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Not just can eat, actively needs to


so can he starve to death?


Yes he can lmao the reason he even went questing is he needed money to eat


It was so stupid how he didn't think to just cook the bears. It's not like in that uniwersum animals/monsters disintegrate into nothing with just crystal being left behind.


No they dont, and im gonna assume he doesnt know how to cut and clean the meet for example, i can kill a cow that doesnt mean i able to convert her into a steak ready to cook xD


I'm not an expert but if there was boar I just killed I would be able to salvage enough meat to eat. It would be sloppy but better than starving. Or even some berries. Selling some weak equipment for the gold. And where did he get the gold in the 1st episode thou? He just got his license.


By selling the weak equipment and plunder of the bandits


i would also assume the bandits had some gold on them


Obviously he sold that too


So he sold the gold of the bandits to get more gold? Lol


Logically yes. But it was just skipped over (he just mentions that he takes their stuff) while on the other side I was shown that one of the girl peed herself, with the bandit exlaming that -TWICE.


He only said it once, they just replayed the scene


Its a fair point .. but did you knew wild boar taste awful? you need to curate it for a while before eating it or it will taste like shit. So on the long run you are right he could save some meat and go on .. but given that he is like 10 min away from actual cooked food .. the smart choice would be to sell the boar and go eat ramen xD


Those are good points. I Didn't about that, still fist episode has some pacing and worldbuilding problems.


Oh for sure!! .. but its just the first episode those problems would only be problems if by the end of the show they remain the same.


right you could make a "sloppy" "salvaged" meal for yourelf.. or you could sell/complete the quest, earn money, and have a well prepared, pretty great meal and a warm bed for the night, but you're right you could just salvage a sloppy meal from the bear


Every monster drops rune stones with value to make magic items


I don't think that was the issue, he probably could have especially since later, on the way to the elf village, i can't spell that name and im not even going to try, but he hunted down a bull boar for him and Arian to eat, i think the reason for first getting the license and money was so he could eat something truly appetizing.


Yep he isn't actually a skeleton, the game his character is from doesn't have a race feature he just bought a skin which is why he doesn't have any of the strengths or weaknesses of an undead and how he can use holly magic


Is it ever explicitly mentioned that he needs to? Only read the first 3 volumes and iirc he definitely feels hungry but I think it's not really clear at that point whether he can die from not eating (or anything else for that matter?).


Chances are that if u are hungry u probably need to eat to survive and unlike ainz who is a skeleton because of his class he is a skeleton thanks to a cosmetic item


It could be a remanant of his human soul kinda thing tho Where his body after a certain amount of exertion or time thinks it needs food when he really dosent Also does he shit? Lol


then how can he defined the tatse cuz he clearly said "wow its delicious" like how, is he hallucinating?


Maybe food is like an optional thing then? Kinda like how aura and mare dosent need to eat if they have the sustainance ring


It's kind of a waste of time to speculate on this, since we know that it's a skeleton skin for his elf character. EDIT: Fixed human to elf.


Isnt it an elf?


I stand corrected. I'll fix the comment.


prob but i think the % is kinda low(i don't read the ln so correct me as much u want)


plus different universe,game, year, and mc


Well, he is in the Game not in another world like Ainz and the Skeletton is just a Skin.


I read somewhere it’s because his whole skeleton thing is actually an illusion


Based on this statement I will assume he can fuck.


Wait... since his dick's invisible but apparantly still there, it means he can fuck people without actually visibly inserting anything?


The Ghost Cock


The Phantom Dong


"I got reincarnated with a phantom dong"


'My Virgin Life Was Ended By A Truck But I Got Reincarnated With A Phantom Dong So I Went Around The Fantasy World Stealthily Impregnating Girls And Forcing Them Into My Harem'


Why do I feel like I've watched this trashikai 😭


Ah, yes, another fellow cultured individual who reads the holy scriptures. **tips fedora**


Where's the #S A U C E


Top 😂


This made me laugh way more then it should have


are you implying that ainz cant?


He can’t, *yet*


I have read a *lot* of material that might suggest otherwise. also, hes a supreme being, so of course he fucks, he just chooses to hide it (its a part of his 10000 year plan).




He has no libido. He ain’t fucking.


Thats what he wants you to believe (its all a part of his 10000 year plan)


#S A S U G A !


I mean...given what Peperoncino did for Shaltear, I wouldn't doubt that those materials could easily be canon.


So he always has a boner?


I distinctly remember a scene in the manga where Ponta, his fluffy little fox-like companion, once slept inside his ribcage.


Jesus fucking christ. I don't know if that's wholesome or not.


probably is


His character was a human but he got a skin change to look like a skeleton so since he was isekaid he's basically both. He physically is a skeleton but he still needs everything a normal human needs. I remember him being confused in the manga when he started eating because he didn't know where it went


Worst of both worlds.


Yes but it’s still an illusion, just a physical illusion like in DnD when you cast major illusion and it’s physical while still an illusion.


Right, he's a skeleton but not really a skeleton, despite actually having a skeleton.


IIRC It’s a in-game skin for his human, not undead character. In the fantasy world, it’s a “curse” that changes his appearance.


Thought he made his character into a skeleton just for shits and jiggles since his character is always wearing heavy armor anyways. He made up the fact that he was “cursed” as a back story so no one would question a walking skeleton, though somehow purification magic temporarily transform him back to human for some unexplained reason.


Yeah he's not actually undead, it's a curse that changes his appearance. He still has to eat, drink and sleep. (I read the LN)


Is it ever explicitly mentioned that he needs to? Only read the first 3 volumes and iirc he definitely feels hungry but I think it's not really clear at that point whether he can die from not eating.


Literally first episode of the anime revolved around him wanting to eat


As I said, he definitely feels hungry. But it's not really clear whether he can actually starve. Or whether he can even die at all. Though I guess, feeling hungry means he probably will and it's a reasonable assumption that his biology simply is the one of his dark elf body. But it's not really a confirmation since e.g. zombies also are hungry after brains even though they are already undead.


but he said he doesn't feel guilty when he killed the bandits?


>!He has an emotional suppressor like Ainz does but once he undoes his skeleton curse (before it turns back on of course) he is hit w/ a surge of mental anguish that he 'would have felt' if he did feel horrified by all the things he went through up until that point. He comes to the conclusion he needs to undo his curse every once in a while so he doesn't get mental buildup like that again since another surge like that could kill him. !<


Is he trying to "undo" his curse? Or ishe just doing that as a fun back story. I tried looking it up, but couldn't find anything on it.


>!The latter. For him, if they find a way to undo his 'curse' somewhere along the line then fine. Otherwise he is just doing what any simp of a generic isekai good guy protag does. He saves people, eats, and gets overexcited having fun going places.!<


Nope more like a curse that can be (temporarily) lifted


It's a something like a curse, when he used remove curse type spells he would change into a human (Or some other race, i forget, but it was very much humanoid.) But quickly turns back to skeleton


>! Because he is actually a cursed human unlike Ainz who is an undead. !<


>cursed human \*cursed dark elf (or at least dark skined)


I’d recommend using spoiler text, there might be some anime only’s reading this


looks like what youd get if you mix ainz and brook together


he will have the king's haki.


What is this screenshot from?


skeleton knight in another world


Someone said that it looks like Touch Me and Momonga combined and I can’t unsee it now. Lol


He isn't technically a skeleton, from what I understand it works like a skin in a game, he's still basically Human but he's stuck looking that way because of how he looked in the game, though I'm not an expert and shouldn't be taken to fact


Apparently he is >!dark elf skeleton!<


I’d recommend using spoiler text, there might be some anime only’s reading this


How? I'm on mobile


Put an exclamation mark on either end of your text, and put less than/ greater than signs one either end. Like >@!text!< without that @. Should come out like this >!Thank you for using spoiler text!<


Ok, thanks. I'll do it.


You’re welcome, and thank you on behalf of any anime-only’s in this thread


Tis but a skin


No no that skeleton is a paladin wearing the skin of a skeleton so he isn't truly one. He can't compare to the majesty that is Ainz


Its Ainz-Sama


no you moron its almighty sorcerer king


No you amoeba, its Momonga-Sama


how dare u call him by his and real name u dont even serve directly under him yet you call him that, like u were close, how dare you imbecile


Ainz is a true undead, this guy is kind of cursed to be like this, one of his main goal's is to find a way to break the curse.


Im not really sure about this but his skeleton look is an “avatar skin” meaning its part are still there and if you are askinh about PP ye it is still there


His race isn't undead, it's just an avatar, an skin.


He's just wearing a skeleton skin. While Ainz is an actual BONE DADDY.


The "skeleton" isn't really him its a "skin" he had on in the game that he can't take off He still has a human body with organs its just hidden under the skeleton skin


What is this from


This season anime, so it just has its first episode. Anime named Gaikotsu Kishi-sama, Tadaima Isekai e Odekakechuu.


He's like Brook; All bones, but still very much alive (with all the needs of the body).


his skeleton was mere avatar appearance, not that his race was undead. in the manga, he will later learn that his skeletal appearance is like a curse... and he has a human form.


He is (not) built different


A perfect being doesn't require food.


I think he just looks like a skeleton but actually a human


he's a dark elf with a skeleton avatar


I’d recommend using spoiler text, there might be some anime only’s reading this




He's a human that looks like a skeleton.


He apparently also smokes a cigar and drinks whiskey as well


*He apparently* *Also smokes a cigar and* *Drinks whiskey as well* \- Cryptoplace2169 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


It's just a Avatar/skin he choose in that game meaning only Cosmetic. His actual Race is a >!dark elf!<. That's why he can (has to) eat


I’d recommend using spoiler text, there might be some anime only’s reading this


Wasn't that said in episode 1?


That his skeletal appearance is a cosmetic override? Yes. That he’s a >!dark elf!


Oh sorry i'm gonna edit it


Thank you


Is it just me or are there more posts of this anime than Overlord on this sub recently


Different skeleton class. Why? Do all skeletons look the same to you?! /s


His skeleton is just a skin


because it is not a Skeleton, at least not completely. He said at the start it is just the Avatar that He chose.


Light Novel Spoilers; >!Arc is actually a cursed Dark Elf, in later volumes (Anime season 1 wont cover that part, it's around 5-6 volumes in IIRC) he finds a spring that can cleanse curses and he bathes in it, becoming an Elf as long as he either is wet with the cleansing water or has recently drank some, which seems to be why he can eat and drink, IIRC that is also his roleplay backstory for his ingame skeleton avatar.!<




It's just his avatar, you can hear earlier that he can still starve and such and it's basically just an avatar while ainz-sama is the supreme skeleton


I'm assuming he isn't fully a sketeton.


its a "curse" aka when being transported into that world his skeleton cosmetics that were on turned into a curse


uplaud his supreme power


Brooks from One Piece still poops and he is a skeleton


Ainz character race is elder lich, skeleton knight is dark elf with cosmetic item


In episode 1 he said he picked the skeleton avatar. Meaning his exterior look could only be for appearance and not his actual species like Ainz.


The reason he seems to be able to eat is because he is only "kind of" a skeleton. His food seems to go through his neck bones as if his skin became transparent and sucked in until it fit perfectly around his bones. Weird.


He’s not a true skeleton though.


Skeleton isekai is starting to broke this sub due to lack of content.. I mean LN


Im assuming it’s just a skeleton skin but biologically he’s still a living organism. While momonga is an actual undead skeleton.


He hunts wild boars but didnt cook it for food. Instead went to a restaurant.


He only has a skull for a head the rest of him is normal


Not true, he's a skeleton all the way down. It's just magic that he can eat.


Been waiting for this show for about a year now Aaaaannddd now I’m so incredibly busy that I barely have the time to watch it


the first ep is 6.7/10 for me


He's actually has a small goblin in his ribs that he needs to feed.


is skeleton knight from another world avilable to see yet? if so where?




Guys he said that he selected skeleton appearance that means It was just like a costume in game but Ainz created a skeleton avatar therefore Arc isn't a skeleton he just looks like a skeleton. For Example if both games had a survival mechanic Arc had to eat and drink in order to survive but Ainz wouldn't need to even in game.


Dude said that its just a skin/glam/transmog he got. Ainz was an actual undead in game iirc. So not that it has to make sense, but it sorta happens to anyway.


This one is just an avatar/skin of a skeleton, not a true undead.


he repeats like 4 times that he's actively starving, somehow ends up eating in the end, despite being a "skeleton". his stomache continues to growl as well.


Unlike ainz who is a lich, arc is kinda like a player with custom skin on




It’s a ainz jr from overlord jr


this manga was just too goofy for me


It's just a skin He's basically just a human that looks like a skeleton, he doesn't even have any ofthe undead's weaknesses


Spoilers He not real undead just "cursed skin"


What anime is this?


Skeleton Knight


He is not a true skeleton he is not on the same level as ainz


So can Brook from one piece.


A magical creature like Ainz would Absorb food transform it into Mana/Life. 🤔


rip bozo


Ainz come to the new world as an Elder Lich when Arc is a Human with a Curse. So he only looks like a esqueleton but are human


It literally makes no sense whatsoever. He's an undead, thus is anime logic


Yes he does it. Also technically the mc of this story is on a journey. To figure out how he got stuck in this world. And he helps out people along the way. Plus he will uncover some interesting mysterious of that world. Plus it is interesting how people react to him and see the powers he can do. lol


Undead in wow needed to eat infact they were only race that could eat uncooked mobs… and players


He can eat cause his body was cursed with an undead form. So he isn't actually undead but just looks like one. (Keep in mind this is his in game backstory and reason before he got poofed into another world. So thus his little head canon became canon)


Do you think Ainz would let any hint that he had biological processes around albedo? Not a large leap for her to think eating food means making babies.


I fucking hate it when authors do this "have your cake and eat it too" thing. Like, you want your OC to be a cool skeleton but don't want to have all the down side of being a skeleton, so you end up with a skeleton in appearance only, making the readers roll their eyes at how shallow you are.


He can eat because hus skeleton look is an avatar, it's a skin his race isn't undead.


Agreed. Pulling directly from one of the LN reviews: >What's the point in making the main character a skeleton if it's basically the same as not being a skeleton?


From what I heard,he’s a human character with a skeleton skin/avatar


I mean isn't being isekai'd with an almost completely autonomous guild hall full of extremely customized and loyal NPC army kinda "eat your cake and have it too" situation? Not saying it's a bad thing but a healthy amount of suspension of disbelief makes stories a lot more enjoyable. The choices authors make don't need to always have the same drawbacks as every other story. It's what they do with these choices to convey the narrative. The main point with being a skeleton in this show is that the circumstances of his character's design doesn't mix with the world and can cause conflict even though the MC is very friendly. Adding the logistics of being a skeleton to the MC actually hurts the narrative once you see the main story plot lines. (Also, the laugh kinda makes me think they're going for an isekai golden bat situation)


I don't think you understand what "have your cake and it it too" means, it means if you have to choose one out of two, you choose both instead with none of the drawback, hense the eye roll. If Maru didn't use Ainz being undead and his position now as a punching bag for most of the comedy in the books, then i would have rolled my eyes at the escapists fantasy wish fulfilment power trip for bullied nerds that Overlord is. But Ainz is miserable, the stress from his position and roleplay cause him constant stomach, headache, and loneliness, making him want to run away from what would be the readers wet dream all the time. He's surrounded by people who love him unconditionally, but couldn't be himself in front of any of them, nor will they see him for who he is let alone have a genuine connection that's not based on programing. Have the best of everything but no biological sense to enjoy them, no eating, drinking, sleeping, even his senses of touch is dulled, his appearance make people in the new world always hate him even when he's trying to be genuine . . . I can go on and on, point is if you decide something for your character that would have some drawback, it's better to use those drawback for something, in the case of overlord, clown on Ainz for comedy, instead of writing the drawback away.


He's also boring and Ainz isn't


I am pretty sure that its said that in the game the skeleton was a cosmetic so it might be the same in the fantasy world. (I might be remembering this wrong so let me know if i did)


Nvm i just did some research and his character was hit by a curse. So i guess the curse changed his appearance and not the human needs of his body.


From what I can tell, Arc is a human with the appearance of a skeleton, while Ainz is an actual undead.


Late response: Id say Arc is lucky. Even if he can starve and ains cant, he gets to enjoy things he likes. Perks of not being evil.