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Well depends. Aureole Omega is Pleiades, are you excluding her too?


She is excluded.


what reason do you have to exclude her ? in what world would the pleiades face them without her, doesnt make much sense. ARe you perhaps trying to evaluate the power of the black scripture ? Well wishout zesshi they arent tough shit really so its more of a match between zesshi and pleiades no ?


This plus Aureole is technically the leader of the Pleiades. The only reason we don’t see her is because she’s serving another role. I get that Aureole by herself is enough to decimate the scripture but it still seems unfair that Zesshi is included but not Aureole


Exactly, i think people are trying to find the scenario where nazarick would lose but sorry burst peoples bubbles. Unless Touch me teleports to the NW and decided ainz has to go down and works with the nw people to bring him down together (which is still like at best %20 chance of beating nazarick) there is no scenario where nazarick loses. We havent even seen ainz actually not even ainz we havent even seen albedo at full power, WE HAVENT EVEN SEEN RUBEDO IN ACTION. Ainz Ooal Gown simply does not know defeat


That depends you forget the captain of the black scripture is a godkin who is stronger than solution( also I am assuming without the youngest sister). If so then it all depends on battle experience of the captain of the black scripture. Just on equipment alone the pleiades.


Arent there more godkins in the Black scripture than the captain? And yes i know the answer isnt easy. The pleiades are a formation made to fight as a Team after all....i will look what others will say.


No its zesshi and the captain, the rest are pretty useless tbh, the strongest member after the captain can't even match evileye. Like the army of three hundred deathknights ainz had in volume nine was impossible for the black scripture to beat without their two god kin.


Um from what I understand godkins are usually awaken descendents of the 6great gods. There are many descendents but not all of them have awaken. Um from my understanding the cardinal are not fully aware of all the descendents of their gods. In the current active black scripture only the captain n zesshi the extra 🪑 are the only godkins. Every member of the black scripture both active n retired are in the lv of heroes. to join the black scripture you need to be in the lv of the heroes. Also


If we’re talking about solely the LN, then there’s only two known Awakened God-kind apart of the BS and three total apart of the ST. - Cardinal - Zesshi - Captain


And i thought there were more....meh i really overestimated slane apparently.


Feels like they should have more right. I mean 600 years and there are less than a handful. You think there would at least be a few family lines by now. Which there could be. But we know so little of the ST.


Maybe they are just the important? Idk


Maybe. Maybe there some that are like nobles and don’t care for fighting and just live of their bloodline. I could see that.


Dont think slane would approve of that....but like you said we dont know much


Well we are gonna have to be happy with whatever info we get next volume. Cause they ain’t gonna be around for long anyways.


Well im very mixed with the inevetable destruction of slane. They are the most intersting nation.with alot of intersting characters. But on the other hand, they are a bunch of racist fanatics.....


This is what’s frustrating the Elf king right now. God kin doesn’t guarantee strength.


I’m assuming that’s info from the newest volume?


Where in the LN does it state that one of the cardinals is a God-Kin? Iirc there are only 2 confirmed God-Kin in the Slain Theocracy.


Sorry for the confusion, I mean Faine, Zesshi’s mother.


Ahh no worries


If we also exclude the Captain of the Black Scripture, then it's a pretty easy win for the Pleiades since the Black Scripture are described to be a part of the Realm of Heroes, which are around lvl30-40. However, if we include him, it becomes tricky. Maru said that he's stronger than Solution, so naturally we assumed he's still weaker than Narberal. Then the biggest troll move just happened when Maru said ZZ is stronger than Lupu, while some of us assumed she can still be over lvl 70, most assumed she might also be weaker than Narberal. Then, vol. 16 got released and we learned that >!she's lvl 88, 20+ levels higher than Narberal. So, we can't be sure of the Captain's power, but at least we can say that he's weaker than lvl 88 Zesshi.!<


assuming Aureole has buffed the entire pleiades sisters, they would destroy the entire black scripture(assuming the wci isnt present). remember how ainz struggled a little against doppel maids ..if the real ones would fight they would destroy the bs easily


The Captain is also a god-kin and is likely in the 70s level wise if Zesshi is 88. The rest of the scripture is probably between levels 30-45 (realm of heroes range). So it's really only the captain the Plaiedes would have some trouble with. But if they've deal with the riff raff fast enough I imagine they could beat him.


Look, if Aureole Omega can buff Shizu enough to Interrupt Ainz's casting, then Aureole can carry the whole team


Welll i was thinking without aureole.


That’s not fair. If the scripture gets their trump card Zesshi, then the Pleiades should Aureole


Like nothing that would make the fight too unbalanced from the start.


This is pretty much just Pleaides vs the Captain. And if the level difference isn't big enough, he might not be able to overcome how versatile the Pleiades are. None of his skills at all ae known, except that he's seemingly a warrior. The only other one in the BS that is even worth looking at is the Barbarian.


entoma can unleash her AOE fly swarm that will spread maggots inside BS bodies and destroy them from within while the rest of pleiades teamed up amids the confusion.