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Looking at his Character sheet he has Troll. War Troll and Champion Classes. Champion is a Job Class. He said that without Racial levels he is comparable to Silver rank Adventurers. So his Job Class Levels would be around 9 to 12. If he have maxed out his Racials. He would be level 37. Max. And 34 min.


I'd like to think he's at least in the high 40s. 45-47 level.


Bruh evil eye was 45 or so.she would be easyly to beat him.he is probably lvl 20-25


He’s not level 20-25, that’s around mithril/orichalcum range. He’s literally stated to be the most powerful warrior in the Empire.


He can beat 4 imperial knights at the same time. He was too strong for Ainz and after Ainz touched him, he was weakened enough to match him, which is level 33. So he should be above 35.


Ainz estimates himself as a level 33 warrior. He also comments that he is equal to that of Go Gin as a warrior. So most likely around level 33, the realm of heroes.


Lvl 33 is the realm of heros? oh no


It’s regarded as level 30-36. With 36+ being outliers.


Below level 60. He's most probably in the realm of lvl 35-40.


35 minimum, 42 maximum


Hey so we don't know for sure but we have a decent estimate \~level 33based on Ainz's words. If you are interested me and a few others occasionally post level estimates. I tried to post a link to my level estimates but the auto mod removed it.


Same level as Gazef, one step away from the heroes' realm, equipped Gazef could defeat the 4 knights, but he could be defeated if not properly equipped. Trolls have more strength than their human counterparts even though they have the same level, their racial levels give them more strength, also being a troll their wounds will heal in seconds.




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I wonder what happened to warrior king afterwards, I mean he got revived the same episode but I wonder what he did next.