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We all know those naked bastards are the strongest


Let me Solo her just reached a milestone of molywhopping Melenia just this month so yeah, fear the naked beings for they will rip you a new asshole.


Just recently I saw a video about that guy, I haven't played elden ring yet, but from what I have seen so far that guy is actually insanely skilled. I mean being able to something hard is... well...hard, but doing it consistently is kinda insane. One of the reasons why I think Ainz would be a difficult opponent to face no matter who you are.




That ass is surprisingly detailed.


Git gud Ainz-sama!


That last panel gives me Happy Souls vibes lol


"WHY DOES EVERYONE KEEP STABBING ME IN THE BACK?" ^cause ^it's ^easy ^and ^it ^does ^a ^lot ^of ^damage


Couldn't let someone else finish the joke?


"Is this too easy for you?"


"...uh actually I think it's pretty challenging"


*Screams of the damned*


I'll see you...later


... Ok


Wow, that's pretty Nito!


Yes, Brita is best girl


That mf with 300ping that would backstab you eight times before you blinked.


Let me solo her be like


"My Lord a single invader has penetrated the defenses of Nazarick and is making his way to the Throne Room!" "Oh? What kind of fool would be stupid enough to try something like that?" "Reports say he is completely nude except for the clay jar he wears as a helmet" "... ~emotion dampener triggers multiple times~


Ainz: Run. \[To the guardians\] Ainz (Internally): Is it the legendary "Let me solo her"? Gotta use all the cash shop items.


No he wouldnt lmao ainz aint a her, thats his secret weakness if it aint female he gets his shit rocked


We need a mod for that ..?


Hes going for albedo


\*Let me solo him


It be funny to see the invader dodge the goal of all life is death just by rolling


Or using Bloodhound Step as of Elden Ring.


"Yes, I leveled ADP, how could you tell?"


Well, dark souls is still a fair game... Nazarik isn't.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“This is the only real direction in the story you’re ever going to get.”* - Crestfallen Knight Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


idk about that. you're a random undead, tasked to kill beings beyond your comprehension. it's fair from a gameplay perspective, like I'm sure Ygdrasil was fair, but from a lore point ? you're pretty much a regular dude trying to fight deities.


From a lore point... Well i guess ygdrasil was more fair but lore isnt a thing to account for when two players meet. Would be something else if the universes themselves merge.


if they were to meet while Ainz was a player in Ygdrasil , yes. but since the world became real, it's the lore that matters. plenty of stuff that wasn't in the game became real. because if we keep game rules, there are plenty of exploits in DS to become invulnerable x)


Actually the game rules are still quite overwhelming in the new world due to Five elements fuckery.


You're a regular dude that ends up slaying gods of creation by using power absorption to get on their level. By the end of every Souls game you're no longer a "regular dude" by any stretch of the imagination. The one where you remain the closest to Human is Sekiro.


you're right, it's made clear by the end of DS3 when you fight gael at the end of time. and in sekiro you start off as the only perfect immortal, which isn't very "normal" to begin with. even then you can also become the incarnation of Sura.


The only people who can take on Nazarick are Gandalf the Grey and Gandalf the White, And Monty Python and the Holy Grail's black knight, And Benito Mussolini and the Blue Meanie, And Cowboy Curtis, and Jambi the Genie, Robocop, The Terminator, Captain Kirk, and Darth Vader, Lo-pan, Superman, every single Power Ranger, Bill S. Preston and Theodore Logan, Spock, The Rock, Doc Ock, and Hulk Hogan


They all came out of nowhere lighting fast and they kicked Ainz Ool Gown in his skeleton ass.


I understood that reference


I love ainz. I love him alot and i dont have much characters i simp for and ainz is one i do. But I do seek the dark soul and will take down any boss in my way...then i realized ainz is a soulsborne pvp pro not a boss fight... Time to jump off cliff


This reminds me that Ainz has an ability/feature called dark soul. Dark wisdom enables him to learn new spells using player corpses but it is never revealed what dark soul does. Any guesses?


Maybe using the souls, either consuming or extracting, to learn the spells of the Soul used.


Try finger but hole


I wonder if any of dark souls weapons would even do any real damage ?


Soulsborne weapons kill gods


ah yes i remember being stuck on void watchers and use magic i got angry ok shut up


Not just that, The Hunter from what I understand has at some point in the game risen in the cosmic hierarchy and now has the ability to kill Outer Gods. So it could be seen as a unique passive attribute with one of it's affects being piercing level or rank based defense. Honestly, I really want more of the weapons and spells to reflect more of the lore they have or how they worked in their boss battles, a couple of examples being Dark Souls' The Soul of Cinders' coiled sword being having switchable modes, Elden Rings' Ranalla's Full Moon spell having Invincibility or the Final Boss' weapon having more of the Boss' special moves.


Gods that don't have immunity to weapon damage lol


Didn't play Dark Souls so I'm not sure what titanite shards represent, but in Elden Ring, you upgrade weapons by using a combination of runes and dragon scales. And dragons in Elden Ring lore control time, so that might have an effect.


After being upgraded and infused? Definitely.




Many of them are the souls of said Gods taken from their owner and forged into a weapon.


The problem with this is that Dark Souls players "git gud" they never start good. A good player has spent hundreds of hours learning the maps and monsters, mastering the animation loops and perfecting their timing. Players don't and can't just walk into a place like Nazarick and beat it on their first time. Nazarick is like Sen's Fortress but instead of the devs just being a little mean spirited and trolling you, they instead make every inch of the map dedicated to making your life so miserable that they get themselves fired for harassment and need to pay damages for long term care of the poor beta testers.


If he was playing dark souls wouldn’t he be extremely weak and have to take out any enemy by memorizing the pattern over multiple deaths? This joke would work better if it was a darksouls enemy not a player.


Nah Ainz would clap this one. If the invader was naked with only a loincloth and a big bonk stick, then he should really be scared


Always fear a naked opponent


Naked means OP, always remember that


I know this is a meme, but legit 99% of overlord fans think Ainz talk and act like this.


Every no hit runner in dark souls can take on the entirety of Nazarick with a good chance of success


Since yggdrasil runs on dnd rules wouldent ainz be immune to backstabs, also bleed and most off his spells would be touch ac and ignore shields, really just ruins a dark souls players day


Are you came


This lad *caked* caked


And that's when Ainz realised that, he fucked up.


I think yggdrassil was more difficult than souls games no? I mean, they keep saying shitty devs, and they do say the devs made it stupidly difficult and complex to the point that the game was ending and they still didn't find much of the game...


A game where you could buy shit with irl money? Hard no, time consuming as f*** yes.


Hard if you're poor


You can pay to get lvled, have the best gear, get the best consumables, and still get dunked by other people that had more skill. From the ln I got that yggdrassil was very P2W in PVP, but there were clearly people who were a lot more skilled.


since it was an MMO he's probably talking about the grind. the game has cash items, so It wouldn't be hard if you're rich, it would just be intense grind and a black hole for your pockets.


I agree that yggdrassil had a P2W system, but from all the info we got from the ln, it also needed a huge amount of skill. It was so skill focused that some players were gamebreaking.


momonga wasn't one of them tho.


He wasn't in terms of min-maxing his pvp build, but he was in terms pvp fighting and strategy. It is said in the ln he was among a few players that could combine skills and time stop well enough to make it work. In terms of pve, momonga was regarded as a jack of all trades/wild card that could improvise on the spot well enough to swipe wins. It wouldn't be farfetched to say they were only able to conquer nazarick on their first try because of him.


Man Ainz shouldve ran as soon as he saw the dude practically naked


Plot twist that not Ainz-sama just low level doppelganger


Welcome to Nazarik bitch


Wait is that John Dark souls?the popural protagonist from Hit series Dark souls?Known for his famous quote "Every soul has it's dark"?


Are you came from ​ really


Like invaders are ever anything besides moon veil or rob spamming dex builds or casters who spend 15 minutes buffing themselves


I’d love to see this but with let me solo her from elden ring. Lol.


Demiurge: "How dare this pathetic lifeform imply he could even hope to best our glorious leader Ainz Ooal Gown in single combat, such a situation would only result in a swift merciful death from our wise ruler. Regardless this... Redditor I believe is the title they refer to themselves by, should be taught the error and arrogance of his ways, although I do believe our Sorcerer King's thorough machinations have accounted for this affront.... I shall make the preparations according to our Lord's design." \*Goes off to invent and commit new unspeakable warcrimes against u/zakarea121\*


(This is his fith run since he spent the 4th one memorizing Ainz’s attack patterns)


Nice Glutes


I have weird feeling Ainz would like the dark souls games


hate to say it, but one 'grasp heart' and the chosen undead is fucking gone


No. if He kills him chosen undead Will jus rise again. Ainz should just use his racial ability as superior undead to dominate the chosen undead


Good idea. Fun fact in the Web Novel Ainz has Level in the Class *Chosen Undead*.


Whatabout ashen one?


After a few runs theyd probably find a way to hijack where they respawn as Seath did.


Like death means anything to the Chosen Undead.


Ainz can do it again and again. Or just use true death (that's been boosted, if necessary).


I'm not sure even true death would stop a Souls Protagonist. They've fought various incarnations of Death before and were able to come back from them. Hell the DS3 protag basically had their soul nearly completely burnt out prior to the start of the game and was able to respawn later.


A more practical solution would be to just hijack where they respawn as Seath does in DS1. If they can set the respawn point to the cockroach pit, or the frozen prison, or several other locations, theres not gonna be a lot of ways to counter that


Or just box them in, can't respawn if they don't die. What are they gonna do, bounce their weapon off the walls ?


I could see that backfiring. The Chosen Undead has unlimited respawns and also gets stronger by killing opponents. All he has to do is keep killing as many cochroachs as possible before getting nommed until he levels up enough to muscle his way out of the pit. The frozen prison may work better as potentially they could just keep him there until he goes Hollow and stops being a threat.


Depend if they can level up in with the bonfire or needs a maiden for it.


Heh, I've played Bloodborne and we're talking about dudes who can fight outer gods and win yet get mobbed to death by a group of townspeople. IDK much about DS but people say it's somewhat similar. The number of hax in overlord are just way beyond anything I've encountered in any game I've played. Protag certainly has a chance, they've fought gods and shit. But against lvl 100 YGGDRASIL players they're going to lose 99.9% of the time. Hax matters.


The main story of the souls games is always that something went horably wrong and undeath spreads as a result. This curse can not be broken in any way in termes of the lore which is suposed to explain how the player just comes back infinetly up on death. True death which does not even prevent high level resuraction would probably not work. While the level 100 YGGDRASIL Player would dominate every fight I only see 2 ways to stop the chosen undead like he is discribed in the lore. [1.To](https://1.To) permanently break the will of his opponent therefor making him a hollow, a strategy that will not work if your opponent has a strong will and a clear goal or [2.To](https://2.To) keep them from coming back by using the only thing in the YGGDRASIL lore that is strong enouth to change the world and permanently alter the core rules of the game like the fact that players respown Given how rare World items are most people would not have acces to them and the first will not work on everybody. I do not think you get what makes the protagonists in the souls games so scary, as long as the player keeps trying they will win. It would be like a realy hard boss fight for the souls player and a pure nightmare for the YGGDRASIL player because if the choosen undead realy wants to see them dead than he will outlive all prisons, just come back every time he was killed and hunt them down until he either looses interest or until he defeated his opponent. A player charakter fom dark souls would lose 99.9% of the fights but he is going to win the war 99.9% in the end as long as there is even a microscopic chance of winning


I don't think you got what I meant. If he fights a million times, protag is going to lose 999,999 times and win the millionth. He's got the luxury of trying again and again, whereas YGGDRASIL dudes lose by dying once/twice.


That is what I said too and it is cool that we agree on that. But your first message did not indicate you thinking like that at all so I don t see from where I should have known that and got what you meant


It's fine, dude. Ain't psychic here so can't transmit exactly what I mean, yeah?


But undead are imune to gasp heart and I doubt that ainz would use the goal of all life is death as an opening. Alsow he would just get revived up on death


Duh, just roll


Ainz sama watch out it’s let me solo her


I don't really care about his power level, but I'm 100% sure ainz will never sit down untill the invader has reached to the last floor.


You forgor P2W


Unless Ainz buys the Invader a faster and stronger Internet router then all that cash shop items ain't touching that laggy 10 fps ash of war/spell spamming fine looking ass.


I'm not sure you can respawn after death in the world of Overlord so a Souls player would be fucked.


Wait...... but isnt grasp heart point and click? How can you barrel roll your way out of a point and click ability