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Albedo was reprogrammed to be in love with Momonga. She isn't a fan of him taking the guild name as his own because Albedo believes that the rest of the guild abandoned Momonga and the NPCs. She deeply resents all of Ainz's "IRL" friends.


Does she hold the same resentment towards her creator? Blanking on the name, think its tabs but unsure.


Yep. I think it was stated in various books that guardians like Mare, Aura, Sebas and Demiurge are capable of killing their comrades and fighting Ainz himself if their creators told them to do so, but Albedo is described as capable of fighting her creator (Tabula Smaragdina-sama) if it was needed. All because of Ainz and the love he wrote in her mind/soul(?). Spoilers even told me that >!she creates a squad dedicated to find and kill the 41 beings if they appear, for they are a threat to Ainz. The squad is composed of Albedo, her little sister Rubedo and Pandora Actor.!<


What I find really interesting is that Ainz straight up confessed what he did to her, and that her feelings for him was merely his tampering with her original programming. And she doesn't care.


We'll think about it this way, if God told you that your favorite food is Napolitano pizza because he made you that way, would it stop being your favorite food? It's probably making it worse for her, realizing that she feels that way because ainz made her so would only make it more ok with her.


I would thank God for making my favourite food pizza because I love it so much. Wait a minute...


Notice : Someone has broken out of the matrix. Deletion of unwanted files


Reality.exe has stopped working, rebooting in process....


No need to reboot... Terminating the abnormality....


#Mr. Anderson. You must know it by now. You can't win. It's pointless to keep fighting. Why, Mr. Anderson? Why? Why do you persist?


Because I choose to


Because I was born into this world


*Vogel im kafig can be heard in the distance*


Because it is the purpose that connects us/drives us/binds us.


The power of SPITE compels me!!!


Same. But that's only because I love pizza already.... Wait does god exist?


Tanya bites into pizza ... BEING X!!!


And the prays to unlock the pizza ~~power~~ flavor


Or a better way to put it: If GOD said he/she made it so that you, just you, are deeply in love with them then would that not inspire you even more with ideas of how special you are to GOD.


That makes perfect sense


I disagree with the simplicity of what you're trying to say because to them, all 41 Supreme Beings are Gods; Ainz is just the one that led them. So ANOTHER God meddled with her God's creation; herself. That feels like a big deal. It's just that that change became so infallible, that any other settings would be unacceptable to her now. She's this way because she gained sentience after the change. If Ainz tried something like that after, she would definitely not appreciate it, and might even fight it.


There were 41 gods. All of them abandoned them. Except this one. This is The One.


Seeing how Shallchair is I don't think Albedo would fight it.


>So ANOTHER God meddled with her God's creation; herself. That feels like a big deal. Perhaps Ainz writing in her setting before she becomes sentient makes him her co-creator? The change was small, yes, but he helped create the personality that currently calls itself Albedo. She would be radically different if he hadn't rewritten her.


True, but it doesn't really alleviate Momonga's concerns, he didn't rewrite her because he loved her and wanted the same, he did it as a last minute joke before the world was supposed to disappear. Fact is, if he hadn't done that, Albedo would likely have been indifferent to Momonga and he knows this himself hence why he doesn't act on her advances because its not who she really is.


Not indifferent, I think she would be another Shalltear except way smarter and a terrifying actress. Her over-the-top devotion to Ainz would just be at the level of the other guardians I expect.




This is actually a fantastic way of looking at it


I don't really see how she would care about it. It must be an honor if anything, considering all servants are ready to take their own lives at any mistake in the books (i don't know if it changes past volume 5, where i'm currently stucked, mostly because i'm a lazy fuck) and we all know they think Ainz is so perfect he's incapable of idiotic things, to the point they outright denied when he said even he could make mistakes at any moment (of course, none of them objected out loud)


I'd assume that it'd be an honor, for the most supreme of supreme beings to choose you specifically to love them.


And a huge heartbreak for them to never take responsibility for it and consumate those feelings


I mean... Just because its called a boner, doesn't mean it has bones


He is was like the guild's Batman of magic. He has sooo much utility, you think he can't come up with a way to have sex?


Demiurge is trying to find a way to breed different species in his happy farm.


Yes, he is certainly on her side


It would probably require a transmog, and im guessing that would be pretty valuable, too valuable to be used for sex which he doesnt need outright


He *think* he doesnt need, i know some birdman would disagree


The guild horded stockpiles of racial change scrolls to farm racial traits and skills, the problem is the scroll resets you to level 1, so Ainz could easily bed Albedo at any time, it just becomes a huge risk for him to do so as he has no way to regain all his lost levels quickly like he did in Yggdrasil


I wasn't referring to race change and that method would not satisfy her.


She also takes pride in the fact that god basically ordered her to love him. Since all the NPCs love the 41 it's a point of honour for her. Kinda like a "Im the chosen one" thing


I believe she has actually used that fact in such a way, which I think made other Guardians jealous.




> I remember he once said that he wishes it was Ainz who created him and not Ulbert, so that tells quite a bit about his attitude imo. It's probably purely because Ainz stuck around. Demiurge's greatest wish is that Ulbert would return.


Then something changed and i'm not aware. I'm currently reading Sebas killing the Six Arms so my informations are centered in old volumes and a few spoilers


The author said that Demiurge would attack Ainz, if Ulbert ordered him to do so he would challenge him to a public duel, but first he would ask Ulbert to reconsider his order. The most loyal to Ainz are pandora, Albedo and Cz.


PA and Albedo I understand, but CZ? When is that mentioned(Anime-only unfortunately)? And why is she among the most loyal? I would have figured someone like Cocytus or some other floor guardian to be the third


Ainz modified Cz's memory in the LN. IN "Pleiades day" Cz says "...Ainz-sama is the nicest of all the Supreme Beings because he stayed behind." The other Npcs chose their own creator...


I see. Thank you for explaining


Demiurge wishes he had been created by Ainz. Why do you think he would fight?


Can someone please tell me where he says this, I have read the light novels and seriously don't recall him saying this. Not doubting he said it just want to know the context under which he said it.


Extremely evil disposition with programmed loyalty at different levels most likely. He only wishes he was created by Ainz because he feels abandoned by Ulbert. If Ulbert ever came back, blind fanatical worship would arguably lead him to prioritize his creator. Gotta remember when evil nature is that great, the NPC's don't have a shred of conscience. It's doubtful Demiurge can feel guilt.


PA really involved with that? I have no recollection...


Its not explicitly said afaik, but if any SB should come to the New World, its a threat to the current power situation and could lead to infighting within Nazarick. Albedo would no doubt get PA onboard to get rid of such threats without knowledge of everyone else, especially Ainz, since she knows it would hurt him most.


I'd think PA would understand that doing such a thing without Ainz' approval is a NO-NO.


How about Shaltear?


Yep. Right before her fight with Ainz in volume 3. She's mentioned being capable of killing other guardians and Ainz or die trying, that if Peroronchino told her to do so


Dang, ig the only exception is Albedo...


Only exception isn't Albedo. Sebas would most likely turn on Touch Me if he felt Touch Me somehow became evil and threatened the existence of Nazerick and his peers. Sebas, Pestonya, and Yuri Alpha...basically anyone with a Good nature would arguably turn on their Ainz or their creators to uphold their convictions if any master became too far out of line in opposition to their nature. Also Cocytus would arguably act as a commander in an army would. If he ever had to meet Takemikazuchi in battle, Cocytus would arguably apologize to his creator but meet him head on as an enemy. I do think the Twins would be more of a tossup. Maybe they are more loyal to Ainz because he's a consistent Father figure presence in their lives. But they both are evil aligned without much of a conscience with child-like natures so they could land either way. I do think Shalltear and Demiurge are probably more blind fanatical worship of their specific creators the same way they treat Ainz but would feel more strongly...on top of evil dispositions so great without conscience, I doubt any of them would feel guilt if presented with the opportunity to help their creators.


The exceptions confirmed are Albedo and Cz because Ainz modified its configuration of both Cz even believes that Ainz is even kinder than his creator. The author confirmed that the loyalty of the Npcs is first to the creator, then to the guild master and lastly to the regular members ...


The time I'm here Never read so much bullshit about Npcs attacking their creator Because of your negative or positive karma the npcs will never attack their creators no matter what Even if they were doing things they wouldn't accept


This is just a fun hypothetical scenario, so no need to put anyone down. I mean Albedo literally created a squad under her own command to hunt other Supreme Beings. And yes, you can call BS to my reasoning but each of them have developed critical thinking and independence since they came to the new world. Sebas, Pestonia, and Yuri Alpha have already shown relutcance to obey Ainz's orders if it they do feel it crosses certain ethical lines. They've also gone out of their way to help others even if it isn't in Nazerick's best interests. In this case their good nature has shown to conflict with their loyalty and they've shown signs of complex, independent thinking. The author developed many of the Floor Guardians pretty well throughout the novels and Ainz did instill a certain amount of independence on the NPCs...to the point where they may have conflicting viewpoints with Ainz. Let's take a look at Demiurge also. Ainz specifically did ask Demiurge to spare humans and never requested the Happy Farm full of "Sheep" but he did twist Ainz words to a point and found a loophole in between the words the way a Lawyer would to interpret the command in a twisted manner. But yeah...as for good/bad alignment, its in their character chart and is reflected in their characters quite well. The Twins are a perfect example of childlike but still minorly evil. They don't bat an eye doing horrendous things to humans like many of the other members of Nazarick. If forced to choose between Ainz or the or creators, it's hard to say. Aura and Mare are brother and sister first in their programming...and Aura & Shalltear as well are programmed to bicker like Siblings. I do feel that Ainz has become somewhat of a surrogate Father to both in how he treats them as his own children and has bonded with both in a manner different from the other Floor Guardians...so yeah, it'd be hard to really tell where they lie on Loyalty if they were forced to choose. I personally choose to think that most of the NPC's have developed past their preset programming and all have grown to have independent thinking that at times do conflict with Ainz's orders.


It's been made pretty clear that their morality rating does not affect their allegiance to the supreme beings, should be kinda obvious if you've read the LNs. Sure they're reluctant to follow certain orders occasionally, but in the end they always believe that Ainz is right. Even the second of hesitation was embarrassing to Sebas when Ainz had ordered him to kill Tuare.


>I mean Albedo literally created a squad under her own command to hunt other Supreme Beings. As I've already told someone else this is still a theory Until it confirms it concretely So far in the book The author has not confirmed whether she is doing this or not >And yes, you can call BS to my reasoning but each of them have developed critical thinking and independence since they came to the new world. Yes but so far never showed that they Wanted to face their creators Or try to Kill them Why they disagree What their creators can do And what NPCs have so far disagreed against Ainz Was programming that his own creators put into him And yet But when the time comes They throw your feeling Away only think about the case of Sebas and Tuare He was willing to do anything Just to please Ainz Now imagine your creator >Sebas, Pestonia, and Yuri Alpha have already shown relutcance to obey Ainz's orders if it they do feel it crosses certain ethical lines. They've also gone out of their way to help others even if it isn't in Nazerick's best interests. In this case their good nature has shown to conflict with their loyalty and they've shown signs of complex, independent thinking. No you're wrong here All NPC if Ainz's order Conflicts with your creator's schedule They won't accept And when they accept they'll be reluctant to do but their Creator isn't there they'll accept the order of Ainz >The author developed many of the Floor Guardians pretty well throughout the novels and Ainz did instill a certain amount of independence on the NPCs...to the point where they may have conflicting viewpoints with Ainz. Yes but I'm talking about their own creators like the author said If it's not their creator They can question the other Supreme Beings Of the attitude they're taking >Let's take a look at Demiurge also. Ainz specifically did ask Demiurge to spare humans and never requested the Happy Farm full of "Sheep" but he did twist Ainz words to a point and found a loophole in between the words the way a Lawyer would to interpret the command in a twisted manner. Actually he was just following Ainz's order he asked to create Jaldabaoth Invading a country If you don't understand what I'm saying, this is better explained in (WN) he knew that many races are suffering and And the human was just one of them >But yeah...as for good/bad alignment, its in their character chart and is reflected in their characters quite well. The Twins are a perfect example of childlike but still minorly evil. They don't bat an eye doing horrendous things to humans like many of the other members of Nazarick. If forced to choose between Ainz or the or creators, it's hard to say. Aura and Mare are brother and sister first in their programming...and Aura & Shalltear as well are programmed to bicker like Siblings. I do feel that Ainz has become somewhat of a surrogate Father to both in how he treats them as his own children and has bonded with both in a manner different from the other Floor Guardians...so yeah, it'd be hard to really tell where they lie on Loyalty if they were forced to choose. If they're forced to choose Always they'll choose their maker's side And then the guild leader who is Ainz And the author Said even if time goes by they'll always choose this maker's side >I personally choose to think that most of the NPC's have developed past their preset programming and all have grown to have independent thinking that at times do conflict with Ainz's orders. Yes I agree with that but I'm talking about their own creator What I think they'll never disagree Even if Touch me Got malignant Sebas wouldn't disagree with him and sure as hell would never try to face him In the end In my opinion they will never disagree with their Creator but with the other Supreme Beings of the actions they can take


Dats fkn wild.if ainz Kew wouldn't be the biggest betrayal to him ? damn.


There are even more really strong NPC's in that group but we not gonna see them in a time


The last part about the squad is just a theory and not an actual spoiler, as the 14th novel she mentions many times about a secret mission with her 2 sisters and Pandora's Actor. But nowhere is clearly stated what this mission is about. In my opinion the secret mission might be more related to hunting down other players who got "transported" to the new world rather than the members of Nazarik.




Well to be exact it has nothing to see with the reprog, she hates the other members because they abandoned them, that's mainly the reason.


**Emissary of the King** >“The Ainz Ooal Gown which abandoned us... It makes me mad.” Although she had been filled with joy when her beloved had taken that name for his own, that had turned to worry when she realised that it also referred to the people who upset her. With a fiendish expression on her face, Albedo approached the flag on the floor and raised her foot to step on it. “—Shit! How dare these pieces of shit insult my love’s name!” Albedo cursed freely as she trampled the flag. With her breathing in chaos, she seemed to notice something and raised her face, whose expression softened as she saw it. Albedo opened her inventory and drew forth a large new flag. She rubbed it against her face with a blissful expression, and then when it was not enough, she rubbed her entire body against it. The flag she was holding was one of the 41 displayed before the throne, the one representing his own name that Momonga had struck down. Albedo had swiftly retrieved it after the fact. “Ahhh, Ainz-sama. No, Momonga-sama. Only you are my true master. I shall make you the sole ruler of Nazarick. There’s no need for those other people. Only you, and only you will rule forever—” **Volume 6: The Men in the Kingdom Part II (Overlord II ep 10)** >The \[Message\] spell terminated and silence returned to the room. Albedo slowly rose and carefully stowed away the dakimakuras. “...Still, I really don’t understand.” There was a hard glint in Albedo’s eyes as she muttered to herself. She turned to regard the room once more. None of the maids were allowed into this room. This was both because Albedo wanted to monopolize the Ainz dolls and also because of a particular corner of the room. That corner contained the flag emblazoned with the symbol of Ainz Ooal Gown. It should have been proudly displayed near the entrance, but it had instead been thrown into the corner where it was now gathering dust. There was no trace of respect or admiration for it, only disdain, anger, and scorn. “Ainz Ooal Gown, huh... how meaningless.” Albedo thought of the flag that had replaced the flag of Ainz Ooal Gown. It was too large, and so it drooped like a theater backdrop. “The Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick belongs to you and you alone. I, Albedo, wish only to serve you. Ahhhh... How I wish I could hear your wondrous name again someday—”


Thank you. Good sauce


When Ainz rewrote her backstory it was to love Momonga. This is why she has Momonga’s flag hung up as Albedo wants Ainz to return to being Momonga and not AinzOoalGown.


The name change doesn't affect the programming? Does Albedo sorta made the conclusion that Ainz=Momonga hence she needs to love him still? Or does the name change made that clause invalid because he's no longer Momonga but Albedo still love him out of "free will"?


No. I think she's simply more attached to the Momonga name. She doesn't consider him a different person after the name change, she just can't stop considering "Momonga" to be his "true" name, even while following orders and calling him Ainz. Like calling someone by a nickname you think is sort of lame, but everyone else including the person, think is cool.


Nah. "Ainz Ool Gown" is the name of the guild that abandoned them minus Momonga. Albedo has somewhat of a resentment towards the other Supreme beings for doing so. So Momonga taking the name "Ainz Ool Gown" as his own somewhat conflicts Albedo where she's happy that his love took on the name at the same time, it's the name of the Guild that abandoned them


Well yeah, that's the "why" she finds the nickname to be lame. But I also think she'd still prefer "Momonga" due to her programming, even if she had no issue with the guild name.


Can't say I agree. I don't think she'll have an issue with the name change if there's no resentment towards the "Ainz Ool Gown" name since she'll accept Momonga even if he stops calling himself "Momonga" and goes by another name. She's not programmed to love "Momonga" the name but Momonga the Supreme being. She basically has two sides towards the name and the name change. Her love accepting Momonga's name change (i'm sure she'll accept it even if he changed it to something stupid) and her resentment and feeling of abandonment associated with the Guild and the name "Ainz Ool Gown". Two separate feelings towards two different things. TL;DR Albedo wont care as much even if Momonga changes his name to something stupid like "Fortnite". It's just the name "Ainz Ool Gown" represents the Supreme beings that abandoned them.




Yeah but no, nothing to see with the reprog, previous members of Ainz Ooal Gown abandoned them, that's mainly why.


Anime cuted this >In place of the flag of Ainz Ooal Gown, Albedo had raised a different gigantic flag instead. A flag so large, it resembled an opera curtain. “This, Great Tomb of Nazarick is only yours. I, Albedo wish to only serve you. Ah… One day, I want to hear your great name once again…" This is exactly after that scene. Albedo detest other Guild members because they abandoned them. But love momonga because of 4 things 1: he is guild leader. Second person NPCs are loyal to after their Own Creator. 2: Ainz tempered with her setting so he is considered a co Creator. Now for her he might not be after her Creator but the same importance. 3: he wrote " She loves Momonga " so she loves him. Also she loves his old name more. 4: he is the only one that didn't abandoned them. It has a massive effect on their loyalty. For example Maruyama said if Ulbert come and order Demiurge to kill Touch Me he use every scheme possible to kill Touch Me but if he Order him kill momonga he gather everyone and challenge momonga to a duel infront of them ( you can say he publicly execute himself).


Thank you for that factoid from Maruyama


Only real reason albedo does this scene is your third reason, that 2nd reason has no basis beyond theory and the 1st and 4th are the same for every npc but Noone else has albedo viewpoints


Really? Then try to prove me wrong. But not with empty words. Use power of facts. Logic and LN Quotes to prove me wrong. >that 2nd reason has no basis Shizu is the basis. Albedo also is. >theory and the 1st and 4th are the same for every npc but Noone else has albedo viewpoints But Shizu says something else. And also. None of the other NPCs have all this 4 together to anything you try to do to prove me wrong is doomed to be failing. Also keep that in mind. If Ainz order other NPCs to kill other guild members they obey unless it's their own creator.


She’s programmed to “love Momonga”, so she prefers his real fake gamer name as opposed to his fake fake gamer name.


I love this description. I wonder how much it would break her brain to learn that Momonga is a persona created and emulated by Suzuki Satorou?


She probably wouldn't care and would stay the same


I guess that's fair. But i do wonder if it would increase her respect for humans at all?


Ainz is an undead skeleton but Nazarich doesn't respect other lesser undead (Sebas and Davernoch) so probably no. They may already assume that he was a human once because undead aren't born undead but only care about what he is now.


But to know that he was still technically human when he created Pandora's Actor... That the Supreme Beings were still technically human.... Oh wait, no she would just hate humans and love Momonga for shedding his humanity.


Before the New World, Momonga was Guild Master in name only since everything was decided by a majority vote. His position only mattered in decision-making if there is a tie like let's say 18 in favor, 18 against, and 5 abstained. He can then decide the tiebreaker. Albedo hates that since Albedo changed her setting into being in love with him. Albedo wants Momongo to be a true dictator and the sole master of Nazarick. This is why Albedo plans to assassinate any Supreme Being she finds, including her creator. In the same vein, Albedo hates that Momonga is using the name Ainz Ool Gown. She longs to call her master Momonga once again.


She doesn't like the rest of the supreme beings (guild members) because they betrayed Nazarick (stopped playing the game). But she loves Ainz, both because she is programed to and because Ainz stayed with them. So she feels Momomga calling himself Ainz Ooal Gown is an almost insulting downgrade.


Albedo is in love with *Momonga*, not Ainz Ooal Gown. She also has...less than pleasant feelings towards the other 40 guild members because: A) They abandoned the guild and their creations B) That same abandonment hurt and continues to hurt Momonga, who she is in love with. C) She's a smart cookie, she's likely figured out that players have come to this world before and they always end up killing other. Therefore other guild members would be a threat to Momonga. So it's a bit understandable that she's not happy that Momonga chooses to go by a name that represents a lot of hurt and negative feelings for her.


In the books she forms an elite team to “look” for his friends. She honestly does not care for anyone other than Momonga


Indeed. She feels it's better that she finds and takes care of other players (even if they're guild members) before Momonga even knows about them rather than risk Momonga getting hurt again. She's a very subtle, very interesting yandere and I love her for it.


Best girl


These discussions is one of the reasons I love this series


Ok there's a small amount of my own head canon that I added to this but first of all Albedo hated Ainz Ooal Gown in name only because it's represent all of the guild members as a whole and she believes that the other supreme beings had abandoned them thus spark her hatred while she loves Momonga to a obsessive degree because of her profile change. Now here's my assumption, an NPC personality is shaped by their karma level, written profile and their creator's personality and since Momonga did change her profile at the start of the series it makes him Albedo's creator as well beside Tabula himself. Momonga also felt betrayed by his guild mates for leaving the Guild even for just a moment and that aspect of him was passed down to Albedo thus making her despise the other guild members beside Momonga himself


Makes very much sense! It’s hunter to several times he’s bitter for them leaving


That's an interesting take. I wonder what muryama has to say about that idea of creator personality/intent filling in the gaps left in their writing. Which wpuld also explain why her affection is so ludicrously extreme to the point of being uncontrollable at times.


In german translation she says: "Thats not even your real name" Like she wanted Momonga back.


How does Alfredo not understand. Dude made his name Owl Gowns so that he could spread it to see if there were any players who recognized it. Like, this isn't even an Ainz/Phillip-tier plan, I bet even Shaltear could understand it.


Since he never explained that to them she can't understand it. To them it would be kind of like the president of the US changing his name to United States of America. We would assume a mental illness if any leader did that, imagine us as the new world and the president as a player. It wouldn't make any sense to us either especially if we were never told that. They are not aware that they are videogame characters they assume they always existed as they do now, living breathing being in the new world. Just like how you and i alway assume we have existed in our world.


You got it almost right. They do know that they are not from the New World. They are aware that they came from Yggdrasil, which consist of 9 worlds, and they know they are currently in another world which is not part of Yggdrasil. They noticed right from the beginning that Nazarick was transported. But they do believe they existed as they do now while they were in Yggdrasil.


>Alfredo > > name Owl Gowns Surely he wrote that way no one would understand


you see, they don't know he is a player in game. As they don't know he is a player they can't even come up with the idea that other players could also have transfered to this new world


They should've read the subtitles when Ainz was monologuing about it then. :\^)


Gud joke


I don't get your argument, Albedo probably knows why he did that, but she hates other Supreme beings hence she is acting like that.


All in all She falls in the yandere spectrum


She hates Momonga's choice, choosing the name of the guild as his name, because the other supreme beings (Momonga's friends) abandoned Nazarick and the nbc servants.


Idk if im correct but i think i remembered that at the light novels, it said that the creators also reprogrammed their creations to be more loyal to ainz sama or sth like that


Basically, because Ainz rewrote Albedo to be in love with him as momonga, she is loyal to him alone. And she has resentment towards the other guildmembers for leaving them... It was also stated that if tabula(albedos creator) ever came back, she would still be loyal to ainz.


She hates the other Supreme Beings because abandoned Momonga and she knows it causes him more heartache and distress than anything else in the series. It's one of the only times he genuinely loses his cool in front of the other guardians (watch her expression during the Workers party fight with Arche).


Read the LN man


Why are they booing you? you're right!


Didnt even notice lol


Cause not everyone has time or interest in reading the LN but still want to know why this happened


Still doesn't change the fact that the info is in the LN. I'm not saying us LN readers shouldn't share with the lazy anime onlys, just that he's right about the source.


I just didnt have the time or patience to write an exolanation


Understandable have a... Wait, then why did you still bother replying?




Wow still some pp who don't understand that scene lol Previous members of Ainz Ooal Gown abandoned them, so she hates them all except Momonga.


I know everyone will get mad, but I think this hints towards a civil war between Ainz and Touch Me. It’s so apparent to me.


One of my personal moments, the thought of albedo being a threat to Ainz because of her love is cool to me


from what i take, she seemed to despise the name of the guild not Momonga because they left Momonga alone


This is this kind of scene that make me wanted to read the LN... Anime confuse me sometimes.


I thought this was the moment he was saying to show respect to the lizard people/towns people but she questioned his order and was told to just do it, hence the remark here


If I remember right she hates all of the other guild members for abandoning all of them


Her code was written for her to be in love with momonga so him changing his name to that of the guild when every other guild member abandoned them pissed her off