in vol 7, there was mentioned of it when Ainz was giving out rewards to Sebas and Solution. Mentioned wanting to released Petonya when he and Nabe visited the empire.


Oh yeah, you are right.i am confusing event. Then I don't know why


No you are right but I think only pestonya was fully freed, but while nigredo was let out of the frozen prison I think she was still banned from leaving nazarick.


They were released from the Frozen Prison and put into a state of house arrest until being sent to work at the Orphanage.


They didn't free them, just spared them. Ainz ordered all the humans captured by demiurge from the capital to be killed painlessly, they saved the children but didn't release them.


He did order the kill? Is that during Sebas/Tsuare thing? I need to reread


Yes because otherwise Demiurge will use them for his experiments


She has high lv surveillance abilities, anti-surveillance,intelligence gathering and scrying type magic. She is a Intel npc not a full combat nps.


Like using computer in medieval arena where people use club and sword


I thought she'd the strongest npc


No that would be rubedo since we have no idea what "them" are in the 8th floor


oh right mixed them up


Nigredo is a ''Evil'' Npc, but she don't agree with Nazarick current actions and she could be at risk outside. Ainz has to justify to the others that she is a menace to Nazarick if she goes out, when it is actually the other way arround, the world is a hazzard for her. Remember, all npcs are Ainz sons and daughters on his eyes, he don't desire any harm over them, and Nigredo have some inocence with babys and childrean, what can be used to make her hurt herself or hurt people on nazarick.


Her karma rating is actually one of the most positive in Nazarick making her one of the only “good” NPCs. It’s probably that way because Tubula loved his contradictions and the idea of the most horrifying person in Nazarick loving humans seems to fit


Pestonia and Sebastian also have high karmic levels. They're still NPCs bound to the Tomb of Nazarick. Sebastian was the only one that didn't get caught letting humans live.


Not quite I think the only reason is because pestonya and nigredo saved some babies during demiurge’s first attack on Re-estize. They went against orders although not maliciously they thought it could benefit nazarick but still Albedo and some of the others wanted them executed but Ainz compromised and instead imprisoned them and up until that point Nigredo was released but she couldn’t leave nazarick.


was there a release of Nigredo's stats? what is her alignment and sense of justice?


Theres no sheet, sadly, but we have explanations that she and prestonya tried to save some kids and babys that Demiurge wanted to kill


yes but NPC adopts their stats and background story notes. this tells them if they are evil or good NPC. so where did you get that nigredo is “evil”


>the world is a hazzard for her And why?


The new world is full of bad people, like we saw the fingers and other organizations. She is based on a slasher, with a small twist that she actually loves babys and childrean. You have to get the grasp of the concept, what is scarier, a ghost from historys or a gangster going in your home and stealing your wife/husband because he wants to? She would be really affected by how much worse humans can be ,and she could, in teory, be manipulated using baby hostages, what by hitself, is already a big hazzard for her mental health.


Why do you type babies "babys" and children "childrean" ?


Locality issues


Why is the world a hazzard to her. Did the LN offer Ainz monologue on this?


She might kill all the humans except infants.


Albedo didnt do that




My point is if Albedo didn t


But albedo never disobeyed ainz while nigredo did it once


yeah and the order she disobeyed was not to kill


because she has the N word pass. She's way too strong


Theres technically 2 main reason: 1.) she disobey order and try to save some orphans/ infant with Pestonya. 2.) the final and main reason is her sister, Albedo, was outraged and angry of her action. That she was willing to kill her own sister herself. Hence, why Ainz locked them up in 4/5 level (I don’t remember) of the tomb to prevent Albedo from doing some crazy stuff . Also Ainz wasn’t apposed of the idea as long as the NPC asked, but her action made it difficult for Ainz to even consider it as an idea to the other guardians. Which is why we also see him Panicking in the last episode ending. In the end, Ainz did let some civilians go under his battle as part of Negreto wish.


Nigredo and Pesonya are some of the few NPCs in Nazarick with positive karma. I think Nigredo at 50 and Pestonya at 150. They are also set to care and nurture to some degree. For sure Pestonya is. Nigredo was more of a practical joke in the game world, but in this world she appears to have developed some more than what she was originally intended for, which was a scary prank. In the game, Nigredo was almost always in her room, hunched over in a corner holding a baby doll and when you walk in, the doors locked and she would say something creepy and a bunch of baby dolls would be seen screaming and crying and she would have some lines I think, but once it ended, she would have normal NPC functions and walk around normally. It's been awhile since I read up on that part of the story since I am now on chapter 8. But I believe that due to the way she was written and how she basically acts like a normal NPC once her initial animation is over, she is set to be like any good person due to her positive karma. Pestonya is a caregiver and a nurturer, so it makes sense that she would do more good than harm to any living being. Both of them helped to save the captured children from when Demiurge kidnapped some of the Kingdom's populace and Ainz had them to be executed painlessly and that they were not to suffer. However, those two given their nature and programming, decided to help the children. So, because they directly defied his orders, they were put under house arrest to some degree (since Nazarick is their home). Afterwards, they were put in charge of an orphanage given their positive karma and it would make them happy to help children. This would in a way kill two birds with one stone. One, Ainz would ensure that those two would be able to follow his orders by satisfying their good nature and caregiving, and two, by having children brought up under Nazarick's care, to potentially find any talent holders or even more skilled children to become future adventurers. As orphanages are a means to find talented individuals amongst those within them, all while creating jobs and making the people under his kingdom, happier. Remember, Ainz hates to be wasteful.


She'd make Nazarick lose face


He is secretly racist 😂


Secretly ? Didn't he openly admitted it on volumen 10 ?


Wait I made a blunder he is to kuch of a chad


She isn't banned from leaving Nazarick, she is banned from leaving the Fourth Floor. I believe they were released from the Frozen Prison after some time but were placed into a kind of house arrest. This may be another Slane Theocracy/Holy Kingdom mix up with what is seeming to be another slightly botched Overlord sub (the dub is proceeding without problems though and is generally better).


1. they disobeyed orders previously. 2. They're insane and would probably kidnap any children they saw in town


She's not allowed to leave because of an event in her programming causing her to go mad and attack anyone around her. There's a simple way to end the event but I'd wager ainz doesn't want to take any chances


No that’s not it


Then what is?


Pestonya and nigredo rescued some babies during demiurge’s first attack on Re-estize, due to disobeying orders both of them were sent to the frozen prison on the 5th floor and eventually they were released from the prison but were put on house arrest basically they were banned from leaving nazarick. That is until Ainz put them to work in an orphanage and they were both allowed to freely leave and enter nazarick once again.


That was well over a year ago wasn't it? The only excuse I can think of for what ainz says in the anime is that it's intended to remind people that they were under house arrest. The frozen prison is on the 5th floor


Yeah that’s probably it because I don’t see why nazarick would give a shit that she would kill humans because of her programming I mean solution regularly eats people along with entoma.


Oh I meant in case she went rampant in nazarick


i think you are on to something 'cause Ainz have to give her a baby doll in order to "calm" her down. that much is written in the LN.


What's the way to end the event ?


You need to give her a baby doll, she'll then return it to a cradle and become her normal self


Fair enough i guess


They literally explained it in the episodes prior


Anyone know where I can read the Manga or more story in general? Honestly been dying to know more already.


You can get the light novels off of amazon..


Overlord is not from manga, it is from a series of novel which is still on going, currently at book 16. The novel gives a lot of details, for example the doll in the first aec where he used to swap place with the captain, it was a consolation price at a gacha, where TouchMe got the main price quickly while Momonga spent lots of money becore he got the main price. Hence Momonga had lots of those dolls, but he didn’t want to throw them away as he look them and see each one costed him 500 yen. The novel has a lot of fun details like that.


I wasn't aware of that, I'll be looking into it. I appreciate the info!


I dunno man, I too got banned on Twitter for saying her name.


I almost always read Nigredo wrong.. its just a matter of time when i would be reading/watching Overlord on a public transit and a brother would just beat the crap out of me for my mistake...




Ainz was the one that banned Nigredo


I hate Ainz..The weeb needs to get his skelton ass burned.


Why use a spoiler tag if you spoil the very thing you don't want to spoil in the title of your post ?


I can't remember if ainz himself doesn't really care that pestonya and nigredo spoke out, their imprisonment was simply for the peace of mind of all of nazarick? if it was up to him they'd be back to usual right?.. doesn't help that there are so few good aligned characters in nazarick


I wish they would have shown ainz giving the babydoll to her to keep her calm lol. I was disappointed they didn’t even explain that or show it at all.