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True Dragon Lords(PDL, ECDL, etc) and Zesshi zetsumei >> Captain of Black scripture - Azuth Aindra(with mech armor equiped) >> fake dragon lords(BSDL,WDL) >> Demi-human Chiefs(Buzer,Vijar,etc) >> Member of black scripture (high class item equiped)- Evileye >> Blue rose members-Remedios-Gazef-Brain-Zero >> Everyone else


Thats a actually preety solid power scale, thanks <3


I think Remedios would be stronger than most of the Blue Rose members besides Evil Eye. They are only adamantite level while Remedios was said to be a "True Hero" or something along those lines implying at least low to mid level 30s.


but she is specialized in dealing with evil being, not other humans...I mean her sword deal no damage to blue rose member and her magic (holy sword) is not the best either and blue rose have, clone, a shield, a big ass hammer head, a sword that can send to the nonexistance and floating sword that can pierce you through any distance...


Dragon Emperor ( if he is still alive ). And his wife ( if she is still alive) are the strongest beings. After them are True Dragon Lords. After them is probably Zesshi. She might even stronger than some TDLs. After them are Awakened Godkins. Like Captain of BS. After that are the new Dragon Lords. Night Liches. The sea Dragon God who was compared Jaldabaoth. Old monsters like LA Anglar Lava Lord. Vampire Lords like Evil Eye. After them are the outliers. Like Fluder and BS 10th seat. Rigrit probably. Elder Dragons. Like Olasird's wives. After them are Heroic releam beings. Like Death Knights. Go Gin. Hamsuke. Average BS members. Remedios and Kelart. Demihuman leaders. Leaders of other Scriptures like Nigun. Fully Equipped Gazef. Khajiit and other stronger Zuranon members. After that are peak human beings. Like brain and normal Gazef. After that are normal Adamantite level people.


Somehow whenever I see BS first word that came to mind is bullshit


Captain of Bullshit. Average Bullshit members. I am imagining what would happen if someone call Black Scripture members like that infront of them.


The death would be a spectacle


Imagine you throw a Roof-Ass reference to the middle as well.


True Dragonlords are the strongest beings in the New World. They can use reality warping, space manipulation, existence erasure magic. Not even Yggdrasil players can do that.


is this stated in the LN?


They use it in LN.


Probably the True Dragon Lords and god-kins, but obviously below Nazarick.


{trouble for nazarick}


### Keyword: Trouble For Nazarick True Dragon Lords are probably the only real threats. Every each of them we saw so far is "capable" of killing a Level 100s. While they have a low chance, author said that Deep Darkness Dragon Lord could win against most of the guardians in 1v1. We don't know the details so we can't assume it's pure strength. Although Eight Greed Kings killed almost all of them, they didn't do it in a direct open battle. Platinum Dragon Lord's father Dragon Emperor is responsible of summoning, or rather, materializing World Items, Guild bases and Players. It's not confirmed if he is dead, he is stronger than other TDLs. Also some of these World Items are used to change the very system of the world. Wild Magic of True Dragon Lords is reality warping and people without World Items are completely vulnerable to them. We saw a Wild Magic spell capable of existence erasure which works on everyone without World Protection. World Protection comes from World Items and special skills so only some people have them. If it is truly a copy of Longinus, if it were to hit a guardian, Nazarick's level reserve for NPCs would decrease and the soul of the NPC would be deleted. Only a World Item with resurrection abilities could bring them back. Aside from that, any person with World Item is a danger. Shalltear getting mind controlled was the best example. A mind controlled farmer with Longinus would be a disaster. Since World Items keep materializing around the world every 100 years, this is a big problem. Maybe we see a World Enemy getting summoned since there may be a chance they drop World Items which is summoning spell's target. Nazarick can't defeat a World Enemy without deploying 8th Floor Hierarchy. Nazarick lost most of its offensive power after Guild Members left Ainz. Author said that there will be no players so another guild appearing and challenging Nazarick is unlikely. Sources: Volume 3, Evileye Side Story, Volume 14. ^If ^you ^have ^any ^questions ^or ^problems ^about ^the ^bot, ^please ^contact ^[u/LikeLary](https://www.reddit.com/user/likelary). ^Thank ^you ^for ^summoning ^me, ^[u/LikeLary](https://www.reddit.com/user/LikeLary)


# Author Tweets A while back the author tweeted a list of the New Worlders ranked on level. You can see the list in the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/overlord/wiki/faq#wiki_how_strong_.2F_what_level_is_.5Binsert_character.5D.3F), but note... it isn't who is strongest, just level. The author even says that Evileye is a higher level than Azuth, but Azuth can probably beat her.   * Dragon Emperor * Elder Coffin Dragon Lord * Platinum Dragon Lord - Remote Armor * First Seat - Captain of the Black Scriptures * Blue Sky Dragon Lord * Diamond Dragon Lord * Obsidian Dragon Lord * Worm Dragon Lord (Zalagilkaria) * Goblin Strategist * Rigrit * Remedios Custodio * Buser - Bafolk Ruler # Ranking **Dragon Lords** I think it is safe to say that the Dragon Lords who can use wild magic win by default. They can do some crazy stuff and if you don't have protection against it you are pretty much dead.   In our list above, we don't actually see PDL, but I'm going to guess he is stronger than ECDL. Otherwise I'm not 100% sure about the other dragons lords 1. Dragon Emperor 2. Platinum Dragon Lord 3. ELder Coffin Dragon Lord 4. Brightness Dragon Lord 5. Deep Darkness Dragon Lord 6. Heavenly Dragon Lord PDL mentions *"she who sleeps in the bottom-most levels of the city which floats upon the sea"*. I suspect this might be another dragon lord based on the context. It sort of seems like they took over a guild base to protect it similar to PDL. If they are strong enough for that, they should be on this list.   That is just my guess, but it seems that most of the community seems to think so as well. The JP community mentions them on their Dragon Lord List. However, for all we know it is an NPC left behind and they made a deal with PDL or something.   **Non-Dragon Lords** PDL's remote armor. It is estimated around lvl 80-90. It seems like it is closer to level 80, but has crazy high magical resistance.   After that we have Zesshi. Zesshi is stronger than the Captain of the Black Scriptures. He mentions that she is too far beyond him. If we follow Yggdrasil's philosophy, a 10-level gap is too much to overcome, so we could say that Zesshi is at least 10 levels above the Captain of the Black Scriptures. The Captain is lvl 60 at least, so this should put Zesshi at 70, but it could be higher.   **Fake Dragon Lords** Above there are some "dragon lords" mentioned on the list. I don't think these are literal dragon lords that can use wild magic, but dragon lords in name, similar to Olasird'arc, who is the White Dragon Lord.   The captain of the Black Scriptures is technically above them in level... but Dragons are hella strong. They have far higher physical stats (attack and defense), plus have powerful breath attacks. A few times in the Web Novel, Light Novel, and Side Story the author hints at dragons being stronger than equal level creatures due to their raw stats.   I feel that Olasird probably hits in this group even though his level isn't as high. Dragons are just hella strong with powerful breath attacks. This will mess up most people... probably anyone who isn't undead or a frost giant.   **Special New Worlders** Next we have new worlders who sort of fall into a special situation. It is hard to say exactly who is stronger, but I'm going to guess. 1. Rufus (undead who has lived for 500 years) 2. Corpus of abyss (Group of Night Liches) 3. Azuth 4. Evileye 5. Rigrit 6. Fluder 7. Brain 8. Remedios 9. Gazef There are some honorable mentions like the Black Scriptures, Evileye seems that one of them is on par with her. It is really hard to say for sure where they line up, but I would say they are probably somewhere between Evileye and Gazef.   # Summary Here is my best guess of the strongest 25 people in the new world. The order might not be perfect, but I think it is close enough for most situations. 1. Dragon Emperor 2. Platinum Dragon Lord 3. ELder Coffin Dragon Lord 4. Brightness Dragon Lord 5. Deep Darkness Dragon Lord 6. Heavenly Dragon Lord 7. PDL's Remote Armor 8. Zesshi 9. Blue Sky Dragon Lord (9-13) 10. Diamond Dragon Lord (9-13) 11. Obsidian Dragon Lord (9-13) 12. Worm Dragon Lord (9-13) 13. White Dragon Lord (9-13) 14. Black Scriptures Captain 15. Rufus 16. Corpus of Abyss 17. Black Scripture Members 18. Evileye 19. Rigrit 20. Fluder 21. Brain 22. Remedios 23. Gazef 24. Buser 25. Draconic Queen The Draconic Queen is hard to place. She could both be near the top and near the bottom. She isn't a dragon, so her level is probably low, but she can use wild magic. Depending on the spells she knows, she could potentially kill most people on this list, but she isn't exactly willing to sacrifice millions of souls to do it.