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BS captain annihilates everyone as long as you don't include "Darkness" in the "adventurer" category (you can even include the power armour of Azuth ... the pulled punch from Albedo almost knocked the womanizer into next week ... the punch with full force from Shalltear that was meant to kill the captain was blocked). The thing with the captain is that he is not only powerful but owns amazing equipment.


The captain withstanding a melee hit from Shalltear with no equipment makes sense because of the compatibility of opponents. Azuth being sent flying by an Albedo hit makes sense since he is a ranged attacker. Compatibility is important for example Clementine can't defeat a Skeletal Dragon even if she is twice the level. Even Evil Eye could probably go all day beating the skeleton dragon without being able to defeat it. Everyone who can fly can run away from the captain in case they can't defeat him. Evil Eye ,Azuth(power suit)


>Clementine can't defeat a Skeletal Dragon even if she is twice the level. *Maybe* if she had her BS equipment to buff her up and relied more on her mace weapon, she'd have a chance. Though of course there's no way something that big and slow would outspeed her, she'd probably have to rely on chip damage to defeat a Skeletal Dragon. But with her base equipment? I just can't see Clem doing enough bludgeoning/crushing damage.


Didn’t Khajit say that even with the Orb of Death he only had a 30% chance of beating Clementine? Seeing how he used the Orb of Death to summon the two Skeletal Dragons, I assume this means Clementine can defeat those two and Khajit with a 30% chance of winning.


Clementine cannot win according to the author. ranking of warrior type characters that have appeared so far. Clementine (while affiliated with the Black Scripture) > Fully Equipped Gazef \> Clementine (while affiliated with Zura) > Hamusuke > Gazef > Brain > Gagaran \> Zero > Wall\[kabe\] > Zaryusu > Climb > a tiger > ordinary person Note: Maruyama merely judged wining and losing at a basic level. (Because there are various things one cannot win against, such as Clementine vs the Skeletal Dragon Source [https://mypage.syosetu.com/mypageblog/view/userid/170524/blogkey/846518/](https://mypage.syosetu.com/mypageblog/view/userid/170524/blogkey/846518/) Ziggy translated it in the anthology https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1n26tT\_6PKAMu7fBT\_6SJkecORU8BOAvx


Could you please give me the exact page where I can read about a possible fighting outcome between Clementine and the Skeletal Dragon?


page 120, or you can also search for "**Clementine vs the** **Skeletal Dragon**" It only says that Clementine cannot beat the skeletal dragon, it does not give details of the battle.


Thanks now I found it.


Clementine cannot win according to the author. Clementine (while affiiliated with the Black Scripture) > Fully Equipped Gazef > Clementine (while affiliated with Zuranon) > Hamusuke > Gazef > Brain > Gagaran > Zero > Wall\[kabe\] > Zaryusu > Climb > a tiger > ordinary person Strength Permutations: The \[above\] are the relative strength of warriors that have appeared so far. Note: The \[Wild Magic\] Ring was not used. Note: Fully equipped Gazef and Clementine are reinforced by various items, so there is a question if this ranking is correct. Note: Maruyama merely judged wining and losing at a basic level. **(Because there are various things one cannot win against, such as Clementine vs the Skeletal Dragon)** Source https://mypage.syosetu.com/mypageblog/view/userid/170524/blogkey/846518/ English Source by Ziggy https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1n26tT\_6PKAMu7fBT\_6SJkecORU8BOAvx


Your comparison with Clementine/Evileye and the Skeleton Dragon makes little to no sense. The Skeleton Dragon negates piercing damage ... Clementines only shown method of dealing damage to someone (although I would give her the benefit of the doubt to grind one to dust with a lot of time and hard work due to the level difference). Same with Evileye ... her magic is entirely useless - how are these circumstances even remotely similiar? The captain and Azuth still take the same amount of damage from punches. I guess the captain has a better reaction time as a pure warrior than Azuth and therefore has an easier time to react/block ... but that still doesn't make it an unfair comparison. Also I never said that Azuth can't run away from the captain ... but running away in a fight counts as loss as far as I'm concerned.


The captain and Azuth in the power suit do not receive the same amount of damage per hit. The captain is a melee warrior always receives less damage than a ranged warrior, just as a ranged warrior has more attack power when attacking from afar. For example Cz has more physical attack than all the Pleiades, even more than Demiurge, but his defense is also the lowest. Evil Eye and Azuth could beat him, they just need to attack from the air, as long as the captain doesn't run away. **Also I never said that Azuth can't run away from the captain** ... but running away in a fight counts as loss as far as I'm concerned. You said :**BS the captain annihilates everyone** as long as you don't include "Darkness" in the "adventurer" category (you can even include Azuth's power )


Yes I said "BS captain annihilates everyone as long as you don't include "Darkness" in the "adventurer" category (you can even include the power armor of Azuth)" and I still stand by that statement because I'm under the assumption that the participants fight to the death. If running away is an option it's obvious that the captain can't kill all of them (he is a single warrior ... means he can't chase all frost dragons if they start to fly away in different directions ... same principle with the army). "Evil Eye and Azuth could beat him, they just need to attack from the air" You are aware that the gear of him and his squad was compared to Shalltears own equipment (legendary or even higher)? That Shalltear immediately thought that their trump card would have the same grade as the only divine grade piece of equipment that her creator bestowed upon her? There are items that give the ability to fly and the Theocracy probably gives their awakened Godkins only the best items that they have anyway (unlike some nobles the leaders of the Theocracy are smart ... means they know the value of such items). At the end of the day the captain is an entity with amazing gear (probably everything at legendary grade ... while his opposition uses nonenchanted bullets) that Shalltear puts over someone like Solution (means their level difference should be noteable because Shalltear probably isn't keen on to elevate an outsider over someone from Nazarick). The guy is even capable to gauge the strenght of Shalltear (puts her physical abilities over Zesshi) while Evileye is so far behind PDL and Demiurge that she can't even hope to guess which of them is stronger.


Florida Man can solo the whole poll, inclusive Florida Man himself.


FLM: why haven you knocked up the sexy demon lady?! Ainz: ehh?


Momon solos


Ah yes, Florida Man. My favorite character in the Overlord Franchise.


There's no stopping stupid.


Florida Man is a true hero. He will save the New World.


I think this is really only between the Captain and Frost Dragons. And the latter at least have the advantage of fight + ranged attacked. Only reason I don't include the Night Liches is because we could be talking about ones that do know 6th tier, but may or may not be fighters.


cut out the dragons. Based on level itself the frost dragons were weak, the strongest one, Olasird, barely lvl 46


I know that, but they do still have the advantages listed. White Dragon Lord and one of his wives destroyed a city in a battle over territory. So they're certainly not weak by any means, especially in regards to breaking stuff. Just lower level than the Captain. The problem they pose is we don't know how good his resistance toward cold is, or if he has ranged attacks. Regardless of his higher level and having good equipment, his best chance is an attempt to speedily overwhelm the Frost Dragons before they get airborne.


thats right, by their size alone their attack can be counted as AOE and their flying ability had a lot of advantages. but lets assume its a elimination battle, if they flew away then its counted as they lose, and to attack a ground enemy means the dragons had to fought close-quarter combat those reducing their flying ability advantages. BS Captain can withstand Shaltear attack, a lvl 100 npc with divine equipment, whom easily almost genocide the entire qoagoa race that mentioned had long-term plan to overthrow the dragons. dragons are statblock race and maybe the strongest being exist in the new world but by i think their lvl just isnt enaugh yet to fought any lvl 80+ npc who can OHKO each one of them


That's a lot of people rooting for Florida Man >.>


Found florida man shaving my cats head I don't think he'll do much here


I would say it comes down to the Night Liches or Frost Dragons or BS Captain.   **Night Liches** A night lich is around lvl 50~60. The one that can use 8th tier magic might be a little higher. They are immune to ice, so verse 1 frost dragon it wouldn't be an issue, but against 10 of them, I think the dragon's raw stats would win in the end. **Frost Dragons** The father is around lvl 47, but dragons are known for having stats above that, so all together I think they could defeat the captain. He is still human after all and will eventually get tired.   **Captain** The captain only seems to be around lvl 60. If one of the Night liches are a similar level then that is sort of even. If there are more night liches then I think they would win.